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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Just made a dental appointment for the first time in *cough* years. I figured, I need to do it, so what better time than now? But I think I'm going to simply smile when they ask me just how long it's been since I've seen a dentist. Thank goodness for good teeth genes (I think)!

    That is about the most exciting thing happening in my life right now, lol. Gonna try to cat nap briefly before my epic-ish night shift.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
      I'll have to agree with that statement!
      *high fives*

      Only yours? . . .

      And no, that's not the sore throat type of cough.
      Oh, oh! Is it a ''I just swallowed something and now it's stuck'' kind of cough?

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      Nad, seriously, has anyone ever hinted that you might be just a tiny bit....... strange?

      No. Why?

      It certainly did

      One day, when we have a few hours to spare, you must explain that to me

      Wonderful, no?

      And yes. I must.
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Or when their Mum tells them they won't be seeing you next week and they cling to you and refuse to go home! Poor little Jess had to be dragged away screaming this afternoon
        Ohhh! Poor Jess! That just breaks my heart.

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Oh, oh! Is it a ''I just swallowed something and now it's stuck'' kind of cough?
        More of a "Nad's forgetting a ship" kind of cough. Hmpf.
        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


          Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
          Ohhh! Poor Jess! That just breaks my heart.

          More of a "Nad's forgetting a ship" kind of cough. Hmpf.
          To make up to you, I'll write a fluffy poem 'bout it.

          Nad's Fluffy Other Ship Poem

          He looks at her from 'cross the way
          she still loves him, but won't say
          She glances up and smiles a smile,
          wanting him for quite a while.

          He moves closer, so does she
          passioniate, smoothly, meant to be.
          She's gorgeous, he's strong, worth the wait.
          The Beast and the beauty,
          Biggie and Kate.

          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            I go away for a little while and insanity and silliness abound. *tsk*
            It's so unlike you.


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Yes, you should! If you try really really hard you too can be a sweet little mouse like me :-)


            Darn! Still can't get rid of that cough, it let's me down every time

            Having a job you love makes the world a much rosier place doesn't it? What do you do?

            *huggles* I was like that last week-end Still got the cough but at least I've stopped croaking

            It was Thank you

            *huggles Bree for the paperwork* I've got a pile of it looking at me, but I'm ignoring it until I get back from Seattle
            Thanks. I still have a ton. More on that in a minute....

            Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
            Bree, good luck with the paperwork! You'll be proud of you when it's done!
            Yeah about that, well you see my boss came in and insisted I join him for a business lunch. A lunch that included 4 bottles of the good stuff (there wasn't a bottle of wine on that table that costs less than $60) so I had no choice but to join him.

            We had 4 other people with us and two of us (me and one other person) were actually conducting business. Planning for another private wine dinner in June. Sometimes I love my job.

            Anyway, half of the paper work is still sitting on my desk at the office. Tomorrow I will be at the shop so it will remain unfinished for awhile because all of my office time will now go into the planning and development of this wine dinner. Eventually it will get done and I plan on being proud of myself when it is....eventually.
            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            Evening Woohoos

            Bekki - Break a leg! Hope it goes fantastically! :-D

            LadyGJ - Congrats on being done with school! And *hugs* on the sore throat, hope you feel better soon!

            I have my fingers firmly crossed for you. My brother and his girlfriend are due to fly on Saturday as well - so GO AWAY ASH CLOUD! :-p

            Bree - *hugs* and sympathies for the paperwork.
            Bekki and LadyG: What she said ^^^

            Yes! Go away ash! I really am planning on setting up my web cam (no it isn't done yet ) and I want to get SKYPE and chat with Laurie and Jumble if they have time and/or are sober.


            Yeah, about that paperwork.Read above ^^^.
            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            *hugs WooHoos*

            But... I liked the wig and I find slick hedgehog pretty darn hot as well!

            Apparently it's getting thinner now and it should become less of a problem. I huffed and I puffed and blew it away, you know.

            Aww! Both.

            And as for Sanctuary ships in general...
            Yes. I am shipping a certain couple. (woodn't say huh?), but I'm not very found of active ships in the show. IMHO, there's something ...wrong with all of 'em. :-S :-P

            Except for my ship. That one's perfect
            I like the red hair and slick back hair as well. At least with this wig they popped a beret on top to hide the part of all wigs that are a dead giveaway. The top of wigs always seem to look phoney. It was definitely better than the one in S1.

            I thought AT was absolutely adorable in this ep. especialy when she

            Normandy Spoilers:
            was flirting in French to the soldiers.

            Yes Nad your ship is indeed the finest ship! I think we may have inadvertently converted Jumble to our ship! Dragged her "aboard" as it were.

            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            *happy sigh* Martin!

            *kicks paperwork*

            I'm not really that shallow...
            All the time :-o :-P
            Yes! He has "beautiful green eyes" Martin. About time Jumble posted some picspam.

            Thanks. Now I am gonna have to pick up all those papers. *sigh*


              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post

              Yeah about that, well you see my boss came in and insisted I join him for a business lunch. A lunch that included 4 bottles of the good stuff (there wasn't a bottle of wine on that table that costs less than $60) so I had no choice but to join him.
              Poor, poor woman... *shakes head* The things they make you do!

              I like the red hair and slick back hair as well. At least with this wig they popped a beret on top to hide the part of all wigs that are a dead giveaway. The top of wigs always seem to look phoney. It was definitely better than the one in S1.

              I thought AT was absolutely adorable in this ep. especialy when she

              Normandy Spoilers:
              was flirting in French to the soldiers.
              I have to agree. Especially about the adorable part.
              She does that a lot!

              Yes Nad your ship is indeed the finest ship! I think we may have inadvertently converted Jumble to our ship! Dragged her "aboard" as it were.
              I think we're about to start a WooHoo Ship Battle and I do blame Normandy for that. War is evil
              Or... call it a WooHoo Ship Love Fest.

              Let me provide some music!

              BTW, LG. I do have the utmost respect for your real other ship. Just putting it out there. *hugs*

              I just miss the old days of S/J Shipping, when people opposed to the Ship were just icky.

              Thanks. Now I am gonna have to pick up all those papers. *sigh*
              ''Nad kicked my paperwork''.
              It's the new ''My dog ate my homework''
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                I go away for a little while and insanity and silliness abound. *tsk*
                It's so unlike you.

                Blame Amanda! We're just trying to live up to her 'hilarious' image of us

                Yeah about that, well you see my boss came in and insisted I join him for a business lunch. A lunch that included 4 bottles of the good stuff (there wasn't a bottle of wine on that table that costs less than $60) so I had no choice but to join him.

                We had 4 other people with us and two of us (me and one other person) were actually conducting business. Planning for another private wine dinner in June. Sometimes I love my job.

                Anyway, half of the paper work is still sitting on my desk at the office. Tomorrow I will be at the shop so it will remain unfinished for awhile because all of my office time will now go into the planning and development of this wine dinner. Eventually it will get done and I plan on being proud of myself when it is....eventually.
                And you let us sympathize with you?

                Bekki and LadyG: What she said ^^^

                Yes! Go away ash! I really am planning on setting up my web cam (no it isn't done yet ) and I want to get SKYPE and chat with Laurie and Jumble if they have time and/or are sober.


                Well make up your mind - do you want us to have time or be sober? I doubt you can have both

                Yeah, about that paperwork.Read above ^^^.

                I like the red hair and slick back hair as well. At least with this wig they popped a beret on top to hide the part of all wigs that are a dead giveaway. The top of wigs always seem to look phoney. It was definitely better than the one in S1.

                I thought AT was absolutely adorable in this ep. especialy when she

                Normandy Spoilers:
                was flirting in French to the soldiers.

                Yes Nad your ship is indeed the finest ship! I think we may have inadvertently converted Jumble to our ship! Dragged her "aboard" as it were.
                'Inadvertently' is about right. I didn't even see you do it

                Yes! He has "beautiful green eyes" Martin. About time Jumble posted some picspam.

                Thanks. Now I am gonna have to pick up all those papers. *sigh*
                You only have to say the word 'Martinpicspam' and I'm there It's like 'abracadabra'

                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                ''Nad kicked my paperwork''.
                It's the new ''My dog ate my homework''


                  Ooh hmm, let's put that to the test...

                  *waves wand*

                  *sits back and waits*
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    HEY PRESTO!!!!!!



                      Wow, you're right! Just like magic

                      Which is a splendid point for me to go to bed on Night night all! *woohoo huggles*
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Wow, you're right! Just like magic
                        Yep, just like magic........

                        (thanks Estrela)

                        Which is a splendid point for me to go to bed on Night night all! *woohoo huggles*
                        WoodNight *huggles*


                          I'm only here for a moment so I'm only going to comment

                          Jumble - a list? All you need it some money, (passport too I guess), a very large empty wine glass, a napkin (to wipe away cupcake crumbs), and some No DOZE!!!! (Oh and a few changes of underwear may be a good idea, but I do have a washing machine/dryer.)

                          Wine_Buyer -SOBRIETY- really - Jumble and me.....not a problem!

                          And as for Amanda's red hair in Normandy.....come on..... no one knows why -


                          Bye all!


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            To make up to you, I'll write a fluffy poem 'bout it.

                            <snip for space>

                            Ohhhh! I LOVED IT!

                            But you made a mistake at the end...

                            He moves closer, so does she
                            passioniate, smoothly, meant to be.
                            She's gorgeous, he's strong, worth the wait.
                            The Beast and the beauty,
                            John, Helen, it's fate.

                            Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                            I go away for a little while and insanity and silliness abound. *tsk*
                            It's so unlike you.

                            (That's supposed to be an innocent smile.)

                            I like the red hair and slick back hair as well. At least with this wig they popped a beret on top to hide the part of all wigs that are a dead giveaway. The top of wigs always seem to look phoney. It was definitely better than the one in S1.

                            I thought AT was absolutely adorable in this ep. especialy when she

                            Normandy Spoilers:
                            was flirting in French to the soldiers.
                            I loved the red wig too!
                            And I completly agree on the spoilers. I know she was going to
                            speak French
                            but it didn't stop me from squeeing inwardly when I heard her! She was indeed adorable. ^^

                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            I think we're about to start a WooHoo Ship Battle and I do blame Normandy for that. War is evil
                            Or... call it a WooHoo Ship Love Fest.
                            It's all about the love! (And the Hair. )

                            BTW, LG. I do have the utmost respect for your real other ship. Just putting it out there. *hugs*
                            Awwww. I do know that. *hugs back*

                            I just miss the old days of S/J Shipping, when people opposed to the Ship were just icky.
                            Isn't that what Sam/Shep is for? ;D

                            ''Nad kicked my paperwork''.
                            It's the new ''My dog ate my homework''
                            Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                            My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                            Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                              Whoa, who called for it to pour buckets of rain. Definately not me!...Well maybe it will pour it all out and be gone by the weekend....



                                *runs in half death*

                                So tired...just back in Atl. I did watch Normandy on the plane

                                it was ok in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to see the five all together(well...except Tesla LOL) but I got really annoyed and started laughing at the German accents sometimes.They were strange...same like a lot of UK people had in the beginning with Magnus' accent

                                Also I'm not a big fan of WWII stories .

                                I did like the fact that Will's grand?father got killed...since he looked like Will and you know...Will has been bugging me the last few weeks.

                                As for Magnus' hair: LOVE! It's so all about the hair!

                                Didn't like the Magnus/Watson pairing...I just saw them as close friends and didn't see the chemistry...makes me wonder with whom else she also slept and all...not that she couldn't, I mean a lot can happen in 150+ years but it's another member of the five...

                                Oh well. It was still a lot better than the Will drama.

