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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    Downloaded it first thing this morning but haven't had time to watch it yet. Another hour or so and I will
    It's nearly done! Just going to make some dinner and them sit down and enjoy

    I'm confident from what I've heard that I'll be alright, but keep those fingers crossed just in case
    Will do
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Well Jumble, if you don't get a chance to watch Normandy I have all the season 3 episodes (up to and including Normandy) taped and very ready to watch on my big tv when you get here.

      And whoever heard it was right....Magnus call someone other than John by an endearment!

      This is going to be a long day. I never went to sleep last night because I was doing something and time just got past me. Now it is 11am and it is too early to go to bed. I have to stay away until around 10 or 11 pm. Oy!
      Last edited by llp; 24 May 2011, 09:54 AM.



        OMG! That was AMAZING!!! Truly epic television, absolutely stunning. Loved every second - more like this please!
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          And more now that I've been back and read under the spoilers

          Originally posted by antoa View Post
          Normandy. Holy Frak!!

          Wow. I must rewatch that one! Maybe tonight.

          Am I the only one that yelled "Just kiss already!!" during the John/James fight. I am generally not one to see slash, but holy crap. Fighting over Helen. Sure. I believe you.

          Yay for James/Helen being canon now.

          Yay for berets!

          Yay for Tesla - even separated from the Five, he was still awesome.

          LOL at crappy German accents.

          John/James - *raises hand* Yes, I so was! I'm not really one for slash either, but I definitely saw it there. I think I have to credit MoB's fic for showing me the light here

          Helen/James - yeah, totally loving that too! *sigh* What is it with Sanctuary, it's turning me into a multishipper and a slasher?

          And I thought Tesla looked very dapper in his 1940s outfit with the slicked down hair. Shame of course not to have the hedgehog but it did suit him
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Just watched Normandy


            and AT is amazing with every hair colour

            and I finally managed to make a tribute to Castle s3 finale:

            My vids Sig made by me


              *hugs WooHoos*
              *hugs Cags and LJ for being here*

              Aaand... Normandy

              I think I might be the only one to say that I didn't really like the ep. Or let me put that differently. I thought the ep looked awesome, I think the Five are awesome and it was a good ep, but it didn't quite make it all the way up there for me.

              One of the reasons was the funny sounding German. He made me laugh too hard for an ep like this. Other than that, I just don't really like ''war tv'' if it's It kind of gave me an irked feeling at times.

              But yes. It's epic Sanctuary. It was good, just not my personal taste. Not even Tesla's yummy presence made up for it.
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Have not been able to get in here because of the pages loading so slowly. Even clicking on the x isn't working.

                Hope your flight does not get cancelled Jumble.

                Great Castle tribute XF

                Castle spoiler

                Can't wait to find out if she remembers what he said.

                *hug everyone else*

                *waves to lurking but non-posting Sarai*


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  Anyone bidding on the MW chair backs on eBay?
                  Nope. I bid on an AT one previously which will go to a S4K auction in the future. I knew Jumble was bidding on the MW one previously but it seems like they have a lot of MW ones. There are 2 in the latest round of stuff.

                  Are you bidding on one or both?

                  Who is the PDL lover? There's a PDL one as well.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Loved Normandy...

                    Originally posted by josiane View Post
                    And more now that I've been back and read under the spoilers


                    John/James - *raises hand* Yes, I so was! I'm not really one for slash either, but I definitely saw it there. I think I have to credit MoB's fic for showing me the light here

                    Helen/James - yeah, totally loving that too! *sigh* What is it with Sanctuary, it's turning me into a multishipper and a slasher?

                    And I thought Tesla looked very dapper in his 1940s outfit with the slicked down hair. Shame of course not to have the hedgehog but it did suit him
                    Aw. <3 Josi! Gracias.

                    And further:
                    John/James! WOOHOO!!! *fans self* That was H.A.W.T.!! Yikes!

                    And anyone who's ever read my fic knows how I feel about Helen/James, so double Yeehaw.

                    I'm going to have to watch again before I comment coherently. Because, all evidence to the contrary, I liked more than just the ship(s)


                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      This place is a spoiler mine field!

                      Just came in to say, Jumble, thinking of you as you worry about flights. So far though, I don't think you have anything to worry over. *hugs*
                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        Just watched Normandy and all I can say is do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

                        1. Helen
                        2. Nikola
                        3. John
                        4. James
                        5. Nigel

                        Now I have to watch it again.


                          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                          Just watched Normandy and all I can say is do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

                          1. Helen
                          2. Nikola
                          3. John
                          4. James
                          5. Nigel

                          Now I have to watch it again.
                          *g* Pretty perfect!

                          For those of you occasionally read LJ, I vomit-typed an Helen/Omni ship manifesto this evening. Still trying to figure out where the heck that came from!

                          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                            *sneaks past spoilers*

                            Hello woohoos *huggles*

                            *sends ash cloud move-along wom woms to Britain* fingers crossed for you, Jumblie!

                            It's opening night of our show tonight! Exciting!


                              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                              *sneaks past spoilers*

                              Hello woohoos *huggles*

                              *sends ash cloud move-along wom woms to Britain* fingers crossed for you, Jumblie!

                              It's opening night of our show tonight! Exciting!
                              Toi toi toi, Bekki!!

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                                And more now that I've been back and read under the spoilers


                                John/James - *raises hand* Yes, I so was! I'm not really one for slash either, but I definitely saw it there. I think I have to credit MoB's fic for showing me the light here

                                Helen/James - yeah, totally loving that too! *sigh* What is it with Sanctuary, it's turning me into a multishipper and a slasher?

                                And I thought Tesla looked very dapper in his 1940s outfit with the slicked down hair. Shame of course not to have the hedgehog but it did suit him
                                John/James - Kinda? I'm no slasher, but I do admit there was tension there!

                                Helen/James - Heck, yes! I'M SO HAPPY THEY'RE CANON!

                                And you just have to accept what Sanctuary is turning you into. ;P

                                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                                Loved Normandy...

                                Aw. <3 Josi! Gracias.

                                And further:
                                John/James! WOOHOO!!! *fans self* That was H.A.W.T.!! Yikes!

                                And anyone who's ever read my fic knows how I feel about Helen/James, so double Yeehaw.

                                I'm going to have to watch again before I comment coherently. Because, all evidence to the contrary, I liked more than just the ship(s)

                                Wait. You are saying there is more than the ship(s) to the episode?

                                I watched it two times already! Will probably watch it a third time tonight before going ot bed!

                                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                                *g* Pretty perfect!

                                For those of you occasionally read LJ, I vomit-typed an Helen/Omni ship manifesto this evening. Still trying to figure out where the heck that came from!
                                That's probably because Helen is awesome and she can be shipped almost with everyone. ;P

                                EDIT: On a personal note, I'M OFFCIALLY DONE WITH SCHOOL! Woot! *dances*
                                Last edited by LadyGalaxyJ; 24 May 2011, 08:37 PM. Reason: GW posted my post and I wasn't finished typing!
                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

