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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    YAY Disney! Have so so much fun, Bree


      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
      In my humble opinion that is probably the single most frightening episode of Dr. Who ever.

      Have an awesome time at Disney World!!!
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
        Not the angels! They scare me too! *hides under the bus*

        Jumble since you are in a huggy mood I send you *extra special super big squishy huggles*
        *grabs Bree and squishy huggles back*

        To all UK WooHoo's

        I wood like to apologize on behalf of all US WooHoo's for the schedule changes that have been imparted on our favorite TV show. The one called Sanctuary. Please know that it is not the fault of the average Sanctuary fan that the date has been changed and changed again. We in the US were led to believe that "Tuesday" were the most superduperest day to be on TV ever! So our beloved show was placed on Tuesday and was set to premier on Sept. 28. However, the PTB at SyFy (formerly known as Sci-Fi. See they can never make up their minds) have decided that Tuesday's are not so superduper for Sanctuary and that they belong on Friday's where they are "at home". Awwwwwwww! Makes your heart melt just thinking about the warm and fuzzyness of it all. Anywhoo, this has caused a delay in the US premier which has indeed cause a trickled down effect in that it is now causing delays the world over.
        We the innocent USA victims of these scheduling changes apologize for any delays and inconveniences that this may have caused our friends the world over. I wood just like to end by saying it's not my fault! I swear! I had nuttin' to do with it! I don't even know that Skiffy guy!

        Sincerely Bree and the entire US nation.

        Now, if you will excuse me I have to go print out my boarding pass.
        Oh it's ok Bree, we don't hold you responsible for faffing us about. We understand that you and your fellow US citizens have absolutely no control over SyFy although we'd like to 'meet' whoever does .

        I'm sure we'll find out soon when ITV4 will be screening our beloved Sanctuary

        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        *peeks in* hello woohoos

        *goes back to Doctor Who*

        ...I need breaks in this episode. The weeping angels scare me...
        Angels scare you? You'll not be liking this then....

        *runz away giggling at spooked Bekki*

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        *more sympathy huggles*
        *shakes fist at Steven Moffat for doing this to us*
        Blink? *runz off to Google it*

        Edit: *sees Bree's post* Ah, it's DW? No wonder I didn't have a clue what you were talking about


          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
          YAY Disney! Have so so much fun, Bree

          While I am gone Angel (one of my cats) will most likely get on my computer and do two things:
          1. He will go to Pea Pod (a food delivery service) and order huge amounts of seafood and have it delivered. I never should have let him borrow my credit card.
          2. He will probably post on this thread and pretend to be me. Don't believe him for a minute. BTW-He's a notoriously bad speller so be aware of that so you know whoo is whoom.

          Gotta go.

          hi woohoos
          dis is angel and i am a likkle black kitty.
          i am here to say that her duzzint no whut her is takin abot.
          dont beleev her i wood never do nuttin lyk dat.
          sinseerly angel


            oh dear golly bags of awesomesticks! Now looking at the angels is bad! THIS IS FRIGHTENING!!!


              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
              1. Thank yo. Unfortunately we US citizens have no control of airing dates in other countries. I apologize for that too.

              2. Boarding passes printed. One thing down and about a million and half things to go and I haven't even started packing yet!

              At this time tomorrow I will be on a plane to
              Disney World

              sorry. I'm a little excited.
              1. Should be a benefit of citizenship. Syfy constantly baffles me. Even if they are actually significantly improving their programming. I guess it's baby steps.

              2. Have an absolutely AMAZING time.

              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                Originally posted by josiane View Post

                Have an awesome time at Disney World!!!
                I actually like to torture myself by watching it on Halloween if possible. Obviously I have masochistic tendencies.
                and thanks.
                I'm bringing my laptop with me so I will try to post pix if I am not exhausted.
                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                *grabs Bree and squishy huggles back*
                Oh it's ok Bree, we don't hold you responsible for faffing us about. We understand that you and your fellow US citizens have absolutely no control over SyFy although we'd like to 'meet' whoever does .

                I'm sure we'll find out soon when ITV4 will be screening our beloved Sanctuary

                Angels scare you? You'll not be liking this then....

                *runz away giggling at spooked Bekki*

                Blink? *runz off to Google it*

                Edit: *sees Bree's post* Ah, it's DW? No wonder I didn't have a clue what you were talking about
                Thank you Jumble. I swear I am not responsible for that syfy guy's decisions.

                *wonders how Bekki is doing after seeing Jumble's sig*

                Yeah it's Disney. I have it on my mind a bit lately.

                EDIT: Looks at Bekki's post. Oh dear! Jumble you have done the job.
                Edit 2: Thanks MoB


                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  oh dear golly bags of awesomesticks! Now looking at the angels is bad! THIS IS FRIGHTENING!!!
                  Mwahahaaaaa!!!! That'll teach you not to besmirch my Martin's thread with DW talk

                  And now you know what my nights have been like lately

                  This too shall pass

                  Have a wonderful time Bree, and if I catch your little 'Angel' posting again I'll smack his bum and send him home


                    *refuses to blink*
                    *hides under the bus*

                    *runz out to huggle Bree* Have a fab time at Disney
                    *runz back*

                    I have to agree, Blink was incredibly scary! But it had such a clever storyline, brilliantly written, it's probably my fave DW ep If you thought Moebius gave you a ALT headache, you aint seen nothin' yet In fact...*has challenge idea*

                    *runz off*


                      Angel, what a clever, clever cat. I will look forward to hearing your exploits while mommy and mommy are away.

                      I can't even get my cats to go after the mice I've found infesting my lower cupboard. I think they've been spoilt by the taste of human flesh.

                      Annoyingly, just three weeks ago I cleared that cupboard out and there was no sign of mice there then... today, I go to get a vase out the back of it and... loads of mice droppings. I'm going to have to kill them and I don't want to. I really, really don't like the idea of it but I know it's the only way. The irony of it is, there's no evidence of infestation anywhere else in the kitchen, and the only edible stuff I keep in that cupboard is the cat food.


                        You think you've got problems Cags? I've had RATS in my kitchen Chewed through a plastic bottle of longlife milk once. Found a puddle of milk on the floor in the morning And they also liked the wild bird food I kept under the sink - I'd be sitting here at night and suddenly hear this rustling noise Had to use a trap in the end. Apparently they love peanut butter enough to die for it

                        I should be mowing the lawn...........

                        Wood that involve putting some clothes on d'you think? Oh go on, I'm thought to be a little eccentric. Surely I can mow the lawn in my pj's?


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Mwahahaaaaa!!!! That'll teach you not to besmirch my Martin's thread with DW talk :-P:-P

                          And now you know what my nights have been like lately

                          This too shall pass

                          Have a wonderful time Bree, and if I catch your little 'Angel' posting again I'll smack his bum and send him home ;-)
                          It will ((((Jumble))))

                          This is my little Angel. He doesn't always (as in almost never) live up to his name

                          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                          *refuses to blink*
                          *hides under the bus*

                          *runz out to huggle Bree* Have a fab time at Disney
                          *runz back*

                          I have to agree, Blink was incredibly scary! But it had such a clever storyline, brilliantly written, it's probably my fave DW ep If you thought Moebius gave you a ALT headache, you aint seen nothin' yet In fact...*has challenge idea*

                          *runz off*
                          Very clever! Very scary! Now I want to watch it again...must wait for Halloween...
                          and thanks

                          Can't wait to find out what that challenge is.
                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Angel, what a clever, clever cat. I will look forward to hearing your exploits while mommy and mommy are away.

                          I can't even get my cats to go after the mice I've found infesting my lower cupboard. I think they've been spoilt by the taste of human flesh.

                          Annoyingly, just three weeks ago I cleared that cupboard out and there was no sign of mice there then... today, I go to get a vase out the back of it and... loads of mice droppings. I'm going to have to kill them and I don't want to. I really, really don't like the idea of it but I know it's the only way. The irony of it is, there's no evidence of infestation anywhere else in the kitchen, and the only edible stuff I keep in that cupboard is the cat food.
                          Oh dear! Now you're encouraging the little devil!

                          Sorry Cags! Truly! But the fact that the mice are only going after the cat food is hysterical.

                          EDIT: Go for it Jumble. If you saw what I saw yesterday you wood not even think twice about mowing the lawn in PJ's.


                            ok, crisis hour over. Episode is complete Not sure how I'm feeling about Matt Smith yet though...*sigh* David tennant just is The Doctor

                   more Doctor Who from me

                            Sorry I have been ignoring you Martin

                            *huggles Martin*
                            *pecks Martin on the cheek*
                   more ignoring Martin from me


                              Blimey Jumble! That's a scary thought. Pretty sure these are mice; we have two rivers that run parallel to our road and we're bang in between them so we get them from time to time, usually this time of year where they're looking for somewhere warm over winter. The cats are normally quite good at driving them out but not this year, it seems lazy little freeloaders.

                              Besides, rat droppings are larger.

                              Did I ever tell you we kept pet rats when I was a child. They make lovely pets.

                              I saw a woman washing her car in her PJs this morning. And when I say morning I mean around 11am so, yeah, go for it. Frankly, it's your own place so if you went out there wearing nothing but a pair of crotchless panties and a tassled bra that's your business, as far as I care. That's not to say if I were your neighbour and I saw that, I wouldn't whip out the cam-corder and be on the phone to You've Been Framed, of course.

                              Aww... look at Angel. Such a cutie... *virtual cheek rubs*


                                Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                                It will ((((Jumble))))
                                I know. Time. Only time.

                                This is my little Angel. He doesn't always (as in almost never) live up to his name

                                Very clever! Very scary! Now I want to watch it again...must wait for Halloween...
                                and thanks

                                Can't wait to find out what that challenge is.

                                Oh dear! Now you're encouraging the little devil!

                                Sorry Cags! Truly! But the fact that the mice are only going after the cat food is hysterical.

                                EDIT: Go for it Jumble. If you saw what I saw yesterday you wood not even think twice about mowing the lawn in PJ's.
                                Oh no! Don't encourage me It doesn't take much

                                Actually I tossed on a pair of jeans and whizzed the mower round the first level of the garden. Beyond that is more of a jungle than a garden and I'm not up for tackling that today.

                                What I need is a man with a really powerful tool strimmer to take pity on me and sort it for me

                                *looks hopefully at Martin* I hear he has quite a collection of tools

                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                ok, crisis hour over. Episode is complete Not sure how I'm feeling about Matt Smith yet though...*sigh* David tennant just is The Doctor

                       more Doctor Who from me
                                You know I was only joking

                                Sorry I have been ignoring you Martin

                                *huggles Martin*
                                *pecks Martin on the cheek*
                       more ignoring Martin from me
                                Um..... actually Bekki.... could you just continue to ignore him a little? Go kiss DT instead

                                Not that I'm likely to get jealous or anything..........

                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                Blimey Jumble! That's a scary thought. Pretty sure these are mice; we have two rivers that run parallel to our road and we're bang in between them so we get them from time to time, usually this time of year where they're looking for somewhere warm over winter. The cats are normally quite good at driving them out but not this year, it seems lazy little freeloaders.

                                Besides, rat droppings are larger....
                                ...and they have larger teeth They were more scared of me than I was of them

                                Did I ever tell you we kept pet rats when I was a child. They make lovely pets.
                                Oh yes, we had some too - Rodney and Hamish (don't ask ) - we even took them on holiday with us to Devon one year because nobody wood look after them for us That was the year I first met Michael. He was walking across the car park whilst we were unloading the car and did a double-take when he saw the rats' cage come out Hmm.... maybe it was my 'oddness' that attracted him even back then?

                                I saw a woman washing her car in her PJs this morning. And when I say morning I mean around 11am so, yeah, go for it. Frankly, it's your own place so if you went out there wearing nothing but a pair of crotchless panties and a tassled bra that's your business, as far as I care. That's not to say if I were your neighbour and I saw that, I wouldn't whip out the cam-corder and be on the phone to You've Been Framed, of course.
                                Uh........ I think that might be going a bit far...... and those of you who have seen my nearest neighbour will understand why I'd be a little reluctant to risk it *shudders*
                                Last edited by Jumble; 25 September 2010, 06:39 AM.

