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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I don't have an Andersons, though! But when we get a house, yes, you're welcome to stay over, and there'll be English breakfast, and restuarants, and fun times!
    Made by the lovely Jakie


      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
      I don't have an Andersons, though! But when we get a house, yes, you're welcome to stay over, and there'll be English breakfast, and restuarants, and fun times!
      It's ok, nobody else has an Anderson's

      *looks at holiday dates for 2012*


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        It's ok, nobody else has an Anderson's
        Shame because those desserts are NOM. I wish I'd been able to go last week.

        *looks at holiday dates for 2012*

        2012... goodness me, where does the time go!
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          Ah, good. That's an easy one. Don't need to put that tut in the Art thread!

          Well... in easy steps:

          How to make this sig:

          Tut by me.
          Have I ever mentioned that ''tut'' is the Dutch cutesy word for, um ...''Virginia''?

          - Pick music to go with the sig

          Or Less Hippy...

          - Open Gimp/PS/ Whichever program you use. (Important step. I found that making any sig works best when you don't skip this step. Just a small tip. Remembering this will make you a better artworker.) And choose a size within GW regulations.

          - Use this background

          (And yes, that's what makes this an easy sig. Notice how it's All Done? ). and crop/cut/turn/scale to your hearts desire. Just... do. I used the heart as my focus point. ...Because that's important. To focus. Do. Just booble with it. Make it purple, I don't care. But focus.

          -Now the fun part! Choose Hair Pictures! I went with

          and a pic I can't find and the Martin pic I still haven't saved on my own computer, eventhough I linked to it.
          Choose pictures to go with the theme. Make the Hair sexy.
          (Of course, I had no theme and got inspired by AT's pic... but I was focused.

          - Shimmy and listen to more Hair songs.

          -Scale the pics. I know making pictures smaller isn't fun, but big pics do not fit on sigs.
          Unless you make it all about AT's nostrils, then it's fine. Make sure all pics are equal in size. I found it makes them work with me, instead of starting a riot.

          - Here's a tricky part. Make sure to get the same kind of colour on the pics. (I think we should ask TPTB to light all scenes exactly the same way...) I did it by using the thingy that intensifies or decreases colour. In this case I wanted *some* colour, but not too much. ...But you could go for grey scale and use the desasture... thingy.
          Again: Just fiddle and do and focus. Don't make it too hard on yourself. Who cares if the PTB/ actor looks slightly ill? The Hair is fabulous!

          - Now choose a border. I used something similar to this one:

          and scale it to fit over the pictures. Be spontanious. Borders don't *have* to be skinny jeans. Sometimes baggy looks grungy too.

          -With this border (as in not a ...mask? Brush? Dunno) there's white. Erase. The reason to just erase is that it makes it even grungy-er. Just leave bits in the corners, or in the middle. It'll look nonchalant. If the border doesn't stand out. Invert!

          - Sharpen the border and smash it together with the picture. Repeat that for the other pics. And make squashy sounds, just for fun.

          - Now take your three colour drained and bordered Hair Pics and make one layer out of them. Don't make squashy sounds, you're working with beloved PTB/actors here.

          - Position them and copy the layer.

          - Make a new layer and paste the copied layer on it. Booble with the transparancy and colour it to fit the sig. (I made it red. See how clever I am with my focus point? Red heart, red back layer? So good. Balance. *nods* )

          -Put the coloured layer under the original one and make it look like a shadow (I know. It's genius!) The background needs it. It's very full and busy and that takes away attention from the pictures. The ''shadow'' is a resting point or a buffer.

          - Graffiti. Text tool. I used... a font. *blinks* Probaly one of the segoe variations. It doesn't matter, just make sure it works on that dazzling background without fading away or adding to the madness.

          -Again, the eraser is your friend. Use it on the letters. Just pet it, don't erase half of it, because it kind of defies typing it in the first place.

          -Add a simple border (Red. Focus point. Balance. HooHah.).

          -Sign! (preferably your own name. Or sign it as ''Bob''.)

          -Optional: ...Or don't sign. It's an ego thing. *looks around* Or like a dog peeing to mark its territory.

          Not that I suggest peeing on your artwork. That's icky.

          Tuts are not my friends.
          EDIT: Artwork tuts...
          This is awesome Will try it out later. And I certainly will open gimp this time! Knew I was missing something important! Thanks, Nad
          Last edited by Leo1; 17 February 2011, 10:56 AM.


            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            Shame because those desserts are NOM. I wish I'd been able to go last week.
            Next time

            2012... goodness me, where does the time go!
            I know I've got a HUGE birthday sitting just below the horizon and I honestly don't believe it I feel like somebody's made a mistake and I'm really only 32

            Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
            This is awesome Will try it out later. And I certainly will open gimp this time! Knew I was missing something important! Thanks, Nad
            There you are you see, Nad does have a way of putting her finger right on the important points


              The Tapping Effect! There were so many wonderful sayings that came from this weekend but I have to say that the excuse of Head Injury was my fav! I keep waiting for someone to put it in context...

              Love the pic of you and Laurie, Jumble.

              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              You're seeing yourself being guillotined?

              Ah, that one I've always like that ep, but didn't know there was a Director's Series for it untl Jann told me because it wasn't on my dvds Had to buy the 10-Season R1 set to get it

              But sooo worth it
              Maybe... I should be known as the headless woohoo from now on?

              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
              Agh. So sad I can't make the next woohoo meet. When is it again? No, no, budget, budget...

              The Tapping Effect. I love it. I DO feel like the cynicism that is so not a part of my make up but has been creeping in due to work politics has been washed away, and I feel ready to go back and tackle my work with the heart that drew me to it in the first place on Tuesday. *watery smile*
              I feel the same way... I'm ready for whatever comes my way now, just hope this buzz stays with me.

              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              Aww... I love it when it looks like everyone's on crack!
              You know Amanda kept offering the chipmunk crack through out the weekend! Maybe it's that... But could be regular brocollie working!
              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                *twirls in*

                Bekki, your new house is so pretty! Thanks for sharing the piccies

                Wendy, CONGRATS on the assignment! Awesome!

                Laurie, glad you didn't lose your keys in England after all!

                MoB, awesome blog post and can't wait for the LJ report! I'm working on the same but not getting very far. It's really difficult to put the whole experience into words

                Jumble, there so has to be some kind of Woohoomeet before August, and frankly I have no doubt that there will be

                Nad, you write the BEST tuts. Don't ever think otherwise

                And not to bring up the serious discussion again but this vvv basically sums up what I think.

                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                Sadly, I think that was the sticking point last time. Too many people did not want to give that bit up. While I do understand that as it's hard to let go of the past, in fact not many who post on the artwork thread still post on the S/J one (or even just lurk there) these days so it really does not relfect the thread content at all. That's why I think it may well fly a little better this time.
                Things is I do want to still make S/J art if the feeling takes me and I do still want to be able to post it all on one thread without feeling like "this goes there and that goes here" etc. I'd like for us all to feel welcome to post whatever we want in one thread. Everyone. SJers, Bones fans, Woohoos, Pokemon, whatever!

                And I want art awards to continue too because I think they're awesome! Actually I do think this year there is a better represntation across fandom, although I understand the uptake of entrants has been less this year. I think breaking off and having another thread for artwork will only make that worse. Perhaps opening up the topic of the J/S thread might actually help there though, becuase people will feel more included in it? It is still called the Sam/Jack Art Awards in relfection from the thread it comes from - old timerers know it's anything goes but newer members - no matter how many times you tell them - might not get that or feel especially welcome. I think it will be interesting to see how this years awards play out and who wins what for what. Last year it was very Sam/Jack dominant but a lot of those awesome artworkers are making lots of other stuff too now so that may help.

                I don't think the whole idea is worth giving up on just yet.
                Plus, a gallery of our craziness and pretties would of course be fun
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
         pics are up on Picasa web albums. You can view them by day...

                  Where it comes to artworking that's fine, a credit wood be nice but I know it's often hard to remember where pics came from! *huggles everyone* Enjoy!!![/B]

                  The Pre-pre Party
                  The Woohoo Cocktail Party
                  AT5 - Day 1
                  AT5 - Day 2

                  Thank you SO, so much for posting these! With my crappy camera and my towards-the-back seat, I didn't really bother with pics during the Q&A's, so these just completely made my day (week? month? year? ) right now! Will be snerching for iconing purposes and will definitely credit!


                    Originally posted by Jumble
                    Even if the name does get changed to show that it embraces all fandom, I wood still like to have a WooHoo/PTB Artwork thread and get all our arties on there, and possibly other things like Nad's letters to TPTB and Bekki's poems etc. I just feel it wood be nice to have it all archived on a small thread instead of scattered through this one, which is getting rather large to search through

                    Now that is a fantastic idea. The Woohoo Gallery.

                    And on the note on the art thread, yes, totally agree we should at least wait until after the awards before broaching the subject. We need to have that celebration first.

                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    As for the PTB Art thread...
                    (A topic that kind of surprised me, I might add. )


                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    Exactly! It wood be a natural progression for us as it was for them

                    Uh...... does that mean we're finally 'growing up'?

                    We need to think about this some more before taking that kind of step..........
                    (again! ) nah, we'll never grow up!

                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    *runs in*

                    I GOT 80% on my assignment!!


                    *runs back out*

                    ...Oh. I want Nad tuts please
                    Congratulations! That's awesome and calls for a Woohooo!

                    *huggles MOB*

                    *huggles Nad*

                    *huggles everyone*


                      *hugs everyone*

                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      See? SEEEEE????? I told you she does AWESOME tuts!!!

                      Booble around with it!


                      And 'tut' means WHAT in Dutch???
                      It's just slang...
                      We call women ''tut'' when they do something stupid, but we still love them. Like I said, it's a cute curseword. The kind of thing one could call your mother and still get a hug.

                      Replace the first T for a K and it still means the same.
                      ...But your mom will slap you if you call her that.

                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      I'm still at work so I can't play with you!
                      I just wanted to say that I'm writing pag 69 of my lab book!
                      WooHood on the Big '69. Page.

                      Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
                      This is awesome Will try it out later. And I certainly will open gimp this time! Knew I was missing something important! Thanks, Nad
                      Yeah. Common mistake.
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Dave fixed my printer and scanned in my pics for me...


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          I hate to tell you Nad, but we're all having a very serious discussion about Martin's directing skills so it must be you that's on crack!

                          Oh yes! And it's one of my favourites

                          Me too!!!

                          I know I really should buy a lottery ticket, win a couple of million, give up work and just travel around the world seeking out WooHoos in their native surroundings and live with each of them for a while

                          Of course, I'd have to buy a winery first...............
                          Don't buy a winery Jumble! You will lose the million for sure!
                          There is a saying in the wine biz "How do you buy a winery and then become a millionaire?
                          Start off with 20 million

                          It's an old but accurate joke.

                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          *twirls in*

                          Bekki, your new house is so pretty! Thanks for sharing the piccies
                          Wendy, CONGRATS on the assignment! Awesome!
                          Laurie, glad you didn't lose your keys in England after all!
                          MoB, awesome blog post and can't wait for the LJ report! I'm working on the same but not getting very far. It's really difficult to put the whole experience into words
                          Jumble, there so has to be some kind of Woohoomeet before August, and frankly I have no doubt that there will be
                          Nad, you write the BEST tuts. Don't ever think otherwise

                          And not to bring up the serious discussion again but this vvv basically sums up what I think.

                          Plus, a gallery of our craziness and pretties would of course be fun
                          Since I have a headache (again? as usual? whateveeeer?) I am going to be completely lazy, point up and say "what she said!"

                          Alas! I have been too busy to booble about with PTB.
                          I wood love to make new arties or at least some new screencaps. But no. I have to work day and night. Blah de blah. Am I being insufferable yet?

                          Must get back to work now. Ta!

                          EDIT Awesome pic Sarai! How can you not adore that woman?
                          EDIT 2: Looking more and more like I won't be going in August. I wood need a lottery win or a miracle.
                          Last edited by wine_buyer; 17 February 2011, 11:53 AM.


                            *extra squishy huggles Bree*


                              *hugs Bree*
                              EDIT: on your edit.

                              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                              Dave fixed my printer and scanned in my pics for me...

                              Yay Dave!

                              And having sat down to properly read earlier posts, I have to say that I personally blame AT for the increased insanity of certain WooHoos. I do. Especially after Dee's statement that Amanda kept offering crack. It's not the broccoli, the booze or Martin's Shorts. It's her. *shakes head* I knew making that one an honourary WooHoo wood cause us problems someday...

                              Last edited by DutchIndeed; 17 February 2011, 12:03 PM.
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Bree... Miracles are soooo possible! (((huggles))))

                                Nad... I think you might be right!
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

