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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Oh, I forgot!

    Happy Third Day of

    And just ...because, a quick piece:

    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      Happy Birthday,

      Aww!!! But your artwork always inspires me too!
      You know... for the next edition.

      Artwork! Yay!
      Let's face it Nad, we're just an AWESOME duo!

      Although I must admit that sometimes I look at your lyrics and think "What the........ heck does she expect me to do with that??!"....... but then I usually find that something pops into my head to fit

      Edit: @ confused Tesla......... all that broccoli


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Thank you *bounces*

        1. Um....... if this is a Martinfic, there won't be any......... um..... 'mature' content will there? *hides eyes*

        2. I think we should! In fact I think it might be something we could do on a monthly (?) basis, choosing different things to guess at Hats? Gloves? Favourite dress/coat/t-shirt/bracelet/necklace........ the possibilities are endless

        1. Goodness no!!! I had to overcome my own personal squick to write a RPF, so it's about as G-rated as you can get. Think Disney Princesses. I just got back from my run. Need to stretch and shower, so give me an hour or so.

        2. I'm totally down with this! Next month, bracelets? I'll volunteer to collect the images this time around...

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          1. Goodness no!!! I had to overcome my own personal squick to write a RPF, so it's about as G-rated as you can get. Think Disney Princesses. I just got back from my run. Need to stretch and shower, so give me an hour or so.
          Disney Princesses? You're putting him in a fairy tale? Cool!

          2. I'm totally down with this! Next month, bracelets? I'll volunteer to collect the images this time around...
          Yes! I just got given a bracelet and there is no way anyone wood think it was mine

          I hope

          Oh Bekki, look what you've started


            *crawls into thread* Poohbags! ARGH! I feel like crap. And just before Christmas, too! Hubby says if I'm still throwing up tomorrow we can't go see my dad; he's going to make me stay home and rest. *cries*


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              *crawls into thread* Poohbags! ARGH! I feel like crap. And just before Christmas, too! Hubby says if I'm still throwing up tomorrow we can't go see my dad; he's going to make me stay home and rest. *cries*
              *hopes it's just a 24 hour thing* *huggles LJ and sends healing vibes*


                *sends huggles and healing vibes to all who needs them*
                sigpicMy Fanfic


                  *bounces in*

                  Happy Birthday Char!

                  I would have never guessed a lot of the shoes correct...but it did make me laugh that the boots were from Aveo! I see them SO much in here on campus but I hadn't ever seen them in Europe

                  And next time I wanna play I thought it was only the UK shippers who did it (I'm a bit stupid ya know)

                  Anyway! Happy 3rd Martinmas day!


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    1. Disney Princesses? You're putting him in a fairy tale? Cool!

                    2. Yes! I just got given a bracelet and there is no way anyone wood think it was mine

                    I hope

                    3. Oh Bekki, look what you've started

                    1. Well, not quite. But I imagine it would be Martin's idea of entering a fairy tale in a slightly alternate universe.


                    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                    *crawls into thread* Poohbags! ARGH! I feel like crap. And just before Christmas, too! Hubby says if I'm still throwing up tomorrow we can't go see my dad; he's going to make me stay home and rest. *cries*
                    *puts on surgical mask*


                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      *crawls into thread* Poohbags! ARGH! I feel like crap. And just before Christmas, too! Hubby says if I'm still throwing up tomorrow we can't go see my dad; he's going to make me stay home and rest. *cries*


                        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                        1. Well, not quite. But I imagine it would be Martin's idea of entering a fairy tale in a slightly alternate universe.
                        Ok, now I'm really intrigued! PostitpostitPOSTIT!!!!!!


                        I have to say though, doing a monthly guessing game does somewhat smack at organisation.......... and we just don't DO that

                        But I think it will be fun


                          Or you just do a guessing thing with every BIG! celebration...less organization...

                          Although....we do celebrate a lot in here


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            Or you just do a guessing thing with every BIG! celebration...less organization...

                            Although....we do celebrate a lot in here
                            We do............ we could just call it a celebration for January, then February, then March............

                            You get the idea


                              *huggles all the Woohoos that are not feeling well*

                              *runs out*
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                *squishy huggles LJ and Bree*

                                Happy Birthday Char!!

                                EDIT: It's officially Christmas - 2 weeks off work!!!! *happy dances*

