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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by llp View Post
    Hmmmm College <-> quiet?? Nope! They don't go together. Sorry! some cases they do...perhaps I'm special!

    *waves at Sarai*


      Hi Laurie & Jumble, I'm doing fine...just catching up on the forums...always a great way to relax (plus a good drink, but it is only Monday).
      sigpic Martin Rocks!!


        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
        Still pondering mine...

        So far so good though, these t-shirts are going to be great !

        *huggles Laurie* How you doing now, feeling better?
        *squishy huggles Claire* So nice to see you!! Swing by again soon
        *Smiles and huggles back* I'm doing and feeling fine. Had a fun weekend with a visitor. Going to have a good if not somewhat busy week. And I'm in a very good mood, inspite of Jumbles very rude remark. Humpth!

        You could be the "Creative" WooHoo or the "Artistic" Woohoo!


          Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
          Hi Laurie & Jumble, I'm doing fine...just catching up on the forums...always a great way to relax (plus a good drink, but it is only Monday).
          What does Monday have to do with it!


            Originally posted by llp View Post
            What does Monday have to do with it!
            That you start the week good!

            I'm actually right now skipping my German class...but since it is only an auditing class it ain't bad!

            Soon history

            It would be way more fun to learn about the history of the Woohoos...or Martin....that should be a mandatory class


              Only way to mark the start of a good weekend is to celebrate it with a nice drink on Friday!!. But I could always extend the weekend till Monday....
              sigpic Martin Rocks!!


                History & German....does not bold well! Only kidding...good language to learn to speak.
                sigpic Martin Rocks!!


                  *waves at Jann*

                  Laurie glad to hear you had a good weekend. But I'm not sure I deserve the title "Artistic" - there are plenty of people around who are much more artistic than me! I should be The Average Woohoo .


                    Well, I must be off. I have to search out this place I'm going to on Wednesday night. Need to see where it is and how good the parking is going to be. That is the one bad thing. Don't want to be wondering around the streets late at night looking for my car. So, I need to see if I can find a close parking lot.
                    Plus, I am going to sign up for another college class. And I still have to redo those three chapters....oh and have breakfast before I leave .....hmmm! Well maybe on that last one, not really hungry. Oh and pick up some blue jello to send off to the UK. Tons of little errands and a few big ones.


                      Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
                      History & German....does not bold well! Only kidding...good language to learn to speak.
                      Didn't really had a choice. I have to do another language on my school and have to do my grammar test next year so I'm trying to keep my level up by auditing a German class

                      History is awesome though; although my teacher is a bit stupid.

                      *huggles Sarai* Me misses you!


                        *huggles Jann back* Missing you too! I'm always lurking round the corner though...glad to hear you're having such a good time at uni. And those were some awesome pics of your walk the other day, Dave and I are doing one this weekend but not sure the weather will be so good over here!


                          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                          *huggles Jann back* Missing you too! I'm always lurking round the corner though...glad to hear you're having such a good time at uni. And those were some awesome pics of your walk the other day, Dave and I are doing one this weekend but not sure the weather will be so good over here!
                          Yeah I'm glad everything is going as good as it is!
                          The walk was awesome and the view was amazing! Loved it!
                          I hope you will have good weather! The weather over here is still so warm(25 C ), it's insane, but it was colder on top there so I put a sweater/jumper on


                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            *waves at Jann*

                            Laurie glad to hear you had a good weekend. But I'm not sure I deserve the title "Artistic" - there are plenty of people around who are much more artistic than me! I should be The Average Woohoo .
                            - Now this comment stopped me in my tracks -
                            Sarai..... you listen to me and Jumble.... You are not ordinary or average or any of those silly "common" normal terms. You walked into a job you knew very little about and you DID IT! That is not average my friend, that is jumping around and dancing around FANTASTIC! You are young, lovely and have so much going for you......oooooh you frustrate me! I don't know who did that to you but they should be horsetied and whipped for putting the word "normal" or "average" into your vocabulary.

                            After just spending those few days in Vancouver with you I could tell you were so far away from being "average". You need to open up your eyes and your heart to really look at yourself. You have sooooo much potential to soar so far above the clouds. Don't let your past tie a rope around your feet and hold you to the ground.

                            There, you have been cut free. Now soar among the eagles where you so belong! Look upward, that is the direction you should and will be climbing to. Give life and your friends a chance to show you just how great you and your life could, should and will be!


                              Oh great, Sarai left before she read what I wrote.....Jumble. You make sure she see it and give her a (light) slap on the behind for thinking that way.

                              Now, I need to run. I really have a lot to do in the next few hours. *Waves and Hugs* to all.

                              Bye for now.


                                Oh don't worry Laurie, I'll keep telling her. We'll get it through her head eventually

