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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *hugs Jumble*

    I've just done the stupidest thing - bought Dave some nice mittens for his birthday, colourful fingerless glove type things from Ebay. Forgot to change the address and managed to get them sent to my best friend in Manchester. Anyway, she got them this morning and has been walking around all day racking her brains as to where and whom these gloves have come from whilst I've been wondering why they haven't turned up! I just saw her mention it on Facebook and called her to apologise. Now of course I feel really bad because she thinks someone has sent her a nice present and she has to send them back to me .

    I've resolved myself to buy her some for Christmas. What a prat!!


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Not sure, he certainly had it on the InnerSpace vid, but we don't know how long ago that was recorded

      1. I'll let you into a little secret......

      I love him with the beard...

      ... without the beard...

      ... with the shirt....

      ... without the shirt.

      ... with the shorts....

      ....without the.... er no, that's not right

      I guess I should just say.....

      ... and leave it at that

      2. Oh yes, we'll definitely be doing that again

      3. Right! You just have to make sure you're looking up, because you rarely find anything good just lying around on the ground ;-)

      No problem, glad to help :-)

      4. Glad to hear he's in good spirits. Sometimes that's half the battle!
      1. Jumble, I wish that you were more clear on that first part. I keep getting this feeling that you are trying to tell me something.....

      2. Good! I didn't get to do last years.
      3. Yes it better to look up than down. When you look down all you see is dirt and other people's chewed up gum.
      4. It really is a huge part of the battle. He has two great granddaughters that he adores so that alone will make him put up a good fight.
      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      Oh drat, you guys have so much going on that I'll just hug everyone
      *hugs WooHoos*

      Don't give anyone any ideas, there...

      And sure, snurch away
      I don't care who does it as long as it happens...
      I woodn't dream of giving you the idea to make a sig featuring Amanda's bum. Never, ever even crossed my mind. *whistles innocently*
      And thanks
      Originally posted by jumble View Post

      Going on? What's going on? Why wasn't I told there was something going on????

      Was that you volunteering Nad?

      Oh come on +1, you need to make a decision! I know the concept is alien to you, but you know it's only four months to AT5.........

      *sigh* I think the WooHoo Virus has come back - sore throat, croaky voice, raging temperature, and that on top of a really awful day with the kids ........ I've been comforting myself by re-reading parts of a certain interview again....... and again....... and again...... Still can't believe he found it so odd that he wood have fans who see and understand what he does and wanted to let him know that

      Maybe I'll just go to bed and listen to a few commentaries, see if that helps :-)
      Jumble have you ever counted the number of 69's you've had?


      *huggles for the virus* No hazmat suit as I seem to be catching one myself. I can blame Char for that as she has been coughing and sneezing on me for over a week. I had no choice but to catch that bug.
      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      Remember Finding WooHoodStock?

      Yeah, me neither. ;-)
      Anyway, here's another little (and unedited) ...installment. Written in a sudden wave of insanity.

      ''What happens when Helen 'prowls the forums'?''
      ( includes a season 2 ''sleepers'' Tesla spoiler)

      Finding WooHoodStock Part 2

      Finding WooHoodStock

      ~Woo ...Who?!

      He sat behind his laptop, the one he had brought along at her request. The same laptop Nikola had slammed shut the last time she had seen him with it. It was nothing special, not even supporting the latest updates available, but Helen found herself glaring at the piece of technology as if it was about to sprout wings and fly off.
      ‘’Oh, that’s not a very good picture… Who took it anyway?’’
      Nikola glanced at her as she came to stand next to him.
      ‘’And you have no idea how your picture ended up on this website?’’
      He cocked his head and grinned. Helen knew exactly which direction this conversation was taking.
      ‘’I’m famous, Helen. Granted, not as well known as I should be, but still… My face can be found all over the internet. I’m catching up to Edison, even…’’
      ‘’…and he wasn’t very good looking to begin with. From a purely male point of view…’’
      She grunted and rolled her eyes in response.
      ‘’…so, to answer your question: No.’’
      Helen sighed and had to admit to herself that Nikola was making sense. It wasn’t that hard to come across a picture of Nikola Tesla and post it somewhere. But still…
      ‘’I just don’t see why anyone would connect you to the Cult of Martin Wood…’’
      He shrugged as he scrolled back to the posts referring to him.
      ‘’No, me neither…’’
      Helen looked at the screen, still as fascinated as she had been when she was viewing the WooHoodStock thread with Will earlier. The pictures of Nikola were fairly recent. His hair was spiky and there was no moustache. In a clear moment, she finally remembered where she had seen his pose before. The catacombs... She told Nikola and watched how his expression changed.
      ‘’There was no one there, except for our merry gang of smart people. I doubt anyone there would have felt the need to snap a picture of me, no matter how wondrous my entrance was…’’
      The playful expression in his eyes gave away that he was about to add something else and he did exactly that.
      ‘’Although I do wonder about Huggy at times. He’s a little…’’
      He waved his hand in front of his head and Helen ignored it. She had better things to do than defend Will to Nikola. Finding out what secrets WooHoodStock held was her first priority.
      ‘’We need to do some research.’’


      ‘’I’m not naming myself Huggy-1.’’
      Will had taken his place behind Nikola’s chair and was now looking at his boss with a look that was pleading with her to step in. Nikola seemed absentminded, but replied with his eyes glued to the screen.
      ‘’GateWorld requires you to register before posting and therefore… you need a username.’’
      Helen nodded and added to what Nikola said.
      ‘’It’s not like anyone will know who you are, Will. And the forum does advise you choose a name that …suits you.’’
      She stifled a laugh, but Will picked up on her amusement anyway. He shook his head and looked down at Nikola.
      ‘’It’s not my nickname.’’
      The scientist threw him a brief look and, much to Will’s relief, erased the seven characters. Without further questions he stared to type another nickname.
      ‘’Oh, you have go to be kidding m…’’
      ‘’Already pressed enter… Snoopy.’’
      Will looked at Helen yet again, just to find that she was making no effort not to laugh this time. And Nikola speaking up did nothing to improve his mood either.
      ‘’It’s just… Whenever I see you, I think ‘’Snoopy’’.’’
      Will had no idea what it meant and he was sure he didn’t want to know.
      ‘’Magnus got a much better username!’’
      Nikola’s grin was reflected in the screen in front of him.
      ‘’Nah. Helen hates the name ''Cupcakes'', but she just isn’t moaning about it. It’s only a forum…’’
      Will sighed and figured that letting it go would be the wisest choice. For now. There was just one thing he needed to know.
      ‘’And what would your username be, Tesla?’’
      The former vampire turned around so he could face both Will and Helen and pointed at the last.
      ‘’Ask her.’’
      Will noticed the sparkle in Magnus’ eyes. He expected something silly in the line of ‘’Cupcakes’’ or ‘’Snoopy’’. Maybe something more like an inside joke no one would get besides the two of them…
      ‘’It’s Nikola_Tesla.’’
      Will blinked and waited for the punch line. When no one laughed, he blinked again. Nikola nodded and threw both arms in the air, before turning to the screen again.
      ‘’That’s it? Then why do we have weird usernames?’’
      No one responded.

      ‘’…Seriously. Why?’’


      I'm pooped and lost my humour and this ^ just... happened.
      Next up: Our Tremendous Trio meets the WooHoos in the name of research.
      Nad, I just adore you. Can't wait for the next part.
      Originally posted by llp View Post
      Hello all *Waves* to all the woohoos.....but no hugs.....the water heater has broken and I have no hot water therefore no shower or washing of hair!

      Actually, I'm in a real bind. I have to leave the house around 4:15 today and I meeting up with people. I can't go until I have washed not only me, but my very dirty hair. Oh I need hot water so badly.
      So unfair! Less then 3 hours before I need to leave and still not even any luke warm water!:-(
      They are suppose to be repairing it, but they said that around 10 am and it is now 1:25 pm.
      Poor Laurie. *hugs*
      That has happened to me on more than one occassion (love old buildings) and I have resorted to boiling water and putting it in the sink to wash up. Hope they fix it for you in time.


        Huggleees wooohooos!

        I got my PC back, with brand new graphic card Love my tech guy

        I've been on the thread for a little while on the other comp so I pretty much know about the AWESOME INTERVIEW!!!! the AWESOME MARTIN gave You know, even if you didn't like him () I would after the way he treated Jumble and for being so awesome and mentioning her in the article. And he's soooo right! AMANDA IS AWESOME!

        Yes, my vocabulary is extremely limited at this point.

        As for the AT5/Woohoo badge...

        The Devilish Woohoo???

        orrrr... CAN i BEE THE EVIL WOOHOOO??? Cause I am evil!!!

        Look to the left! I'm trying to take over the world!!!!

        And yes... so that's about it.

        lol, or I could be the huggly woohoo...? ooorrr the big bear woohoo cause I love bears? orrr... Idk... *steps away from the woohoos*
        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
          Poor Laurie. *hugs*
          That has happened to me on more than one occassion (love old buildings) and I have resorted to boiling water and putting it in the sink to wash up. Hope they fix it for you in time.
          Sadly they didn't finish it yet. I had to take an extremely cold shower (and I wasn't even camping) and wash my hair. Must say it was probably the quickest shower I have taken as well. Such is life. Oh and this building is only about 5 years what is their excuse!

          And Jumble, what is going on, getting sick AGAIN! Passes over the "Quilt" again. You are beginning to make a habit of this. You better get well quickly. You don't have to catch everything the kids get!

          *Waves to all*


            *waves to woohoos*

            Just got back from the vet. Thank goodness the caps weren't ingrown, just pressing into the pads. She clipped them off and he's good as new. Just needs a little antiseptic wash for a week or so. *phew*

            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
              *hugs Jumble*

              I've just done the stupidest thing - bought Dave some nice mittens for his birthday, colourful fingerless glove type things from Ebay. Forgot to change the address and managed to get them sent to my best friend in Manchester. Anyway, she got them this morning and has been walking around all day racking her brains as to where and whom these gloves have come from whilst I've been wondering why they haven't turned up! I just saw her mention it on Facebook and called her to apologise. Now of course I feel really bad because she thinks someone has sent her a nice present and she has to send them back to me.

              I've resolved myself to buy her some for Christmas. What a prat!!
              Oh, I love stories like this, because if a young 'un like you can do brainless things it makes me feel that any 'senior moments' I might have are perfectly normal and I'm not really just getting old

              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
              1. Jumble, I wish that you were more clear on that first part. I keep getting this feeling that you are trying to tell me something.....
              Shhhhh! You know I can't say too much on here, it's a public forum

              2. Good! I didn't get to do last years.
              Tut tut!
              3. Yes it better to look up than down. When you look down all you see is dirt and other people's chewed up gum.
              Exactly! Look up and see the beauty all around you, see the positive and put the negative into perspective.
              4. It really is a huge part of the battle. He has two great granddaughters that he adores so that alone will make him put up a good fight.
              Ah, grandchildren! I'm sure they were invented just to give us something to fight for

              Jumble have you ever counted the number of 69's you've had?

              Only the memorable ones Actually, if I've got the maths right, I must have had 216

              *huggles for the virus* No hazmat suit as I seem to be catching one myself. I can blame Char for that as she has been coughing and sneezing on me for over a week. I had no choice but to catch that bug.
              *hugs* Bad timing, it's no use you getting sick at the same time as me, because I get priority on The Quilt!

              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
              Huggleees wooohooos!

              I got my PC back, with brand new graphic card. Love my tech guy.

              I've been on the thread for a little while on the other comp so I pretty much know about the AWESOME INTERVIEW!!!! the AWESOME MARTIN gave. You know, even if I didn't like him, I would after the way he treated Jumble and for being so awesome and mentioning her in the article. And he's soooo right! AMANDA IS AWESOME!

              Yes, my vocabulary is extremely limited at this point.
              He does have a way of doing that, but really, when talking about Martin, the only word you really need is AWESOME!!!!!

              As for the AT5/Woohoo badge...

              The Devilish Woohoo???

              orrrr... CAN i BEE THE EVIL WOOHOOO??? Cause I am evil!!!

              Look to the left! I'm trying to take over the world!!!!

              And yes... so that's about it.

              lol, or I could be the huggly woohoo...? ooorrr the big bear woohoo cause I love bears? orrr... Idk... *steps away from the woohoos*
              Well make up your mind, otherwise I'm inclined to go with The Evil WooHoo!

              Originally posted by llp View Post
              Sadly they didn't finish it yet. I had to take an extremely cold shower (and I wasn't even camping) and wash my hair. Must say it was probably the quickest shower I have taken as well. Such is life. Oh and this building is only about 5 years what is their excuse!

              And Jumble, what is going on, getting sick AGAIN! Passes over the "Quilt" again. You are beginning to make a habit of this. You better get well quickly. You don't have to catch everything the kids get!

              *Waves to all*
              *huggles for the cold shower* That's no fun

              I know, it's not fair!

              On the other hand......... if it gets me custody of The Quilt for a night or two, I won't be complaining



                Originally posted by jumble View Post

                He does have a way of doing that, but really, when talking about Martin, the only word you really need is AWESOME!!!!!
                Hehe, true.

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Well make up your mind, otherwise I'm inclined to go with The Evil WooHoo!
                Weeeeeeeeee! So I'm the evil one!!!!

                *runz of skipping*
                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Oh, I love stories like this, because if a young 'un like you can do brainless things it makes me feel that any 'senior moments' I might have are perfectly normal and I'm not really just getting old
                  Well I'm glad there's some positive spin to my stupidity .

                  *huggles Laurie* for cold shower


                    Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

                    Hehe, true.

                    Weeeeeeeeee! So I'm the evil one!!!!

                    *runz of skipping*
                    What wood you like on your AT5/WooHoo badge?

                    Cags -The Handy WooHoo
                    Jumble - Totally Martin's WooHoo
                    MoB - The Baby-Catching WooHoo
                    Josiane - The Deceptively Quiet WooHoo
                    Yessika - The Venezuelan Woohoo
                    Nad - The Ickybah WooHoo
                    Jann - The ‘Innocent’ WooHoo
                    Wendy The Determined WooHoo
                    Josiane – The Deceptively Quiet WooHoo
                    Luvnjack – Joe's Nekkid WooHoo
                    Bekki - The Wonderful WooHoo of Oz
                    Estrela – The Lurking WooHoo
                    Laurie – The Quilted WooHoo
                    Jasmina – The (Ab)Normal WooHoo
                    XFC – The Catalytic WooHoo
                    Sarai – The Dan-Loving WooHoo
                    Bree – Amanda’s WooHoo
                    +1 – The WooHoo that still can’t make up her mind
                    DevilishMe – The Evil WooHoo

                    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                    Well I'm glad there's some positive spin to my stupidity .

                    *huggles Laurie* for cold shower
                    Every cloud has a silver lining I'm becoming an expert on clouds lately - pink fluffy ones mostly


                      *squishy huggles Jumbly*


                        *grabs one of Jumble's pink fluffy clouds and snuggles in deeply* (since I can't have The Quilt )

                        *huggles Laurie* Blimey you're cold! I'd have that quilt back if I were you.

                        I'm going to crawl back into a pit somewhere... well no, I'm not due to Benjabubs who is still ill but well enough to be pestering me to make something complex looking with meccano. I'm not in the mood for concentrating on things.

                        *huggles all Woohoos* just because.


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          *grabs one of Jumble's pink fluffy clouds and snuggles in deeply* (since I can't have The Quilt )

                          *huggles Laurie* Blimey you're cold! I'd have that quilt back if I were you.

                          I'm going to crawl back into a pit somewhere... well no, I'm not due to Benjabubs who is still ill but well enough to be pestering me to make something complex looking with meccano. I'm not in the mood for concentrating on things.

                          *huggles all Woohoos* just because.
                          *tosses The Quilt to Cags* I know you need it more than I do today. Try to concentrate on the good stuff *hugs*
                          Last edited by Jumble; 21 October 2010, 03:37 AM.


                            morning woohoos!

                            I think I know what morning sickness feels like now. The gods are trying to make me a more sympathetic midwife? Blargh.

                            Another busy clinic today. I'm really looking forward to the weekend. This whole working 5 days in a row thing is hard.

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              *runs in flailing* Just wanted to run in and say hi!!! Haven't had time to catch up properly - life is a wee bit crazy at the moment! But I love you all dearly and I will attempt to catch up in a couple of days when I have a chance to breathe!!!

                              All my love and nekkid huggles!!!


                                *waves to MoB and Bekki*

                                Thinking about Cags today, and needing to do something with Martin for the Artwork Challenge, this popped out.....

                                Edit: I must look bad, because the kids' mum took one look at me and told me to take tomorrow off and stay in bed
                                Last edited by Jumble; 21 October 2010, 06:16 AM.

