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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *waves to Bekki*

    Have a good trip Jann, and no learning to swear in Italian

    *squishy huggles Bree and Lisa*


      I miss Nad too *pouts*

      Jumble I won't learn to swear in Italian...I think. I'm going with mom and grandma(three generations)
      The hardest thing is that I probably won't have internet for 4 days *faint* my mother and grandmother talk even more than I do! *double faint* ...poor ears.

      *waves and huggles Bekki

      Poor Dad

      I just asked him for some money to buy some birthday clothes and I need to go to the hairdresser...
      dad: Are you and your mom working together?
      me: Why? What did mom do? (totally innocent although I knew what she did, because she told me)
      dad:she just asked me the same thing. At the end of the day I won't have anything left thanks to you two.
      me: But you want us to look good and not like (someone in our neighborhood who hasn't cut her hair in 9 years and her make up is horrendous)...right?
      dad: Yeah...*glares and gives money* jeans. You already have enough of those...and don't tell your brothers. They get jealous.
      *grins and bounces*

      He's too easy
      Last edited by starlover; 06 May 2010, 03:09 AM.


        But Jann, you were with your thread Mommy and Granny when you learned to swear in English

        @ poor Dad You sure know how to work him


          Since when do I swear in bloody English? *looks all innocent*
          You guys just had a good influence on me *nods*
          but with my RL mom/grandmother that won't happen...I'm not even allowed to curse at home
          I's an art


            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            Since when do I swear in bloody English? *looks all innocent*
            You guys just had a good influence on me *nods*
            but with my RL mom/grandmother that won't happen...I'm not even allowed to curse at home
            I's an art
            Ha! Thread Mommies and Grannies are soooooo much more fun than RL ones

            And bloody GW has unsubscribed me AGAIN!!!


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              Ha! Thread Mommies and Grannies are soooooo much more fun than RL ones

              And bloody GW has unsubscribed me AGAIN!!!
              Yeah...they don't learn me to behave...they try to reverse that process

              GW is annoying atm...since a couple of days it is either not loading for me, not being able to reply, messing my replies up, showing smileys in the wrong places...covering for example very important pictures...and parts of pictures! Overall...I hope they fix all these problems soon.


                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                Yeah...they don't learn me to behave...they try to reverse that process
                Nonono! We were trying to teach you how to behave like a young English lady!

                GW is annoying atm...since a couple of days it is either not loading for me, not being able to reply, messing my replies up, showing smileys in the wrong places...covering for example very important pictures...and parts of pictures! Overall...I hope they fix all these problems soon.
                Plus all this faffing about with the multi-quotes and duplicating posts

                Greg and Darren have got a whole list of things that need fixing, but hopefully they'll work their way through it in time

                I actually feel quite sorry for them. Every time they do something to improve GW's performance they get nothing but complaints. And yes, I admit I was full of angst when the forum layout got changed But now I can't even remember what it looked like before

                Aaaaaaand I'm not getting alerts


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Nonono! We were trying to teach you how to behave like a young English lady!
                  You did...but since when are young ladies behaving?

                  Plus all this faffing about with the multi-quotes and duplicating posts

                  Greg and Darren have got a whole list of things that need fixing, but hopefully they'll work their way through it in time

                  I actually feel quite sorry for them. Every time they do something to improve GW's performance they get nothing but complaints. And yes, I admit I was full of angst when the forum layout got changed But now I can't even remember what it looked like before

                  Aaaaaaand I'm not getting alerts
                  I know how it was before since I saved a screenshot of it LOL but overall I like the lay-out now and can't imagine differently...still I know how much work it is for them but since there are so many members in here you would expect the forum to be immediately good. I prefer it going offline for a day or so and it coming back to work correctly than having problems for over a week and hoping it works after some online changes etc.

                  *hugs again*


                    You did...but since when are young ladies behaving?

                    But at least we can get on, even if it is a bit annoying sometimes. Hate it when it goes off for whole days at a time. I get withdrawal
                    Last edited by Jumble; 06 May 2010, 04:51 AM.


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Well, to be fair I've posted pics of her and her children on FB but they have been in my Family file which family only can see so, really I don't see that as public sharing. I think she does it for the same reason but is just rather more internet naive than I am. On her profile page she has her DOB, names of her hubby, all her kids, their ages, her school, her home, younameit. I don't even have a relationship status on mine!

                      It's my wedding anniversary today. 16 years (and 21 years as a couple)! Wow, how did that happen?
                      And to think we gave ourselves 6 weeks.
                      About FB, I have all those things listed too (except school/home), but I changed my privacy settings for friends only to see those things. I hope, it doesn't show all that.

                      Happy Anniversary! Wow, we have one on almost the same day. Great minds think alike.

                      Boy GW was a pain last night. It was having all kinds of problems and kept kicking me out. If it didn't like me, it could have just told me.
                      I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                        @ Nik, I don't think GW likes anyone atm It's throwing a two-year-old tantrum, and you know how explosive they can be


                          *Walks in*
                          GOOD MORNING WOOHOOS!!
                          *Huggles Woohoos*
                          Well, I survived the three day road trip, the second time around. It feels good to be home, though I'll miss my grandparents...
                          Also, stopped to see my niece and nephew on the way back. They're both getting so big. I can't believe she's almost two. And she's saying some of the cutest things! She'll see someone sad, walk up to them, if they're sitting down she'll pat them on the shoulder and say "Don't worry, it's okay." it's so cute! She's talking in fuller sentences now, and calling the football a football instead of just a ball.
                          *Sniff* They grow up so fast.
                          And she's also getting to that stage where saying goodbye is a big thing. She wanted me to stay and watch tv with her. But we had to go anyway. And my nephew, wow. How he's grown. I got to hold him, he is also so cute!
                          Anyway, how are the Woohoos today?


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            All is very well thanks Just extended the hotel booking to the end of the week

                            Sort of... been picking up a few little things in travel size

                            Why, are you planning to come back to England with me?

                            No, no handcuffs. I believe if you can't get attention with natural charm there's no point in using force

                            *looks around*

                            Joking of course

                            Like I've said many many times, my interest in Martin is purely professional *nods*

                            I miss Nad
                            Professional.....hmmmmmm! hee hee


                              Happy Anniversary, Cags!

                              Valerie, I'm glad you survived!

                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              Since when do I swear in bloody English? *looks all innocent*
                              Jann, that was just brilliant...

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Ha! Thread Mommies and Grannies are soooooo much more fun than RL ones

                              And bloody GW has unsubscribed me AGAIN!!!
                              How rude. I hope the bugs can be fixed soon. Bless them. *hugs*
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                Professional.....hmmmmmm! hee hee
                                You're doubting my admiration for his directing abilities, his sense of humour, his skill with the tool?

                                I'm hurt

