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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Lavender is just to the left of the pool

    Bree let's hope that it is an infection and can be fixed easily *crosses fingers*

    Thanks Nik Oren's fine now but will have a nasty scar on his forehead to show for his tumble Good thing he favours the long-haired hippy look

    Nad hasn't posted since last Friday, although she was lurking earlier

    *hugs Nad*

    Sorry LJ, were not exactly cheering you up are we


      Congrats on the 69 Treknik!!

      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
      I'm trying to make an attempt to clean room/write 3 papers...not going so well.

      *huggles LJ for the bad day*

      Yessika....why is all the rum gone?!

      Good luck at the P/T conferences Nik!

      FV...does it slow down anyone elses browsers? And I have two puppies too. Astra and Sperare (Stars and Hope)
      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
      I wasn't looking

      "But what about the rum?"

      Yes, FV does slow down the browser. When it gets slow you may want to close out, clear your cache and re-login to get it back up to speed. If that doesn't work try a reboot.
      It also slows down when you multitask, as in using PS and FV at the same time since both tend to hog your CPU and RAM.
      "Hide the rum!"

      *huggles to all woohoos who need them*

      *huggles to all woohoos*
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Lavender is just to the left of the pool

        Bree let's hope that it is an infection and can be fixed easily *crosses fingers*

        Thanks Nik Oren's fine now but will have a nasty scar on his forehead to show for his tumble Good thing he favours the long-haired hippy look

        Nad hasn't posted since last Friday, although she was lurking earlier

        *hugs Nad*

        Sorry LJ, were not exactly cheering you up are we
        Oh! Now I see her. I was worried that she got stuck under Stonehenge.

        Maybe Oren will think his scar is cool. Glad that he will be okay. Head injuries are always scary.

        Originally posted by yessika View Post
        Congrats on the 69 Treknik!!

        "Hide the rum!"

        *huggles to all woohoos who need them*

        *huggles to all woohoos*
        I usually hide the rum in my belly. I usually prefer red wine in any and all situations but I do have a soft spot for premium rum. Fortunately for me I don't have the budget.

        Congrats on the 69 Nikki!

        *looks at my own post count...hmmm..*


          Oh I'm sure Oren will wear his scar like a badge But yes, head injuries are always a worry.

          I didn't see a 69

          I did notice you have one looming Bree


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Oh I'm sure Oren will wear his scar like a badge But yes, head injuries are always a worry.

            I didn't see a 69

            I did notice you have one looming Bree
            That's what I was thinking too. Little boys love their scars. Some big boys too

            Maybe Nikki zipped past her 69 too fast for the rest of us to catch it.

            I think my 69 will happen pretty soon.
            *still waiting forever for my 2000*


              *hugs Bree for family*
              *huggles Oren for his ouchy!*
              *huggles Amanda for all her papers and cleaningwork*
              *huggles Nad* for not being here a lot....I heard earlier this week from her that she was having issues logging in at some sites...
              *hugs Nik* for the parent convos! I hope they go well

              * was a lovely day*
              Went to school for a loooooong find out that there was virus on the school network system so we didn't had internet(let the boredom begin), after that had my German speech thingy. Went okay but I got a 6,5 only because I messed "mir" and "mich" up but corrected it afterwards(had two sentences first one was with mir and the next one mich...which confused me because of nerves) but it was a pass non-the-less.
              More important to hear that a good family friend has cancer. They're now finding out if it spread or not...I hope not . And won't be a lot online tomorrow since I need to go to the hospital with dad tomorrow. He's getting a back surgery(hernia).
              Positive side: Got official news from the UTK/USA university and I'm now officially accepted. Let the booking of tickets etc. begin!

              EDIT: oh and the school virus thing was the reason why I wasn't on a lot I had classes till 5:30 pm and was home at 7 pm...had to go to the gym at 8 pm

              *runs out to watch some TV*


                *huggles everyone* Hello

                It seems that some cheering up is in order..... and I have just the thing!

                Aaaaaand, it looks exactly like the chocolate cake I made the other week! Aaaaaaaand I've almost managed to lose the 3lbs I put on eating it Must be time to make another......


                  Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                  That's what I was thinking too. Little boys love their scars. Some big boys too

                  Maybe Nikki zipped past her 69 too fast for the rest of us to catch it.

                  I think my 69 will happen pretty soon.
                  *still waiting forever for my 2000*
                  I edited my 69 post to mention it, but yes, I did zip by it fast.

                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  *hugs Bree for family*
                  *huggles Oren for his ouchy!*
                  *huggles Amanda for all her papers and cleaningwork*
                  *huggles Nad* for not being here a lot....I heard earlier this week from her that she was having issues logging in at some sites...
                  *hugs Nik* for the parent convos! I hope they go well

                  * was a lovely day*
                  Went to school for a loooooong find out that there was virus on the school network system so we didn't had internet(let the boredom begin), after that had my German speech thingy. Went okay but I got a 6,5 only because I messed "mir" and "mich" up but corrected it afterwards(had two sentences first one was with mir and the next one mich...which confused me because of nerves) but it was a pass non-the-less.
                  More important to hear that a good family friend has cancer. They're now finding out if it spread or not...I hope not . And won't be a lot online tomorrow since I need to go to the hospital with dad tomorrow. He's getting a back surgery(hernia).
                  Positive side: Got official news from the UTK/USA university and I'm now officially accepted. Let the booking of tickets etc. begin!

                  EDIT: oh and the school virus thing was the reason why I wasn't on a lot I had classes till 5:30 pm and was home at 7 pm...had to go to the gym at 8 pm

                  *runs out to watch some TV*
                  Now we know how quiet it is when Jann isn't speaking. I must now prepare the warnings over here for Jann's coming.
                  I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                    *runs in nekkid and jumps on the couch*

                    I'm fine! As Jann said, I've been having some computer issues. My laptop had crashed completely and after installing everything again, I seem to have some problems loading certain websites. Unfortunately, GW is the site that gives me the most trouble. It takes me ages, just to get a page to load. I'm trying to lurk, but it's rather difficult. I hope we'll be able to sort it out, life without GW is so empty! .

                    *hugs WooHoos*
                    I miss you guys!
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      Ouch, Nad landed on me!
                      I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                        *waves frantically to Nad*

                        Aw sorry you've had all that hassle But glad you managed to get on and say Hi!


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          *hugs Bree for family*
                          *huggles Oren for his ouchy!*
                          *huggles Amanda for all her papers and cleaningwork*
                          *huggles Nad* for not being here a lot....I heard earlier this week from her that she was having issues logging in at some sites...
                          *hugs Nik* for the parent convos! I hope they go well

                          * was a lovely day*
                          Went to school for a loooooong find out that there was virus on the school network system so we didn't had internet(let the boredom begin), after that had my German speech thingy. Went okay but I got a 6,5 only because I messed "mir" and "mich" up but corrected it afterwards(had two sentences first one was with mir and the next one mich...which confused me because of nerves) but it was a pass non-the-less.
                          More important to hear that a good family friend has cancer. They're now finding out if it spread or not...I hope not . And won't be a lot online tomorrow since I need to go to the hospital with dad tomorrow. He's getting a back surgery(hernia).
                          Positive side: Got official news from the UTK/USA university and I'm now officially accepted. Let the booking of tickets etc. begin!

                          EDIT: oh and the school virus thing was the reason why I wasn't on a lot I had classes till 5:30 pm and was home at 7 pm...had to go to the gym at 8 pm

                          *runs out to watch some TV*
                          *Hugs Jann for no internet* The horror!
                          Congratulations on the official acceptance!!!
                          *whispers to Nikki "the US is about get a bit noisier"*

                          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                          *huggles everyone* Hello

                          It seems that some cheering up is in order..... and I have just the thing!

                          Aaaaaand, it looks exactly like the chocolate cake I made the other week! Aaaaaaaand I've almost managed to lose the 3lbs I put on eating it Must be time to make another......
                          Oma, that was a dream come true. Now if only I didn't have to be so careful of what I eat.
                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          *runs in nekkid and jumps on the couch*

                          I'm fine! As Jann said, I've been having some computer issues. My laptop had crashed completely and after installing everything again, I seem to have some problems loading certain websites. Unfortunately, GW is the site that gives me the most trouble. It takes me ages, just to get a page to load. I'm trying to lurk, but it's rather difficult. I hope we'll be able to sort it out, life without GW is so empty! .

                          *hugs WooHoos*
                          I miss you guys!
                          *squishy huggles Nad*
                          Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                          Ouch, Nad landed on me!
                          *hands Nikki an ice pack*

                          This is my 69 post and I remembered to make it here!



                              Thanks for the ice pack Bree and Congrats on your 69.

                              I just realized Nad jumped on me nekkid.
                              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                                Evening Woohoos!

                                Nik, hope the parent/teacher conferences are going well. Your kids are fine. Honest they are. Don't dwell on what one teacher said. Pht!

                                Huggles Oren, aw he going to have a manly scar. He'll probably love that later on! Huggles Jumble too becuase it's horrible when loved ones go ouchy. Loving the Stonehenge. I want one!

                                Bree, hugs for your SIL. Positive vibes for the best possible outcome for her.

                                Huggles LJ. Your new sig is perfect. Very well put.

                                Huggles Nad for poorky 'puter. *kicks Nad's 'puter*

                                *grabs slic of Oma's cake*

                                Well, yesterday we went to the Natural History Museum in the end which, for those unfamilar with the London museums, is possibly one of the finest looking buildings in the world. In my opinion, anyway. See, look:

                                *takes moment to fangurl Victorian achitechture.*

                                Benjabub's favourite part was the escalator that goes up through the planet ("but it only goes up, mummy; it doesn't come down again like the ones on the trains")...

                                ...which we had to go on twice and the only reason we didn't go round a third time was because, at the top, was the stuff about volcanoes and, as much as I find all that quite fascinating, twice through is quite enough (and, anyway, who needs to know more about bloody volcanoes right now. )

                                I forgot how much I love the museums. We really are so very lucky to have them.

