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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Happy Easter!!!!


      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
      Just looked at the booking confirmation and we choose the seat when we get to the airport at check-in so we'd better get there nice and early! I always get there for 3 hours prior to an international flight anyway *bounces a little*
      Cool Early rising for us that day then

      I can't believe the shipmeet is only 5 days away, I'm so excited!! Wish I was off every day this week too ! Gotta run out and pick Dave up from the station but after that I plan on being here aallllll day

      Happy Easter Woohoos
      *bounces and happy dances*

      It's all so casual when we arrange these things, then suddenly it's here and we're all bouncing with excitement

      No idea how I'm going to keep my feet on the ground during the week leading up to SE


        Jumble and Sarai, you can usually check in and choose your seats online 24 hours before. If you do that, then the morning of the flight will be far less stressful, and also I've found that with online check-in now then if you do leave it until you get to the airport then all the good seats have gone already. And my tips for long haul flights - flight socks (really do make a difference) and lots of water!
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Happy Easter


            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            Jumble and Sarai, you can usually check in and choose your seats online 24 hours before. If you do that, then the morning of the flight will be far less stressful, and also I've found that with online check-in now then if you do leave it until you get to the airport then all the good seats have gone already. And my tips for long haul flights - flight socks (really do make a difference) and lots of water!
            I was wondering about that. Which seats wood you recommend? On the short flights that I've done I've always had a window seat so I can watch the clouds and the landscape, but I'm guessing there won't be much to see on this long flight?


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              I was wondering about that. Which seats wood you recommend? On the short flights that I've done I've always had a window seat so I can watch the clouds and the landscape, but I'm guessing there won't be much to see on this long flight?
              The windows will be closed during the flight so a window seat is fun with landing and taking off but whilst you're in the air you don't notice a lot about it(I didn't even want to close my window but had to...or the curtain of it I mean)
              Also I didn't mind where I sat in the plane(front or back) because it is big enough that bathrooms are nearby The only annoying thing was for me with my window seat that I had to crawl over people everytime I wanted to get something....

              In the end it's just what you prefer!

              Happy Easter Everyone

              *bounces* Just got to hear from work that I don't have to work today! Yahoo!


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                I was wondering about that. Which seats wood you recommend? On the short flights that I've done I've always had a window seat so I can watch the clouds and the landscape, but I'm guessing there won't be much to see on this long flight?
                On the flight over you should be able to see a lot, particularly coming down over Canada. Coming back as Jann says the blinds will be down as it'll be 'night'. I'd say the best seats are right at the back where there's 2 seats by the windows on either side, rather than 3 because the plane narrows. You get a bit more room and then also neither of you have to disturb anyone when you get up to go to the loo, or be disturbed yourself (other than by each other!).

                Edit: Oh, and try and sit on the right-hand side of the plane going and left-hand side coming back, because then your window looks north. If you have a south-facing window you get the sun in your eyes the whole way when you look out
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  On the flight over you should be able to see a lot, particularly coming down over Canada. Coming back as Jann says the blinds will be down as it'll be 'night'. I'd say the best seats are right at the back where there's 2 seats by the windows on either side, rather than 3 because the plane narrows. You get a bit more room and then also neither of you have to disturb anyone when you get up to go to the loo, or be disturbed yourself (other than by each other!).
                  Thanks. I expect Sarai and I will be doing some planning this week-end, so you'll be there to help

                  Edit: Oh, and try and sit on the right-hand side of the plane going and left-hand side coming back, because then your window looks north. If you have a south-facing window you get the sun in your eyes the whole way when you look out
                  Ah, that's a good tip. Woodn't want to have a sun induced migraine on this trip

                  All this talking about it is making it all seem so real


                  It's all very well knowing we're going, and counting down the days, but talking about the actual arrangements is really bringing it home to me that WE'RE ACTUALLY GOING!!!!!!


                  Thanks for your input Jann

                  All you world travellers must be laughing at me


                    Originally posted by josiane View Post
                    Jumble and Sarai, you can usually check in and choose your seats online 24 hours before. If you do that, then the morning of the flight will be far less stressful, and also I've found that with online check-in now then if you do leave it until you get to the airport then all the good seats have gone already. And my tips for long haul flights - flight socks (really do make a difference) and lots of water!
                    Ooh I forgot about online check-in! I'm travelling down to Jumble's the night before so we'll be able to do that together!

                    Great tips guys. Noting everything - really looking forward to planning next weekend!!


                      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                      Ooh I forgot about online check-in! I'm travelling down to Jumble's the night before so we'll be able to do that together!

                      Great tips guys. Noting everything - really looking forward to planning next weekend!!
                      Have you checked your Passport? Apparently Canada insists it has at least six months before it runs out. Mine's ok

                      In fact, it will be nice to have a country stamp in it


                        Yeah I checked that the moment I read about it on the SE thread. Luckily it doesn't run out until 2017

                        And same! I've never been outside the EU so it will be a first!


                          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                          Yeah I checked that the moment I read about it on the SE thread. Luckily it doesn't run out until 2017

                          And same! I've never been outside the EU so it will be a first!

                          My tummy hurts. I think there's a whole swarm of butterflies in there


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post

                            My tummy hurts. I think there's a whole swarm of butterflies in there
                            *huggles* I'll do my best to calm your nerves but I don't think even a whole range of smelling salts wood help

                            *runs off to watch Dr. Who...again*


                              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                              *huggles* I'll do my best to calm your nerves but I don't think even a whole range of smelling salts wood help

                              *runs off to watch Dr. Who...again*
                              I doubt even a general anaesthetic wood help

                              It's not the journey so much (I'm not worried half as much now that you'll be there), it's what happens when we get there.

                              I need to go and lie down

                              Where are all the other WooHoos today? Sitting round the campfire munching chocolate?


                                I'm here!!! Being overloaded with food from my mum She's happy to have me home, hehehe!

                                So, how's everyone's Easter treating them? It's Easter everywhere by now, isn't it?

