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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    CONGRATS ON 2000 Valerie!!!
    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post

      I don't know why, but I think you'll pick option B over option A.
      Originally posted by yessika View Post
      Yay Jumble!!

      I vote for Anderson's
      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      YAHOOO Jumble! good to hear that!

      and I wood suggest Anderson' is just not worth it!
      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
      Yay Jumble, glad to hea things went well!

      And you definitely eat at Andeson's! Hang the cost to the waist line!!
      Thanks And since it seems to be an overwhelming majority vote - Anderson's it is

      Jann that's appalling Why is it that when people go on strike for more money/better conditions it's always the general public that have to suffer?

      Valerie Congrats on the 2000!!!

      Don't be surprised if you can't upload your custom avi just yet. Sometimes it takes a few more posts before you can do it


        Originally posted by yessika View Post
        CONGRATS ON 2000 Valerie!!!
        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Thanks And since it seems to be an overwhelming majority vote - Anderson's it is

        Jann that's appalling Why is it that when people go on strike for more money/better conditions it's always the general public that have to suffer?

        Valerie Congrats on the 2000!!!

        Don't be surprised if you can't upload your custom avi just yet. Sometimes it takes a few more posts before you can do it
        Thanks. Still waiting for the option to come.
        *Huggles woohoos*


          I've got it!!

          *Huggles woohoos*


            Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
            I've got it!!

            *Huggles woohoos*


              *munches chips and salsa* Hey Woohoos.

              Congrats on 2000 posts and your new avi, Val.

              *goes back to procrastinating*


                *wanders in* There was guttery talk a few pages back and I wasn't here! *pouts*

                So going on a bit of a day trip with my cousin's supposed to be 70 and sunny, so it's going to be gorgeous. We're going about 2 -2 and a half hours away, leaving at something like 6:30 am () and going to be there most of the day, we're planning on doing some farm relating things (We're going to Lancaster, PA...lots of farms and things! ), my cousin will die if she gets to feed a baby cow. (Her favorite ever animal for whatever reason ) and we have plans to do lots and lots of shopping! It's going to be soooo nice and gorgeous and I'm really looking forward to it.

                Though I just need to find my camera and sunglasses! *wonders if she should wear Capris tomorrow* Not to mention I have to through a bunch of addresses into yonder GPS.

                Ohhh and I'm on the 6th HP book now. Sooo good. I stayed up till 3:30 am last night finishing the 5th book and reading part of the 6th.

                *huggles all who needs it*

                My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                  Afternoon Woohoos!

                  *happy dances for Jumble and Amanda*
                  *huggles Bree and Yessika*
                  *s at Jann's photos*

                  CONGRATS ON 2000 VALERIE!!!
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Wow, I am finally getting on the internet this late in the afternoon. The weather is beautiful and my kids don't have school today. Registered my daughter for Kindergarten this fall. A full day without the kids, what will I do.

                    I hope it wasn't too painful getting your sutures (stitches?) out, Yessika. I know that was the worst for me.

                    Congrats Jumble on getting more work, now go clean your house.

                    A huge congratulations for Val for reaching 2000 posts in a little under six months. Wow, you post a lot.

                    Have a nice trip, Amanda. Look where you walk on a farm. I learned that lesson the hard way.

                    Big hugs to Bree for her migraine. At least you had a few days without one.
                    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                      Excuse me Nik, but this whole 'I hate housework' conversation started with me saying I'd done mine

                      What will you do all day? Well I'd say enjoy it Then when you get bored, what Cissie said

                      *happy dances off the thread*


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Excuse me Nik, but this whole 'I hate housework' conversation started with me saying I'd done mine

                        What will you do all day? Well I'd say enjoy it Then when you get bored, what Cissie said

                        *happy dances off the thread*
                        I stand corrected, Jumble. That's what I get for coming in all high on sunshine and skimming the thread. Will you ever forgive me?

                        Wait, what did Cissie say? *goes and checks FB* Get a job?! Are you kidding me, that is worse than housework. I have thought about it, but I need a part-time job. This is so I can still drop the kids off at school and pick them up from the bus stop. The work of a mother never ends.
                        I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                          Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                          I stand corrected, Jumble. That's what I get for coming in all high on sunshine and skimming the thread. Will you ever forgive me?
                          Ha! Caught you out didn't I?

                          Of course you're forgiven

                          Wait, what did Cissie say? *goes and checks FB* Get a job?! Are you kidding me, that is worse than housework. I have thought about it, but I need a part-time job. This is so I can still drop the kids off at school and pick them up from the bus stop. The work of a mother never ends.
                          It's hard to find a job that fits into school hours and allows you to be at home during the school holidays

                          Is it normal for children to go to kindergarten full time straight off? In the UK, they normally just go to pre-school for half days.


                            *wakes up* Just fell asleep on the couch Am I already getting to the napping age?

                            Valerie congrats on 2.000 posts WTG!!!! WOOOHOOOO

                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Jann that's appalling Why is it that when people go on strike for more money/better conditions it's always the general public that have to suffer?
                            No idea, but I just heard on the news that they had to stop or at least let the "back up" cleaners do their work. So at least the station is going to be a bit cleaner again and safer!

                            *falls back asleep again*


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Ha! Caught you out didn't I?

                              Of course you're forgiven

                              It's hard to find a job that fits into school hours and allows you to be at home during the school holidays

                              Is it normal for children to go to kindergarten full time straight off? In the UK, they normally just go to pre-school for half days.
                              That is why I thought about putting in an application to the school district, so I can get a job during the school hours. Right now they don't have anything available, but I can still do it to be prepared for anything else that does come up. But my hubby is getting a raise this year after several years of waiting. Yes!

                              This year was the first time our school district did the all day/every day Kindergarten. There are still school districts that do not do it, or will not next year either. I am one of the lucky mothers that will get a full day break this fall.
                              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                                Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                                That is why I thought about putting in an application to the school district, so I can get a job during the school hours. Right now they don't have anything available, but I can still do it to be prepared for anything else that does come up. But my hubby is getting a raise this year after several years of waiting. Yes!
                                Unfortunately those jobs are sought after by a lot of mums, so they're quite hard to get

                                This year was the first time our school district did the all day/every day Kindergarten. There are still school districts that do not do it, or will not next year either. I am one of the lucky mothers that will get a full day break this fall.
                                Our daycare nurseries do full time, but not the proper pre-school nurseries. Pre-schoolers usually start at around 2 yrs 5months, and a full day of education is a lot for them to cope with until they are older. Most infant/primary schools here don't start July/August birthday children full time until the October half term. Until then they just do mornings, which can be a bit of a pain for us childcare providers since we have to keep the afternoon spaces for them, which sometimes means turning down full time children that want to start before October Luckily, I have the spaces to accommodate both of mine that are starting school part time in September.

                                Life can be a little complicated

