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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Well ye-es..... but actually, what fascinates me about The Hive commentary as much as listening to his voice for an uninterrupted 44 minutes, is that he gives so much detail about everything about the ep, and explains it so I can actually understand it
    Hey, that reminds me of the Forsaken commentary with Andy Mikita and Damian! I officially love Andy because he explained that camera trick where the camera stays focused on the person's face but the background seems to zoom in. He said that they start with a camera, on a track, far away from said person but zoomed in enough to get a headshot. Now, there's some sort of new technology that allows for this to be easy...but it was once hard. They had to push the camera forward while zooming out at a somewhat steady rate in order to keep the headshot framed. Now they have a program that zooms out automatically, and it's much easier. Just get a couple of burly guys to push the camera (or a motor that can do it for you ) and you have a ready-made 'weird zooming background' shot!

    Of course, Damian had a couple of good things in that commentary, too, such as when he explained that Joe Mallozzi once met Corin Nemec's mother at a ComicCon, and she ended up giving Joe Krispy Kreme donuts. "And Joe," Damian said, "who's a connoisseur of anything edible...and expensive..."

    Oh, and did I mention the Ethon commentary with Damian and Barclay Hope (who plays Col. Pendergast)? Those two knew each other back in Toronto and played hockey together and played softball with Amanda Tapping (or something like that) and so they had a great time talking about everything but the episode.

    And then there was the Prometheus Unbound commentary with Damian, Andy Mikita again, and Claudia Black, and they were all going to go to an Italian restaurant afterward. You'd never know that Damian's supposedly lactose-free because he mentioned an Italian dish with some sort of delicious CHEESE...but he was being drowned out at the time.

    Oh, yeah, then there was the commentary for The Fourth Horseman Part I, where Damian explained why the two episodes were named the same. "I wanted to call part two The Fifth Horseman," he explained, "but the fifth horseman brings peanut butter cookies, so..."

    And also there's the Trinity commentary with Damian and Martin...Wood, where they both noticed that when Sheppard presses the elevator control at the end he's pressing for a location outside the city and not inside...

    And I really liked... *voice trails off*
    ~the guitarists~


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      We don't get gritters up here either, because the road is so narrow and there are parked cars everywhere, they can't get the lorries through
      Around here there are actually ordinances either against parking on the streets entirely during the winter or alternating which side you can park on so that the streets stay clear for plows...

      And I thought I'd ask here since no one answered me on the art thread: what is the best site for sig rotation?

      Hopefully, this makes sense. I put a bit to much gin in my gin and tonic


        Originally posted by Teal'c_PI View Post
        Hey, that reminds me of the Forsaken commentary with Andy Mikita and Damian! I officially love Andy because he explained that camera trick where the camera stays focused on the person's face but the background seems to zoom in.
        I officially love Andy because he directed Threads.

        Full stop.

        But I agree with you, some of Damian's actual DVD commentaries are phenomenal. And I still remember and smile about that Krispie Kreme comment (every time I see a Krispie Kreme sign).

        EDIT: But you know what I LOVE about Damian? Not only does he write Sanctuary (which is phenomenal (geez, try typign that dunk - TG for spellcheck)) but he's written some of the best Sam-with-Jack post Threads eps, too. The only person who's written her as well since then, IMHO, is Andy McCullough. Coincidence? I think not.


          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          I officially love Andy because he directed Threads.

          Full stop.

          But I agree with you, some of Damian's actual DVD commentaries are phenomenal. And I still remember and smile about that Krispie Kreme comment (every time I see a Krispie Kreme sign).
          I have actually never seen a Krispy Kreme place...but I love the comment anyway

          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          EDIT: But you know what I LOVE about Damian? Not only does he write Sanctuary (which is phenomenal (geez, try typign that dunk - TG for spellcheck)) but he's written some of the best Sam-with-Jack post Threads eps, too. The only person who's written her as well since then, IMHO, is Andy McCullough. Coincidence? I think not.
          Sorry, but I just had to say: it's Alan McCullough. I know that all the names can be confusing, though. I regularly go through the list of writers, directors and producers with a Stargate-loving friend of mine, and at one point instead of saying Michael Greenburg she said Martin Greenburg. (We'd just gone through the directors )
          ~the guitarists~


            *huggles LJ*

            *huggles the woohoos that have turned into snow bunnies* Be careful if you guys are driving! *worries*

            *nods at what Jenn said about parking on the street in snow*

            Around my area, once we get those first few inches of snow it pretty much stays all winter and the snow just keeps adding and adding. We've only had about 5 inches though. I'm dying to get a blizzard...seriously that's pretty much what we all say around here. Don't give us this stupid 5 inch snow give us 2 feet and be done with it!

            So whilst going through and drooling over Jack pics, I found this little gem and thought I'd share...though I'm sure you've all seen it before.

            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


              Dropping an upcoming event invite, just in case you didn't notice my sig
              The Helen/John Shippers cordially invite you to

              At the Helen/John Shipper Thread in the Sanctuary section
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                *Dances through...nekkid* Thank you, Cags, for the loverly pics! *happy sigh*

                It is officially a "high mountain storm" here! Wuhoo! Big, wet flakes of snow! Yeah, wait till I have to drive home in it--then I'll be complaining. But, after years of droubt (is that spelled right?), we really need lots of snow this winter. And...I is JANUARY! It's time for some snow around here!


                  *is jealous of LJ's snow* Can you send some over here to Pennsylvania please? We haven't had a good snow storm in ages...

                  And still going through pictures...and found these two... He is pretty adorable, I will admit...

                  I especially like that first pic.

                  Edit-....I might actually like that pic better then the MW/RDA ones

                  Edit 2- ....okay I really like that first's that sad puppy dog face...and those eyes...and that hair...*melts*

                  My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                  Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                    *is jealous of LJ's snow* Can you send some over here to Pennsylvania please? We haven't had a good snow storm in ages...

                    And still going through pictures...and found these two... He is pretty adorable, I will admit...

                    I especially like that first pic.

                    Edit-....I might actually like that pic better then the MW/RDA ones

                    Edit 2- ....okay I really like that first's that sad puppy dog face...and those eyes...and that hair...*melts*
                    But the second pic is a better shot of the lip!


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      But the second pic is a better shot of the lip!
                      Oh very true....but the first one has the eyes... And the sad puppy dog look....

                      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                        But I cannot nibble upon the sad, puppy-dog look! Therefore, I prefer the lip pic! *looks around for Jumble...runz*


                          Originally posted by Teal'c_PI View Post
                          Sorry, but I just had to say: it's Alan McCullough. I know that all the names can be confusing, though. I regularly go through the list of writers, directors and producers with a Stargate-loving friend of mine, and at one point instead of saying Michael Greenburg she said Martin Greenburg. (We'd just gone through the directors )
                          I knew that... I had had a bit of gin last night The amount of time it took me to write *that* post... lol

                          And, yeah, I still had Mikita on my fron.

                          Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                          Around my area, once we get those first few inches of snow it pretty much stays all winter and the snow just keeps adding and adding. We've only had about 5 inches though. I'm dying to get a blizzard...seriously that's pretty much what we all say around here. Don't give us this stupid 5 inch snow give us 2 feet and be done with it!
                          Wow. You must have just missed the storm we got through here a month or so ago (cause we usually get Minnesota storms before they morph over the lakes). Dropped about 1.5 ft in just about 24 hours... Even having warmed up since then the village is already having to dump excess snow into our lake.


                            Lips? Eyes? Both please I'm being greedy this morning!

                            Ugh...I always hate first days of school after vacation...


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              Around here there are actually ordinances either against parking on the streets entirely during the winter or alternating which side you can park on so that the streets stay clear for plows...

                              And I thought I'd ask here since no one answered me on the art thread: what is the best site for sig rotation?

                              Hopefully, this makes sense. I put a bit to much gin in my gin and tonic
                              Josiane did answer your sig rotator question I'm not bothering anymore, I'm fed up with them constantly being offline

                              Unfortunately there's no way to avoid having cars parked in the street here, but even with them all parked on the one side, and with their wheels up on the path, there's very little room left for large vehicles to get through

                              This is the view from the front

                              You can see how narrow the road is. This is the back garden

                              And it's still snowing!

                              All the local schools are closed and there are people stranded all over Hampshire and Surrey. One lady was trying to take her dog to the vet in Petersfield and got stuck on the A3 ALL NIGHT! This country just cannot cope with snow

                              I'm staying home and feeling very glad that I had the sense to go to the shops yesterday

                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              *Dances through...nekkid* Thank you, Cags, for the loverly pics! *happy sigh*

                              It is officially a "high mountain storm" here! Wuhoo! Big, wet flakes of snow! Yeah, wait till I have to drive home in it--then I'll be complaining. But, after years of droubt (is that spelled right?), we really need lots of snow this winter. And...I is JANUARY! It's time for some snow around here!
                              Glad you're enjoying it


                                *dances back through thread, nekkid* Wood morning, you Awesome Woohoos! I'm up way, way too late! I've been writing, and now I'm a bit loopy. How did it get so late?! Ah well. Have a lovely morning! I'll see you in a few hours!

                                *dances off to bed*

