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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
    *crosses fingers for you as well*

    The website isn't helping either.

    *nods* But he does that when he's not alone as well.
    I get it, it's all in the duration and in the lack of distraction...

    *hugs UK WooHoos*
    *thinks it wood be a good way to get exams cancelled *
    Exactly........ I think I just know that although it's far from my favourite SGA ep, its the commentary that I've listened to most from the whole series

    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    You know what's funny about that? In all the (albiet fairly breif) time I have been on GW, I have only ever really picspammed once and that was it. Not even Sam/Jack and not even on the ship appreciation thread. Ho hum!

    I must admit, part of the reason I love his commentaries so much is because he makes them so interetsing. I like other commentators too, for different reasons, but Martin's are particularly nice to listen to.
    Yesss!!! Interesting, that's what it is.......

    Oh dear.

    *thinks about driving on Friday and hopes roads will be ok.*
    Obviously we'll have to cancel if the forecasts are right No sense in taking risks just for the sake of a Martin vid!

    *thinks about that*

    Nope, I woodn't drive in heavy snow even for that

    I need a bit of shippy help.

    Can anyone think of any particularly shippy (or even just nice Sam/Jack moments that could be shippy in the following episodes.

    The Gamekeeper
    Chain Reaction
    Beast Of Burden
    Last Stand
    The Other Guys
    Avenger 2.0
    Camelot (ok, unlikely to be anything there)

    I am asking this here because it's for my countdown to 2000 posts project. Umm, yes, you've probably noticed a particular relationship between all those episodes. I think I have about 70 moments so need to find another 30 or so in among all those episodes. Gosh that might be hard. I might have to look at using assistant directing and producing credits too...

    Hmm, Benjabubs has just emptied the contents of my top drawer over me - a whole box of staples to pick up. I think he's trying to tell me something. I can't help it if I got bored with driving cars down garrage ramps, can I!
    Just off the top of my head, Avenger has the sparky jump


      Morning Woohoos. Another restless night for me, even though I took a pill! Goodness!

      Woke up this morning to my daughter coughing. Hope it isn't anything yicky!

      I'm glad Joe is alright. Bekki, if you lick his hand, I swear...!


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Much as I admire Damian for his awesome writing and imagination, I really can't stand his constant goofing off. And without Martin there to get things back on topic, no thanks I know these are meant to be fun and are not the ones being done for the dvds, but it wood have been nice (for me at least) to have them a little more about the ep.

        It's the PdL phenomenon, I tell you. The more serious the subject matter, the harder it is for a lot of these guys to be really serious while discussing it...

        Popped over here to post a link to this. It's my post on S/J on how I became a shipper, but I realized it reads just a *little* bit like a love not to TPTB Possibly because I use the word *awesome* a LOT...


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Obviously we'll have to cancel if the forecasts are right No sense in taking risks just for the sake of a Martin vid!

          *thinks about that*

          Nope, I woodn't drive in heavy snow even for that
          I'm fairly used to driving in all sorts of conditions, having been in a job that clocked up 50,000 miles a year at one point. I once drove all the way home from a systems team Christmas do in Bridgwater with the world's worst hangover in the driving drain. I mean seriously bad coming horizontal and fifteen miles an hour on the motorways bad. And as for the hangover; courtesy of the guy who lined up about 7 or 8 tequila slammers on a bar and challenged me to do them all at once. Back in the day I would never back down from a challenge. (I once ran through the streets of Hounslow wearing nothing but a Fireman Sam quilt cover and my skivvies to win a game of Dare. ) These days I am a little more select about the manner in which I chose publicly humiliate myself.

          Hmm, back on topic... of course I will be no judge because even if we get snow right here in our little warm hub of West Londoness it's never even slightly as bad as it is only a few miles up the road. So I will look out for the forecasts carefully. If it's that bad I won't come *cries* but if it's passable, I will come but take it easy (and probably love it because no other idiot will be out there and, actually, snow can be quite good fun to drive in. ).

          Just off the top of my head, Avenger has the sparky jump

          Oh yes, of course! Forgot that. Thanks.

          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
          Morning Woohoos. Another restless night for me, even though I took a pill! Goodness!

          Woke up this morning to my daughter coughing. Hope it isn't anything yicky!

          I'm glad Joe is alright. Bekki, if you lick his hand, I swear...!

          *huggles LJ's little lady for the (hopefully not) lurgy*

          *huggles LJ for insomnia*
          It's a horrible thing, I know. I've never yet found a suitable cure...umm, apart from... umm, see above and I certainly can't be doing that and being left in charge of a youngster.
          Actually that's not quite true. I tried meditation once which did help a bit. And counting sheep sort of worked for a while. But, you don't just count them; you have to do a kind of guided imagary process along with breathing techniques - kind of visualise the field they are in and the pen you are gathering them in in great detail - right down to the flowers and the grass and the water trough at one end - and then examine each and every sheep as they enter the pen...see how they walk, how long their wool coat is... do they have a long tail or a docked one? Have they any owner markings? Black or white face, horns? ... honestly, you'll be so bored by the third sheep you'll be away.

          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

          It's the PdL phenomenon, I tell you. The more serious the subject matter, the harder it is for a lot of these guys to be really serious while discussing it...
          I don't mind the larking about a bit, but there are one or two combinations on commentaries that just drive me mental. PDL and Gary Jones, love 'em though I do, I just can't listen to for more than five minutes. PDL with the right other person/s can be ok. At the other end, you get the ones who are all technical. The Grace commentary was a huge disapointment to me because, while I know it was a lot of techhy stuff in the episode to mention (and beautiful it was too) there was almost no mention/ speculation whatsoever of what on earth was going on in the actual story - I like to hear the stories about how they fleshed out X scene or cut X line or changed this or that... or even what the commentators opinion on what a certain scene meant. I think that's why I like Martin best; because he does give you all of that and the technical, and has a bit of a laugh without being overly crude. And he always allows the others to talk, or prompts them too. He's a great facillitator.

          *wonders if I should stop fangurling Martin now?*

          Popped over here to post a link to this. It's my post on S/J on how I became a shipper, but I realized it reads just a *little* bit like a love not to TPTB Possibly because I use the word *awesome* a LOT...
          I am loving all the how I became a shipper stories. I am almos tempted to save them for reference.
          Awesome is a word I hardly ever used prior to finding this thread. Now I use it all the time. Because it's true.


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            I'm fairly used to driving in all sorts of conditions, having been in a job that clocked up 50,000 miles a year at one point. I once drove all the way home from a systems team Christmas do in Bridgwater with the world's worst hangover in the driving drain. I mean seriously bad coming horizontal and fifteen miles an hour on the motorways bad. And as for the hangover; courtesy of the guy who lined up about 7 or 8 tequila slammers on a bar and challenged me to do them all at once. Back in the day I would never back down from a challenge. (I once ran through the streets of Hounslow wearing nothing but a Fireman Sam quilt cover and my skivvies to win a game of Dare. ) These days I am a little more select about the manner in which I chose publicly humiliate myself.

            Hmm, back on topic... of course I will be no judge because even if we get snow right here in our little warm hub of West Londoness it's never even slightly as bad as it is only a few miles up the road. So I will look out for the forecasts carefully. If it's that bad I won't come *cries* but if it's passable, I will come but take it easy (and probably love it because no other idiot will be out there and, actually, snow can be quite good fun to drive in. ).

            Oh yes, of course! Forgot that. Thanks.
            I live at the top of a hill, as you know, and when it snows it's a nightmare to get up and down, and it takes forever to melt (the road has only just cleared from what we had before Christmas ). So if it snows heavily in the next two days I won't be going anywhere I go by the rule that if I haven't got a life or death reason to drive in it, I don't!

            But we'll keep an eye on it and see if it's really going to be as bad as they say

            *huggles LJ's little lady for the (hopefully not) lurgy*

            *huggles LJ for insomnia*
            It's a horrible thing, I know. I've never yet found a suitable cure...umm, apart from... umm, see above and I certainly can't be doing that and being left in charge of a youngster.
            Actually that's not quite true. I tried meditation once which did help a bit. And counting sheep sort of worked for a while. But, you don't just count them; you have to do a kind of guided imagary process along with breathing techniques - kind of visualise the field they are in and the pen you are gathering them in in great detail - right down to the flowers and the grass and the water trough at one end - and then examine each and every sheep as they enter the pen...see how they walk, how long their wool coat is... do they have a long tail or a docked one? Have they any owner markings? Black or white face, horns? ... honestly, you'll be so bored by the third sheep you'll be away.
            Hmmm.. All that detail, huh? Now you've given me an idea..............

            I don't mind the larking about a bit, but there are one or two combinations on commentaries that just drive me mental. PDL and Gary Jones, love 'em though I do, I just can't listen to for more than five minutes. PDL with the right other person/s can be ok. At the other end, you get the ones who are all technical. The Grace commentary was a huge disapointment to me because, while I know it was a lot of techhy stuff in the episode to mention (and beautiful it was too) there was almost no mention/ speculation whatsoever of what on earth was going on in the actual story - I like to hear the stories about how they fleshed out X scene or cut X line or changed this or that... or even what the commentators opinion on what a certain scene meant. I think that's why I like Martin best; because he does give you all of that and the technical, and has a bit of a laugh without being overly crude. And he always allows the others to talk, or prompts them too. He's a great facillitator.
            *wonders if I should stop fangurling Martin now?*
            That's it, exactly what you want in a commentary......... plus the voice of course



              It's snowing here too! Only a little covering so far but it's still coming down so fingers crossed we get some proper stuff by morning

              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              Martin isn't on the Sleepers podcommentary

              Cags asked which shot in Small Victories was created in Photoshop, so now that I've managed to find it again (I got distracted, ok? I blame Martin) it's this one

              "This was made on the US version of Photoshop. We took the PS and created our own interface and thought, what could you do if you had infinite dollars with PS? "

              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              Well, I called the caseworker today, but just got the voicemail. *sigh* why do they make it so difficult? Really. I want to adopt two brothers--ages 3 and'd think that wouldn't be so hard, but it SO is!
              (((((LJ))))) It all sounds very silly, too many rules getting in the way when really all you want to do is make some kids happy and make yourself happy along the way Fingers crossed for you!

              on the computer funnies and on the DB thunkage
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                *waves to Josiane*

                I just popped down to Sainsbugs to grab a few essentials, just in case the weather gets really bad, and.............. the shelves were EMPTY Not a slice of bread to be had, although I didn't actually want any but still, it was a bit of a shock to find virtually nothing in the shop! I guess the threat of 25cm of snow tonight has made everyone panic-buy


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  *waves to Josiane*

                  I just popped down to Sainsbugs to grab a few essentials, just in case the weather gets really bad, and.............. the shelves were EMPTY Not a slice of bread to be had, although I didn't actually want any but still, it was a bit of a shock to find virtually nothing in the shop! I guess the threat of 25cm of snow tonight has made everyone panic-buy
                  Oh my goodness
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    *waves to josiane*

                    i just popped down to sainsbugs to grab a few essentials, just in case the weather gets really bad, and.............. The shelves were empty Not a slice of bread to be had, although i didn't actually want any but still, it was a bit of a shock to find virtually nothing in the shop! I guess the threat of 25cm of snow tonight has made everyone panic-buy

                    Paranoid much?


                      Aaaaaaaaaand we have six inches of snow, and still falling

                      I was going to change my sig and avi, but they seem somewhat appropriate atm


                        So you know that procrastination thing that I always do? Remember how I said one day it would get my in did.

                        I had to skip one of the secret santa exchanges in LJ, and of course I'm feeling so guilty about it because today was the last day and of course my muse completely and utterly *died* and I wait till the last day to message the mod about it and she's obviously ticked...or at least she sounded like it. I had signed up really late so I got one that no one had gotten...and it was for a smutty fic...and I can't write smutty fic...I was going to try but...

                        Anywho the guilt is *so* getting to me. *sighs*

                        *hugs woohoos because*

                        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Aaaaaaaaaand we have six inches of snow, and still falling

                          I was going to change my sig and avi, but they seem somewhat appropriate atm
                          Wow! It's really coming down fast here now too, but still only a couple of inches. Just went out to take a look - I love the quiet hush of falling snow

                          This is outside my flat, right now:
                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith



                            Hun, you're trying to do too much. With school and RL and all the LJ comms you have on your back something has to give. *hugs*

                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Aaaaaaaaaand we have six inches of snow, and still falling

                            I was going to change my sig and avi, but they seem somewhat appropriate atm
                            We had around that much this morning... It melted in a few hours.


                              There is no snow here
                              I love all commentaries funny or serious and the best is to get one funny and one serious for each ep
                              *huggles whoohoos*
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                We have no snow.
                                We have a white substance falling out of the sky which looks, feels and tastes like snow, but when on the floor freezes and either turns into an icky mush or slippery ice. Life in here does not stop. It crunches.
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

