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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    It's -16C up in Scotland *throws hot water bottles at Rob's family*

    For some reason, I really like this one...


      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
      Happy 4th Day of Martinmas!!!!!!

      I'm back see!!!
      *huggles Dee* Good girl

      Yes, you have to be a little careful when posting particularly thunky pics. Some of us have weak hearts you know

      oh... my... freaking... god! To say that I'm disgusted by feet is an understatement and then licking, toes, hubbahubba yyyyuuummm?????? *runs away*


      Gosh Nad... only you!

      Wonderful art everyone!
      Don't knock it till you've tried it


        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          *huggles Dee* Good girl

          Yes, you have to be a little careful when posting particularly thunky pics. Some of us have weak hearts you know

          Don't knock it till you've tried it
          *goes to throw up*

          Ahem... you were saying?
          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            It's -16C up in Scotland *throws hot water bottles at Rob's family*

            For some reason, I really like this one...

            It's Martin. What's not to like
            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


              Dee! You've frosted him Niiiice!

              I am, of course, assuming that it's frosted icing Yum!

              I snurched this one from Achaja


                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                It's Martin. What's not to like
                True........ but I was meaning the artwork

                Some sigs I love, some I hate, most are somewhere in the middle

                This one is ok-ish

                This one I love

                This one I adore (from Oma)


                  Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                  I think that's my favorite group of artworks you've ever made Jumble. And you're right... they're cute!
                  I agree. It is awesome Jumble

                  Ugh...I hate grocery shopping in general, but doing it the day before christmas Certainly since in here the shops won't be opened for 3 days and thus everyone is getting as much as possible!

                  I really should open PS and make something for Martinmas now! I feel a bad woohoo by not doing anything yet!


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Dee! You've frosted him Niiiice!

                    I am, of course, assuming that it's frosted icing Yum!

                    Yes... icing... now I'm hungry

                    You know when people with great design skills play with Selective Colors? Like Jasmina or Jan or well basically anyone on the ARt thread, and they get awesome coloring. Me? I go straight for Neutrals, Whites and Blacks.

                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    True........ but I was meaning the artwork

                    Some sigs I love, some I hate, most are somewhere in the middle

                    So did I And these are beautiful too!
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      I agree. It is awesome Jumble

                      Ugh...I hate grocery shopping in general, but doing it the day before christmas Certainly since in here the shops won't be opened for 3 days and thus everyone is getting as much as possible!

                      I really should open PS and make something for Martinmas now! I feel a bad woohoo by not doing anything yet!
                      That's coz you are bad bad woohoo Kidding hon. You're busy, and trying to get stocked for the next 3 days is not exactly fun. Try not to forget the bread. I always do.
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        I nearly read a spoiler! Oopsie daisy!

                        22 minutes till Christmas!!! Woohood


                          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                          That's coz you are bad bad woohoo Kidding hon. You're busy, and trying to get stocked for the next 3 days is not exactly fun. Try not to forget the bread. I always do.
                          Got it! The bad thing is I'm not even home for those three days I needed to get the stuff for my brother(s)...I think I got everything though...Food(breakfast/lunch/dinner), snacks, drinks etc. stuff for the party Saturday...I think I got everything

                          Yay for Christmas


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            I agree. It is awesome Jumble

                            Ugh...I hate grocery shopping in general, but doing it the day before christmas Certainly since in here the shops won't be opened for 3 days and thus everyone is getting as much as possible!
                            I can never understand why people waith till Christmas Eve to do their grocery shopping (no offense intended ). Why? I stocked up my fridge, freezer and wine rack at the beginning of this week, when nobody else was shopping It seems like some people buy enough food to last a month, when the shops will be open again in a couple of days Christmas is just mad

                            I really should open PS and make something for Martinmas now! I feel a bad woohoo by not doing anything yet!
                            Yes you should!

                            There's still plenty of time, that's why we stretch it over 12 days

                            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                            Yes... icing... now I'm hungry
                            Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick! Mmmmm....

                            You know when people with great design skills play with Selective Colors? Like Jasmina or Jann or well basically anyone on the ARt thread, and they get awesome coloring. Me? I go straight for Neutrals, Whites and Blacks.
                            Not me, I'm pretty useless with Selective Colouring I rely on textures and gradients to colour things, plus duplicating layers and using screen and overlay a lot

                            So did I And these are beautiful too!
                            Thanks I sooo love that one that Oma made for my 10000 postmark. Seems like only last week.............


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post

                              Yes you should!

                              There's still plenty of time, that's why we stretch it over 12 days
                              Hmmm, I really should to

                              Will try and get something done today


                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                I nearly read a spoiler! Oopsie daisy!

                                22 minutes till Christmas!!! Woohood
                                So Bekki, you didn't tell us how it went when you saw your 'friend' the other day. Spill!!

