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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by starlover View Post
    Awww...but so true *huggles*

    what if they open the suitcase?!?! Can I claim innocence then?

    You could claim innocence, yes. It's whether or not they would believe you...

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    *empties wine bottle* Yep, I guess that's why I'm still awake

    Sometime in the summer probably....... July? August? Er....... if I'm still alive after my trip to Vancouver

    Oooookaaaaaay...... I'm going to bed. See y'all tomorow

    *hugs WooHoos*

    *huggles Martin to bits because we've ignored him all day *

    *looks at sig and avi*

    Oh dear
    *hugs* Sleep well!

    And Jumble you jinxed my internet by mentioning the time, it stopped working for a while there.
    Made by the lovely Jakie


      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

      You could claim innocence, yes. It's whether or not they would believe you...
      They wood...they think Nad put herself in it then...I know it...

      and poor Nad isn't even here to defend herself!


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        They wood...they think Nad put herself in it then...I know it...

        and poor Nad isn't even here to defend herself!

        She will see this, and then she will no doubt comment.

        Though I think she would take it as a compliment that you want to smuggle her into another country, no?
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

          She will see this, and then she will no doubt comment.

          Though I think she would take it as a compliment that you want to smuggle her into another country, no?

          If I don't try it I have the feeling some woohoos will kill me*looks scared around*

 know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again.


            Originally posted by starlover View Post

            If I don't try it I have the feeling some woohoos will kill me*looks scared around*

   know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again.
            I don't think they would kill you That wouldn't be very hippy or WooHoo like at all

            You'll all make it one day!
            Made by the lovely Jakie


              Hi everyone! Glad you liked my stuff

              I had a vaguely interesting experience today. Had to take a semi-long drive, and when I was about 3/4 of the way there I saw this white brick building with a front and side entrance. There was some huge sign over the front entrance, but the side entrance had a smaller sign, one of those thick plastic ones that isn't neon but lights up at night anyway. And what did that sign say, in nice swirly white letters??


              By the time I was heading back the sun had set, but for some reason it (I mean the sign) wasn't lit up. I wonder what was behind that door...

              (On that same trip, I also saw a BMW convertible that looked incredibly like Damian's! )
              Last edited by Teal'c_PI; 04 November 2009, 06:05 PM.
              ~the guitarists~



                Nad in a suitcase?
                How... I...

                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                  Haha... when my parents were going overseas when my twin and I were 4, we spent hours just inside the front door curled up with our hands clasped over our heads so we would look like suitcases with handles and they would accidentally take us to London with them. Didn't work. Looking back, that had to be the most boring game ever... we were weird.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    OMG I'm soooo excited, because I could definitely make it to Leeds! I know I can do that. I proved that.

                    Last week, I passed a personal milestone of my own and managed to travel all by myself. On a train. I know it doesn't sound impressive, but to me it was a huge deal. And something I haven't done in almost two years. Actually the last time I travelled anywhere on my own was to meet Jann and B in The Netherlands in Oct 2007, just before the accident. I would've probably managed it sooner if I had made it to the other shipmeets, but fitting in the travel wouldn't have worked, and all sorts could've gone wrong.

                    I'm rambling, but I do that when I start bouncing.
                    Yay! Little steps are big milestones.

                    I wasn't around when you had your accident (and I'm not gonna pry and ask about it - I'm sure you don't need it all dredging up) but it sounds like it's been a long road back to normality so you really do deserve to pat yourself on the back and be proud of all your acheivements.


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Oh WOW! That's awesome! I know the problems you've had with travelling, so I appreciate what a huge thing that is for you! Well done

                    At the last shipmeet, Cags came down just for the day, whilst Josiane, Sarai and Oma stayed a couple of days. It was AWESOME to have so much time together Next summer we're hoping to go down to Cornwall to visit Oma Actually meeting our fellow Woohoos, Shippy Hippies, S/J Shippers is utterly amazing

                    *wishes I could go to Leeds*

                    *wonders if best friend will still be living in Lincs then and if she'd mind eversomuch if I stayed at hers and then used her as an unpaid baby sitter... hmm, maybe not.*

                    *wishes I was around in 2007 for that first meet*

                    And Jumble, you so should travel as much as you can. I won't be cliche and say Michael would have wanted it... well actually it's not a cliche because I am sure it is true. There are many ways that people can live on in our memories and it is the gifts they leave us that make it easier to bear the loss.


                    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                    *is completely jealous* Okay one of these days you all need to come over here to my neck of the woods!

                    I can do that! Absolutely... umm, money aside.


                    Now do as Jumble suggests and use the time you have to write that English paper.

                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    Haha... when my parents were going overseas when my twin and I were 4, we spent hours just inside the front door curled up with our hands clasped over our heads so we would look like suitcases with handles and they would accidentally take us to London with them. Didn't work. Looking back, that had to be the most boring game ever... we were weird.

                    I bet your parents were thrilled at how quiet and still you were being.
                    Twins are wierd. My brother and me used to play a game caleld "Jeans Factory" where we'd pretend to be pieces of denim being turned into pairs of jeans. We'd dive under the sheets of my parent's bed and sort of churn about.

                    Originally posted by Teal'c_PI View Post
                    Hi everyone! Glad you liked my stuff

                    I had a vaguely interesting experience today. Had to take a semi-long drive, and when I was about 3/4 of the way there I saw this white brick building with a front and side entrance. There was some huge sign over the front entrance, but the side entrance had a smaller sign, one of those thick plastic ones that isn't neon but lights up at night anyway. And what did that sign say, in nice swirly white letters??


                    By the time I was heading back the sun had set, but for some reason it (I mean the sign) wasn't lit up. I wonder what was behind that door...

                    (On that same trip, I also saw a BMW convertible that looked incredibly like Damian's! )
                    It sounds like you need to start a "Signs You Are Obessed With Sanctuary" thread. Umm, not that I'm suggesting you are obsessed or anything... Hmmm, maybe a little.

                    : Self Indulgent Whinge Warning :

                    You know, I am really fed up with this lurgy now. Benjabubs has woken up three times a night all week because of the cough, I feel like I am having a blooming stroke every time I cough (which is all the time) because it's moved from my throat to my chest. Oh joy. We have been confined to the house for a week and I am going stir crazy. I can't even go over my parents because, although they'd normally be ok with us being a bit lurgied, they have one of my brothers there, convalescing from major abdominal surgery (which has gone septic, apparently, and another due to have his brain biospy on Monday who absolutely cannot come down with anything or they'll postpone for whoknowshowlong.
                    Flipping autumn lurgy.

                    Ooooh enough of the whinging and feeling sorry for myself. On the plus side, I got carried away last night an ended up creating a JumbleSim. She's met MartinSim and they seem to be getting along okish at the moment. I'm going to spend the day trying to get Martin to get it on with her. I shall report back later with progress.

                    *wonders whether I ought to create a whole WoohooSim family?*




                      I sometimes really wish I could hug each and everyone of you in person.

                      ...Even if you talk about putting me in suitcases.

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Haha... when my parents were going overseas when my twin and I were 4, we spent hours just inside the front door curled up with our hands clasped over our heads so we would look like suitcases with handles and they would accidentally take us to London with them. Didn't work. Looking back, that had to be the most boring game ever... we were weird.

                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      I bet your parents were thrilled at how quiet and still you were being.
                      Twins are wierd. My brother and me used to play a game caleld "Jeans Factory" where we'd pretend to be pieces of denim being turned into pairs of jeans. We'd dive under the sheets of my parent's bed and sort of churn about.

                      : Self Indulgent Whinge Warning :

                      You know, I am really fed up with this lurgy now. Benjabubs has woken up three times a night all week because of the cough, I feel like I am having a blooming stroke every time I cough (which is all the time) because it's moved from my throat to my chest. Oh joy. We have been confined to the house for a week and I am going stir crazy. I can't even go over my parents because, although they'd normally be ok with us being a bit lurgied, they have one of my brothers there, convalescing from major abdominal surgery (which has gone septic, apparently, and another due to have his brain biospy on Monday who absolutely cannot come down with anything or they'll postpone for whoknowshowlong.
                      Flipping autumn lurgy.

                      Ooooh enough of the whinging and feeling sorry for myself. On the plus side, I got carried away last night an ended up creating a JumbleSim. She's met MartinSim and they seem to be getting along okish at the moment. I'm going to spend the day trying to get Martin to get it on with her. I shall report back later with progress.

                      *wonders whether I ought to create a whole WoohooSim family?*

                      And do! do! You can do a daily update and turn it into a soap opera!
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Haha... when my parents were going overseas when my twin and I were 4, we spent hours just inside the front door curled up with our hands clasped over our heads so we would look like suitcases with handles and they would accidentally take us to London with them. Didn't work. Looking back, that had to be the most boring game ever... we were weird.
                        Awwww. It may have been boring, but it's completely cool and imaginative. Such a shame it didn't work.

                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        Yay! Little steps are big milestones.

                        I wasn't around when you had your accident (and I'm not gonna pry and ask about it - I'm sure you don't need it all dredging up) but it sounds like it's been a long road back to normality so you really do deserve to pat yourself on the back and be proud of all your acheivements.

                        Thank you

                        It was a serious accident, and I won't talk about it (not because of dragging it up) but because when it's described, people never know what to say and plus, it's depressing for others. I am so relieved that I achieved that, and other things, because I was so afraid I would be trapped.

                        : Self Indulgent Whinge Warning :

                        You know, I am really fed up with this lurgy now. Benjabubs has woken up three times a night all week because of the cough, I feel like I am having a blooming stroke every time I cough (which is all the time) because it's moved from my throat to my chest. Oh joy. We have been confined to the house for a week and I am going stir crazy. I can't even go over my parents because, although they'd normally be ok with us being a bit lurgied, they have one of my brothers there, convalescing from major abdominal surgery (which has gone septic, apparently, and another due to have his brain biospy on Monday who absolutely cannot come down with anything or they'll postpone for whoknowshowlong.
                        Flipping autumn lurgy.

                        Ooooh enough of the whinging and feeling sorry for myself. On the plus side, I got carried away last night an ended up creating a JumbleSim. She's met MartinSim and they seem to be getting along okish at the moment. I'm going to spend the day trying to get Martin to get it on with her. I shall report back later with progress.

                        *wonders whether I ought to create a whole WoohooSim family?*


                        *hugs* I'm sorry you're ill. I had a similar thing last month and the coughing kept me awake at night, too. I hope you feel better soon. If it's what I had, it won't be too long.

                        I like the idea of a WooHooSim Family
                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Wood morning, Woohoos. *yawn* Any cereal left? *wanders off to kitchen*


                            *yawns* Have just slept for 14 hours. I think my body has just done a total 180. Hate working nights.

                            EDIT: Not that I was working, was moshing at Muse in Sheffield (). But still...

                            Went on a mutinous job search today. Annoyingly found loads of jobs with which pay significantly more than mine and have normal working hours. *cries*

                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            I love... Foo Fighters
                            *Hopes Sarai gets the reference, because no-one else will*
                            is it bad that Resolve is now my favourite FF song because of WW?!!

                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            *sigh* I wish Sarai wood stop branding the poor man!


                            *giggles* I just can't help it !

                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            OK girls, my turn to need the collective awesome advice of the Woohoos on the thorny topic of men

                            Spoilered for length and rambliness and for being really self-involved

                            Just gonna tenth, eleventh, twelfth (?) what everyone has said Josi! You don't have to surrender yourself to the mercy of this guy! Can't believe he's just swanning back into your life and asking to meet up, probably because he's just growing up and has discovered how guilty he feels about the break up. In all seriousness just say no. As Jumble said, you can't go through life and please everyone, no matter how hard you want to, and sometimes to make yourself feel better will make someone else feel worse. If that makes any sense .

                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            Josi, just tell him no. You aren't required to give him a reason/excuse. You don't want to meet up with him. Period. Just because you don't hold resentment toward him doesn't mean you have to be his best friend. You are well within your Powerful Woman rights to tell him he's pushing too hard and to back the *naughty word* off.
                            Exactly !

                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            Oh, how's this. In The Sims, when a couple get together and, ahem, play naked pretzel shall we say, the game term for this is to "Woohoo" I just about died laughing when I realised this.
                            OMG, can't believe I've never realised this before!!

                            *dies laughing*

                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            I'm sorry Wendy, but Stuart's desserts just cannot be called 'puddings' They are exquisite works of art, they woo your tastebuds and make them explode in ecstasy........

                            Ok, that sounds wrong But seriously, just ask Sarai and Josiane if I'm right

                            They really are...

                            And on the subject of the shipmeet, can we get a date list going of dates people can't do. I know we've sporadically done this through PMs etc, but I'm getting confused !

                            March 27th/28th -
                            April 3rd/4th - EASTER
                            April 10th/11th -
                            April 17th/18th -

                            Also, Wendy you HAVE to come ! And by all means, bunk up here!


                              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                              *yawns* Have just slept for 14 hours. I think my body has just done a total 180. Hate working nights.

                              EDIT: Not that I was working, was moshing at Muse in Sheffield (). But still...

                              Went on a mutinous job search today. Annoyingly found loads of jobs with which pay significantly more than mine and have normal working hours. *cries*

                              is it bad that Resolve is now my favourite FF song because of WW?!!

                              *giggles* I just can't help it !

                              Just gonna tenth, eleventh, twelfth (?) what everyone has said Josi! You don't have to surrender yourself to the mercy of this guy! Can't believe he's just swanning back into your life and asking to meet up, probably because he's just growing up and has discovered how guilty he feels about the break up. In all seriousness just say no. As Jumble said, you can't go through life and please everyone, no matter how hard you want to, and sometimes to make yourself feel better will make someone else feel worse. If that makes any sense .

                              Exactly !

                              OMG, can't believe I've never realised this before!!

                              *dies laughing*


                              They really are...

                              And on the subject of the shipmeet, can we get a date list going of dates people can't do. I know we've sporadically done this through PMs etc, but I'm getting confused !

                              March 27th/28th -
                              April 3rd/4th - EASTER
                              April 10th/11th -
                              April 17th/18th -

                              Also, Wendy you HAVE to come ! And by all means, bunk up here!

                              I can swap shifts if I have enough warning. I have nothing planned for that time of year, so I'm willing to go when everyone is available to go. So, if we know the date in enough time, I can just go to my lovely manager (who owes me, actually) and she will help me if it falls on any of my shifts.
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post

                                And on the subject of the shipmeet, can we get a date list going of dates people can't do. I know we've sporadically done this through PMs etc, but I'm getting confused !
                                March 27th/28th - Can do
                                April 3rd/4th - EASTER
                                April 10th/11th - Can do Preferred choice
                                April 17th/18th - Can do

