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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Sanctuary bloopers


      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post

        Oh... oh they're fab. I love AT's Essex girl accent. Love it.

        I have to get out and buy that box set NOW!

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        Aww....(((Cags hubby))) The Poor man's got competition!

        And that is so cute! I love little kids...their just so sweet and innocent. I want like 4 of them Until that is we go into a store and there throwing a temper tantrum!
        Nah, he knows I may dream about other men but I am all his.

        I wanted a big family when I was younger. I have 4 brothers (incuding one who is my twinnie) and always just sort of assumed I'd have a whole bunch of kids myself. Life didn't turn out that way though and, barring a miracle, Benjabubs will be my only child. But, you know, I cherish every single moment with him and I'm determined he won't miss out on anything because he's essentially growing up an only child. I guess... *sigh*... it's such a hardship but I'll just have to be the one who gets down on the floor and plays with the Lego and Scalextirx along with him instead.


          So I was thinking it wood be nice for Michael to know how much we're thinking of him, by doing what we did for Jumble when she had her accident So anyone want to make some corny poems or Amanda art for him???? PM it all to me and I'll put it all together for Jumble to take to him
          Last edited by Oma-1; 15 September 2009, 01:34 PM. Reason: typos typos and more typos :rolleyes:


            Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
            So I was thinking it wood be nice for Michael to know how much we're thinking of him, by doing what we did for Jumble when she had her accident So anyone want to make some corny poems or Amanda art for him???? PM it all to me an I'll put it all together for Jumble to take to him
            Excellent idea! I'll do some art! we want to make AT art for him? Wood that make Jumble unhappy?


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              Excellent idea! I'll do some art! we want to make AT art for him? Wood that make Jumble unhappy?
              Send them over and then run for your life!


                Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                So I was thinking it wood be nice for Michael to know how much we're thinking of him, by doing what we did for Jumble when she had her accident So anyone want to make some corny poems or Amanda art for him???? PM it all to me and I'll put it all together for Jumble to take to him
                Fantastic idea Oma Will see what I can do
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  *giggles* No, it's ok, I got Jumble's permission She did say not to put Martin in though...


                    *nods* I'm up for it!
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      Well if Jumble says it's ok, I'm in. *runs to PS*


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        Tell him you'll read his fanfic if he reads yours! ROFL!
                        I rather do another game that looks a lot like that

                        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                        Because I have a few plot bunnies you could use Jann! And that would be so cute aww!
                        He's not really the writer kind of person...although I could use him for a funny fic(he's really funny)

               comes we're hearing about this guy now? You wait till now to tell us?

                        since this has already been going on for over two weeks...

                        and I mention it

                        It was funny though on the moment he found out I liked SG(not something I promote in RL to be honest)...he saw the background on my computer and was like "Stargate sg1"...which I replied " favorite show...I love it"(in a shy way) ...and he's like "I loved that show" .... *sigh*

                        Blue eyes...dark hair...yum...

                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        On the finding partners who like sci fi. My stepson met his wife via a Star Wars fan forum. It's their first anniversary in a little under a month.
                        My hubby is a sci fi fan by default. He has very little choice married to me (although the other day when my little Benjabubs said "Jack loves mummy" I did get a bit of a filthy look. I guess I will have to stop thunking RDA so openly in front of him.)

                        Speaking of things kids say - and I have to share this because I melted when he said it - Benjabubs told me I was "the goodest mummy in the whole wide world." tonight. Aww... awww. I love my little man so so much.
                        That's a nice story(of your stepson)...although I will never do that thing again ( rather bad experience IMHO) ...and I think the older people of GW know him.

                        And your son sounds sooo cute I want one a few years

                        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                        Yay...thanks for the link!


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          and more (((((Jumble & Micheal)))) huggles too. (Thanks for the update LJ).

                          On the finding partners who like sci fi. My stepson met his wife via a Star Wars fan forum. It's their first anniversary in a little under a month.
                          My hubby is a sci fi fan by default. He has very little choice married to me (although the other day when my little Benjabubs said "Jack loves mummy" I did get a bit of a filthy look. I guess I will have to stop thunking RDA so openly in front of him.)

                          Speaking of things kids say - and I have to share this because I melted when he said it - Benjabubs told me I was "the goodest mummy in the whole wide world." tonight. Aww... awww. I love my little man so so much.
                          More hugs for Jumble and Michael from me too...

                          re the bolded part... and I have to say my kids are the same 'Mummy loves Rick' is a regular comment whenever I'm caught watching Stargate or

                          And awww, your little one says the nicest things


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            I rather do another game that looks a lot like that

                            He's not really the writer kind of person...although I could use him for a funny fic(he's really funny)


                            since this has already been going on for over two weeks...

                            and I mention it

                            It was funny though on the moment he found out I liked SG(not something I promote in RL to be honest)...he saw the background on my computer and was like "Stargate sg1"...which I replied " favorite show...I love it"(in a shy way) ...and he's like "I loved that show" .... *sigh*

                            Blue eyes...dark hair...yum...

                            <snipped for space>
                            Gotta love a guy with a sense of humor

                            You forgot? I'm shocked Jann, completely shocked

                            I don't really promote it in RL either...except in my English class () but then again I don't talk to anyone really in school I'm painfully shy and quiet and don't really like to talk all that much

                            Aww! Sounds so cute

                            Speaking of guys I had an OMW moment today! (That's 'oh my word' by the way ) My cousin's boyfriend was teasing me a lot () and I was like 'Wow...he's really cute' and then realized 'OMW! He's my cousin's bf cannot be thinking like that'
                            Last edited by Regularamanda; 15 September 2009, 02:08 PM.

                            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                              Oma when are you planning on sending the stuff me make to Jumble to give to Michael?

                              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                                Gotta love a guy with a sense of humor

                                You forgot? I'm shocked Jann, completely shocked

                                I don't really promote it in RL either...except in my English class () but then again I don't talk to anyone really in school I'm painfully shy and quite and don't really like to talk all that much

                                Aww! Sounds so cute

                                Speaking of guys I had an OMW moment today! (That's 'oh my word' by the way ) My cousin's boyfriend was teasing me a lot () and I was like 'Wow...he's really cute' and then realized 'OMW! He's my cousin's bf cannot be thinking like that'
                                Oh yeah. Guys need humor!

                                He's also a rare to find...coz he likes making dinner *does happy dance*

                                Erm...well...I talk about it a LOT in RL so I mention it in here...certainly with all the stuff that was going on it felt outta place!

                                (((Amanda)))...I'm the girl that is always talking to everyone moment I am geeking out about computers and the next I'm reading a fashion magazine with some of the girls (we have the September issue of Vogue at our disposal needs to be "read")
                                As for promotion on sci-fi...*shrugs*...I don't know why I don't do it, but probably because I don't wanna be seen as a geek(which many girls from my class assosiate it with)

                                ((((Amanda))) you'll meet your guy soon I'm sure of it! and perhaps when your cousin breaks up with know...try to hook up with him!

