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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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      Hey guys! How goes it tonight? I jus realized that i'm going to be out of town for valenship! *cries* Don't have too much fun without me ok guys?

      Originally posted by petite_stars View Post
      Is anybody able to translate this into another language for me?

      Everyone loves a wedding
      Meant to be

      Any language!
      My french is a little iffy, but...

      Chacun aiment un mariage

      Meant to be:
      il est predestine
      (that translates to 'it's meant to be' in french... but I couldn't think of anything closer...)
      Too cool for a signature.


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        "Photo manipulations. All manipulations must be appropriate for all ages. This means no compromising positions, no nudity, and all manipulations must be in good taste (at the sole discretion of the moderators). This excludes manips that create two actors kissing, or the like. If they haven't kissed in real life, we don't want pictures of them kissing here. Putting a person's head on another person's body is also inappropriate."

        Clear as mud The wedding pics are apparently allowed, but the cute little Grace fairy was banned

        I usually avoid using manips, they make me feel uncomfortable if they are made to look real. Teal'c in a tutu was hilarious and so obviously not real

        Maybe I'm just being defensive of S/J being messed around with

        Edit: Josiane, maybe you just like to be consulted so you can show off your amazing language skills *bows to Josiane's multi-lingual tongue*
        *tear* My poor little Grace/shameless self promotion fairy! May she RIP!

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        ROFL, not quite Only properly know French & German, though I've dabbled in quite a few others Hence my choice of Italian and Middle High German, though I'll grant you that last one was a bit cheaty I might ask Bekki for some Indonesian for my third attempt though
        Oooh, do! Hit me up for some Bahasa I need an excuse to dust off that area of my brain! Seriously, what person NOT living in Indonesia actually needs that language?

        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        Hey y'all! I need a translation.

        you fill me up,
        you're in my veins
        a look could take my breath away
        and all these things, you give away
        sometimes i take for granted
        it's just like poetry inside to hear you breathing by my side
        like i'm in heaven and i've died
        so glad you're with me for this ride

        Any and all languages welcome! I haven't decided which to use yet...

        Woof! I know Josi's already done it, but...every one loves a weird language right? I'm on it!

        And for my second challenge sig (which actually fulfills the challenge this time )

        With Luvnjack's beautiful background (I fell in love with it)

        And the text means "through the looking glass" translated by Josiane, the Amazing


          Ok - one translation for Luvnjack coming up...

          you fill me up,
          you're in my veins
          a look could take my breath away
          and all these things, you give away
          sometimes i take for granted
          it's just like poetry inside to hear you breathing by my side
          like i'm in heaven and i've died
          so glad you're with me for this ride

          Kamu mengisi ku
          mu di dalam urat darah halus
          satu kelihatan bisa mengambil nafas ku
          dan semua benda ini, kamu memberi
          kadang kadang, saya lupa
          mendengar mengafas disamping ku seperti puisi
          seperti saya di sorga dan meninggal
          Saya senang karena mu dengan ku untuk perjalannan

          Woof - I'm very out of practice!


            Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
            Hey guys! How goes it tonight? I jus realized that i'm going to be out of town for valenship! *cries* Don't have too much fun without me ok guys?

            My french is a little iffy, but...

            Chacun aiment un mariage

            Meant to be:
            il est predestine
            (that translates to 'it's meant to be' in french... but I couldn't think of anything closer...)

            Ooooh french! Thank you


              Okay, I made a sig with French on it...Please tell me I'm right!!!

              It's supposed to say: We are the leaves of one branch, the drops of one sea, the flowers of one garden.

              See what I did there? Flowers as a border, the ocean/sea as the background, and the leaves falling into/onto the water. Well, I thought it was pretty ingenious, lol!!!

              EDIT: Pretty/Angsty sig Bekki! I love it!

              EDIT2: And I didn't make a pink sig this time!!!! Of course, it's blue, which is my other signature color, lol...
              Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                EDIT2: And I didn't make a pink sig this time!!!! Of course, it's blue, which is my other signature color, lol...
                we'll let you off since you are making a signature Nice Job Kim, the french looks good to me but I haven't done french in about 5 years so..
                sigpicMy Fanfic


                  Noooooooooooo! Luvnjack don't show me how to make fonts *tries to avoid looking at fonts tut*

                  I tweaked the sig I made for Kliggins, she preferred the RDA pic on the left to the one I had. I think she's right.........

                  Any other UKers snowed in? I'll need a shovel from the shed to remove enough snow to get into the shed It's about three feet deep


                    *sneaks in*



                    *sneaks out*
                    ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                      No Snow The downside of living in a valley next to the sea.

                      *iz jealous of everyone with snow*

                      Someone make a snowman and take a pic for me? Pleeeeeeeeeeease!

                      Edit: To be slightly on topic: I'll make some S/J artwork with it


                        Oma no snowman from me sorry, I just went out in this.........


                        ...........managed to get into the shed and feed the guinea pigs and grab a shovel to dig my poor bunny out of this double hutch.............


                        .........but definitely not bothering to dig this out..........


                        ........because I've just slipped up and landed on my butt

                        Good thing it's well padded
                        Last edited by Jumble; 02 February 2009, 02:04 AM.


                          I think you should stick inside where it's safe and dry and non-slip, Jumble - you've had enough time in hospital lately!

                          The snow is falling thick and fast in London again atm - I'm so childishly excited it's a bit embarrassing. Got a nice shot of the Tate on my way in, though - but forgot to bring a card reader in so it's stuck on my camera til I get home!


                            Oh believe me, if it were not for the animals needing food and water I wood've stayed snuggled up inside. The joys of having pets I've given them loads, so I won't need to out again today


                              Woah jumble, I've never seen any snow! Thats insane! lol


                                That's really nothing compared to what they get in America and Canada, it's just in this country we rarely see more than an inch or two of snow, so this is major They've put out an 'Extreme Weather Warning' and told everyone to stay at home Like I need telling

                                *back to PSing for Valenship*

