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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
    Yeah, see? You can speak French
    I might understand it, speaking it is a whole other issue

    Of course I can say 'Je t'aime' and 'Voulez-vous couchez avec moi se soir?' but that's probably too much information............
    Last edited by Jumble; 31 January 2009, 03:13 PM.


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      I might understand it, speaking it is a whole other issue

      Of course I can say 'Je t'aime' and 'Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?' but that's probably too much information............

      but we know that's not true, as you just translated Senedra's sig
      sigpicMy Fanfic


        Originally posted by Solo View Post
        Okay, per Josiane's request - the tut for
        Fabulous tut and the sharpening suggestion you mentioned earlier is brilliant too. I'd never heard of lomo before but the technique is soooo interesting. I've been playing around with it on my vacation pictures and impressing my family with it. I'm going to just let them think I'm a whiz at this a bit longer before I confess I'm still very much a student.

        Originally posted by humanityspotential View Post
        I'm going into my local computer store tomorrow to buy PS which I'm really happy about. To celebrate, I was going to make another Sam/Jack sig but it ended up just being Jack.
        First of all WELCOME!
        Secondly, NEVER apologize for just Jack. Just keep them coming. *sigh* Where was I again? Oh yes. I love this one.

        Originally posted by petite_stars View Post
        I've started my challenge sig and that is MUCH more fluffy...

        I played around a bit more than usual with the colour balance and hue/saturation tools. I didn't realise what handy things those were!!! And I wonder if there is a limit to the number of brushes I can have in gimp... I'm fast burning up my disk space with pretty gimp brushes!! lol
        You can't really be a beginner at this can you? Very nice!

        Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
        ok this is my first stab, not really sure about it, it started out as a sig and that *really* didn't work
        Well the wallpaper sure works. This is lovely.

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Fainne that heart behind the text is just a brush
        Yep. I think it's from this set which someone else (thank you!) posted earlier:

        Originally posted by humanityspotential View Post
        Beautiful WP Aveo!!

        I decided that seeing as I set out to make a Jack/Sam sig I might as well get off my lazy butt and do it.
        So pretty! I love the background.

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        And here's my first, ever-so-slightly angsty attempt:
        I'd say that's more than just slightly angsty. *sob*

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        Argh. My second idea (the one that came to me in glorious technicolour and I can just see in my head) is just not translating into gimp I've just spent about an hour fiddling and it's not working

        I fear I may have to start all over again
        (((Josiane))) Oh don't stop now. I'm sure it'll come to you later. I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me.

        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        Here's a great site for translating stuff.
        Thank you!!!!!

        Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
        awesome challenge this gonna be cool i'm gonna do spanish and italian ... if someone needs a portuguese liryc just tell me, although it is very boring things on RL aren't going good so i'll try to be here always as possible...
        (((Rachel-Kree))) Hang in there. We're all thinking good thoughts for you. And I'd love some Portuguese lyrics. Although I can understand a fair amount of the language I really can't speak it. Is that cheating or can I still do something for the challenge in Portuguese?

        Oh Jumble you make me smile. I wish I could be as inventive as you are the way you can get Martin into all of your artwork.

        Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
        Great stuff jumble Really, Martin in the widding pic lol.

        I finished my challenge sig, I'm just afraid I liked it more without the pic
        I think the background goes very nicely with this picture. Great job!

        Time to go try my hand at this week's challenge. Jumble I need your ingenuity right now. I'm always second guessing what goes together in my artwork.


          Originally posted by Estrela View Post
          Oh Jumble you make me smile. I wish I could be as inventive as you are the way you can get Martin into all of your artwork.
          Thanks, but it's pretty easy when you have nothing else on your mind, and on your wall, and on your laptop.............

          I think the background goes very nicely with this picture. Great job!

          Time to go try my hand at this week's challenge. Jumble I need your ingenuity right now. I'm always second guessing what goes together in my artwork.
          Believe me, it sometimes takes me hours to get the right pics on the right background Other times it all just falls into place *sends ingenious vibes to Estrela*


            Estrela, I'm so pleased! I LOVE lomo photography, and I was so excited when I found that tut a year or so ago. It means I don't need to use the crappy plastic lomo lens I bought for my DSLR two years ago, and can take proper pics with my lovely lenses and lomo-fy them later if I want to - it's great fun, and I'm glad you're enjoying it!

            (((Rachel_Kree))) - I hope things get better soon, hon


              Jumble I love your two artworks for the challenge. The second one is hilarious

              SeNedra really, really beautiful work!!

              I decided to try and challenge myself and make a WP, using the same text as my sig.

              I managed to work out how to fix the text, finally.
              Last edited by humanityspotential; 31 January 2009, 07:37 PM.


                Thanks HP Lovely wp, beautiful background


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Thanks HP Lovely wp, beautiful background

                  The background consists of about 13 different layers and took me ages so I'm glad someone likes it


                    Well worth the effort I'd say


                      HP, it's gorgeous! There's just something I noticed - when you look at the larger version, the final letter on the smaller text is "i", but on the larger version the "i" is missing.. not sure if it's important The background is fantastic and I love those fonts together


                        Originally posted by Solo View Post
                        HP, it's gorgeous! There's just something I noticed - when you look at the larger version, the final letter on the smaller text is "i", but on the larger version the "i" is missing.. not sure if it's important The background is fantastic and I love those fonts together
                        I don't know why it did that. I tried to fix it and it wouldn't work so I just left it. I don't know whether it's the font or just the extremely ancient version of PS I'm using. It's one of the reasons I put the clearer font on top, because you could see the 'i'


                          D'oh Well, chances are nobody else will notice - I'm just a word geek.. *whistles innocently and scuffs sand over her previous comment*


                          My mum's making me rosella jam for my sister-in-law to bring back from Oz when she's home in a few weeks. Hip hip hurraaaaay


                            Love the challenge artwork... for some reason, the writing in another language looks all the more romantic...

                            Humanityspotential... your stuff is wonderful, very beautiful creations

                            So I've just found out how to make gifs...!!! I used some icons I made a few weeks ago. This was my first attempt. Only two layers... but I'm going to be more adventurous next time



                              Dropping off my challenge sig for the week. For those of you who understand French, please let me know if the translation is right?

                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Ok - so I might have forgotten the 'wedding picture' part of the challenge this week, but I haven't made something in aaaaages, so I'm proud of it anyway

                                The text at the bottom means: "we were together, I have forgotten the rest"


