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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    I need sleep... I need to dream of beautiful psychologist and kick-ass Athosian. I need to have plenty of adventures in and around Atlantis. I need to kick Wraith butt and race my puddlejumper around the planet.

    Alright you can go as far as REM sleep. Then it's time to get back and wield some Anti mojo.
    sig made by me


      Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
      As for the less humor, ITA. What little humor is there, is done in bad taste, i.e. Zelenka ogling Carter's chest. Come on.
      Make it dark, I am all for it, but in the darkness to survive one must have humor.
      Apart from being sleep deprived, I'm on no drugs at the moment...and I think you're making loads of sense.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
        Alright you can go as far as REM sleep. Then it's time to get back and wield some Anti mojo.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          You know it's funny how reading one little thing can completely throw you off of a show. So about a week ago I was reading JM's blog when I came across this

          PG15 writes: “I thought the Replicator Aurora class ships were kind of weaker than their Lantian cousins in BAMSR. They barely fired any drones and their shields seemed to have come down really fast.”

          Answer: Two points - 1. The weapons systems on the Earth ship have been upgraded following the events of Unending. 2. The replicator Aurora-class ships are very good replicas of their original Ancient counterparts. But they are not the originals.
          My first reaction, WTF?! Right so the Asgard (one of the most powerful races in the stargate universe) spend a whole year developing perhaps one of the most powerful weapons we've seen and then the primitive Earthlings come along and upgrade it.....yeah right.

          Now about the Asurans, so throughout their entire time on the show we were told they imitated the ancients and through what we saw they did it to the max and moreso. All seemed good with them, their technoloy fit the bill and is what I expected from the ancients until BAMSR roles around. Suddenly their Aurora class ships can't match upto their creators and are just cheap knock-offs, again.....yeah right.

          The point of this is, it's shown me how little thought and effort TPTB are putting into the show now, they're making more plotholes than ever then trying to cover their mistakes with crap explanations. I've noticed a steady decline in the effort put into our enemies on the show, making both their intelligence and military might weaker to make Earth look great. I'm tired of it now, I prefer SG-1 when they used stealth and clever tactics to defeat the enemies, not this dumb 'Lets blow them up with our big weapons and use simple tactics that our supposedly vastly superior enemy could never counteract'. What I loved was the clever ideas, the thought that went into it, now it's just simple ideas that are somehow doing the job. I'll admit the method of defeating the Asurans was clever but I mean it's nothing like what they used to do, for example the Asurans was basically stick them all together and blow them up, old days example, Earth lures Apophis' fleet to a planet, use a stargate to make the sun go supernova, timed perfectly, sun destroys most of the fleet (even hat didn't g completely to plan). Maybe it's just me though, anyway I doubt I'll be watching the rest of season 4 or 5 because of these reasons, rant over .


            Originally posted by kirmit View Post
            You know it's funny how reading one little thing can completely throw you off of a show. So about a week ago I was reading JM's blog when I came across this

            My first reaction, WTF?! Right so the Asgard (one of the most powerful races in the stargate universe) spend a whole year developing perhaps one of the most powerful weapons we've seen and then the primitive Earthlings come along and upgrade it.....yeah right.

            Now about the Asurans, so throughout their entire time on the show we were told they imitated the ancients and through what we saw they did it to the max and moreso. All seemed good with them, their technoloy fit the bill and is what I expected from the ancients until BAMSR roles around. Suddenly their Aurora class ships can't match upto their creators and are just cheap knock-offs, again.....yeah right.

            The point of this is, it's shown me how little thought and effort TPTB are putting into the show now, they're making more plotholes than ever then trying to cover their mistakes with crap explanations. I've noticed a steady decline in the effort put into our enemies on the show, making both their intelligence and military might weaker to make Earth look great. I'm tired of it now, I prefer SG-1 when they used stealth and clever tactics to defeat the enemies, not this dumb 'Lets blow them up with our big weapons and use simple tactics that our supposedly vastly superior enemy could never counteract'. What I loved was the clever ideas, the thought that went into it, now it's just simple ideas that are somehow doing the job. I'll admit the method of defeating the Asurans was clever but I mean it's nothing like what they used to do, for example the Asurans was basically stick them all together and blow them up, old days example, Earth lures Apophis' fleet to a planet, use a stargate to make the sun go supernova, timed perfectly, sun destroys most of the fleet (even hat didn't g completely to plan). Maybe it's just me though, anyway I doubt I'll be watching the rest of season 4 or 5 because of these reasons, rant over .
            Excellent post.

            JM merely confirmed in his blog that the Asgard were killed off and discarded so they could have an easier way of explaining the obvious lack of thought they put into their product.

            Early SG-1 was far better than any SGA ep I have ever seen and even with the excuse of "we had 2 shows to write for" no longer an issue they still don't seem to get it.

            The big bad ships, the alien tech, the lack of a solid story arc over all degrades the show and has morphed it into something that is not Stargate.

            SGA is now a bad knock off of Star Trek...meaning star trek is better and I'm not a trekky.

            I liked Stargate because we (earth) didn't have all the gadgets, gizmos and alien tech. No beam in and out tech, no Earth ships and certainly no space battles pitting Earth battle cruisers against alien mother ships.

            tptb just don't seem to understand that they are losing more viewers than gaining due to this cheap knock off of Star Trek.

            If I wanted to watch deep space battles with big, honking, earth ships I would watch Star Trek.
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              Originally posted by kirmit View Post
              You know it's funny how reading one little thing can completely throw you off of a show. So about a week ago I was reading JM's blog when I came across this

              My first reaction, WTF?! Right so the Asgard (one of the most powerful races in the stargate universe) spend a whole year developing perhaps one of the most powerful weapons we've seen and then the primitive Earthlings come along and upgrade it.....yeah right.

              Now about the Asurans, so throughout their entire time on the show we were told they imitated the ancients and through what we saw they did it to the max and moreso. All seemed good with them, their technoloy fit the bill and is what I expected from the ancients until BAMSR roles around. Suddenly their Aurora class ships can't match upto their creators and are just cheap knock-offs, again.....yeah right.

              The point of this is, it's shown me how little thought and effort TPTB are putting into the show now, they're making more plotholes than ever then trying to cover their mistakes with crap explanations. I've noticed a steady decline in the effort put into our enemies on the show, making both their intelligence and military might weaker to make Earth look great. I'm tired of it now, I prefer SG-1 when they used stealth and clever tactics to defeat the enemies, not this dumb 'Lets blow them up with our big weapons and use simple tactics that our supposedly vastly superior enemy could never counteract'. What I loved was the clever ideas, the thought that went into it, now it's just simple ideas that are somehow doing the job. I'll admit the method of defeating the Asurans was clever but I mean it's nothing like what they used to do, for example the Asurans was basically stick them all together and blow them up, old days example, Earth lures Apophis' fleet to a planet, use a stargate to make the sun go supernova, timed perfectly, sun destroys most of the fleet (even hat didn't g completely to plan). Maybe it's just me though, anyway I doubt I'll be watching the rest of season 4 or 5 because of these reasons, rant over .
              I thought they were going to explain the overall lack of planetary defense, and the weaker Auroras as some sort of sabotage conducted by RepliWeir's gang. Guess I was wrong...

              But yeah, when a PTB tries to fill plot holes on his personal blog (to no effect), something ain't right.

              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
              Early SG-1 was far better than any SGA ep I have ever seen and even with the excuse of "we had 2 shows to write for" no longer an issue they still don't seem to get it.
              The first season of SGA was very good, actually. Things got worse when TPTB started bringing Stargate Command elements (problems) to SGA from season 2 onwards. Unfortunately, they continue to do so to this very day. Even SG-1 characters are being brought now.


                Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                Hey while I was napping this afternoon, I had one of those half sleep/half awake dreams, and saw Shep sitting with us on the couch.
                Shep wants Lizzie back

                Was everyone fighting to seat next to Shep. lol.
                My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                  Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                  Shep wants Lizzie back

                  Was everyone fighting to seat next to Shep. lol.
                  Surprisingly it was only the two of us.
                  sig made by me


                    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                    hee hee, they did give me good drugs though, which is good.

                    As for the less humor, ITA. What little humor is there, is done in bad taste, i.e. Zelenka ogling Carter's chest. Come on.
                    Make it dark, I am all for it, but in the darkness to survive one must have humor.
                    Maybe it's my drugs talking?
                    I'm drug-free and you're making sense to me.

                    Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                    You know it's funny how reading one little thing can completely throw you off of a show. So about a week ago I was reading JM's blog when I came across this

                    My first reaction, WTF?! Right so the Asgard (one of the most powerful races in the stargate universe) spend a whole year developing perhaps one of the most powerful weapons we've seen and then the primitive Earthlings come along and upgrade it.....yeah right.

                    Now about the Asurans, so throughout their entire time on the show we were told they imitated the ancients and through what we saw they did it to the max and moreso. All seemed good with them, their technoloy fit the bill and is what I expected from the ancients until BAMSR roles around. Suddenly their Aurora class ships can't match upto their creators and are just cheap knock-offs, again.....yeah right.

                    The point of this is, it's shown me how little thought and effort TPTB are putting into the show now, they're making more plotholes than ever then trying to cover their mistakes with crap explanations. I've noticed a steady decline in the effort put into our enemies on the show, making both their intelligence and military might weaker to make Earth look great. I'm tired of it now, I prefer SG-1 when they used stealth and clever tactics to defeat the enemies, not this dumb 'Lets blow them up with our big weapons and use simple tactics that our supposedly vastly superior enemy could never counteract'. What I loved was the clever ideas, the thought that went into it, now it's just simple ideas that are somehow doing the job. I'll admit the method of defeating the Asurans was clever but I mean it's nothing like what they used to do, for example the Asurans was basically stick them all together and blow them up, old days example, Earth lures Apophis' fleet to a planet, use a stargate to make the sun go supernova, timed perfectly, sun destroys most of the fleet (even hat didn't g completely to plan). Maybe it's just me though, anyway I doubt I'll be watching the rest of season 4 or 5 because of these reasons, rant over .
                    I get so focused on what they're doing to mess with the characters I like, sometimes I don't notice the flaws in the universe they created. Interesting post. Maybe that's the plan, to get us so up in arms about frakking with the characters that we'll overlook the other problems.


                      Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                      Hey while I was napping this afternoon, I had one of those half sleep/half awake dreams, and saw Shep sitting with us on the couch.

                      i hope you feel better soon ((hugs)) but having a dream like that must of helped a little

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                        If I send Seven you'll beg for those tubules .

                        *Sending jeri out the door *
                        *activates lightsaber* You won't assimilate anyone

                        Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                        p.s. My back is still in pain, left side still numb. Stupid drs. don't know what's wrong. I blame lack of Weir in S4!
                        Hope you get well soon

                        Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                        Bed? What's that? No sleeping for the antis. It's a 24/7 duty!
                        Unless it's an anti-bed, where FH can sleep with...

                        Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
                        There's a lot less humor in season 4 than in previous ones, I think. Maybe that goes along with their darker tone, but I also think some of the humor just falls flat, too. They had a much better balance of humor/drama in previous seasons.
                        The Zelenka ventilation-crawling was the best scene I've seen in S4 (so far)

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        I need sleep... I need to dream of beautiful psychologist and kick-ass Athosian. I need to have plenty of adventures in and around Atlantis. I need to kick Wraith butt and race my puddlejumper around the planet.
                        You can always create an OC and incorporate her in your fanfictions

                        Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                        You know it's funny how reading one little thing can completely throw you off of a show. So about a week ago I was reading JM's blog when I came across this

                        My first reaction, WTF?! Right so the Asgard (one of the most powerful races in the stargate universe) spend a whole year developing perhaps one of the most powerful weapons we've seen and then the primitive Earthlings come along and upgrade it.....yeah right.

                        Now about the Asurans, so throughout their entire time on the show we were told they imitated the ancients and through what we saw they did it to the max and moreso. All seemed good with them, their technoloy fit the bill and is what I expected from the ancients until BAMSR roles around. Suddenly their Aurora class ships can't match upto their creators and are just cheap knock-offs, again.....yeah right.

                        The point of this is, it's shown me how little thought and effort TPTB are putting into the show now, they're making more plotholes than ever then trying to cover their mistakes with crap explanations. I've noticed a steady decline in the effort put into our enemies on the show, making both their intelligence and military might weaker to make Earth look great. I'm tired of it now, I prefer SG-1 when they used stealth and clever tactics to defeat the enemies, not this dumb 'Lets blow them up with our big weapons and use simple tactics that our supposedly vastly superior enemy could never counteract'. What I loved was the clever ideas, the thought that went into it, now it's just simple ideas that are somehow doing the job. I'll admit the method of defeating the Asurans was clever but I mean it's nothing like what they used to do, for example the Asurans was basically stick them all together and blow them up, old days example, Earth lures Apophis' fleet to a planet, use a stargate to make the sun go supernova, timed perfectly, sun destroys most of the fleet (even hat didn't g completely to plan). Maybe it's just me though, anyway I doubt I'll be watching the rest of season 4 or 5 because of these reasons, rant over .
                        That explanation was bad and JM should feel bad for delivering it

                        Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                        I thought they were going to explain the overall lack of planetary defense, and the weaker Auroras as some sort of sabotage conducted by RepliWeir's gang. Guess I was wrong...
                        Are you mad? That would require TPTB to think! That they never do

                        Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                        The first season of SGA was very good, actually. Things got worse when TPTB started bringing Stargate Command elements (problems) to SGA from season 2 onwards. Unfortunately, they continue to do so to this very day. Even SG-1 characters are being brought now.
                        And even that is not enough to make things better.


                          Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                          Hey while I was napping this afternoon, I had one of those half sleep/half awake dreams, and saw Shep sitting with us on the couch.
                          Are you telling us your fantasies missy ? Should we tell you ours?

                          Was everyone fighting to seat next to Shep. lol.
                          Not a big fan of GEL so the answer is not everybody


                            Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                            Are you telling us your fantasies missy ? Should we tell you ours?
                            As a servant of the Smut side, I'm very pleaserd to see this thread going down the gutter


                              Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                              As a servant of the Smut side, I'm very pleaserd to see this thread going down the gutter
                              You should see the Shep/Weir thread from time to time....


                                Originally posted by dana View Post
                                You should see the Shep/Weir thread from time to time....
                                And you should see the Zelenka/Weir thread all the time

