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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Didn't TPTB stop using an Air Force adviser starting in s9? That undoubtedly made it easier to write certain situations (Landry/Lam) and steer more toward camp. And I don't think that SGA ever adhered to RL military standards as strictly as SG1 did in s1-8.

    I think part of the allure with SGA when it started was it had a "misfits in space" feel to it. Here was a group obviously out of their element, cut off from Earth, fighting a powerful enemy, and struggling to make allies and survive. You had a diplomat thrust into a war, a rebel forced to be a leader, a frightened, OTT scientist forced to become brave, a leader who chose to stay with the team instead of her people. It was fun to watch how these people dealt with all these changes and make mistakes and cope as best as they could.

    However, once they regained contact with Earth that allure was lost. The desperation and fear wasn't present at the same level anymore. And I found myself less forgiving of the team's mistakes, not only because they made stupider mistakes (Michael, gah) but because the lack of repercussions made less sense. No one could really be questioned or replaced on Atlantis in s1 because they couldn't contact Earth. It was similar to BSG - sure those people are screwed up but who else could be in charge? But after Siege Atlantis had regular contact with Earth, and the team could have been replaced at any time. I wondered why Weir didn't encounter more strife for being a civilian in charge when Atlantis was in the middle of a war. I wondered why Shep stayed in charge of the military after all the poor security decisions. I wondered why the IOA didn't question Teyla or Ronon just because they were not from Earth. (Oddly enough, I didn't wonder about Rodney. His intelligence makes up for his incredibly poor people skills, much like a lot of scientists in RL. ) And I felt like the show just glossed over that part instead of really convincing me that these people are indeed the best for the job. I would have been happier if the SGC and/or the IOA really went to town on the team, maybe even suspending some of them for a while, but in the end having the team come back to Atlantis stronger than ever.

    At this point this concept of worthiness is not going to be revisited (and it would be out of place to do so now anyway), but it's contributed to this feeling of "off"-ness I've had with the team since s2.


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
      I wonder if this problem is due to the lack of a show bible and cohesion. It feels more like each writer has their impression of the characters that comes out, regardless of what happened to the characters in the previous eps. So if writer X likes to write McKay as a jerk then he'll do so, even if McKay spent the last ep apologizing for being a jerk. It's like TPTB aren't sitting down and mapping out how they want the characters to develop over the series. So instead of all the writers working together to build up the characters we have characters that are all over the map.

      I have often wondered that to...maybe if they had less writers as well... a smaller core set

      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
      Card designed by Falcon Horus


        Agreed, ToasterOnFire. "Atlantis" was a beautiful concept that was very poorly handled. I've always speculated that with such an excellent premise, the show could have been as good as BSG in the hands of skilled writers. Thinking over how much dramatic potential has been wasted, it seems more and more a travesty.


          hehe if i say hate dr who and bsg will i get kicked out of the anti thread? (j/k)

          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            dr who is unapologetically and fantastically Camp. They have fun and don't get bogged down in making sense.

            The thing is, dr who has pretty much ALWAYS been like that. so when you watch dr who, that's what you expect. fun and creative camp

            stargate and atlantis have always been grounded in 'reality'. They're shows that tried to exist in the 'real world'. things took place and happened and were usually presented in such a way that you could drive past cheyenne mountian in colorado springs and wonder....mmhm, what if it's real????

            One of the big issues iwth the changes in s9 and 10 was taht they stopped doing that. they stopped trying to take care of making the show fit into reality and just went for camp.

            it turned off a lot of fans because, to many, part of what made sg1 so intriguing was the 'what if' factor. And when they went with camp, you lost that

            atlantis has an advantage in that they exist in another universe and galaxy...but there is still that 'what if' that makes it fun.

            they need to be careful to not lose that bit of 'what if' to a dose of camp
            That's what went wrong! I hate Dr Who, so if they're turning Atlantis into Dr Who no wonder I hates it.



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              Guys, we've been chatting amongst ourselves, - we mods that is - and we're really not comfortable with the 'Joe for PTB' campaing you want to do.

              First of all, you're basically putting words in Joe's mouth. You're giving him motives that he may not have and you are basically, drawing him into your campaign 'against his will' since you're doing it without his consent.

              In consideration that folks from Skiffy and MGM have been known to lurk here, along iwth the fact that Joe's boss...the other Joe, has played here. And that I personally know that there are many people 'in the industry' that have lurked upon occasion, I need to ask you to not do your campaign here.

              Make LJ icons all day long. Share them on your LJ's all you like. Just please don't do it here.

              It's one thing when you say 'man, Joe F would make a great show runner'...but it doesn't stop there. It usually goes beyond that in the line of 'let's get rid of ____ so that Joe F an take his/her job'...and that's somethine we're just not comfortable with.

              The last thing we want to ever hear is that Joe has been put on the spot or made to answer for something that he has no control over. With you guys using his name without his permission, you are potentially putting him in a bad position.

              And that's why i'm putting the kibash on your campaign. It's not to pick on you. And again, i can't control what you do elsewhere, but i can here. And here, on this forum, i ask you to please make your campaign for Joe F to be a forbidden topic.
              Three cheers for Skydiver and the Mods

              Lets get this back to whinging about the state of Series 4

              And while we're at it, a plea, I'm on bended knees here

              ENOUGH WITH THE FANGIRL SQUEEING!!!!!!!!!!!! this is an Anti thread


                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                ^ This also applies to people expecting accurate science in SGA. I can't tell you the number of times I headdesked over the whole idea of a retrovirus that removes DNA to change one species into another. And didn't someone write a whole blog entry on the scientific impossibility of the asteroid field in Adrift?
                Yeah, but couldn't they at least attempt to stay half way in tune with science? Every time I hear the word DNA I have to stuff my ears, so I can watch the rest of the ep in peace and not dwell on the total and complete impossibility of the medicobabble. I know it's SciFi, but they could just invent a totally new and DNA rewriting virus instead of raping the poor retrovirus and make it do things that it just doesn't.

                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                I wonder if this problem is due to the lack of a show bible and cohesion. It feels more like each writer has their impression of the characters that comes out, regardless of what happened to the characters in the previous eps. So if writer X likes to write McKay as a jerk then he'll do so, even if McKay spent the last ep apologizing for being a jerk. It's like TPTB aren't sitting down and mapping out how they want the characters to develop over the series. So instead of all the writers working together to build up the characters we have characters that are all over the map.
                This also irritates me to no end!

                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                Guys, we've been chatting amongst ourselves, - we mods that is - and we're really not comfortable with the 'Joe for PTB' campaing you want to do.
                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                ????? what campaign????? To me they were just icons, but whatever.
                Yeah, what campaign??? It was a joke. Honestly, doesn't anyone get black humour any more? All I have read for at least 5 pages was people saying they were against a campaign that nobody was actually conducting...

                Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                  Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                  Three cheers for Skydiver and the Mods

                  Lets get this back to whinging about the state of Series 4

                  And while we're at it, a plea, I'm on bended knees here

                  ENOUGH WITH THE FANGIRL SQUEEING!!!!!!!!!!!! this is an Anti thread
                  Agreed. This is not that place! *imho of course*


                    Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                    Three cheers for Skydiver and the Mods

                    Lets get this back to whinging about the state of Series 4

                    And while we're at it, a plea, I'm on bended knees here

                    ENOUGH WITH THE FANGIRL SQUEEING!!!!!!!!!!!! this is an Anti thread
                    I am done w/ fangirl squeeing for the moment. Let's bash Season 4. Who is bringing the stinky socks today? I did laundry last night and currently out of them.
                    sig made by me


                      I did suggest an idea for 'What would you watch instead of Series 4' but it got lost under the gushing and squeeing

                      For me it would be
                      Top Gear
                      Dr Who


                        Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                        I did suggest an idea for 'What would you watch instead of Series 4' but it got lost under the gushing and squeeing

                        For me it would be
                        Top Gear
                        Dr Who
                        Prison Break
                        Dead Zone
                        Dr. Who
                        Re-watch SG-1 S1-8 DVDs,
                        Re-watch Simpsons DVDs
                        Re-watch South Park DVDs


                          hmm let's see

                          Grey's Anatomy
                          Ugly Betty
                          Dirty Sexy Money
                          Big Shots (only for Michael Vartran) -- I sort of listen to it
                          Lost - when it returns

                          Bionic Woman - DH watches it and I "listen"


                          I was WAYYYY too much TV
                          sig made by me


                            dinnerladies was one I forgot


                              For me it's the following:

                              Prison Break
                              Pushing Daisies
                              Ghost Whisperer
                              and when it starts again, Dr. Who


                                Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                                I did suggest an idea for 'What would you watch instead of Series 4' but it got lost under the gushing and squeeing
                                In no particular order:

                                Pushing Daisies
                                Doctor Who
                                LOST (whenever it comes back)
                                Top Chef and/or Iron Chef America
                                Property Ladder
                                New releases from corner video rental store

                                When all else fails, change channels.

