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Sunday (317)

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    Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
    Yeah, there was the whole "exploding tumors" thing, but there were no obvious threats
    Speaking of which, anyone think that was jumping the shark just a tad? I know there was an explanation for it but come on, Exploding Tumors?! I definatly wouldn't wanna be either of those two scientists that's for sure.


      Originally posted by Ted_Beckett View Post
      Speaking of which, anyone think that was jumping the shark just a tad? I know there was an explanation for it but come on, Exploding Tumors?! I definatly wouldn't wanna be either of those two scientists that's for sure.
      Both Stargates have had their share of pathetic plot devices. I think Sunday, at least, made pretty good use of what it had.

      Then again, I'd have said Atlantis jumped the shark before this.


        I think killing of one of the most unique characters in the show put it in the 'jumping the shark' catagory. Whether you liked him or not, he was an important and unique aspect of cast dynamic. The very man who wrote his death with those DUMB exploding tumours said he was possibly/probably '...the emotional core of the show'... (From the interview with Martin Gero in the 'Paul Profile' extra on the s2 DVD's).


          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
          ... it was the aftereffects of an accident and I thought the ep did a pretty good job of showing just how dangerous things can be when you start fiddling with things you don't fully understand- and how sometimes even doing the "right thing" can have fatal consequences.
          And those fatal consequences can happen in the safest (relatively) place you've got. Not just out there in the field, but right inside your home and place of everyday work.


            Originally posted by Copernicus View Post
            It was a nice touch that every single member of the cast had a chance to go fishing with him and they all passed it up. Maybe nice isn't the right word.
            isn't that the way it always is in life......

            this was agood/sad episode

            more ronon i loved that we was kicking john's ass with the flad stick game, and the one arm tee shot

            weir has a boyfriend ...ewwwwwww lol thoug hthat was a little to sudden but it was a break from the usual.

            and a ode to Carson for doing everything he could to save someone even at a risk to himself. it didn't really hit me that he had died untill everyone was in the gateroom and the bagpipes started to play ( i started to cry i'll admit it)

            and finally the rodney/beckett sence outside of atlantis was great broke me up again shining moment for david he sold me on that beckett was his friend and that he would really miss him.


              Originally posted by TJuk View Post
              I think killing of one of the most unique characters in the show put it in the 'jumping the shark' catagory.
              Gotta agree with ya on that one. I allways liked Beckett and watching his character evolve, next to McKay and Radek he was my 3rd favorite in the series.

              I just realized how much "Sunday" is like "Heroes", both were about normal days on the base when something unexpected happens which leads to the loss of a close friend. If they had something other than Exploading......Tumors(exploading nanites maybe) then i might think this story rivals the one in "Heroes". Oh yeah, loose Weir's suave boyfriend too.


                Originally posted by Ted_Beckett View Post
                When i heard the news that Mcgillion was leaving i knew there would be a huge outcry similar to Shanks departure from SG1. Who knows, the ending for "Sunday" leaves us with hope that the writers just might find a way to bring him back again.
                I personally don't think there has been an outcry similar to Shanks leaving SG1. I'm personally very unhappy about Carson leaving, because my impression is that Paul didn't want to leave - that is just my impression though, I don't know anything for sure. I certainly didn't want Carson to no longer be in the show! But, I don't feel inclined to be involved in trying to bring him back, because I think it's futile, and I personally know many others who feel the same way. Daniel ascended, so there was always the potential for him to return - the door wasn't closed. Carson is gone - no doubt about that. I don't like it, but I've accepted it. Sadly, after seeing Sunday, I don't see a way for him to come back. Like Janet, he's gone and the only way back is the odd AU cameo, in my opinion, which I don't even really like.
                Shanks did want to leave, but even so, the fan response was massive from what I remember. Carson's demise hasn't had as big an impact on the net as I thought it would, to be honest, but he wasn't as important a character in terms of the storyline or had the amount of screentime as Daniel was and had, in my opinion.
                Also, N.John Smith's comments at the Gmex in Manchester said it all to me. He said maybe they could bring Paul back as another character at some stage. That's when it hit me that Carson is sadly gone for good


                  Originally posted by Ted_Beckett View Post
                  Gotta agree with ya on that one. I allways liked Beckett and watching his character evolve, next to McKay and Radek he was my 3rd favorite in the series.

                  I just realized how much "Sunday" is like "Heroes", both were about normal days on the base when something unexpected happens which leads to the loss of a close friend.
                  I disagree about the "normal days on the base" comparison for Heroes. It was a very unusual scenario in Heroes: they had a media team on the base - something they'd never had before - filming and recording and conducting interviews. And then the base commander sent his CMO off-world (which was rare) into a fire-fight (which was extraordinary).


                    I just loved the idea of Major Lorne on SG-1!

                    *Dreams of a "Lt. Colonel Carter/Maj. Lorne/Daniel/Teal'c" SG-1*
                    Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      I personally don't think there has been an outcry similar to Shanks leaving SG1. I'm personally very unhappy about Carson leaving, because my impression is that Paul didn't want to leave - that is just my impression though, I don't know anything for sure. I certainly didn't want Carson to no longer be in the show! But, I don't feel inclined to be involved in trying to bring him back, because I think it's futile, and I personally know many others who feel the same way. Daniel ascended, so there was always the potential for him to return - the door wasn't closed. Carson is gone - no doubt about that. I don't like it, but I've accepted it. Sadly, after seeing Sunday, I don't see a way for him to come back. Like Janet, he's gone and the only way back is the odd AU cameo, in my opinion, which I don't even really like.
                      Shanks did want to leave, but even so, the fan response was massive from what I remember. Carson's demise hasn't had as big an impact on the net as I thought it would, to be honest, but he wasn't as important a character in terms of the storyline or had the amount of screentime as Daniel was and had, in my opinion.
                      Also, N.John Smith's comments at the Gmex in Manchester said it all to me. He said maybe they could bring Paul back as another character at some stage. That's when it hit me that Carson is sadly gone for good
                      Actually the campaign is building up day by day. The SDJ campaign didn't happen overnight, it was the result of a lot of very hard work by the orangisers to encourage fans to support it. And its only 2 weeks since 'Sunday' airred for the first time ANYWHERE. Because of the silence from TPTB A LOT of fans sat on the fence until it was confirmed on screen. Theres been increasing mention in press including this month's 'Cult Times' whose letters page was almost entirely made up of fans writing in to shout about Carson's death and support the campaign. They and TV Zone (two big international genre publications) have stated more then once they've already been inundated with letters and continue to be so.

                      EVERY. SINGLE. LETTER/EMAIL makes a difference.

                      As for being 'final', we dont know if the scene at the end was an apparition, hallucination or he was an ascended being, it was rather ambiguous. Remember, 'No one really dies in Scifi', they just need the right motivation to bring him back. One things that always sticks in my head from 'Misbegotten' was the fact Michael had him for 2 DAYS before he was rescued, what happened in that time? Its a BIG unansweared question...there are many more! NJ Smith's comments were also ambiguous. He said Carson 'disappeared', but to most it looks like they just killed him outright. Janet's death was FINAL, but Carson's has enough of a door open to come back.

                      Hey look on the brightside. This campaign IS and WILL get the show lots of much needed publicity. I love SGA, I want to see it continue and I believe it NEEDS Carson to that. If Nothing else SUPPORTING the SaveCarson campaign will also SUPPORT SGA! And they could easily spin the events of 'Sunday' and his return into a fantastic story arc for next season.
                      Last edited by TJuk; 29 January 2007, 01:00 PM.


                        I think these kind of episodes are needed sometimes, keeping the same cast forever is very static, something that I've noticed on SG-1, though it's very different with 4 or 5 main characters as opposed to 7 on SGA. I think it's unrealistic for everyone to survive every major accident, so I think it's a nice touch of realism when a main character dies in an event that would usually kill an extra. I loved Carson, but I really enjoyed how this episode was presented. Beautiful acting, some of the best writing from the series. 9/10 because I feel that the post-death scenes should have taken up more of the episode.

                        Stargate SG-1 Survivor - Season 2

                        Gateworld's Next Top Artist (NEW!)

                        B'elanna: This ship will not survive the formation of the cosmos...


                          hey, sorry ive been in 'isolation' lately. so is this where Carson dies? i mean definitely? and what about Shep being married and having a son?

                          Stargate Atlantis Rocks My World Back Here in the Milky Way I sooo love Sheppard/Flanigan and McKay/Hewlett


                            1. Yes, Carson dies in this episode.
                            2. Shep was married, but didn't have any children. It didn't work out (obviously).


                              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                              2. Shep was married, but didn't have any children. It didn't work out (obviously).
                              Did he actually state he didn't have kids? *is reluctant to flip through the ep again because then I'll watch the whole thing*


                                Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
                                Did he actually state he didn't have kids? *is reluctant to flip through the ep again because then I'll watch the whole thing*
                                He doesn't say he has no kids in Sunday, but he said he doesn't have kids in Season 1 in Childhoods End.

                                Edit: Here you go - I dug up the quote:

                                KERAS: Do you have young?
                                SHEPPARD: Me? No. Not yet, anyway. You?
                                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward

