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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    Don't forget, tomorrow is David's birthday.
    Head over to his blog to send him some birthday wishes!

    Also, if you are interested, last year I made a silly video for his birthday - it's alot of still shots of various pics and lots of Zelenka!. It was difficult yet alot of fun to make!

    Thanks for the video RH. But just so you know,
    that space suit is no match for my can opener! Ha ha ha.

    I so wanted to make him a video for his birthday this year, but alas, my hard drive crashed and took the lyrics to the song I wrote him as well as my other resources. Oh well.

    And as for the reminder, rest assured, I will never ever be able to forget when his birthday is.

    Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
    Thanks Hiccups.

    I just wonder how much tptb really read those messages on the "Contact Us" links???!!!
    I guess it's all we got to go with!
    You're welcome. Hey, I wonder if we contacted his agents, would they be able to tell us what to do and whom to write?


      I loved the vid Rosehawk

      and Hiccups its a shame you lost the song, it was sooo good.

      a can opener!!!!! Psycho on the thread.........just kidding


        Nice pix and vid Rosehawk!! A can opener Hiccups? *snickers* Happy early Birthday David!! You rock! May this year be fruitful both professionally and personally for you and your family!! Yes I did early b'day wishes cuz I'm having a blonde moment and a dodgy computer to boot. More Nykl shots please!! Woohoo!!
        hehe }:O


          Cheeky Czechs belong on page 1. Woohoo!! hehe }:O


            Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
            Thanks for the video RH. But just so you know,
            that space suit is no match for my can opener! Ha ha ha.
            LOL. So true!

            Originally posted by Hiccups
            I so wanted to make him a video for his birthday this year, but alas, my hard drive crashed and took the lyrics to the song I wrote him as well as my other resources. Oh well.
            Well that's just the pits!

            Originally posted by pookey
            I loved the vid Rosehawk

            Originally posted by pookey
            and Hiccups its a shame you lost the song, it was sooo good.
            And the rest of us didn't get to see or hear it!

            Originally posted by pookey
            a can opener!!!!! Psycho on the thread.........just kidding

            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf
            Nice pix and vid Rosehawk!! A can opener Hiccups? *snickers* Happy early Birthday David!! You rock! May this year be fruitful both professionally and personally for you and your family!! Yes I did early b'day wishes cuz I'm having a blonde moment and a dodgy computer to boot. More Nykl shots please!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O
            Thanks Crimsonravenwolf.
            You're blond too!



              Alright,hawt Czechs belong on page 1. *scratches head* How could our fave Czech slip to page freaking 3?
              *raises hand* I,Raven,do hereby swear to keep better vigilance so our fave Czech never falls to page 3 again. lol More cheeky,hawt Czech please!! Wooohoooo!! hehe }:O


                *snerks* Yup,I'm blonde-ish. Or a dirty blonde I think is how the hairdresser calls it. *scratches head* Hmm..did my early birthday wishes send David's thread to page freaking 3? Sorry David,my computer was acting a right pain and I wanted to get the wishes in early in case the damn thing blew up...or I tossed it out the window. More Nykl shots please!! Wooohooo!! hehe }:O


                  Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                  *snerks* Yup,I'm blonde-ish. Or a dirty blonde I think is how the hairdresser calls it. *scratches head* Hmm..did my early birthday wishes send David's thread to page freaking 3? Sorry David,my computer was acting a right pain and I wanted to get the wishes in early in case the damn thing blew up...or I tossed it out the window. More Nykl shots please!! Wooohooo!! hehe }:O
                  ahhhh the dirty blonde club!
                  Naw, you didn't send David's thread to page 3.
                  It's time I started pulling away from GW so I'm not going to be posting as much anymore or may be I should rephrase that, not as regularily.
                  Still will always be a David fan!



                    Some lovely Zelenka!




                      Wicked pix Rosehawk!! More cheeky Czech please!! }:O



                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Don't leave us Rosehawk!! At least let us know you're still around and kicking okay? }:O


                            Thanks Everlovin! Got more Czech? lol }:O


                              Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                              Don't leave us Rosehawk!! At least let us know you're still around and kicking okay? }:O
                              I'll be around, just less frequently (though I have a feeling I could change my mind, again! We have such fun subject matter to discuss! Plus I have to keep checking up on David's status!

                              Friday is my 4 year anniversary on GW and it just seems like it is time. I miss the show style of SGA and SG1. I really don't care for SGU - yes I have watched, it just doesn't work for me.

                              GW is more about SGU now....the SGA and SG1 movies aren't out or even given the offical green light. I'll be there if it ever does happen. I use to love reading and sometimes commenting on other threads, not so much anymore.

                              I've had alot of fun and David has made a life-long fan with me. This seems to be the only place that I have found where people somewhat regularly discuss David's work and I don't want to give that up.

                              I also have to check for convention updates. Gatecon may be my last convention and I am only going to that because I will already be in Vancouver on vacation with my daughter and David is one of the guests. Though I am really tempted to go to Creation's Chicago convention this summer - that weekend is just a bad weekend but the guests are all phenominal and ones I want to meet and/or meet again!

                              So I will be around, just probably not as much.



                                David Nykl will be appearing at the Paris convention on Feb 20-21, 2010. Also at the convention are David Hewlett, Bob Picardo and Cliff Simon.

                                Hewlett tweeted on Feb 2nd that he had a video invite to the convention. Nykl has recorded one, too. In French!

                                Link to article with video.

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

