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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    handsome , sexy, to die for accent, sparkly eyes, gorgeous gonna drooling


      *passes out drool barrels* Yup,we have great taste don't we? *high fives David for being such a cool dude*
      Great vid and still shots Hiccups!! Pookey,if you were expecting a continuation of the franchise as we all know it,you'll be sorely disappointed. U makes very little sense if you're using SG1 and SGA as guidelines. U is the de-evolution of the Stargate franchise (in my humble opinion) as stereotypes,gratuitous sex,disjointed storylines (when there were actual storylines),and unbearable whining all blended together to create a soap opera in space. There are very few recognizable Stargate traits-namely great characters,villains,writing,and storylines. I don't have an issue with the U actors;they auditioned for and won roles but their roles are neither enjoyable to watch nor inspire loyalty to the franchise. I'm pretty sure if Zelenka made an appearance on U,the humanity,grace,and humor David infused into Radek would be replaced with a boozing,conniving,power hungry double agent (sounds absurd but I've read some of the U transcripts that left me with my jaw on the floor and not in a good way). *hops off soap box and wonders where that rant came from* I look forward to hearing about (and hopefully seeing) David's new roles. More Nykl shots please!! Woohoo! }:O


        *nods sagely* Of course Radek's happy you've been thunking him for four years!! *high fives ya* And you have a real life outside of Gateworld too. *double high fives ya* How about some cheeky Czech to celebrate your milestone? Woohoo!! }:O


          Originally posted by pookey View Post
          so thats where Zelenka's working now Atlantis is back on Earth, he's a sculpturer And your right RH they did try to screw with him in Trio i hated that scene when they were dissing him, i wanted to smack them all with my custom made 'dont mess with Zelenka frying pan'
          You have a Zelenka frying pan??!!

          Yeah, that little scene didn't go over to well with alot of fans.


            A Zelenka frying pan and a can opener...anything else we should know Pookey? lol Hmm...does David have an artistic side (apart from his acting gigs)? Ain't research fun? More Nykl shots please!! Woohoo! }:O


              Cheeky Czechs belong on page 1. Woohoo!! }:O


                Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                A Zelenka frying pan and a can opener...anything else we should know Pookey? lol Hmm...does David have an artistic side (apart from his acting gigs)? Ain't research fun? More Nykl shots please!! Woohoo! }:O
                What do you consider artistic? David tap dances too!



                  Really? That's cool...dancing is artistic. What do I consider artistic?Writing,painting,sculpting,music...those are some of the "usual" artistic expressions but anything a person creates that conveys wonder or awe can be considered artistic in my book. I think techno people who write computer codes are artists as are people who are parents-having kids is one of the best examples of artistry. Just a few wacky ideas from a daft bird. More cheeky Czech please!! Woohoo! }:O


                    Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                    *nods sagely* Of course Radek's happy you've been thunking him for four years!! *high fives ya* And you have a real life outside of Gateworld too. *double high fives ya* How about some cheeky Czech to celebrate your milestone? Woohoo!! }:O
                    LOL! *High five*, no make that *ten* back to you!

                    Some of my favorite Czech to celebrate!


                    I meant to post last night Crimsonravenwolf but I was so exhausted I fell asleep.

                    And Yea, I got a life outside of GW.



                      I would LOVE to see David tap dancing!!! Didn't it also say on his resume that he plays piano too? Maybe I got mixed up. Still, I would love to see him dance.


                        Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
                        I would LOVE to see David tap dancing!!! Didn't it also say on his resume that he plays piano too? Maybe I got mixed up. Still, I would love to see him dance.
                        Yep, it does say piano, percussion and ballroom dance too!

                        I'd love to see David tap dance too! I like dance in general and find it fun to do and fun to watch!
                        Wouldn't it be cool to see David on 'Dances With the Stars'!
                        I wish that show would take fan suggestions! I'd actually watch the show if David was on it!



                          he tap dances?!!!...doesnt he fall off the sink..*coughs* sorry it would be great to see him on something like Dances with the Stars


                            Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                            Yep, it does say piano, percussion and ballroom dance too!

                            I'd love to see David tap dance too! I like dance in general and find it fun to do and fun to watch!
                            Wouldn't it be cool to see David on 'Dances With the Stars'!
                            I wish that show would take fan suggestions! I'd actually watch the show if David was on it!
                            Oh my gosh!!!! So would I! I would faithfully vote too. I'll send 'em an email as soon as I get two seconds and can breathe without wheezing. Great idea Rosehawk!

                            Good one Pooks. I award thee the Meredith Medal for Funniness. Oops, sorry. Wrong thread.


                              Wow,David's a talented man. Hmm...has there been any movie/TV project that David's done that showcases his other talents? Ain't research fun? More Nykl shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                                *nods in understanding* As long as ya had some hawt Czech dreams when ya fell asleep Rosehawk. lol I love that first pic of Radek in...tribal art wear from the kids' planet. I volunteer to help clean Radek up. More cheeky Czech please!! Woohoo!! }:O

