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John Sheppard Whump

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    My yaaaay was so big it overwhelmed the forum!


      SGAFan, as much as I'd love to see you in here more, I LOVE the presents you leave when you visit!!! I'm so happy I came in for a flyby this morning. Now I've had a Shep fix, I can go to work.

      Congrats on 17200, Linzi!


        welcome WraithWorshipper!

        *waves at all the whumpers* Hola!

        Glad to leave the pics in my wake...

        and thanks Lorr ((HUGS)) I visit when I can, which is, sad to say, not as often as it used to be
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          Morning all!

          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
          welcome WraithWorshipper!

          *waves at all the whumpers* Hola!

          Glad to leave the pics in my wake...

          and thanks Lorr ((HUGS)) I visit when I can, which is, sad to say, not as often as it used to be
          *waves* Good to see you!!!
          Sig by Luciana
          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


            morning whumpers
            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              So in regards to SR....are there any scenes that you really want to see in this ep -concept art spoiler only-
              i just really want a shep infirmary scene at the end with his team around him..........and shep being rushed off to the infirmary...........and sheppy waking up in pain......and lots of teamy angst.....oh and ronon waking up first and looking for shep and finding him all unconscious and bloody.............ok there are a lot of scenes i want to see (hence my worry that there wont be enough focus on the whump!)
              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Ooooh let me see now....

              I want:
              • Team searching desperately for Sheppard
              • Team finding Sheppard injured and unconscious
              • Sheppard waking up still trapped in the rubble and in pain
              • Sheppard getting slowly weaker as they try to free him (and team worrying desperately that they're not gonna get him out in time)
              • Sheppard crying out in pain as they try to move him out of the rubble
              • Sheppard losing consciousness as they free him and lift him out.. only to see all the blood and realise he is very badly injured and losing blood rapidly
              • Sheppard rushed to the infirmary
              • Team waiting anxiously for news
              • Sheppard waking up in infirmary with team waiting at his bedside.

              I think that'll do for now....
              I want all that plus what Roo suggested!

              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              ok well i want all of those
              see i knew no one could say one thing hehe!!

              spoiler if you havent seen TLM/kindreds...still SR spec
              i want sheppy in pain to order everyone to go get teyla and them to be like "but weve got to get you out" because you know hes badly injured and of course he'll tell them to just do it! and
              when teyla is rescued i want her to ask about sheppy and then them to have worried looks on their faces and cut to the rescue
              I definately want...

              S&R speculation with a spoiler under another spoiler thingy...

              Shep to be more bothered about everybody else than himself, especially Teyla, and then when McKay is...
              delivering the baby and she's screaming out in pain she's also demanding to know how Shep is

              Plus neurotic McKay going mad that he can't do more

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

              It's official!! Season 5 of SGA premieres in July 08!!

              *runs around flailing*
              Made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              I've just got the train back to uni, its the easter hols, and found out there was no need so I've wasted £20 BUT I don't care now! I love JULY

              I made a CG siggie:

              and Hiya WW!

              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                Gah. Feeling really really fed up and short-tempered today. If I have to speak with my annoying, long-winded colleague in London one more time today, I AM going to hang up on him. My patience has reached its end.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Gah. Feeling really really fed up and short-tempered today. If I have to speak with my annoying, long-winded colleague in London one more time today, I AM going to hang up on him. My patience has reached its end.
                  ack no fun being whumped by work. Have some Shep whump to get you better

                  Season 4 pics




                    Hey Everyone!!!! Made it through work and surprisingly, the school was not as obnoxious as in previous years. Dare I say they were actually....good.

                    Oh well, relaxed by staring at the S&R pix..and now an getting ready to go to Geeklet's school concert in a few minutes. So not too much time to indulge in my whump desires. Did I mention recently I hate RL??

                    So glad to see i'm not alone in thinking 4 months is not too long a wait. The time is just gonna fly. With work, camping, rocket building classes, training for Grouse Grind, and vacations....yeah, I just may have a hard time fitting SgA in my schedule.


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      My yaaaay was so big it overwhelmed the forum!
                      I can understand why!
                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      SGAFan, as much as I'd love to see you in here more, I LOVE the presents you leave when you visit!!! I'm so happy I came in for a flyby this morning. Now I've had a Shep fix, I can go to work.

                      Congrats on 17200, Linzi!
                      Thanks, Lorr!
                      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                      welcome WraithWorshipper!

                      *waves at all the whumpers* Hola!

                      Glad to leave the pics in my wake...

                      and thanks Lorr ((HUGS)) I visit when I can, which is, sad to say, not as often as it used to be

                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Gah. Feeling really really fed up and short-tempered today. If I have to speak with my annoying, long-winded colleague in London one more time today, I AM going to hang up on him. My patience has reached its end.
                      Breathe in and out and think of the S and R artwork. Ok, so that's going to get you worked up in another way - you'll burst from too much squee and yaying! Seriously, what the heck are we going to be like a few days before season 5 premieres?
                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      Hey Everyone!!!! Made it through work and surprisingly, the school was not as obnoxious as in previous years. Dare I say they were actually....good.

                      Oh well, relaxed by staring at the S&R pix..and now an getting ready to go to Geeklet's school concert in a few minutes. So not too much time to indulge in my whump desires. Did I mention recently I hate RL??

                      So glad to see i'm not alone in thinking 4 months is not too long a wait. The time is just gonna fly. With work, camping, rocket building classes, training for Grouse Grind, and vacations....yeah, I just may have a hard time fitting SgA in my schedule.
                      Time will fly....especially when I build my time machine!


                        Good evening peeps, bit of a flyby post tonight, I am shattered was awake from 2.00am this morning for absolutely no reason and then I have been on a training course in the City and so had to spend ages on trains and buses today So I just want to curl up and watch SGA all night.

                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        Okay. Based on the wish-lists, I have come up with a revised running order for season five. (No spoilers, really, beyond basic picture speculation).

                        1. Search and Rescue part 1
                        2. Search and Rescue part 2
                        3. Search and Rescue part 3
                        4. No, Still Not Rescued
                        5. Nope, Still Waiting
                        6. Fading In and Out
                        7. And Then It All Went Horribly Wrong
                        8. His Heart's Stopped!
                        9. Field Medicine
                        10. Digging and Debris
                        11. Tubes
                        12. He's Wearing What Under That Blanket?
                        13. The Slow Road to Recovery
                        14. The Relapse
                        15. "I'm Getting Better!"
                        16. Back on Active Duty Tomorrow, If All Goes Well
                        17. All Didn't Go Well
                        18. Pale and Interesting
                        19. The First Mission Back
                        20. Oops, We've Lost Him Again

                        Season six
                        1. Search and Rescue....

                        Now to get JM at all to agree to scrap their current plans and go with this.
                        That is amazing I love it Wish I could green ya for it

                        Originally posted by putschki1969 View Post

                        I can already see it in the papers:
                        Abduction of John Sheppard by two crazy whumpers!!
                        Their location is still unknown. Possible hiding place: Antartica, a place where they will never be found!!

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

                        It's official!! Season 5 of SGA premieres in July 08!!

                        *runs around flailing*
                        SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! That is fantastic.

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        ^Sane? In this thread? Really? Who's sane?
                        I am perfectly sane, the voices in my head keep telling me I am!!

                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        I had a particularly strange image pop into my head while making dinner. This is just a thought about how JM described what was going to happen to JF.

                        JM: Er, Joe?
                        JF: Yeah?
                        JM: Here's the thing - the whumpers have really been on our case to give them some blood, pain and general mayhem committed on Shep's...uh...person.
                        JF (slight look of fear in his eyes): Yeeaahh?
                        JM (edging away a step or two): Well, we're gonna give it to 'em.
                        JF (fear and anger now easily discerned in the eyes): And?!
                        JM: Blood, chest peekage, concussion, sweaty and feverish, intubated, defibrilated. The team will be all anxious and angsty...
                        JF: What, no small weapons fire?
                        JM: We're trying to work that in. There is something else, too.
                        JF: What? What else could there...(Near terror)...No, you can't mean...
                        JM: (takes another step away) Yep, nekkid under the sheets in the infirmary.
                        JF: GAAAAAHHH!!!!!
                        JM: (walks away, whistling wickedly) Gotta keep the whumpers happy.

                        I told you it was strange.
                        Ha!! bless him, I really hope he had room for his paper and coffee and maybe his guitar hidden behing
                        the rubble

                        Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                        I'm new to all this whumping stuff, but I really think...I like it!
                        Welcome to the whump thread, its all kinds of crazy fun!!

                        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                        Hmmm... no one is around I see...

                        I've been absent again, but I hope these somewhat make up for it

                        Whumpy pic spam...

                        spoilers for The Last Man... and size So lovely to strip the obnoxious scifi banners...
                        They are fantastic! thanks hope you are well!!

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        My yaaaay was so big it overwhelmed the forum!
                        it was a very good yay


                          Exhausted now, after a whole day moving a school's library around and classifying all their stock. I got home to find a note saying I had three parcels waiting for me at the Post Office HQ, so headed out again, in the hope that one was my action figures. It wasn't. I also didn't get the scroll cases and potion holders I was expecting, but did get my Amazon package and my Batik trousers. I also got a package about 6 foot by 2 foot by 1 foot. Hmm... Could someone have ordered me a real live Sheppard to play with?

                          OT rambling on package adventures
                          My husband tends to get his packages delivered to my work. I've got quite a reputation as a result. I once had 40 bottles of mead arrive, closely followed by a suit of armour. I've had immensely heavy boxes full of chainmail rings, and I've had longbows. I actually suspect that this latest package is a sword, but I'm having fun imagining that Shep is inside, shut in the dark, awaiting his fate.

                          As for the Amazon package... I have a book rec. for h/c writing. I saw the "Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook" on a friend's bookcase, and thought it would be great for writing whump fics. It tells you how to survive various unpleasant situations. Just change one little detail, and there you have a manual of how to only just survive the disaster... but not unharmed. However, I've not actually used it yet, since I only just got it, so can't say yet how useful it is in practice.

                          More behind cut. No spoilers.
                          The thing is, I feel a challenge coming on. I want to work through the book in order, and write a fic about each scenario in order. I've also got the "extreme edition", which has even more fun scenarios.

                          We have lots and lots of "how to ecape from dangerous animals" type of scenarios: sharks, bears, mountain lions, charging rhinos, stampeding elephants , "how to wrestle free from an alligator", "how to escape from killer bees", "how to escape from a giant octopus", "how to outwit a pack of wolves" etc.

                          There are lots on how to jump off and onto things: jumping from moving cars, falling into rivers from a height. There's wilderness survival stuff. Also how to win a sword fight, how to take a bullet, how to behave under fire, how to free yourself from a bear trap.

                          And medical stuff, of course: instructions of how to do a tracheotomy, how to use a defibrillator, how to treat frost bite, broken legs, and bullet wounds.


                            Hello good Whumpers! *waves*

                            I'm being double whumped right now....we have no water and the weather is terrible. I need some Shep Whump to get me through the day.

                            Before I catch up, I'll leave this tidbit.....OT for puppy
                            Hubby says to me, "Okay......I like the puppy's name, and I get where Connor is from. But.......who's Joe?" Really.....sometimes I wonder about him. It's not like I could have named the poor thing Connor Bedhead....maybe then he'd have gotten it!



                              Cazz - Wonderful CG siggie! It's wonderful!


                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                As for the Amazon package... I have a book rec. for h/c writing. I saw the "Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook" on a friend's bookcase, and thought it would be great for writing whump fics. It tells you how to survive various unpleasant situations. Just change one little detail, and there you have a manual of how to only just survive the disaster... but not unharmed. However, I've not actually used it yet, since I only just got it, so can't say yet how useful it is in practice.
                                Oooh my brother-in-law has that book! I think hubby bought it him as a fun xmas present one year...

                                *plots petty larceny next time she is in Nottingham*

