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John Sheppard Whump

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    I am sleepy, but I have one missing cat, one sick cat, and a hyperactive 11yo who won't go to bed! Not to mention a reading list as long as my arm because I just got my uni books today.
    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


      Ohhh, Lauriel, sorry about your cats and your son cause I've been there (with the boys)...since you're feeling whumped, here some pics!



        Ali can you pm me the site and the title of the fic? I want to add it to my 'to read' bookmarks.


          Originally posted by Lauriel
          I am sleepy, but I have one missing cat, one sick cat, and a hyperactive 11yo who won't go to bed! Not to mention a reading list as long as my arm because I just got my uni books today.
          Oh poor you! Poor cats! Having pets is so heartbreaking sometimes. Don't ask me about my little one's rabbit and Mr Mean Fox... I still have nightmares. My three oiks are all in the garden today, leaving me to suffer with my cold in relative peace - for now!


            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
            Ali can you pm me the site and the title of the fic? I want to add it to my 'to read' bookmarks.
            Me too!!!! Please!!!!


              Originally posted by Linzi
              Ooh, That sounds interesting! In the pro Shep/McKay thread? I'll go take a lookey. I enjoy whumpy slash - hell, I enjoy anything with Sheppy in it, though it has to have whump too!
              The website is called Area 52 - I won't link to it as it's not "all ages friendly" (mostly NC-17 fic) but you can google it.

              Can't remember the name of the one I read off-hand but it was a long one set not long after the events of Trinity. Edit to add: The fic was called Broken Trust by Chaps1870
              Last edited by Alipeeps; 18 July 2006, 03:34 AM.


                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                Good morning!

                Ali, I'm right there with you, but I stayed up late chatting and writing. Bad, bad me, but I have to admit, I don't have a 'job' so I can sit here and drink my coffee and mimic a zombie for a little while rather than get up and have to run to work.

                Linzi, cream crackered kills me every time LOL!

                I'll read anything if it's got a good story *and* shep whump.
                I just think knackered seems a bit rude. Don't ask me why. It's not as if I'm not liberal with my use of language! Well, there are two words used to describe our boy I totally loathe, and hate to see! But, I'm sure you all know which ones I mean. I just can't understand why it's okay to use them here! Maybe I'm secretly a prude? Nah!


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps
                  The website is called Area 52 - I won't link to it as it's not "all ages friendly" (mostly NC-17 fic) but you can google it.

                  Can't remember the name of the one I read off-hand but it was a long one set not long after the events of Trinity.
                  Oh, Area 52. I've read every Shep fic there already! Damn. I was hoping it'd be new fic! Serves me right for reading so much fanfic!


                    I'm familiar with Area 52, though I haven't done much reading there as it's huge and I'm too lazy to dig and search, but I'll try to find it later. Right now I'm beta'ing Linzi's fic!


                      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                      I'm familiar with Area 52, though I haven't done much reading there as it's huge and I'm too lazy to dig and search, but I'll try to find it later. Right now I'm beta'ing Linzi's fic!
                      Hope it doesn't send you to sleep!


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps
                        The website is called Area 52 - I won't link to it as it's not "all ages friendly" (mostly NC-17 fic) but you can google it.

                        Can't remember the name of the one I read off-hand but it was a long one set not long after the events of Trinity. Edit to add: The fic was called Broken Trust by Chaps1870
                        I've read that one.
                        It's a little too Rodnety centric,and a has Shep a little ooc for me, but that's just my personal taste.
                        I particularly like LikeTheKoschka's ones. They have Shep and McKay spot on, IMO, and the sense of humour is fantastic! Oh, and they always whump Shep good and proper!


                          Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                          I'm familiar with Area 52, though I haven't done much reading there as it's huge and I'm too lazy to dig and search, but I'll try to find it later. Right now I'm beta'ing Linzi's fic!
                          Oh goody! More Linzi fic on the way!

                          I've broken off from my - barely started - challenge fic to work on an idea for the prompt that someone in here (sorry, can't remember who off-hand) suggested that someone write an oxygen-deprivation fic re: the scenes in NML..


                            Oh, I've read Broken Trust...darn, thought I might have a new fic LOL!

                            Yep, koschka and rivers fics are wonderful, too.


                              Originally posted by Linzi
                              I've read that one.
                              It's a little too Rodnety centric,and a has Shep a little ooc for me, but that's just my personal taste.
                              I particularly like LikeTheKoschka's ones. They have Shep and McKay spot on, IMO, and the sense of humour is fantastic! Oh, and they always whump Shep good and proper!
                              Yeah I kinda agree with you on that one... but once I'd got involved in it I couldn't just go to bed without getting to the end!


                                Oh, McDork, forgot to say thanks for the wonderful pics, see, still brain dead this morning. *groan*

