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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    You know i jest *hugs*
    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

    l My LJ l


      mmm but no matter, he's still smokin hot


        Originally posted by Squonk View Post
        You know i jest *hugs*


          bloody multi quote...why do they sometimes just disappear!!!! well ill just say a general thanks to those who congratulated me on my new job!!!

          and i still want to know whos responsible for the ginger cake tag?? i wont let it go til i find out!!!! hahaha
          who was responsible for the mis-heard word in the first place....was it YOU??!!!!

          i also notice someone put restrained in the tags SQUEEE ahem...or has that always been there?!



            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

            I agree - although I think he looks amazing either way and all the time and for ever!!!!
            Me too. He looks amazing no matter what, but I just think he looks the best now, I have no idea why. I just think he looks better each season, which just doesn't make sense!
            Originally posted by Lt.Col.Errandboy View Post
            Defined or otherwise, his pecs work for me!

            (just wish they'd make him flash them more often...)
            It's true, anything works for me!
            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Ya gotta think laterally, hon. The Victorians as a whole invented all sorts of technology etc that could be responsible for whumping Shep - trains, looms, canals etc...

            Fingers crossed for you, hon.

            Oh goodness! How did that happen? So glad you are okay!! (((hugs)))

            Sorry to hear that. Hope things improve for you soon...

            I agree with you there. I watched again and it really didn't look like a smile to me.

            The thing is, RC was being rather tongue-in-cheek when he said that. (Minor DG spoilers)
            His tone was very joking... so it's hard to know to what extent he was answering at all seriously. Did Joe really not want to take his shirt off and RC was just joking about it being to prevent an overload of squeee? Or was the whole answer teasing/joking, both about the supposed "reason" *and* about Joe not wanting to take his shirt off?

            Meanwhile, I was gutted to have to spend an entire evening internet-free last night! Got home and tried to log on - no joy. Tried rebooting the router - no joy. Turns out the router appears to be well and truly dead.

            So BT are sending us out a replacement router which will arrive in a day or two... but I need hubby to set it up and configure it and he won't be back in Leeds for a week and a half! Thankfully, I'm off down to London today until Monday so I'll have internet down there and can bring the mobile internet dongle back with me so I can use that for internet at home until hubby is able to sort the router.
            Sorry about your net problems. I hate it when things go wrong with my net!! Stupid router! Hope you can mend it? Do they often go wrong? She says looking nervously at her own one...

            About the DG thing, yes, I think RCC was joking in some respects, about the squee but I do believe he was being genuine in some respects, though that's just my take on his words, obviously. DG:
            I do think he was sincere about Joe not wanting to take his shirt off. The reason I say that is he could have just ignored the question about the incorrect positions of the paddles, and he chose to say the paddles were in the wrong place cos JF didn't want to take his shirt off, and then joked about the squeeing. So, my impression was that he was making a joke out of it, but there was an element of truth about it, because I don't see why he'd have answered otherwise. It was a bit of an interesting question because some people had speculated that Keller wasn't trying to defib Shep's heart and that she was aiming for his stomach, when in fact that obviously wasn't the case here at all - they did mean to Shep's heart to be defibbed. I asked my bro about defibbing your tummy and he said it'd do absolutely nothing at all. Well, other than burn you without pads or lube there! I still think he and McKay should have spent 24 hours on heart monitors in the infirmary in the final scene! Then again, I would, wouldn't I?

            Originally posted by Elinor View Post
            Mornin' all! Hope no-one gets caught by the hurricane. That must be terribly scary!

            I reckon the same...He just doesn't have time any more!

            Oh a huge massive ditto from me on that!

            Hee hee! Loving how 'ginger cake' has now been adopted!!

            SheppyD's mother doesn't know what she's started!
            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
            Didn't Joe say in an interview that he went through a stage of getting up at 4 o'clock every morning to go to the gym before work but had to give it up because on top of his long days and family commitments it was just too much?
            I remember reading that too. You'd have to be insane to get up that early to work out in my world. Then again, I'm a lazy couch potato!


              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              bloody multi quote...why do they sometimes just disappear!!!! well ill just say a general thanks to those who congratulated me on my new job!!!

              and i still want to know whos responsible for the ginger cake tag?? i wont let it go til i find out!!!! hahaha
              who was responsible for the mis-heard word in the first place....was it YOU??!!!!

              i also notice someone put restrained in the tags SQUEEE ahem...or has that always been there?!
              I lose the multi quote things from time to time and it's VERY annoying!

              Um, the ginger cake tag? I gather, after doing some detective work, that it may have been someone with 'Geek' in their username?

              I hadn't notice the 'restrained' one. Don't you guys think it's funny that Shep gets restrained from time to time on the show, especially when we go on about it a lot? Then again, maybe TPTB are just as perverted as we are!

              What is the point of the tags anyway? Do they do something? I still don't quite understand!


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                Sorry about your net problems. I hate it when things go wrong with my net!! Stupid router! Hope you can mend it? Do they often go wrong? She says looking nervously at her own one...
                No, they don't/shouldn't go wrong often. Just one of those things I guess. It's just keeled over and died. We've had it maybe 2 years max? Anyway, BY are sending us out a replacement. The problem is you don't just plug these things in, you've got to configure them to the network etc etc etc and I know nothing about all that stuff - hubby does it! So it'll have to wait till he's back up in Leeds - in August! Thank goodness we have the mobile internet dongle so I can bring that home from London and use that on the laptop at home. Otherwise I'd be without internet at home all next week!


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  What is the point of the tags anyway? Do they do something? I still don't quite understand!
                  I think they're intended to be a way for people to "search for"/indentify threads that might interest them.


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    No, they don't/shouldn't go wrong often. Just one of those things I guess. It's just keeled over and died. We've had it maybe 2 years max? Anyway, BY are sending us out a replacement. The problem is you don't just plug these things in, you've got to configure them to the network etc etc etc and I know nothing about all that stuff - hubby does it! So it'll have to wait till he's back up in Leeds - in August! Thank goodness we have the mobile internet dongle so I can bring that home from London and use that on the laptop at home. Otherwise I'd be without internet at home all next week!
                    How annoying. At least your hubby is tech savvy and can reconfigure it for you.
                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    I think they're intended to be a way for people to "search for"/indentify threads that might interest them.
                    I clicked on some and went nowhere. Probably me being stupid!


                      ^If you click on, for example the "Joe Flanigan" tag it should, in theory, take you to a page listing all of the threads with the same tag - in this case the whump and thunk threads. If you click on "ginger cake" I have a feeling you won't find any other threads with that tag... can't imagine why.


                        Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                        ^If you click on, for example the "Joe Flanigan" tag it should, in theory, take you to a page listing all of the threads with the same tag - in this case the whump and thunk threads. If you click on "ginger cake" I have a feeling you won't find any other threads with that tag... can't imagine why.
                        Ok that would explain why nothing happened. I understand now


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          No, they don't/shouldn't go wrong often. Just one of those things I guess. It's just keeled over and died. We've had it maybe 2 years max? Anyway, BY are sending us out a replacement. The problem is you don't just plug these things in, you've got to configure them to the network etc etc etc and I know nothing about all that stuff - hubby does it! So it'll have to wait till he's back up in Leeds - in August! Thank goodness we have the mobile internet dongle so I can bring that home from London and use that on the laptop at home. Otherwise I'd be without internet at home all next week!
                          I installed the BT homehub recently and its pretty easy, you just follow the wizard I put it on three different computers and had no problems and I'm clueless when it come to computers
                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                            What a whumpiness in the whump thread!! Car accident, hurricanes, energy failures I don't have to remember you of the whump motto: Whump Shep, not self! So I hope all whumpers are alright!!! *hugs all whumpers*

                            On a happy note, Roo, so glad you finally found a job!!!! *hugs*

                            Originally posted by miniglik View Post
                            Where in North Texas, Ruffles? (I'm from El Paso, went to school at College Station, lived in Killeen and Dallas, and have been all around Texas. Yay, enormous state!)

                            Rewatching "The Seed":
                            Who whumped Carson's hair? Seriously. Ew. If Sheppard's hair is ever similarly whumped I will be quiet annoyed.

                            Oh. Oh. They're about to strap down Sheppard. Yay!
                            The Seed
                            I know! I was thinking the exact same thing! Also I had the idea he sometimes lost his Scottish accent for an American in certain words and someone said he looked a bit plastic, yeah, thought so too.. But, still good to see Doc back

                            Ginger cake tag
                            Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                            Save Our Seeker!
                            LotS on LJ.


                              I also noticed Paul's Scottish accent slipping a few times. It's not the first time he's always had odd words which have come out a bit mangled but on the whole he is very, very good (after all he is Scottish) but he does have slips and it seemed pretty noticeable in this ep a couple of times. Perhaps he's out of practise. *lol*

                              I wonder if Joe F can do a Scottish accent, he is half Scottish after all.


                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                I installed the BT homehub recently and its pretty easy, you just follow the wizard I put it on three different computers and had no problems and I'm clueless when it come to computers
                                Oh if only it were that simple!

                                We have BT Business wireless Broadband and a very complicated set up involving a server and god knows what else and only hubby knows how things are set up and how to make changes (I wouldn't even know where to start with the various IP/Ethernet/network key/whatever settings you might need to know in order to properly configure things!

                                If it were a case of plugging something into a computer and following a wizard that'd be lovely - but it isn't!

                                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                                The Seed
                                I know! I was thinking the exact same thing! Also I had the idea he sometimes lost his Scottish accent for an American in certain words and someone said he looked a bit plastic, yeah, thought so too.. But, still good to see Doc back
                                Minor spoilers for The Seed:
                                The one time Carson's accent noticeably bugged me was in Keller's quarters when he said "experiment" and pronounced it something like "ex-PAY-ri-ment". That just sounded horrible and not at all natural - I've never heard anyone with a Scottish accent pronounce something that way. He did the same thing in Sateda with high-on-drugs McKay, telling him he'd got an "EH-row" in his gluteus maximum. I've never heard a Scottish person pronounce arrow that way!

                                He does a pretty good job with the accent... it's just every now and then something jarrs a little.

