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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
    speaking of words and accents...ive noticed the more i spend online epsecially in forums where there are a mix of people, the more my own language has changed...(especially using american terms!) funny isnt it!!
    Yeah, I find I tend to modify my language depending on who I'm "talking" with online and will often use americanisms (e.g. pants instead of trousers!) so that I'll be more easily understood.


      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
      LAURIEL!!!! {{{HUGS}}} How's stuff Down Under?

      Speaking of accents and such.......after I watched SG-1 a few times, I noticed that each member had a different way of saying "Gou'auld" (or however you spell it). For instance, Gen. Hammond's was my favorite......he'd say "Goooold". I smile when I think of Don S. Davis.

      Hubby even picked up on JF's accent. "Where is he from?" I told him he's American. "Uh huh".

      Things have been a bit tough lately, but I'm hanging in there!

      JF's got such a lovely accent - although it seems to me to be a very distinctly American accent.

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Okay, scarily I could picture that quite clearly (the surprised Shep struggling while a whumper determinedly gives him mouth to mouth bit!)
      The mental imagery there is rather amusing.
      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        speaking of words and accents...ive noticed the more i spend online epsecially in forums where there are a mix of people, the more my own language has changed...(especially using american terms!) funny isnt it!!
        LOL - boyfy tells me off every now and then for using "Americanisms". I try not to use them - cos i'm sure they sound lame in a British accent - but sometimes i don't realise i've done it till i get "the look" And that's only been since i've been on here - so you people are to blame! lol
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
          speaking of words and accents...ive noticed the more i spend online epsecially in forums where there are a mix of people, the more my own language has changed...(especially using american terms!) funny isnt it!!
          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Yeah, I find I tend to modify my language depending on who I'm "talking" with online and will often use americanisms (e.g. pants instead of trousers!) so that I'll be more easily understood.
          Strangely enough, I find myself trying really hard on the forums to avoid regional idioms, then when I'm talking to someone here, I'll drop one that I've picked up off the boards from elsewhere, and get that puzzled stare.
          My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


            (giggles) Hubby probably thought everyone in the cast was Canadian since he knew the show was shot in B.C. I think he believes JF sounds like "California Surfer dude". Totally!! ROFL

            Kavanaugh sounds Canadian too.



              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Yeah, I find I tend to modify my language depending on who I'm "talking" with online and will often use americanisms (e.g. pants instead of trousers!) so that I'll be more easily understood.
              Hee. I try not to use "college," and I use either "football" or "futbol" to differentiate between American football and "soccer."

              I always find it strange that JF is Californian. The nasally speech sounds so very midwestern.
              My Livejournal
              I watched all of the first four seasons of SGA last May. Here are my newbie impressions.


                Originally posted by miniglik View Post
                This American can't tell either. Although, like you, I notice Hewlett's, Torri's, and Staite's Canadian (particularly when they say "been"). Am I the only one that thinks that out of character McGillion still does seem to have a bit of a Scottish accent? He speaks with an almost entirely American accent, of course, but there's something else in there.
                I think there is a definite Scottish twang to his accent.

                Originally posted by miniglik View Post
                Yeah. I was going to say that I'm not into feet. But then..
                (Offtopic for another show.)
                But then I remember my Derek Reese obsession. (Anyone watch The Sarah Connor Chronicles? He's totally this crazy-eyed post-apocalyptic soldier, and there's a scene where he's healing from a gunshot wound, obviously still in pain, and cleaning and loading guns in p.j.s with no shoes or socks on -- totally. hot. Totally whumpy (he even keeps bleeding through his shirt, for the girls that like blood).[/tangent])
                I loved the Sarah Connor Chronicles, best new show of last year by a long way, but I can't find Derek Reese sexy because, no matter how good he looks now, deep down I know he's that annoying kid from 90210

                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                JF (and Sheppard) just have a 'comfortable in their own skin' aura.

                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                LAURIEL!!!! {{{HUGS}}} How's stuff Down Under?

                Speaking of accents and such.......after I watched SG-1 a few times, I noticed that each member had a different way of saying "Gou'auld" (or however you spell it). For instance, Gen. Hammond's was my favorite......he'd say "Goooold". I smile when I think of Don S. Davis.

                Hubby even picked up on JF's accent. "Where is he from?" I told him he's American. "Uh huh".

                JF really mangled Goa'uld in Critical Mass - it was a interesting pronunciation at least.

                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Yeah, I find I tend to modify my language depending on who I'm "talking" with online and will often use americanisms (e.g. pants instead of trousers!) so that I'll be more easily understood.

                I guess I probably use a few Americanisms because they've slowly seeped into the English language anyway - things like "cool" or "gross" but "pants" will always be underwear to me. I am one of those boring people who gets on their high horse about how Americanised Britain is becoming, so you won't find me using overtly American phrases, I do however find myself spelling the word "centre" as "center" because I spend so much time typing out HTML coding.

                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                (giggles) Hubby probably thought everyone in the cast was Canadian since he knew the show was shot in B.C. I think he believes JF sounds like "California Surfer dude". Totally!! ROFL
                My brother thinks he sounds like Owen Wilson - I can kind of see where he's coming from with that.


                  Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                  Greetings whumpers!

                  How is everyone today?

                  If anyone could I know could manage to call people cheeky (pun intended) names in Latin, it would be you Ali! Or Welsh... or German...

                  Spoilers for The Seed
                  I agree Linzi. It was really a bit sad to watch for me, because I loved that caring, nurturing side of Carson. I was actually trying to pin down why the ep lacked a bit of lustre for me, but reading this, you've nailed it.

                  Although I must say - JF's acting when he got speared? Perfect.
                  Agreed. I was disappointed too. JF nailed it perfectly though! He's just wonderful, IMO Great to see you here again! Oh dear, I have visions of Shep being nailed to something now!
                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Oh I think we are definitely more sensitive to it simply because we are more familiar with/more accustomed to hearing Scottish accents so when something doesn't sound quite right, we hear it straight away. It's like... I'm incredibly impressed with Hugh Laurie's US accent in House and it sounds totally convincing to me... but I know that, to US native ears, although they agree he's *very* good, there are little things here and there where he sometimes slips/it doesn't quite sound right.

                  The Seed:
                  Well, I honestly felt the same way after Sunday. I didn't want him brought back, I thought it lessened the impact of losing him and it was unnecessary and could easily be cheesy. I do think they've handled bringing him back well but I still don't really think it's necessary (as was proved by the scene at the end of The Seed where Carson gets sent to Earth - sure, Woolsey says he needs time to recover himself from his ordeal etc but the bare fact of it is, they don't NEED two Doctors. Carson was needed in The Seed whilst Keller was incapacitated but other than that....

                  I did like him in The Seed and there were some nice moments (his interaction with Rodney when he was fretting about possibly showing symptoms was lovely - and rather classic Carson). I honestly don't mind Keller - I'm not a huge fan but I don't hate her either and she's growing on me... and I'm liking her so far in Season 5. So yeah, Carson does seem a tad... superfluous... to me.

                  Mind you, I would say about the convulsion scene and Carson walking off... if you watch him as he walks away, he actually goes over and hands the used hypo with the drug in to the Asian nurse/doctor who puts it away in the drug cabinet. In the process he gets waylaid by Rodney with his concerns. So I don't think there was a lack of concern there for Sheppard on Carson's part... I think if Rodney hadn't stopped him to talk etc, he would have handed over the hypo and come straight back to Sheppard's bed.
                  Good points. But I don't know, it didn't feel right. The show has moved on for me, I guess.
                  Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                  I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing it. I was afraid, being Dutch, it was just me.

                  Absolutely, at first I didn't even know he wasn't completely Scottish, but when I heard his folks were I understood where the good accent came from.

                  Yep, agree.

                  No! Not just you! I feel almost exactly the same! I was happy though we got him back initially, but they gotta do better than this I was so afraid I would be the only one feeling this, glad I'm not
                  I'm glad I'm not the only one. I did wonder if I was!
                  Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                  and at the end of irresistable he says the word embarrasing like emberessing...i think it was anyway, been a while since ive even watched season 3 oops!

                  re carson and keller....minor spoilers for season 4/5 (nothing specific)
                  dont like keller much still, liked a bit more in season 5 but i think you know why lol.....what annnoys me with carson is the fact they keep treating him like CARSON when hes still a flipping clone...its like an insult to the original carson who theyve grieved for but now hes been replaced so its ok! we should just get rid of both and get a new believable doctor!
                  Gosh, I HATE the way he says emberressing! Hehe! My daughter, who hadn't seen the Kindreds, watched The Seed, and she said exactly the same as you did. The Seed:
                  She watched it and said 'BUT, BUT, BUT, it's NOT Carson!!!!'

                  Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                  @ the bolded comment.

                  The swagger - definitely the way he moves is effortless to watch. He has an inherent grace to his movement. I love his looks too, but he is 10 times sexier when you see him moving, rather than in a picture. (le sigh)
                  No kidding! Sigh...
                  Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                  Hun, it's never the wrong thread!
                  Too right!
                  Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                  I live! A bit sore but not too bad.

                  A suburb of Dallas - Frisco

                  Burn isn't bad. Just ugly. Glad you liked the ficlet!

                  I see it's hitting around Padre which is even further south from me. No rain for us.

                  I really whacked it good. Poor car.

                  He turned in front of me. By the time we saw each other we couldn't stop.


                  Thanks! Glad you liked.

                  The Seed
                  Is it possible Carson was played that way on purpose? He isn't the same Carson we lost in Sunday. He spent 2 years in the hands of a madman fearing for his life and forced to create hybrids and "improve" the Hoffan virus. That has to have changed him, taken a little of his cuddliness away.

                  Re: Carson's accent - these American ears can't tell. I can hear the Canadian in McKay (and Weir - oops) occasionally, but I can't hear Scottish accents errors.
                  I can hear the difference between the US/Canadian accents, but I'm a musician and have good ears, I think.
                  Originally posted by miniglik View Post
                  Hee. I don't pretend not to be shallow. I just like men for lots of different reasons. Equal-opportunity.

                  Joe F definitely has a smooth way about him. I find the golf scenes way hotter than I really should. Or the stick fighting scenes. Even when he's getting his butt kicked.
                  I LOVE the stick fighting scenes!
                  Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                  I'm not the only girl who doesn't like muscle-y men? Yay! I thought I was an almost extinct species! When I see arms that big my face goes instead of Can't help it, I'm weird that way

                  Hair and hands, now then it becomes interesting Yes I have something with hands. I always look at men's hands. So don't even get me started on seeing Shep with a radio in his hand.. GUH..
                  I don't like muscle-y men particularly either.

                  Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                  LOL - boyfy tells me off every now and then for using "Americanisms". I try not to use them - cos i'm sure they sound lame in a British accent - but sometimes i don't realise i've done it till i get "the look" And that's only been since i've been on here - so you people are to blame! lol
                  I'm always using Americanisms and my kids tell me off the time!
                  Originally posted by miniglik View Post
                  Hee. I try not to use "college," and I use either "football" or "futbol" to differentiate between American football and "soccer."

                  I always find it strange that JF is Californian. The nasally speech sounds so very midwestern.
                  Is it? How interesting.


                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    I loved the Sarah Connor Chronicles, best new show of last year by a long way, but I can't find Derek Reese sexy because, no matter how good he looks now, deep down I know he's that annoying kid from 90210
                    That's too bad. I wasn't a 90210 fan, so I can enjoy the crazy and the whump without any baggage.

                    JF really mangled Goa'uld in Critical Mass - it was a interesting pronunciation at least.
                    Did he? Not being a fan of SG1, I'm not even sure how it's supposed to be said.

                    My brother thinks he sounds like Owen Wilson - I can kind of see where he's coming from with that.
                    Oh, I forgot about that. When I was marathoning this show it took me weeks to figure out who I thought he sounded like. He's definitely a lost Wilson brother.
                    My Livejournal
                    I watched all of the first four seasons of SGA last May. Here are my newbie impressions.


                      okay I've lost track here of the thread - no idea how we got onto hands, feet and accents LOL

                      did see someone mention DT and I can listen to him talking for hours (in fact I have as he's done audiobooks). I would love to hear JF do audiobooks too ...
                      on accents with a name like McGillion there must be scottish ancestry

                      Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Is it? How interesting.
                        Eh, now I think I'm totally wrong, because he does sound like a Wilson brother, who are very Californian. I guess midwestern is more a rapid nasal, than the slow drawl.
                        Last edited by miniglik; 23 July 2008, 08:00 AM.
                        My Livejournal
                        I watched all of the first four seasons of SGA last May. Here are my newbie impressions.


                          bandcat Paul McG is Scottish he was born in Paisley - his family emigrated to Canada when he was very young however.


                            I thought of Owen Wilson when I first heard JF, as well. Very similar accent, although I have to confess I would have trouble identifying which American accent belongs to which region in most cases. I've never been able to get them sorted out.

                            Anyway, off to sleepies for this little black duck. Good night whumpers.
                            My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                              Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                              I thought of Owen Wilson when I first heard JF, as well. Very similar accent, although I have to confess I would have trouble identifying which American accent belongs to which region in most cases. I've never been able to get them sorted out.

                              Anyway, off to sleepies for this little black duck. Good night whumpers.
                              man i want sleepies now...*looks at clock* its only tired!!!!!!!!!



                                Originally posted by miniglik View Post
                                Eh, now I think I'm totally wrong, because he does sound like a Wilson brother, who are very Californian. I guess midwestern is more a rapid nasal, than the slow drawl.
                                Midwestern is nasally??? Never noticed being from Wisconsin. I can certainly detect the southern drawl and the Boston and New York accent. But can't really discern any other region.

                                So, who's looking forward to Broken Ties this week? Anyone? Anyone?

