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John Sheppard Whump

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    half way down page 2??? What the hey???


      I just checked out the poll on the GW home page. SGA has passed SU and is catching up to another SG1 movie!!! WooHoo


        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        i would be disappointed if
        JMs piccie wasnt a true reflection of what happens and hes just trapped but pretty uninjured except for a few cuts and a minor concussion..and they get him out fairly quickly with hardly any angst from his team mates and we get most of the ep focused on boring teyla and her boringness that is the michael/teyla/kanaan/baby boring storyline....and i will be even more pissed if ronon ends up more whumped than shep.........i at least want some broken bones and some nice bloody wounds..and i want shep all woozy and vunerable and not fine! and no beaming out! and no getting cheated of an infirmary scene, espesh if they have teyla and her baby in there...heads will frickin roll if that happens!!

        I really don't need to see Teyla in labor the whole time. Granted they will have to show something since that's been a major arc (sp?) in S4. I would just rather see Shep in lots of pain waiting to be rescued. While Ronon is mad because they aren't getting to them fast enough and Shep is going down hill.

        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        What I expect is vastly different than what I'd want. What I expect is a little angst while they dig him out. I think he'll be unconscious. I think that's it. I don't expect broken bones or internal injuries or gurneys or intubation or CPR. I will be happily surprised to get any or all of it.

        Short changed - if he's conscious and talking the entire time. Although conscious would be OK if we get a few whimpers and groans of pain.

        You know, it's times like this when I realize how strange whump sounds.

        What can I say? I don't expect much.
        I'm with you on this one too. I will still hang on to my squee, but I will be cautious.

        Originally posted by Listy View Post
        Well as a minimum I would like to see
        SHeppard trapped in the rubble unconscious, ROnon concerned for his wellbeing, then Sheppard coming round, being really disorientated, due to a nasty headwound about his right eye which wil need stitches, so blood is running down his face, I want to see him trying to move and feeling pain shoot through his body and a bit of panic on his face at being trapped and out of control. I want a long rescue that we see rather than just hear about, with team angst and I want them to have to lift Sheppard from the rubble onto a gurney (if possible on a backboard with a collar) and I want to see him in the infirmary. Then I would like after effects, like him being sore and not as agile and mobile as normal, so if he does have to go help with something he can't do his job to the best of his ability which frustrates him..... thats the MINIMUM , in an ideal world I would like much more, and I doubt we will even see half of what I would like on my minimum spec

        I will feel short changed if they beam him out straight away so we see a second of him in that hole and then a flash of light and the empty hole and him wandering around fine and all he has is a bruise and we don't see any infirmary scene or team comfort, or if he gets himself out (Sheppard surely can't save himself this time, I mean its not like he can dig himself out.....can he?).

        hope you feel better soon hun, love your minimum description
        S&R spec
        What I would love to see is Shep wake up alone with no Ronon in sight. He's pinned, hurt, can't get out and he's scared. I know that JF can pull it off, he did it when he first saw Todd in CG. That look he made was priceless. I think the potential is there to really have Shep afraid that everyones dead and he's alone, just like when he went into the future. I would love it if he started to scream for Ronon and then passes out from the pain.

        What I wouldn't want - Well just as everyone says I DO NOT want a beam out. That would spoil everything. I also don't want to see Keller showing up and saying you are going to be just fine Colonel as he passes out, then he wakes up in the infirmary. That would totally stink big time.

        Originally posted by caty View Post
        I see the poll on the front page works again... Atlantis is slowly moving up, so keep voting!
        I voted.

        Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
        AVI by *ERIKA*


          S&R speculation - I'm going to see if I can make a little prediction about what will happen - Sorry if someone has already said this and my brain has leaked even more grey matter since
          It may be that Teyla is found as they are trying to find and dig out Shep. She goes into labor. The ep cuts back and forth between her delivering the baby as they're trying to dig Shep out. Others are also either searching for or fighting off Michael. So, the action is cutting between the three things. The baby is coming, Shep is fading and Michael is evading. How's that?

          The issue is will the action between the 2 or 3 threads be balanced or mostly Rodney having a cow while Teyla is having the baby and/or the search/chase for Michael???

          I still wouldn't really mind Shep getting beamed out after being under the rubble for a couple of hours while he is in pain, in and out of consciousness and slowly bleeding to death.
          As long as they don't kill him off, that is!

          Actually, they could have him die and beam him out with barely enough time to resuscitate him on the ship! squeeee!
          Eep! Sorry if anyone read that if they didn't want to - I messed up my spoiler tags!

          Hey, we may have less than 100 days until S5!!

          ETA - see the spoiler!
          Last edited by Lorr; 09 April 2008, 08:49 PM.


            Well, since no one wants to come out and play, I think I shall pack up my toys and go home. Goodnightd, whumpers!


              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
              S&R speculation - I'm going to see if I can make a little prediction about what will happen - Sorry if someone has already said this and my brain has leaked even more grey matter since
              It may be that Teyla is found as they are trying to find and dig out Shep. She goes into labor. The ep cuts back and forth between her delivering the baby as they're trying to dig Shep out. Others are also either searching for or fighting off Michael. So, the action is cutting between the three things. The baby is coming, Shep is fading and Michael is evading. How's that?

              The issue is will the action between the 2 or 3 threads be balanced or mostly Rodney having a cow while Teyla is having the baby and/or the search/chase for Michael???

              I still wouldn't really mind Shep getting beamed out after being under the rubble for a couple of hours while he is in pain, in and out of consciousness and slowly bleeding to death.
              As long as they don't kill him off, that is!

              Actually, they could have him die and beam him out with barely enough time to resuscitate him on the ship! squeeee!
              Eep! Sorry if anyone read that if they didn't want to - I messed up my spoiler tags!

              Hey, we may have less than 100 days until S5!!

              ETA - see the spoiler!
              That would be rather exciting Lorr!!


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                  ^Hello? Anybody out there?

                  Sorry I've been absent of late been going through a rough time of it and been ridiculously busy - but finally, after what seems like forever, I have a completely free day all to myself. Yay!.

                  Love the lolSheps LCEB.

                  Regarding S&R:
                  I'm really very confident that we will see some nice whumpage and a reasonable amount of time spent on the gang trying to rescue Shep (and Ronon presumably) - after all the episode is called Search & Rescue, And although it could be argued that the title also refers to Teyla the big S&R operation that Carter puts in place is definitely aimed at rescuing Shep and Ronon. Plus I really don't think that they would go to all the trouble of building that massive set with all the rubble (and we've seen pictures of both Carter and Vega walking through it) if they weren't going to make good use of it.

                  I'm feeling very confident and very positive and squeeful about this episode.


                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    ^Hello? Anybody out there?

                    Sorry I've been absent of late been going through a rough time of it and been ridiculously busy - but finally, after what seems like forever, I have a completely free day all to myself. Yay!.

                    Love the lolSheps LCEB.

                    Regarding S&R:
                    I'm really very confident that we will see some nice whumpage and a reasonable amount of time spent on the gang trying to rescue Shep (and Ronon presumably) - after all the episode is called Search & Rescue, And although it could be argued that the title also refers to Teyla the big S&R operation that Carter puts in place is definitely aimed at rescuing Shep and Ronon. Plus I really don't think that they would go to all the trouble of building that massive set with all the rubble (and we've seen pictures of both Carter and Vega walking through it) if they weren't going to make good use of it.

                    I'm feeling very confident and very positive and squeeful about this episode.
                    **waves at Josie**

                    Sherry I love your S and R idea of
                    Shep waking up alone and fearing everyone is dead. You are right that JF can pull off that look perfectly.

                    I really, really hope that they deal with Shep being trapped in a "realistic" way. I want it to take a while to get to him and for it to not be easy to get him out AND for him to show real affects from the whole ordeal. I know JF said it is hard to act while laying on your back, but I want to feel a bit of stress and worry about him. I care for his character very much and I don't want anything to permanently affect him, but I don't want a cartoon rescue where he bounces up out of the whole after Ronon uses his muscles and lifts the beam off and they run to find a stressed out Rodney holding Teyla's baby. I hope they treat the situation in the way that it deserves.


                      Where are the whumpers?

                      *feels lonely*
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                      Sig and avi by me


                        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                        Where are the whumpers?

                        *feels lonely*
                        I'm here Erika! *waves*

                        How are ye? OT
                        I read a post of yours about Dengue. I see that on the news a lot, it seems very serious Are you not in any danger of getting that?
                        Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                        Save Our Seeker!
                        LotS on LJ.


                          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                          **waves at Josie**

                          Sherry I love your S and R idea of
                          Shep waking up alone and fearing everyone is dead. You are right that JF can pull off that look perfectly.

                          I really, really hope that they deal with Shep being trapped in a "realistic" way. I want it to take a while to get to him and for it to not be easy to get him out AND for him to show real affects from the whole ordeal. I know JF said it is hard to act while laying on your back, but I want to feel a bit of stress and worry about him. I care for his character very much and I don't want anything to permanently affect him, but I don't want a cartoon rescue where he bounces up out of the whole after Ronon uses his muscles and lifts the beam off and they run to find a stressed out Rodney holding Teyla's baby. I hope they treat the situation in the way that it deserves.
                          I really hope for that too. I want what you describe and will feel cheated with anything less, to be honest. The possibilites are endless, yet I worry everything will be glossed over because it's the season premiere, and so much has to happen in it.

                          Today I'm not feeling that positive about everything. I don't know if it's because I'm stuck in mid-hiatus blues, or because of the lack of knowing anything about Shep in season 5. The fact that JM won't even give us any clues about anything for Shep as a character in season 5 when he seems to be happy to tell us about other characters is making me miserable and a little peeved. I don't know if it's because there's not a lot to tell, or if he's just being coy. But why single out Shep fans? Why tell us about eppies and things for other characters and not for Sheppard?

                          I really loved season 4, and felt it had some great whumpy moments and some great character moments for Sheppard too. In fact, it's probably my favourite season for Shep over all in many ways. Ok, not for whump perhaps, though I did love what we got in TR, DG, Midway, Travelers, to name a few, and the emo whump was wonderful! Best ever, I think. But for character development and importance to the show Shep was very well served, I think. I was just thrilled. I just am feeling not so positive about season 5 at the moment. It's so hard to feel excited when you hear about good things for just about every other character but the one you love. This time last year we knew so much about what was coming up for Sheppard, and this year? We know nothing.

                          To sort of explain the thing that finally tipped me over the edge was what I read today in JM's blog:

                          The Tracker has some sort of Ronon/McKay/Keller element to it.

                          I was hoping that Tracker might be Shep centric? Guess not. We have to make do with him being in Beckett's episode. Great... I know having a centred eppie isn't everything, hell, a few days ago I was saying it wasn't the be all and end all, but now I'm finally starting to be annoyed. Who is the leading man again? I'm honestly beginning to think it's Joe F only in name. I am at the point where I'm not even going to read JM's blog anymore. I gave up posting on it a while back, because Shep fans are just ignored. Well, I guess JM has got his wish. This Shep fan is fed up, hurt and ready to quit.

                          I need to go and watch 38 Minutes to feel the love again!



                            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post

                            Regarding S&R:
                            I'm really very confident that we will see some nice whumpage and a reasonable amount of time spent on the gang trying to rescue Shep (and Ronon presumably) - after all the episode is called Search & Rescue, And although it could be argued that the title also refers to Teyla the big S&R operation that Carter puts in place is definitely aimed at rescuing Shep and Ronon. Plus I really don't think that they would go to all the trouble of building that massive set with all the rubble (and we've seen pictures of both Carter and Vega walking through it) if they weren't going to make good use of it.

                            I'm feeling very confident and very positive and squeeful about this episode.
                            Me too!

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                            Sherry I love your S and R idea of
                            Shep waking up alone and fearing everyone is dead. You are right that JF can pull off that look perfectly.

                            I really, really hope that they deal with Shep being trapped in a "realistic" way. I want it to take a while to get to him and for it to not be easy to get him out AND for him to show real affects from the whole ordeal. I know JF said it is hard to act while laying on your back, but I want to feel a bit of stress and worry about him. I care for his character very much and I don't want anything to permanently affect him, but I don't want a cartoon rescue where he bounces up out of the whole after Ronon uses his muscles and lifts the beam off and they run to find a stressed out Rodney holding Teyla's baby. I hope they treat the situation in the way that it deserves.
                            I so want that, I envisage...
                            Ronon being knocked out, so when Shep wakes up he can't see Ronon and has no idea if he's there, dead or alive. Then once Ronon wakes up he's ok, apart from a headache , and has to look after Shep!

                            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                              ((hugs to Linzi and all the down and unexcited whumpers)) I really wish I could think of some exciting idea to keep us occupied until the new season starts. Kinda like the ep review that Sheppy D did before season 4 started. Something silly like do an ep a day and add our own whumpage to it. **sigh**

                              I hope my whumper friends don't disappear entirely. I had to spend the night last night actually reading a book. It was Reliquary so it wasn't too bad but I am almost done that. What's next? Spending quality time with Hubby? Oh, wait, that's not so bad. He is a great guy but I don't want to whump him.


                                I know it seems like its going to be an age before the next SGA season comes out - even longer probably for those of us in the UK - I had the advantage of having to catch up so has used some of the time and I'm just glad Sky 2 is repeating SGA ATM to try and get soem inspiration for this topic of course then you have to try and find the appropriate pics to accompany your findings but hey at least its somethign to do
                                Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids

