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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
    My bet is that the announcement will take place the moment I leave the computer and go down stairs to get my dinner ready.
    Okay - well cant you go now? I am sure you are hungry right?


      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Well we will know if I am right in just over an hour from now

      Maybe you should do both as a forfit!

      Oh I have a really good looking Dentist - so actually dont mind going at all hehehehe!

      I think I need Erika as my dentist, that way I could watch whump as i'm being whumped. I have no clue as to what my dentist looks like, hehehehe, he just says, in a couple of minutes you won't remember a thing, and I don't. Mind you some of the things I talk about while under sedation is a bit bizarre, *wants that for sheppy*

      Oh both things as a forfit? Oh Sheppy D, you're so cruel, but I guess a deal is a deal, i'm not one to renague on my obligations to the whumping crew. It'll be torturous having to sit through all those eps, but i'm guessing it'll be twice as bed for sheppy!


        Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
        My bet is that the announcement will take place the moment I leave the computer and go down stairs to get my dinner ready.
        Ah sods law


          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
 has a nice BTS interview with Andy Mikita about Outcast.

          Quote from interview:
          “For me it was great because it’s a diversion,” Mikita says of bringing Alan McCullough’s script to the screen. “We’re on Earth, in a non science-fiction environment, exploring Sheppard’s back story, which for me was wonderful. It’s something that was long overdue. So we explore his history and his family – we meet his ex-wife, his brother. It was a nice change of pace. I thought Joe [Flanigan] did a great job with it. It was a story idea he had pitched in the first place, so it was very close to him. He obviously had quite a bit invested in it.”
          I just found that article myself, whilst searching for that elusive casting news... it's great. Andy Mikita is fast becoming my new favourite director. Especially after BAMSR and Outcast!
          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
          So sorry to hear your news Salty (((hugs)))


          Thanks for that Josie.

          Peggy - your thoughts on the
          cast changes for s5 could be right! I'm thinking Ellis will be the commander though!!

          GW keeps chewing up my posts!!

          Hmmmm, that's a distinct possibility, Eli.
          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          Hehehehe shall we have a lil wager?

          *kicks GW for Eli*

          Nah, 8.01 doesn't work for me, I predict my shopping will arrive at that time.

          Okay if i'm wrong, what shall I do as a forfit? Spend hours capping Outcast? Because we all know what a chore that is. Or be forced to watch TR, DG, CG and 38 Mins on a loop, that would be equally cruel.

          Surprisingly I might do that this week, because tomorrow i'm whumping myself at the dentist! All I can say is thank goodness for sedation. *imagines Shep sedated and hallucinating* hehehehe

          I'm getting soooo frustrated. I've been out for about 3 hours and have just got back and there's still no news!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW! This is torture!
          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          Ah sods law
          Sods law says they'll do the press release just when I've gone to bed tonight!


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            I just found that article myself, whilst searching for that elusive casting news... it's great. Andy Mikita is fast becoming my new favourite director. Especially after BAMSR and Outcast!

            Hmmmm, that's a distinct possibility, Eli.


            I'm getting soooo frustrated. I've been out for about 3 hours and have just got back and there's still no news!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW! This is torture!

            Sods law says they'll do the press release just when I've gone to bed tonight!
            8.23 hon. Remember, patience is a virtue. Does anyone know if it's going to be announced on the Scifi wire?


              I've just been looking at the Midway pics on the main page, somehow I'd missed them.
              I love this picture of Shep in the background and the fact that Chuck is taking bets

              Do you think Carter is pissed at Shep for not only letting Ronon and Teal'c get into it but for encouraging them?


                Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                I've just been looking at the Midway pics on the main page, somehow I'd missed them.
                I love this picture of Shep in the background and the fact that Chuck is taking bets

                Do you think Carter is pissed at Shep for not only letting Ronon and Teal'c get into it but for encouraging them?
                I saw that, that's Shep's
                "Oh crap! Busted!" Face,


                  Good luck at the dentist Peg! I bet that some Shep whump would make you forget all about being sitting in the chair!!! But I guess I would be distracted a bit.
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                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    My bet is that the announcement will take place the moment I leave the computer and go down stairs to get my dinner ready.
                    You know it's the truth!!
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                      Good luck at the dentist Peg! I bet that some Shep whump would make you forget all about being sitting in the chair!!! But I guess I would be distracted a bit.
                      You'd whump me Erika? I think your clones been with you for far to long. I'd better take it off your hands.

                      *makes a play for Erika's clone*


                        Well, I'm back and there is still no news... I'm ready to bite my chair in excitement (or nervousness?)
                        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          You'd whump me Erika? I think your clones been with you for far to long. I'd better take it off your hands.

                          *makes a play for Erika's clone*
                          Nooo! I'll be good!
                          My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                          Sig and avi by me


                            Hey guys,

                            I thought if I waited long enough I'd be reading reactions to the news and there's nothing! Darn it, but I wasn't aware about stuff until I read everyone else's thoughts. Now some of the hinted changes make a little more sense.

                            pilgrim soul

                            On your question of recovery time. To me it depends what the length of the story is going to be, what the focus of the plot and what happened. I'd say go for realism and your own comfort level. If there is a story plot and the hurt is as a result, then you must find a balance. If the whole point of the fic is what happens to put Shep in the infirmary then obviously his recovery should be explored.

                            I'm with others, I'm not a fan of he's better, oh there's a complication, then hes' better but he has an infection, over and over again.

                            But I hate it when half the fic is about him getting whumped and hardly anything going over his recovery. It also depends if your fic is 20,000 words or 80,000 words.

                            I have the same worry, I'm writing something that's going to hit I think the 90,000 word mark, but I have two major plot lines going while dealing with an injury or two that I'm trying to cover as a focus. So it just depends.

                            Okay long winded answer, going away now!
                            My fanfic-


                              Hey I have no problem with long winded answers. I appreciate any help and advice I can get, especially from other writers.


                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Oh both things as a forfit? Oh Sheppy D, you're so cruel, but I guess a deal is a deal, i'm not one to renague on my obligations to the whumping crew. It'll be torturous having to sit through all those eps, but i'm guessing it'll be twice as bed for sheppy!
                                "twice as bed for sheppy"? Freudian slip?

