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John Sheppard Whump

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    GRRRRRR - had my response to 8 pages of posts all written out and then my frakking computer crapped out on me! So off the top of my head!!


    And anyone else i may have missed!

    Regards Rodney and the shirt
    I thought David had said he really didn't like taking his clothes off even though he's done it in the past and will do for the story.

    Then again, for the story and accuracy, he really should have caved and lost the shirt for this!!

    Also might explain why he suddenly took up running in the hiatus....

    SGAFan - nice catch!
    I hadn't noticed beardy lurking there. Though i must have had my head in the sand, cos this is the first i've heard of the Replicators being involved in Weir's leaving! lol

    Prion - if there was ever a good reason to loose JF for 3 eps so he could direct, that is it! Personally, i'd go for coma, intubated, nekkid under informary sheet (so we really need the sheet??) if only to keep SheppyD happy

    God my short term memory is crap! There was loads more!

    Oh well.
    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

    l My LJ l


      Originally posted by Atair View Post
      I’m with you, ancient parents that would be poo (that word is from you, isn’t it? ) But I could live with the idea that he is a descendant from the ancients who came to earth 10’000 years ago. They were going with the idea that the ancients fled to earth and lived there, so I assume they would have mixed with the humans on earth.

      I’m not into genetics but I think I heard somewhere that you always have everything from your ancestors its just that not everything is active but the information is there and you can inherit it even if it wasn’t active in your parents or grandparents and so on….., so it could be that his parents not even have the ATA gene, at least not active.

      About his ex I hope there will be some angst and some emotional whump… and I hope she’s not the only one from his past to make an appearance, I’d like to see more of his family or at least the reason why he says he has no one.
      hehe yes that word is from me LOL actually that idea i would be fine with. the idea i hate apart from
      shep being a descended ancient blaa, is that his parents were ancients.....but either having his parents both with this rare ata gene or his far off ancestors then that would be fine

      Originally posted by caty View Post
      Actually, if JF wants to direct sooo bad, I say let him. He deserves it...

      But ONLY if the reason he will be absent in three eps is like you said. He is intubated and nekkid under an infirmary sheet. If they show his intubated self once or twice in each episode and let the others worry about him and try to find him a cure, I'd be OK with it As long as he's not just ignored...
      on a serious note, if JF directed (which no doubt would be great) then i would quite happily have a couple of eps like with him seriously injured in one ep and trying to get over it, maybe another ep where theyre reporting to him letting him know whats going on whilst he has to have physiotherapy or something like that.



        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        thanks pretty much over it, i was in a bit of a mood yesterday anyway because a mate was supposed to be coming down to see me and bailed on me at last minute, she didnt even text to apologise or anything which i just i was doubly pissed just gonna enjoy my summer and carry on looking..its such a pain though!

        i doubt we'll ever learn about the reason why sheps gene is stronger so we have to make our own assumptions...that would mean tptb actually having to use their brains to come up with something and i dont think it occurs to them that its something we wanna find out, possibly important too....maybe joe can suggest something...i still hate the idea of ancient parents though.....and i dont mind the ex so much, i dont think itll be soap operish, joe would hate that.....but as long as in the ep we find out about his parents or family i dont mind...thats what i wanted to find out about
        That's a good attitude about the job! I have a quick interviewing story
        I interviewed with a place a week or so ago after the first ad they posted. The day before I went in, they posted a second time for the same job. Yesterday, they posted again. Now I knew I might not be exactly right to for the job, but to find out they didn't want me by seeing the third posting was a little much! Good thing I didn't get it if that's they way they treat people.

        Shep's ATA gene speculation
        I always assumed that he was really just exceptionally good at using the gene. It may be more dominate in him than others, but I thought that his natural abilities at a lot of things (flying, math, thinking on his feet in a tough situation, getting Rodney's goat, etc.) also meant that he would just be able to use the gene better.

        Originally posted by caty View Post
        Puhlease! Give her her intubation scene!
        Yes, please, por favor, s'il vous plait, bitte, per favore!!!

        Originally posted by caty View Post
        Actually, if JF wants to direct sooo bad, I say let him. He deserves it...

        But ONLY if the reason he will be absent in three eps is like you said. He is intubated and nekkid under an infirmary sheet. If they show his intubated self once or twice in each episode and let the others worry about him and try to find him a cure, I'd be OK with it As long as he's not just ignored...

        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        on a serious note, if JF directed (which no doubt would be great) then i would quite happily have a couple of eps like with him seriously injured in one ep and trying to get over it, maybe another ep where theyre reporting to him letting him know whats going on whilst he has to have physiotherapy or something like that.
        I don't think it would take him away completely. He could still have a scene here and there, probably like GUP or Duet. I'd love to see how he'd be as a director. Seriously injured, intubated, and all the rest of it would be fine!


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Congrats Linzi on 14200 posts!!!

          Congrats SGAFan to 4100 posts!!!

          SGAFan...thanks for the caps on the promo... to love the Shep pics
          Thanks, Nina!
          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
          but if you wake up when september ends (love that song btw!) that means you will miss the first ep! so more like wake me up when the day before the first episode airs lol

          thanks pretty much over it, i was in a bit of a mood yesterday anyway because a mate was supposed to be coming down to see me and bailed on me at last minute, she didnt even text to apologise or anything which i just i was doubly pissed just gonna enjoy my summer and carry on looking..its such a pain though!

          that last cap is from *shudder* phantoms. and the weir thing
          we'd all pretty much guessed months ago that the replicators would have something to do with her disappearance..but nice catch on the beard...erm oberoth lol

          shep doesnt kirk! just had to say it. the hazmats in the jungle (with people in them obviously lol) is from DG..and YAY you caught the explosion but shep in the one else seemed to notice it!

          imdb isnt reliable no but
          i kinda already guessed we wouldnt get much aftermath of his whump in the comic con promo there is a scene in the mess hall with rodney saying for once he'd like to be caught by the hot alien, so im presuming thats the end of that ep and shep will be with them or join them maybe with a mention of being checked out in the infirmary if we're lucky.

          i doubt we'll ever learn about the reason why sheps gene is stronger so we have to make our own assumptions...that would mean tptb actually having to use their brains to come up with something and i dont think it occurs to them that its something we wanna find out, possibly important too....maybe joe can suggest something...i still hate the idea of ancient parents though.....and i dont mind the ex so much, i dont think itll be soap operish, joe would hate that.....but as long as in the ep we find out about his parents or family i dont mind...thats what i wanted to find out about

          yeh thats what i thought!
          Good thoughts there honey! Sorry your friend let you down!
          Originally posted by caty View Post
          Puhlease! Give her her intubation scene!
          YES, PTB, please do!
          Originally posted by prion View Post
          Well, if Joe F ever directs, that would kick him out of three episodes (according to the comic con video). So, you could put him into a coma and intubate him then, but I'd rather he be in those three episodes.

          I wish they'd just give us one nice whumpy episode. I mean, in the 70s/80s, they had no trouble a) shooting the hero and leaving him alone to bleed to death, b) poisoining him so he can die a slow death (MacGyver did a good one), c) hysterical blindness (or blindness from whack on head), d) addicted to drugs by bad guy (well, they did it on Starsky & Hutch). Ah,t he list is endless. And they seem to beat the crap out of people in "24". Maybe we need a guest writer from "24" to write a Shep script
          I loved those kind of whump eppies!
          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

          I think if the option was Shep intubated and nekkid under the infirmary sheet for three eps - with lots of angst from the others I would have to say that would be my choice!

          Starsky and Hutch whump - woo hoo!!!!

          Boy it is hot out this afternoon!
          S&H whump! Woo hoo!
          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          GRRRRRR - had my response to 8 pages of posts all written out and then my frakking computer crapped out on me! So off the top of my head!!


          And anyone else i may have missed!

          Regards Rodney and the shirt
          I thought David had said he really didn't like taking his clothes off even though he's done it in the past and will do for the story.

          Then again, for the story and accuracy, he really should have caved and lost the shirt for this!!

          Also might explain why he suddenly took up running in the hiatus....

          SGAFan - nice catch!
          I hadn't noticed beardy lurking there. Though i must have had my head in the sand, cos this is the first i've heard of the Replicators being involved in Weir's leaving! lol

          Prion - if there was ever a good reason to loose JF for 3 eps so he could direct, that is it! Personally, i'd go for coma, intubated, nekkid under informary sheet (so we really need the sheet??) if only to keep SheppyD happy

          God my short term memory is crap! There was loads more!

          Oh well.
          I hate it when computers crash like that! One word: POO!
          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
          Happy Birthday GG!!!

          Congrats Linzi and SGAFan on your milestones!!!

          Love the caps SGAFan!!!! Mental Green for you
          I think that's was Oberoth. Hmmm....

          Love Shep's scruffy salute!

          LOVE EVIL!SHEP



          I just had a tought about Shep's gene. It's probably nothing, but something that just came to my mind.

          Maybe the Ancients made some kind of experiment on some people from Earth for them to have strong ATA genes. They knew that the humans would make it to Atlantis after 10.000 years so thought that they would need people with strong genes to operate their city.
          Thanks for the congrats, and I like your ideas about Shep and his gene. Very good thinking!


            Has anyone missed me???? It's taken me days to catch up and since there's so much to squeeee over, it's taken longer and longer. So without further ado...


            Flash Gordon kinda sucked last night but it was SO worth it for the promo!!!
            Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007



              Very quiet in here this afternoon. I suppose RL is keeping everyone busy. I certainly had a good share of it today.

              With that, I think I shall go try to write a little. Be back later.


                Originally posted by Lorr View Post

                Very quiet in here this afternoon. I suppose RL is keeping everyone busy. I certainly had a good share of it today.

                With that, I think I shall go try to write a little. Be back later.
                It's been pretty dead on all the threads I usually visit on GW... not much happening in here today at all.... pesky RL maybe, squeed out.. who knows
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  Well, if Joe F ever directs, that would kick him out of three episodes (according to the comic con video). So, you could put him into a coma and intubate him then, but I'd rather he be in those three episodes.

                  I wish they'd just give us one nice whumpy episode. I mean, in the 70s/80s, they had no trouble a) shooting the hero and leaving him alone to bleed to death, b) poisoining him so he can die a slow death (MacGyver did a good one), c) hysterical blindness (or blindness from whack on head), d) addicted to drugs by bad guy (well, they did it on Starsky & Hutch). Ah,t he list is endless. And they seem to beat the crap out of people in "24". Maybe we need a guest writer from "24" to write a Shep script
                  I have also thought that on several occasions! Bring in a whump writer from some of those other shows like 24 or Prison Break or the like....

                  Originally posted by Salty View Post
                  Has anyone missed me???? It's taken me days to catch up and since there's so much to squeeee over, it's taken longer and longer. So without further ado...


                  Flash Gordon kinda sucked last night but it was SO worth it for the promo!!!
                  I've missed you! I missed Flash Gordon, Skiffy didn't replay it and I had a car wash to help out at. I guess I have to hope iTunes has it so I can at least watch the pilot and decide from there.

                  Well, I am headed out to Maryland, USA in a few for a week... I guess I'll talk to you guys from there.

                  Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

                  Thank You Sheyla Fan!



                    Sorry to stray a little OT:

                    Does anyone know where to go to seek out a beta reader on LJ or by other means? I've had the same one for two years and she's going to be pretty busy with RL and is tangling with my current project. Got a one shot brewing and don't want to jam her up.

                    My fanfic-


                      JM posted
                      Zoey Flannigan writes: “Do you think that you could do a episode where shepherd is reunited with a love intrest from his past?”

                      Answer: We are working on a late-season episode in which he is reunited with his ex-wife.

                      I just asked him to tell me that the reunion would not be schmaltzy, and be truthful about it. let's see if he answers.


                        Kristen, sorry, I am not a good beta. There are a bunch of whumpers here that are very good at it and someone will probably volunteer!


                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          JM posted
                          Zoey Flannigan writes: “Do you think that you could do a episode where shepherd is reunited with a love intrest from his past?”

                          Answer: We are working on a late-season episode in which he is reunited with his ex-wife.

                          I just asked him to tell me that the reunion would not be schmaltzy, and be truthful about it. let's see if he answers.
                          I really didn't need to read intrest for that episodes is just going more away evertime I read something about it... I'm beginning to wonder if this is really a pitch by JF since he wasn't into sap...
                          And it has nothing to do with me being a shipper...I'm just don't have a flying intrest in his ex-wife...not after his obvious *whatever* attitude towards the whole deal in Sunday... oh brother do I hope I'm wrong... I think I will stay away from spoilers from this epi... cause all the time I hear something about's ex-wife to the left, to the right, up and down... and nothing else...and I really don't give a flying rats ass about that kind of backstory...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            re SPOILER off JM blog and season 4 episode
                            And it has nothing to do with me being a shipper...I'm just don't have a flying intrest in his ex-wife...not after his obvious *whatever* attitude towards the whole deal in Sunday... oh brother do I hope I'm wrong... I think I will stay away from spoilers from this epi... cause all the time I hear something about's ex-wife to the left, to the right, up and down... and nothing else...and I really don't give a flying rats ass about that kind of backstory...
                            My spoiler-ridden response on that
                            I am interested in seeing her, only to see if we find out what pulled them apart. I can't see them having a kid. I don't see Shep as the kind who would have left earth if he had a kid (plus that Lord of the Flies episode (sorry, can never remember its name) indicated he had none.) Anyway, if we get some angst out of it, I'm all for it, but I'd prefer she be and out of his life and he's back to Atlantis with no regrets.

                            Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                            Sorry to stray a little OT:

                            Does anyone know where to go to seek out a beta reader on LJ or by other means? I've had the same one for two years and she's going to be pretty busy with RL and is tangling with my current project. Got a one shot brewing and don't want to jam her up.

                            Try the sganoticeboard. Sooo glad you're doing something else. Love your work!


                              Originally posted by prion View Post

                              Try the sganoticeboard. Sooo glad you're doing something else. Love your work!
                              Oh, cool. I didn't know that was allowed on there. Will def do that when time gets closer.

                              My fanfic-


                                I don't think
                                that there is going to be much more than a passing contact with her. I'd be willing to bet that the relationship is more a tolerant co-existance than anything else.

                                While watching the ComiCon promo, I couldn't help but think that Shep's relationship with his ex would kinda like the scene with Larrin when she insults him about shooting too soon.
                                I'm hoping that'll be it, anyway. LOL

