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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post


    Could be talking about Torri declining the offer to come back for eps in season 5 too... thats the first thing that I thought of...
    From JM's blog - I agree
    I think that is the most likely from the VERRRRRY little we know so far.

    Well, I'm toddling off for the night. I need to read some work stuff before I go to bed.

    Two days until Kindred I. WooHoo!!


      night Lorr! Just about pumpkin time for me too Can't stop yawning

      Night all!
      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post


        Could be talking about Torri declining the offer to come back for eps in season 5 too... thats the first thing that I thought of...
        I'd forgotten all about that SGAFan and yes that seems the likeliest reason thinking about it.

        I'll look forward to reading your fic later when I can. I love your fics!

        Thanks for your fic as well prion...another one added to my list to read.

        Last edited by Elinor; 20 February 2008, 10:30 PM.


          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post


          Could be talking about Torri declining the offer to come back for eps in season 5 too... thats the first thing that I thought of...
          Nope. Alan wasn't writing that one, CB was. This doesn't look promising. AM was writing the
          extreme Shep whumpage one. It's hit a creative 'snafu'? Great. It's been put back to the back half of the season? Even better. It's having to be looked at from a different perspective? Great. POO, I say!


            Originally posted by knightie View Post
            Have you guys seen the post on JM blog. I don't like it at all

            [Alan is mulling over a possible story to slip into the #9 slot as the script originally envisioned for that spot ran into a “creative snafu” that a) moved it into the back half and b) may necessitate a change in perspective.

            I just hope
            its not our extreme whumpage epi. PG15 asked the question already in the comments sections. Hope he answers it.

            I'm feeling that way inclined today!

            S5 spoilers
            Alan was writing two wasn't he? *keeps everything crossed* Who knows, the change in perspective could be that Shep views things from his infirmary bed AFTER his extreme wumpage, and it's him coming to terms with being severely injured, but hopefully not enough to be sent home. But just enough to be Intubated AND nekid under the infirmary blanket that's Sheppy D's focus for today

            *iz trying to keep positive*

            The only thing I saw that sent me into overload today was the other S5 stuff!
            2 EPS!!
            SO FAR!!!
            *takes deep breaths*
            It'll be fine, no need to worry, Midway was fabby! BUT BUT
            IT's 2 EPS SO FAR!


              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              Nope. Alan wasn't writing that one, CB was. This doesn't look promising. AM was writing the
              extreme Shep whumpage one. It's hit a creative 'snafu'? Great. It's been put back to the back half of the season? Even better. It's having to be looked at from a different perspective? Great. POO, I say!
              Big D'oh!

              Hope they can work something out.
              I want EXTREME Shep whumpage somewhere in s5 please!


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                S5 spoilers
                Alan was writing two wasn't he? *keeps everything crossed* Who knows, the change in perspective could be that Shep views things from his infirmary bed AFTER his extreme wumpage, and it's him coming to terms with being severely injured, but hopefully not enough to be sent home. But just enough to be Intubated AND nekid under the infirmary blanket that's Sheppy D's focus for today

                *iz trying to keep positive*
                Oooh yes...I think he was! *is bouncy again*

                I love how you use all the spoiler tags Peggy! You're as bad as me with exclamation marks!!


                  Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                  Oooh yes...I think he was! *is bouncy again*

                  I love how you use all the spoiler tags Peggy! You're as bad as me with exclamation marks!!

                  *giggles* they are so much fun to do and I get to be a lil whacky with them *luffs creative license*

                  So we try not to get our knickers in a twist too early on; here's what was originally said from Mr M about S5 from a few days ago
                  A final of Alan McCullough’s Daedalus Variations came out today and we shifted focus to Alan’s second - extreme Shep-whumpage - script, co-storied by Robert C. Cooper.

                  Today' S5 stuff from Mr M's blog says
                  Alan is mulling over a possible story to slip into the #9 slot as the script originally envisioned for that spot ran into a “creative snafu” that a) moved it into the back half and b) may necessitate a change in perspective.

                  I was thinking, Mr M says that the
                  extreme Sheppy whumpage was to be written by Alan and Mr C, so maybe it's the Daedy variations one that hit a snafu? *keeps everything crossed and tops up her happy glass* The GOOD thing is, it's NOT been shelved, just maybe moved a tad, so we'll still get it, at this point. So let's not be dispondent, it'll all be fine


                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                    Since it looks to be another of those rainy nights, I may just watch some Shep Whump again. Maybe the audio commentary for "Conversion" because I like hearing Joe and David talking and laughing.
                    Slightly off-topic (for Shep whump, I mean, not for SGA), but can anyone recommend any other episodes with good DVD commentaries? I've not listened to any commentaries yet, and it's a bit daunting to know where to start, with 60 episodes. (By "good" I suppose I principally mean "amusing and fun", though I suppose "super-informative" also counts.)


                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      Slightly off-topic (for Shep whump, I mean, not for SGA), but can anyone recommend any other episodes with good DVD commentaries? I've not listened to any commentaries yet, and it's a bit daunting to know where to start, with 60 episodes. (By "good" I suppose I principally mean "amusing and fun", though I suppose "super-informative" also counts.)
                      Oh rising is fabulous (JF and MW) It is probably the best on the bunch for actually telling you stuff about the filming of the show!


                        Originally posted by knightie View Post
                        Have you guys seen the post on JM blog. I don't like it at all

                        [Alan is mulling over a possible story to slip into the #9 slot as the script originally envisioned for that spot ran into a “creative snafu” that a) moved it into the back half and b) may necessitate a change in perspective.

                        I just hope
                        its not our extreme whumpage epi. PG15 asked the question already in the comments sections. Hope he answers it.
                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Nope. Alan wasn't writing that one, CB was. This doesn't look promising. AM was writing the
                        extreme Shep whumpage one. It's hit a creative 'snafu'? Great. It's been put back to the back half of the season? Even better. It's having to be looked at from a different perspective? Great. POO, I say!
                        From reading the quote from the blog, it sounded to me like
                        the script for #9 (written by whoever) has run into a snag and so Alan is mulling over an idea for a story to replace that story in the #9 slot. Can't be sure either way etc but the way that's written doesn't necessarily mean (and it didn't read to me that way) that the script that's hit the snag is written by Alan - just that Alan is the one considering an idea for a replacement script.

                        I live in hope...

                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        Slightly off-topic (for Shep whump, I mean, not for SGA), but can anyone recommend any other episodes with good DVD commentaries? I've not listened to any commentaries yet, and it's a bit daunting to know where to start, with 60 episodes. (By "good" I suppose I principally mean "amusing and fun", though I suppose "super-informative" also counts.)
                        The best commentaries are generally the ones with Martin Wood and Martin Gero. Conversion is a really good one with Martin, Martin and Joe (and is David in that too? I forget) and also The Siege Part I (I think) has both Martins, David and Joe and is both informative and very funny.


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          From reading the quote from the blog, it sounded to me like
                          the script for #9 (written by whoever) has run into a snag and so Alan is mulling over an idea for a story to replace that story in the #9 slot. Can't be sure either way etc but the way that's written doesn't necessarily mean (and it didn't read to me that way) that the script that's hit the snag is written by Alan - just that Alan is the one considering an idea for a replacement script.

                          I live in hope...

                          The best commentaries are generally the ones with Martin Wood and Martin Gero. Conversion is a really good one with Martin, Martin and Joe (and is David in that too? I forget) and also The Siege Part I (I think) has both Martins, David and Joe and is both informative and very funny.
                          Or maybe s5
                          it is the Extreme Shep whumpage ep that is being moved- but it will have to be replaced by a Shepisode which will be even better Shep whumpage? Maybe they read all our whump ideas and realised the one that they were doing didnt work and so are considering a replacement. Maybe they couldnt fit in the infirmary scene with intubation in the story that they had and didnt want to let us down ??? Then overall we will get two whumpy eps


                            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                            Slightly off-topic (for Shep whump, I mean, not for SGA), but can anyone recommend any other episodes with good DVD commentaries? I've not listened to any commentaries yet, and it's a bit daunting to know where to start, with 60 episodes. (By "good" I suppose I principally mean "amusing and fun", though I suppose "super-informative" also counts.)
                            Like SheppyD says, I'd highly recommend Rising. It's the best commentary ever, IMO. Siege I is also excellent, as is Conversion. They're my favourite one's and not surprisingly, they all feature Joe!
                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            From reading the quote from the blog, it sounded to me like
                            the script for #9 (written by whoever) has run into a snag and so Alan is mulling over an idea for a story to replace that story in the #9 slot. Can't be sure either way etc but the way that's written doesn't necessarily mean (and it didn't read to me that way) that the script that's hit the snag is written by Alan - just that Alan is the one considering an idea for a replacement script.

                            I live in hope...

                            The best commentaries are generally the ones with Martin Wood and Martin Gero. Conversion is a really good one with Martin, Martin and Joe (and is David in that too? I forget) and also The Siege Part I (I think) has both Martins, David and Joe and is both informative and very funny.

                            Concerning the eppie for slot 9? You're right! You could read it the way you say! All might not be lost! SQUEEEEE! *Goes to sit down and takes another calming sip of coke zero...*
                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            Or maybe s5
                            it is the Extreme Shep whumpage ep that is being moved- but it will have to be replaced by a Shepisode which will be even better Shep whumpage? Maybe they read all our whump ideas and realised the one that they were doing didnt work and so are considering a replacement. Maybe they couldnt fit in the infirmary scene with intubation in the story that they had and didnt want to let us down ??? Then overall we will get two whumpy eps
                            You know, I REALLY like the way you think! Sounds good to me!


                              A little OT linkie to a vid some might like - Joe appears briefly in it:


                              OT and spoilers for Harmony:

                              It's DH's Extra interview. There a behind the scenes shot where Joe fluffs up his lines, and it's so cute! I have to say David is very funny too!


                                SheppyD and I have worked out the episodes for the first half of season 5 and it looks as if the eppie put on hold is the eppie with, spoilers for season 5:

                                shep whumpage. Here's why:
                                1 - Search and Rescue - MG
                                2 - Seeds - PM
                                3. Broken Ties - ? Ronon eppie
                                4. Daedalus Variations - AM
                                5. Ghost in the Machine - CB
                                6. Brad Wright episode
                                7. Whispers - JM
                                8. Carl Binder
                                9. AM's new episode
                                10. MG's Daniel episode 2 - parter.

                                Thus, the only spot where an episode was left was AM's Shep whumpage one, which must have been at number 9, unless someone else has taken over AM's Shep whumpage script. So, POO!

