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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
    Very true - you make a good point. But still, it's gonna take some time to get my head around it!
    I agree, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes to me.

    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Tbh, there wasn't really anyone else who made sense...
    not if they were looking at bringing in a pre-existing character.

    Daniel is not remotely right for running an expedition - and would be too bleeding-heart for the military types
    Teyla or Teal'c would be just as out of place and the IOA would never accept an alien in charge
    Hammond is retired and O'Neill busy in Washington
    Weir is a replicator
    Caldwell and Ellis (aside from the issue of Ellis not having a good track record with dealing with civilians!!) are military and I can't see the IOA ever going for that - Sam was a compromise because she was military but specifically SGC military (with off-world experience) *and* she was a scientist and would have a) an understanding of and b) an appreciation and focus for the civilian/scientific sides of the expedition.

    I'm not overly fond of Woolsey as a character but I can see some interesting storylines with having him in command... and they do keep going on about wanting conflict in the show etc, not that I'm convinced conflict between people working and living together every day is really what the fans want to see - conflict is better with outside characters who are brought in now and then.. like Caldwell, Ellis, or Woolsey as he was...

    Also, Woolsey as a regular member of the mission may well be a different prospect from Woolsey as the IOA overseer... people in the Dr Who fandom whinged massively when Donna was announced as the new companion for series 4, citing the fact that she was loud and annoying in her one-off ep... but I can see her working well as a companion and doubt she will be so loud and annoying in a regular role as she was in her guest spot.

    And Picardo is a good actor, if not one of my faves.

    I'm staying hopeful.
    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      Ok, knee-jerk reaction over.

      But seriously...
      ... i'm going to have to put my faith in the writers here.

      I did the same with Carter and she turned out to be ok (for me anyway)

      But then Carter made some sort of sense.

      He can't be as annoying if he's there all the time.

      My only worry is the times he's been so wrong, most notably when he put the whole city at risk trying to over-ride decisions made by the military...

      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        But they can rework the character to make it work better. He has possibilities, and I liked his small realization at the end of The Seer that not everything fits in his bureaucratic world.

        McKay in SG-1 was incredibly annoying and almost useless, but with some thought and firm direction he moved from being only Sam's nemesis to a rich character.

        Woolsey's purpose so far has been to be annoying - a foil to SG-1, Weir and Sam. But truthfully, he makes the most sense. Administration is his game. He pushes paper, writes reports, analyzes info. There's no need to have him running around off-world.
        we knew he could be a possiblity...hmm i dont know how to feel im a bit disappointed tbh because i liked the idea of caldwell in charge...and the pro weir fans are now gonna go on and on and on about how tptb are evil because they told us the reason for getting rid of weir was to bring in someone to command who had military experience........which woosley certainly does not.................

        the only good thing is that Shep is 100% in charge of the military again.....but are we also going to have what we had when weir was around, the civilian being in charge trying to take charge in military situations and making shep look the bad guy....a bit of conflict could work but i dont want it all the time and i dont want what we had before with weir.

        at least it wasnt jack or daniel!

        daniel............eurgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hope to god its just one episode, i cant take anymore....enough!!

        at least we get sam for a few but it wont be the same now and i think her character will become a moot point really, we have a new commander and weve got plenty of scientists.

        good about allison porter, i really dont want a new reccuring character!

        carson is only back for 5 eps that sucks i was hoping for more....and i was hoping keller would be gone but unfortunately weve known for a while that we're stuck with her, they better not make her a regular though!

        at least we still have our team.....!

        eta: im with squonk...just going to have to put my faith with tptb again.....sam worked out in the end.



          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          S5 casting news

          Can't say that I'm surprised. If they wanted
          some conflict between Sheppard and the commander, I think they are going to find some here.
          I agree...

          I do hope however..that all that he seen while being on Atlantis..both first with O'Neill and then in The Seer... that they will have him written a little different...annoying maybe at times,,but not as annoying as he can get... because he can't go on the way he did in The Seer...panic and trying to give out orders in clear panic.. because then I can pretty much see John railroad him...

          I've taken the other cast changes with the attitude of...I'll wait and see and judge later... and I will do the same today... I'm not gonna bring myself down because of the news...for me as long the team is intact.. and they keep their focus on the team.. then I'm cool with it while not knowing...the judge is out once again on these changes... I'm not going to frantic like some might (don't mean in the threads I usually go into and hang out on ) since hey I can't control the show anyway...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Hey whumpers!! Back form PT!! OMG!! For the first time in nearly 11 years I can actually stand, sit and walk like a normal person. It feels incredible! I'm in tears!! I really feel like a new person.

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Thanks hon!

            Well, Doh! Of course they did. I bet none of you expected Skiffy to announce that in season 5 they're doing a massively whumpy Shep eppie where he gets shot with real bullets, losing copious amounts of blood, collapses, has a fever, is delirious, is out of control AND is nekkid under the infirmary sheet whilst intubated, while the team frets and lovingly mops our boy's brow, did you? JM asked Skiffy to hold back the press release today especially for me! I'm certain of it I look forward to hearing all about the episode JM has planned for the whumpers...Hmmm, pigs might fly too!
            I would love to see a S5 ep devoted to all the whump. I can just see all the whumpers getting whumped from Shep whump overload.

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Thanks, GG!

            I'm having a wonderful evening tonight. Lots of cake and champagne, followed by 40 inches of HD Sheppy in Outcast. Yep, the family asked what I wanted to do and how I wanted to spend my birthday evening, and that's what I told them. Aren't I obsessed with dedicated to Sheppy and SGA?
            Uh...somehow I missed the 'HD' and just read "40 inches of Sheppy"...... I know of wanting big things for birthdays....but dear gawd, 40 inches all at at once???

            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Oh good lord... somebody help me...

            I've made a bad bad BAD mistake and started looking online at crafting stuff.... and I'm really seriously thinking about spending £200 on a craft robo!

            ?????? nevr mind read a posts afterwards. My question is...can you make a big cut out of Sheppy with it??? If so, BUY IT!!!

            Originally posted by caty View Post
            I spent my evening last night to rewrite the first story I ever wrote (in 2005).

            If anyone is interested or hasn't read it yet, here's the link
            It's just special to me cause it's my first


            Thanks hon! I'll be happy to check it out.

            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
            Well the news is out then!

            It is
            Not happy. So not happy..........

            Woosley?? Who's worse than a moody, insolent teenager as a leader? Daniel added?? Carson back quite a bit??? Seriously guys, this just deflated all my poosible squee. I'm really not interested in tuning in at the moment.


              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
              Hey whumpers!! Back form PT!! OMG!! For the first time in nearly 11 years I can actually stand, sit and walk like a normal person. It feels incredible! I'm in tears!! I really feel like a new person.

              Not happy. So not happy..........

              Woosley?? Who's worse than a moody, insolent teenager as a leader? Daniel added?? Carson back quite a bit??? Seriously guys, this just deflated all my poosible squee. I'm really not interested in tuning in at the moment.
              Glad you're PT went well!! That's great news.

              As to the S5 news - try not to let it spoil you squee just yet, you never know
              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

              l My LJ l


                Hey Astral~

                Do you have a link to your caps from Outcast or Quarantine?
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  Hey whumpers!! Back form PT!! OMG!! For the first time in nearly 11 years I can actually stand, sit and walk like a normal person. It feels incredible! I'm in tears!! I really feel like a new person.
                  Oh that's wonderful news! And you were so worried that PT would be painful and not achieve anything... I'm *so* glad it's making a difference! *hugs* (I know what it's like to be able to move normally/pain-free again after a long time of not being able to!)

                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  ?????? nevr mind read a posts afterwards. My question is...can you make a big cut out of Sheppy with it??? If so, BUY IT!!!
                  Hmm/ Life-size? Not really. It only fits A4 paper!

                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  Not happy. So not happy..........

                  Woosley?? Who's worse than a moody, insolent teenager as a leader? Daniel added?? Carson back quite a bit??? Seriously guys, this just deflated all my poosible squee. I'm really not interested in tuning in at the moment.
                  Try not to get too downhearted.
                  I honestly think he'll be written differently as a regular character - his character as a now and then guest was intended to bring conflict and to be annoying etc. If you think how negative a lot of people were about Sam coming over.. she turned out quite well in the end. Don't give up hope...


                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    we knew he could be a possiblity...hmm i dont know how to feel im a bit disappointed tbh because i liked the idea of caldwell in charge...and the pro weir fans are now gonna go on and on and on about how tptb are evil because they told us the reason for getting rid of weir was to bring in someone to command who had military experience........which woosley certainly does not.................

                    the only good thing is that Shep is 100% in charge of the military again.....but are we also going to have what we had when weir was around, the civilian being in charge trying to take charge in military situations and making shep look the bad guy....a bit of conflict could work but i dont want it all the time and i dont want what we had before with weir.

                    at least it wasnt jack or daniel!

                    daniel............eurgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hope to god its just one episode, i cant take anymore....enough!!

                    at least we get sam for a few but it wont be the same now and i think her character will become a moot point really, we have a new commander and weve got plenty of scientists.

                    good about allison porter, i really dont want a new reccuring character!

                    carson is only back for 5 eps that sucks i was hoping for more....and i was hoping keller would be gone but unfortunately weve known for a while that we're stuck with her, they better not make her a regular though!

                    at least we still have our team.....!

                    eta: im with squonk...just going to have to put my faith with tptb again.....sam worked out in the end.
                    Aw, I love Daniel. But I believe it said just one ep so you're safe. Tbh, as much as I do love Danny, I would love to see him come to visit only if it fits. They may tie it in to one of the eps where Carter returns. It all depends on the storylines and where they go with the characters.

                    The same for Beckett. Until I know what happens in the rest of S4, I can't judge on whether 5 eps makes sense or not. But I'd rather see 5 fabulous eps with him that make sense than to force him in one to have him there.

                    Personally - I have no problem with Keller. To me, she's brought a bit of wide-eyed wonder to a place that didn't have it (rather like Daniel in early SG-1).

                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    Hey whumpers!! Back form PT!! OMG!! For the first time in nearly 11 years I can actually stand, sit and walk like a normal person. It feels incredible! I'm in tears!! I really feel like a new person.

                    I would love to see a S5 ep devoted to all the whump. I can just see all the whumpers getting whumped from Shep whump overload.

                    Uh...somehow I missed the 'HD' and just read "40 inches of Sheppy"...... I know of wanting big things for birthdays....but dear gawd, 40 inches all at at once???

                    ?????? nevr mind read a posts afterwards. My question is...can you make a big cut out of Sheppy with it??? If so, BUY IT!!!

                    Thanks hon! I'll be happy to check it out.

                    Not happy. So not happy..........

                    Woosley?? Who's worse than a moody, insolent teenager as a leader? Daniel added?? Carson back quite a bit??? Seriously guys, this just deflated all my poosible squee. I'm really not interested in tuning in at the moment.
                    Good to hear you are feeling better.

                    Don't give up hope yet.
                    They can do a lot with a character like Woolsey whereas others (Sam, Caldwell, etc) are a little more narrowly defined already. Woolsey has a lot of areas to change and grow in which also gives fodder to lots of snark from McKay and insubordination from Sheppard. Let the games begin!
                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      Glad you're PT went well!! That's great news.

                      As to the S5 news - try not to let it spoil you squee just yet, you never know

                      *sigh* I know, but.
                      .it's so damned typical to have something I truly like and have it worked over to the point I can't stand it anymore. Right now, I am seeing S5 going this way. Then again, I always like to think about the worst case tends to make things seem not so bad when they happen.


                        GG glad the PT went well!!!!!

                        im just doing the wait and see method....i went nuts last year saying about how much i hated sam and didnt want her in command and bla bla and wow i was so wrong i actually liked her in the end...a lot.....which makes the news all the more disappointing that shes not coming back.

                        still i cant help but feel pretty meh about the whole thing at the mo.

                        woosley seriously?

                        as i said in my other post least shep is fully in charge of the military again.........but i dont want another weir situation either with them butting heads all the time.



                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Not happy. So not happy..........

                          Woosley?? Who's worse than a moody, insolent teenager as a leader? Daniel added?? Carson back quite a bit??? Seriously guys, this just deflated all my poosible squee. I'm really not interested in tuning in at the moment.
                          I'm not the biggest fan of the character BUT...
                          ...look at it this way. Woolsey is an administrator and that will be his job - leaving the military side to Sheppard. The problem they've had with both Sam and Elizabeth is that the characters were stuck behind a desk and didn't really do very much but Woolsey is the kind of character you can do that with and it doesn't really matter because that's where his strengths lie.

                          I'm not explaining this very well, I guess what I mean is that with Weir she could never get off-world to use her diplomacy skills, Carter was never able to show her science smarts because they were tied to the office and it did a disservice to the characters - but Woolsey is a paper pusher, its what he does so its actually not a bad fit for the role of the leader who sees the team off and welcomes them back again ala Hammond. They've just got to give him a backbone.


                            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                            I'm not the biggest fan of the character BUT...
                            ...look at it this way. Woolsey is an administrator and that will be his job - leaving the military side to Sheppard. The problem they've had with both Sam and Elizabeth is that the characters were stuck behind a desk and didn't really do very much but Woolsey is the kind of character you can do that with and it doesn't really matter because that's where his strengths lie.

                            I'm not explaining this very well, I guess what I mean is that with Weir she could never get off-world to use her diplomacy skills, Carter was never able to show her science smarts because they were tied to the office and it did a disservice to the characters - but Woolsey is a paper pusher, its what he does so its actually not a bad fit for the role of the leader who sees the team off and welcomes them back again ala Hammond. They've just got to give him a backbone.
                            I think you said that perfectly, and I couldn't agree more.
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              Then again, I always like to think about the worst case tends to make things seem not so bad when they happen.
                              Prophylactic pessissm... it's a useful technique!

                              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                              I'm not the biggest fan of the character BUT...
                              ...look at it this way. Woolsey is an administrator and that will be his job - leaving the military side to Sheppard. The problem they've had with both Sam and Elizabeth is that the characters were stuck behind a desk and didn't really do very much but Woolsey is the kind of character you can do that with and it doesn't really matter because that's where his strengths lie.

                              I'm not explaining this very well, I guess what I mean is that with Weir she could never get off-world to use her diplomacy skills, Carter was never able to show her science smarts because they were tied to the office and it did a disservice to the characters - but Woolsey is a paper pusher, its what he does so its actually not a bad fit for the role of the leader who sees the team off and welcomes them back again ala Hammond. They've just got to give him a backbone.
                              Good point.
                              That is an advantage... there's not gonna be that feeling that the character should be doing more than sitting behind a desk because that is precisely what he already does - he's an administrator. So the team can go through the gate and do their thing and he can be Hammond and wave them off and get on with his paperwork.


                                I did have a couple of people quoted (I loved SP's thoughts, LOL), but will just add my own concenrs and shrugging of shoulders...
                                I am a bit concerned because Woolsey jumped into take over in the Seer when he knew how capable Carter is. A panic merchant we do not need. The character even stated that his own review noted his tendency to interfere.

                                On the other hand, he does learn from his mistakes and has gone out on a very shakey limb more than once. He seems to know his limitations.

                                Depending on how TPTB set it up, this could work reasonably well. There will be conflict because the IOA will probably be more involved (read meddling), but in the past Woolsey has been shown to ignore the IOA and do what he thinks is best when necessary, and that normally means he's siding with the good guys.

                                I think I'm going to keep an open mind about this. Woolsey is annoying at times, but if TPTB spin it right, it could work out okay. A lot will depend on how they set up his leadership, especially regarding the military side. And, there will be distractions with Carter and Daniel making the odd visit, which I don't really mind. We might get some one off missions to look for Ancienty stuff and the team getting into some tight (and whumpy?) spots.

                                Oh, this could be an opening for intrigue with the Trust, too!!!

