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John Sheppard Whump

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    It was fantastic!
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      Originally posted by caty View Post
      OMG, I'm telling you guys, this is one of the best eps EVER!!!
      Agreed. I LOVED it.

      Lots to do for everyone. An overload of information on the Wraith. Wonderful character moments. Todd gets to live another day. An a very sweet scene with John and Teyla at the end. But, seriously, what is with him and hugging? Is he allergic?
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        Agreed. I LOVED it.

        Lots to do for everyone. An overload of information on the Wraith. Wonderful character moments. Todd gets to live another day. An a very sweet scene with John and Teyla at the end. But, seriously, what is with him and hugging? Is he allergic?
        nobody ever hugged him as a child

        What an episode for Teyla, too!!!
        I loved the Teyla-John scenes! Shows how much he cares about her and that he only wants the best for her, not because his feelings were hurt.
        These scenes completely did it for me! They just worked
        everyone was so in character and for once, it really felt like Shep is the core and center of the team and the show.
        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          The Quarantine promo is online here, looks promising.

          Thank Anubis91 in the Quarantine thread for finding it.
          I clicked...*hangs head in shame*

          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          OK fine. I clicked, I watched..I'm spoiled and well....I'm giddy. Absolutely giddy. Looks like a good one and do I detect a small build up of Squee??? It's been so long......yes. Yes I do think its a... SQUUEEE!
          Squee? From GG? WooHoo!!!

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Good point. Bummer. I do think
          it would be a shame.. I like her well enough and it's nice to see how different McKay is with her... and why shouldn't one of the main cast get to have a successful relationship after 4 years? Also, I like the darker turn in Season 4 but I have a threshold for angst (well, angst that isn't Sheppard-angst at least! ) and I really don't need any more McKay angst right now - with Carson, Weir, Jeannie and guilt over the replicators wiping out planets, I think we've done the McKay angst thing enough for a bit...
          Lordy, yes, no more angst for McKay, please! Unless of course we get equal time of quality Shep whump!!

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          *gasp* And when you DID add it, you missed out
          Ronon stunning Sheppy!!! And tying him up!!!
          How could you?!!

          Well maybe it's just me fanwanking but I can kinda see why he would do that...
          yeah, he is all super-private and stuff but he's also going back to Earth to have to see and deal with a family he has, for whatever reason, cut himself off from. Having someone else there, a stranger to them, is a good defensive strategy/distraction/excuse. People aren't going to be as likely to bring up old arguments in front of a stranger, having Ronon there is a distraction for Sheppard and he's a ready-made excuse to get out of invites to socialise etc - "Sorry, can't. Got my friend here and he's from out of town and doesn't know anyone..." etc. Having Ronon there is almost an avoidance tactic for Sheppard.

          And really, if he was going to take anyone, Ronon's the best choice. They're close but Ronon doesn't talk too much, doesn't press Sheppard to talk, stays calm and stoic in most situations. Rodney would flap and talk too much and ask inconvenient questions and put his foot in it. And Teyla.. well, turning up to meet family you haven't seen in years with a pregnant women at your side is asking for trouble and is going to bring up unwanted questions/conversations.
          Exactly what I thought!

          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          I wish I could do that. When he is whumped by something he prefers to stay up. Sounds like Shep - not willing to give into anything. Now, if he would just look like Shep!

          Well, no I guess I wouldn't want him to look like Shep. I love him the way he is. Even with his snuffy nose and red rimmed eyes. He does have Hazel/Green eyes and dark hair. That was always my dream look. I always said I was going to marry a man with Green eyes and dark hair. Since I didn't meet JF I got my guy and believe it or not, I wouldn't trade.

          This way I get to whump Shep and not feel guilty.
          Aww, that is so sweet! I hope your hubby gets well soon.

          GAAAHHH! Not clicking on SoW talk. I have almost 2 more hours. Besides, I went to the ophthalmologist this afternoon. Was there 2-1/4 hours, waiting in the worst possible chairs. the reuslts are still back spasms and still dilated eyes. Everything's blurry.

          I'll be back later.


            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
            Besides, I went to the ophthalmologist this afternoon.
            To the what??? lol
            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


              Originally posted by caty View Post
              nobody ever hugged him as a child

              What an episode for Teyla, too!!!
              I loved the Teyla-John scenes! Shows how much he cares about her and that he only wants the best for her, not because his feelings were hurt.
              These scenes completely did it for me! They just worked
              everyone was so in character and for once, it really felt like Shep is the core and center of the team and the show.
              Agreed with all your thoughts.
              I'm hoping that maybe we'll get some ideas on his aversion to hugging in Outcast.

              Originally posted by caty View Post
              To the what??? lol
              Eye doctor.
              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                OMG! SoW just finished here. OMG! It was amazing.
                It is another fully packed episode, and as said above, there is something for everyone. I loved the scenes between Shep and Teyla. There was a really good scene for Teyla and Lorne, too. Very well done! Bravo!!

                I'm out of breath. How the heck are they going to top BAMSR and SoW???

                I need to get up early, but I'm going to sit up and watch the second airing.


                  Morning whumpers! I haven't seen SoW yet, but I gather from your squees and Caty's green, (thanks!), that is was a resounding success! I am still spoiler free, but it's great to see you all happy here! I'll let you know what I think in due course!


                    Hey, Linzi! I'll be surprised if people don't like it. I'd only seen the promo that was on SciFi, so I was relatively (for me) spoiler free. Well worthwhile staying that way.


                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      Hey, Linzi! I'll be surprised if people don't like it. I'd only seen the promo that was on SciFi, so I was relatively (for me) spoiler free. Well worthwhile staying that way.
                      Hi Lorr!

                      I'm rarely disappointed to be honest! But I'm glad folks here seem impressed. I'm still spoiler free to a certain extent, and I agree, for some, it really does make the episode more exciting.


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Hi Lorr!

                        I'm rarely disappointed to be honest! But I'm glad folks here seem impressed. I'm still spoiler free to a certain extent, and I agree, for some, it really does make the episode more exciting.
                        Same here, I have been disappointed in only a handful of episodes. I learned long ago to temper expectations with reality and look at the quality of what is actually in the show. There are times, well lots of times, I might have liked to see something different, like more whump for our Shep, but I can understand that TPTB have to appeal to the masses. If it's a good script, well acted, directed and produced, I'm a fairly happy camper.

                        I'd better go. The midnight airing starts in a minute and I want to get comfy!


                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          Same here, I have been disappointed in only a handful of episodes. I learned long ago to temper expectations with reality and look at the quality of what is actually in the show. There are times, well lots of times, I might have liked to see something different, like more whump for our Shep, but I can understand that TPTB have to appeal to the masses. If it's a good script, well acted, directed and produced, I'm a fairly happy camper.

                          I'd better go. The midnight airing starts in a minute and I want to get comfy!
                          I agree!

                          Night, Lorr! Sweet Shumpy dreams!


                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            The Quarantine promo is online here, looks promising.

                            Thank Anubis91 in the Quarantine thread for finding it.
                            That's for the link Josie. Quarantine looks like one heck of an episode too. SOW was absolutely fantastic. I loved every bit of it. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

                            Not much of a whump for Shep other than a stunning again but the emotional whump was still there. I still get the feeling that he is very hurt over Teyla's pregnancy. (Maybe it's just me). But I think the restrained hug at the end was a result of not wanting to get too close in case he lost control and showed his true feelings for her. That's just my opinion.

                            Strangely enough one of my fav scenes was in the locker room. It's the first time we've seen them really preparing for a mission. I love moments like that as it makes the whole thing seem more real, more normal.



                              I have to agree with you.

                              There were some awesome moments in this but I adored the locker room scene it was pure gold. I love getting glimpses like that as they prepare I like the added details like the racks of tac vests and lets not foget John attaching his P-90, checking his Glock.

                              I went more in depth on my LJ on the meaiter stuff but I wanted to comment that you were not alone about that moment.

                              Not much of a whump for Shep other than a stunning again but the emotional whump was still there. I still get the feeling that he is very hurt over Teyla's pregnancy. (Maybe it's just me). But I think the restrained hug at the end was a result of not wanting to get too close in case he lost control and showed his true feelings for her. That's just my opinion.

                              Strangely enough one of my fav scenes was in the locker room. It's the first time we've seen them really preparing for a mission. I love moments like that as it makes the whole thing seem more real, more normal.

                              My fanfic-


                                Sounds like from the ones I can see here the epi was a hit,,,and that is without clicking on spoiler tags...I'm not doing that before I've seen it for my self... so I'll be back later to catch up on all the reviews for it...

                                *lol* Thanks for the SoW green Caty... glad you liked it...gave you green back because you are so happy about it
                                Sigs by Scifan

