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John Sheppard Whump

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    Sheppy, shot with bullets? We're all on the same page there! I keep hoping we'll get that, and not in either arm! If not for season 4, then maybe season 5?

    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    I think we'll have more emo whump (which is perfectly fine by me). We may have reached our quota for physical whump although there are a couple of eps that have potential. A nice bullet wound in the thigh would be good. Perhaps a broken bone or sunstroke?
    I think we're going to have tonnes of emo whump! Bullet wound in thigh? Hmmm, me likes!
    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
    I LOVE emotional whump!!!! I could handle a ep or five with lots of it for Sheppy.

    What do you mean "may have reached our quota"?? There is no quota on Shep whump of the physical kind.

    Hmm.....a nice bullet wound...yeah....*drools uncontrolably*
    Too right there, GG. There can never be enough, can there? But, I guess I'm sort of not expecting anything, and all. Bullet wound you say? Sigh....

    Sorry about your friend GG. I'm glad things went off ok though, even if it is emotionally draining and heartbreaking .


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Unfortunately for me, my brain won't shut down and every little thing I see isn't forgotten. I found myself almost writing the story myself, and sometimes the episode I saw wasn't a surprise because I'd guessed it all.

      I love general spoilers though. They're fantastic to have fun and speculate about, but anything too detailed, and I know that it will ruin the episodes for me, so I've given up seeking them out or clicking on specific spoilers, like individual ads for episodes. I love the general vids we get before the new season starts though!

      Anyways, we seem to be straying from the topic again! and we don't want to get wet noodled!

      So, let's have some whump!

      Ok, let's speculate generally. What, if any, sort of whump are you expecting/hoping to see in the remaining episodes? Do you think we'll get anymore, or have we had our quota?

      Me? I think Shep might well choke on a lollipop and need intubating! Well, you never know!
      Oh I love the idea of having him choke on a lollipop hehehe

      I think we wont be getting much more whump in s4. Maybe he will be stunned a couple of times! I dont think we will get shot with bullets or intubated this year - they have put that idea back into s5!


        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        Sheppy, shot with bullets? We're all on the same page there! I keep hoping we'll get that, and not in either arm! If not for season 4, then maybe season 5?

        I think we're going to have tonnes of emo whump! Bullet wound in thigh? Hmmm, me likes!

        Too right there, GG. There can never be enough, can there? But, I guess I'm sort of not expecting anything, and all. Bullet wound you say? Sigh....

        Sorry about your friend GG. I'm glad things went off ok though, even if it is emotionally draining and heartbreaking .
        Thanks hon. ((HUGS))

        Well, I think it's time for the placards and the mass onslaught to Bridge Studios to demand more whump for Shep in S5. Afterall, we are bloodthirsty fans and we haven't had enough Shep blood.


          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          You know I can't help feeling that Outcast might be a little disappointing. I hope I'm wrong but right now I'm really not all that psyched to see it.
          because weve had the promise of backstory before which turned out to be disappointing- at least to me...yes THAT episode.....but also because i worry that
          once the replicatorwhatsit comes into the picture the whole thing with his father/brother/ex wife will become a moot point and wont mean much in the overall arc of the ep..i dont want his grief?anger? whatever washed over....
          i guess we all realise the potential of this ep and see how tptb can screw it up....which is why i should be very careful- i realised the potential of a lot of eps last year which imo fell flat......the only really good thing about this so far is the fact that its a shepisode- another one! with at least some emotion for him
          hope the ep begins in atlantis with shep having to tell his team why he has to go to earth



            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            Thanks hon. ((HUGS))

            Well, I think it's time for the placards and the mass onslaught to Bridge Studios to demand more whump for Shep in S5. Afterall, we are bloodthirsty fans and we haven't had enough Shep blood.
            exactly....i mean emo whump weve got and will get plenty more....but for us bloodthirsty....i mean those of us who kinda like the physical side..... of the whump that is ....we dont get much damnit!

            is it so much to ask for even a bullet in the leg or shoulder or side- even just a graze in some cases can cause lots of blood loss......with some infirmaryness of course.



              ^You know I really don't think we have had a lot of emo whump, there is plenty of potential for it but it is always brushed over and never spoken of again. Chances are all we'll get is...
              ...Sheppard mooning over Teyla.


                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                I LOVE emotional whump!!!! I could handle a ep or five with lots of it for Sheppy.

                What do you mean "may have reached our quota"?? There is no quota on Shep whump of the physical kind.

                Hmm.....a nice bullet wound...yeah....*drools uncontrolably*
                Perhaps "our" was not the right pronoun to use. I was responding to Linzi's question about quota. I think we may have reached JM's quota of physical whump for the season. But you are so right. We never reach a quota, do we?

                A recount of the whumpiness thus far:
                * emo whump over Weir's injuries

                * emo whump over leaving Weir behind

                * emo whump over Ronon leaving
                * stunned by Wraith

                * blown backward by crystal
                * emo whump blaming self for Heightmeyer
                * clown whump
                * emo whump in perceived death of Rodney
                * a** kicking by evil Shep

                * blood forcibly taken
                * beating by Larrin's crew
                * taste bud whump
                * emo whump reliving CG through Larrin
                * stunned by Larrin

                Tabula Rasa
                * blinding headache
                * disoriented
                * loses memory
                * stunned and bound by Ronon
                * unconscious for a day
                * woozy and dazed from cure

                * emo whump (tiny bit) when Teyla doesn't answer

                The Seer
                * emo whump meeting CG Wraith again

                Miller's Crossing
                * emo whump at Rodney's wish to sacrifice himself
                * emo whump at manipulation of Wallace

                This Mortal Coil
                * head wound by Ronon (Duplicate Sheppard)
                * emo whump (tiny bit) in discovering he is duplicate Sheppard
                * emo whump at seeing Weir
                * emo whump at hearing real Weir is dead
                * jumper crash whump (duplicate Sheppard)

                * stunned by Wraith
                * emo whump over Teyla's pregnancy

                Did I miss anything?

                From the bits I know of the rest of the season, I think lots of emo whump is on the horizon. Yea! And I'm holding out hope of that bullet wound to the thigh.
                Last edited by Ruffles; 11 January 2008, 10:32 AM. Reason: Forgot TR. Bad whumper!
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  I'm with you Josie. The episodes I seem to really psych myself up for turn out to be the most disappointing ones to watch. *darned high expectations* I'm hping Outcast will prove differntly, but I dunno.........
                  This is why I sometimes come in with low expectations, as then I'll go "okay, that was good" rather than "oh, that sucked" (although even with low expectations, I can still sit there and go "oh that sucked") depending on the show, etc. ( and this is overall TV, not just SGA ).

                  Of course, it helps not one whit that I read gloriously whumpish fanfic which TPTB would never have the courage to put on TV (but then again, watching old Emergencys!, geez, even Johnny Gage got whumped more than Sheppard and it wasn't like he purposefully put himself in harm's way (hit by car, virus, rattlesnake bite, to mention some).


                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    ^You know I really don't think we have had a lot of emo whump, there is plenty of potential for it but it is always brushed over and never spoken of again. Chances are all we'll get is...
                    ...Sheppard mooning over Teyla.
                    although we havent had one big ep of angst....i think there were some great emo moments in adrift, lifeline, reunion, doppelganger, millers crossing, mortal coil...and there is definately the potential for more in the second half. but yes unfortunately sometimes its glossed over too THAT announcement in BAMSR.

                    i hope he doesnt
                    become too angsty over teyla..had enough of that last season and she wasnt even pregnant then! then again tptbn do like to mess with the shippers *sigh *



                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      Perhaps "our" was not the right pronoun to use. I was responding to Linzi's question about quota. I think we may have reached JM's quota of physical whump for the season. But you are so right. We never reach a quota, do we?

                      A recount of the whumpiness thus far:
                      * emo whump over Weir's injuries

                      * emo whump over leaving Weir behind

                      * emo whump over Ronon leaving
                      * stunned by Wraith

                      * blown backward by crystal
                      * emo whump blaming self for Heightmeyer
                      * clown whump
                      * emo whump in perceived death of Rodney
                      * a** kicking by evil Shep

                      * blood forcibly taken
                      * beating by Larrin's crew
                      * taste bud whump
                      * emo whump reliving CG through Larrin
                      * stunned by Larrin

                      * emo whump (tiny bit) when Teyla doesn't answer

                      The Seer
                      * emo whump meeting CG Wraith again

                      Miller's Crossing
                      * emo whump at Rodney's wish to sacrifice himself
                      * emo whump at manipulation of Wallace

                      This Mortal Coil
                      * head wound by Ronon (Duplicate Sheppard)
                      * emo whump (tiny bit) in discovering he is duplicate Sheppard
                      * emo whump at seeing Weir
                      * emo whump at hearing real Weir is dead
                      * jumper crash whump (duplicate Sheppard)

                      * stunned by Wraith
                      * emo whump over Teyla's pregnancy

                      Did I miss anything?

                      From the bits I know of the rest of the season, I think lots of emo whump is on the horizon. Yea! And I'm holding out hope of that bullet wound to the thigh.
                      i certainly dont have a quota- any whump is never enough whump! but then we rarely get anything really substantial....ala 38 mins anymore. seriously one ep like 38 mins a season and i wouldnt mind all the other little whumps they threw in there!

                      they dont seem to have a problem whumping the pooey women and mckay...hahaa well he screams like a girl, and they whump ronon whos just like "oh yeh its an arrow in my problem...snap it off and go!"
                      shep does the physical whump so well, they should do it more often to him, theyve shown us that they can whump him really good...or is that bad? lol and manage to keep him in for most of the ep.......i didnt even mind the fact he wasnt in TR much because what we got was so awesome-- at least by SGA standards anyway.

                      you know shooting shep with real bullets in one ep-would satisfy me for a long tiime......or a stab wound...... they shouldve let DG spoiler
                      lorne shoot him!

                      just whump the man good already!!!



                        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                        although we havent had one big ep of angst....i think there were some great emo moments in adrift, lifeline, reunion, doppelganger, millers crossing, mortal coil...and there is definately the potential for more in the second half. but yes unfortunately sometimes its glossed over too THAT announcement in BAMSR.

                        i hope he doesnt
                        become too angsty over teyla..had enough of that last season and she wasnt even pregnant then! then again tptbn do like to mess with the shippers *sigh *
                        Well I think it's blatantly obvious that...
                        ...had Rachel Luttrell not fallen pregnant they would have pursued a tentative Shep/Teyla canon ship this season, as it is I fully expect them to dispatch of Kanan at the first available opportunity in season five and pair the two of the up anyway.

                        Now it's no secret I dislike the idea but if they are going to do it fine. I know it'll make a lot of other people happy and I'll learn to live with it, hell, if it's well written I may actually grow to like it, I enjoy their friendship a great deal but if the only emotion and angst we get to see out of Sheppard is him sulking over Teyla then I'm going to be one seriously pissed of fan because it only serves to take away from both characters and their relationship with one another.

                        They've done a good job this year of having Shep act like a grown up, I'd really hate to see them undo all their good work with this storyline. If they want to win me over to Shep/Teyla this is the wrong way to go about it, they need to write a relationship between two intelligent adults not a couple of moody teens.

                        Minor spoilers for Outcast:
                        And the thing that is really bugging me about Outcast is that he takes Ronon to the funeral with him. That just doesn't fit with the Sheppard I've been watching for the last four years. He's a private person and here he is suddenly inviting Ronon into his past. They could still have had him ask for Ronon to join him when everything starts happening. I just find it a little odd but that's maybe just me. I think a lot of my opinion are just me.

                        *sigh* My day started off so well and now I'm getting all grumpy, I think I've just overdone things a bit today. Sorry if I've annoyed anyone, think I better take a break.


                          Exactly Roo, just one good whumping and us peeps would be satisfied for a little while....well, a short while anyhoo.....and I would have to go for a good old fashioned shooting myself.....leg, shoulder, torso...............

                          my fan fiction place


                            I liked that list Ruffles, but you forgot about TR (!).

                            I'm fine with any whump that comes, although shot with real bullet would be nice.
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                              I was watching Torchwood today and there was some whump in it and all I could think was that I wanted that for Shep!

                              TW OT about episode
                              The woman was shot with a shotgun and had to have the tiny pieces of led taked out from the side of her hip. If only we could get that lucky with Shep in SGA...
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                                Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                                I liked that list Ruffles, but you forgot about TR (!).

                                I'm fine with any whump that comes, although shot with real bullet would be nice.


                                How could I forget that? Will I get my whumper membership suspended? I have corrected that glaring error. I obviously must go home and watch it again.
                                Sig by Luciana
                                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics

