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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
    Thanks Nina! I wish I was that thin after having a baby.
    Well I can't really say it like that since I don't have kids..but I whish I was that in shape anyway..

    Wishing all Whumpers a Happy New Year
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by knightie View Post
      Hi All

      Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I really appreciate it.

      I got a great hubby. I asked for the set visit in lieu of a party. So I didn't think he would throw one but they did. I got a big surprise party yesterday.

      The kids put this awesome colage together and the center is the picture of me and the boys. Salty is in it too along with the entire gateworld attendees at the NJ Conversion. So sheppy D and Gategeek you will be forever in my collage.

      The kids swiped my stargate toys and put them as part of the centerpiece in each table and of course my table had the gate. Too bad the SGA toys are still not out.

      On another note I thought the Joe didn't remember the Silent Men and had a really tiny part in it. That is what I remember from someone asking him about it at a Con. So hopefully if someone does buy it they will let us know if its worth it.

      Thanks again for the birthday wishes.
      Wow sounds like an amazing party, you are very lucky to have a wonderful family

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Yes Missing is way down the bottom for me too!!!

      My top three like Linzi would be 38 Minutes (shumpidoodlesquee!) CG and TDO but just under that would be DG, TR and conversion. But I also like TLG and Echoes very much

      BTW I know what you mean about the chocolate...some friends sent me a chocolate hamper for christmas with basically $100 of chocolate in it!!!!!!!!
      $100 of chocolate... wow. I got a pretty impressive box of hotel chocolat but haven't even started on it yet, i do like chocolate, but with me not getting out running, chocolate is not being friendly to me at the moment

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      I've already rambled on JM's blog in the early hours, so I think a hangover obviously makes me go all that a new word? I had too much wine last night, and had a whumped head this morning, and my brain still isn't firing on all cylinders!

      Whether people agree or disagree with my thoughts, they're honestly from the heart, and a pretty sore brain!
      oooo hangover, hun? aw well, hangovers are always a sign of a fun filled night

      Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
      Good morning (just) Whumpers! Happy New Year!
      Lauriel!! long time no chat, hope you are well and enjoying your New Year. I saw the Sydney celebrations on the news.

      Well here's to the end of a mediocre (sp?) 2007 for me and looking at the prospect of a fantastic 2008 (fingers crossed).

      Well Whumpers I wish you all a
      Very Happy New Year!!!!
      All the best for 2008!

      (looks like they are having fun at the party! I'm guessing it ain't coffee in Sumners cup )

      here's hoping for lots of this in 2008!!!


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        Lauriel Good to see you again..hope everything is well....

        Hrmmm I must have missed something... what is it you guys are it favorite all time epis or what..mixed with epis you don't want to see... I'm lost *lol*

        And then a little OT but still related to Stargate
        A short little video message from Rachel on her site wishing a happy holiday to fans and there is a little glimpse of her son Caden
        Wow! She looks so good!
        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
        Sig and avi by me


          Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Whumpers!!!

          Happy New Year's Eve!!!!!!

          Ack! busy day today. i gotta get ready for the new Years Party I don't want to host...gotta shop for said party...gotta shovel the darned snow we got last night...and clean the house. I'm ready to say screw it all, and spend the day watching whump instead. It's been a long time since i've watched any.

          Wow, hard to believe only four more days till S4 starts again. where did the time go?


            Originally posted by Listy View Post
            Lauriel!! long time no chat, hope you are well and enjoying your New Year. I saw the Sydney celebrations on the news.

            Well here's to the end of a mediocre (sp?) 2007 for me and looking at the prospect of a fantastic 2008 (fingers crossed).
            Hi Listy! ((hugs))

            I'm suprised it was on the news! I agree to the latter - fingers crossed for a fantastic 2008 for everyone.

            A belated happy birthday to Knightie! Sounds like you had a great day.
            My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


              Finally home!! And online!!

              I just about managed to check my emails at the parents before their computer decided it had had enough and crashed

              And guess who has gastritis again?

              CONGRATS TO ELF ON 6300!!

              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
              Hello all!

              I had a nice Christmas, didn't get anything, but had fun. Even watched some S1 and S4.

              I also had a couple of interviews for English teacher and went well. I think I got a job at a school one block away from where I live. One minute walk from my door. Great, isn't it?

              Now that ABC whump is finished, we need something else to keep our squee going.
              Sounds promising! Good luck with that.

              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              well done! I think my mum is a closet SGA Fan, I have been watching the Channel 5 repeats while I am of work and mum has been watching them (but only because I put the TV on she is in the room) well I got up late today and I went downstairs to find mum watching the ep while ironing, so she must like it
              They're all closet fans really.

              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post

              Now that's what i wanted for xmas!!

              *passes out*

              Originally posted by knightie View Post
              Hi All

              Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I really appreciate it.

              I got a great hubby. I asked for the set visit in lieu of a party. So I didn't think he would throw one but they did. I got a big surprise party yesterday.

              The kids put this awesome colage together and the center is the picture of me and the boys. Salty is in it too along with the entire gateworld attendees at the NJ Conversion. So sheppy D and Gategeek you will be forever in my collage.

              The kids swiped my stargate toys and put them as part of the centerpiece in each table and of course my table had the gate. Too bad the SGA toys are still not out.

              On another note I thought the Joe didn't remember the Silent Men and had a really tiny part in it. That is what I remember from someone asking him about it at a Con. So hopefully if someone does buy it they will let us know if its worth it.

              Thanks again for the birthday wishes.
              HAPPY *BELATED* BIRTHDAY!!

              You share with my dad!!

              So favourite and least favourite three eps is it?

              Least Fave first
              1) Irresponsible - that whumped us!! Need i say any more??
              2) The Real World - Boooooooooooooooooooooring!!
              3) Trinity - bit uncomfortable to watch that. Which i suppose makes it good...but still, don't lkike watching it.

              Geez - we're only allowed 3?!
              1) 38 minutes - whump from beginning to end!
              2) Conversion - buggy shep, too sexy
              3) Tao of Rodney - excellent ep - and team angst! Shame we don't get the same level of angst when it's shep in his sick bed. (though TR did redress the balance somewhat)
              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

              l My LJ l


                Good night Whumpers.

                Enjoy the festivities ahead and have a good New Year.
                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                  Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                  Good night Whumpers.

                  Enjoy the festivities ahead and have a good New Year.

                  Good night Lauriel!!

                  I hope RL is ok and you can come back and visit very soon and chat!!!

                  Take Care!!

                  Well I am off to get sorted for our party and also I decided for some reason to make a huge pot of curry (I was bored it seemed like something to do) which I need to go finish off

                  Catch you all in 2008!!!


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    I have the same dilemma.. I picked 28 Minutes, CG and TR as my top 3 but DG, Conversion and TDO were also strong contenders and I like TLG and Echoes a lot too! Plus there's The Storm and The Eye....
                    Ooooo.... Echoes! I forgot about that one - I find it very rewatchable as well.

                    Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                    Good morning (just) Whumpers! Happy New Year!
                    *waves* Good to hear from you!

                    RE: Teyla
                    I agree with Linzi and Ali. I have nothing against her character, but I don't find her very interesting. In S1, she was the Pegasus native helping the expedition to survive by introducing them to trading partners, etc. But then we added another native (I find Ronon much more interesting) and reestablished contact with Earth. I think RL does a wonderful job portraying Teyla (especially so far in S4). Teyla is a solid, dependable member of the team. I love that she can hold her own in a fight and that she is never treated as the token female. It's great to see a female character that is both strong and beautiful.

                    I think the writers have boxed themselves in with her character. She usually seems to be the mom rounding up 3 rowdy boys or the person used to ask the question so the others can exposit. Her area of expertise (Pegasus native and warrior) has been taken over by Ronon. While I usually hate to draw comparisons to SG-1, each of them had their own area of expertise (O'Neill in command, Sam with science, Daniel with language and history, Teal'c with knowledge of technology and the goa'uld). It's what made them work so well together. I think Ronon was a brilliant addition to the team, but it hurt Teyla as far as her uniqueness.

                    I'm not saying I want them to get rid of Teyla. Quite the opposite. I'd like for them to find a way (other than her ability to sense Wraith) to give her an area to shine in that's different from the others.
                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                      I would love to start the New Year off right with a Shep Marathon. Don't know how hubby would react though! He actually has 3 whole days off work for a change.

                      Yesterday I was thinking there was an episode or two that I didn't care for and I forgot "Missing". Also the other Lucius episode.......I forget which one I mentioned yesterday....but the other one as well. "Missing"......way too little of the guys in this one. It did have Shep in the suit, which was a treat. Not the best Keller ep either....she annoyed me in that one, and usually I don't mind her.

                      New Year's resolutions? Meet Joe for one! Also......I have got to stop with the sweets (she says as she looks at chocolate). I mean, I have gone overboard this holiday season. It's gotta stop.

                      I really didnt like Irresponsible (but i wouls still watch it over my most hated eps!) but i really loved not for lucius but for shep..i loved all of him in that ep, from the cold aww and stunned by ronon, and being in soldier mode, saving the day/base..i even liked lucius in that scene in the cell with shep in there because there was that underlying bit of evil in lucius, showing that he had this dark side- threatening that shep would soon be under his influence too and that he would have no irresponsible not only made a complete farce out of kolya it also took away what little hope i could have that lucius wasnt just this obnoxious pervy git!

                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      Yes Missing is way down the bottom for me too!!!

                      My top three like Linzi would be 38 Minutes (shumpidoodlesquee!) CG and TDO but just under that would be DG, TR and conversion. But I also like TLG and Echoes very much

                      BTW I know what you mean about the chocolate...some friends sent me a chocolate hamper for christmas with basically $100 of chocolate in it!!!!!!!!
                      oh echoes, that was a good ep! "what!" LOL
                      chocolate.....ive got it coming out of my ears..for xmas i had a box of after eight, a big tin of quality street, box of cadburys heroes, lindt chocolate reindeer and of course as it is tradition a selection box! not to mention my already huge chocolate stash of kit kats, minstrels and other goodies i have hidden away lol

                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      I have the same dilemma.. I picked 28 Minutes, CG and TR as my top 3 but DG, Conversion and TDO were also strong contenders and I like TLG and Echoes a lot too! Plus there's The Storm and The Eye....
                      See now the eye/storm i could never have as favs...i know shep was awesome in it....but i just think too much of the ep is him wandering around the corridors....i mean couldnt we have had shep going hand to hand with a soldier....getting a bit whumped since everyone else was! aaah and my true agenda comes through wouldve added to the seriousness to it though... i dont know just if i watch those eps i cant help but feel something is missing though....i loved kolya in those eps though..that kolya we saw in CG...but ill admit storm/eye remain the better of the mid 2 parters.....lost boys and return were good eps but the second parts failed miserably...(damn forgot return part 2 is not a big fav either too much wooden o'neill and woosley) MC didnt even feel like a cliffhanger.

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      I understand why you chose TR. I adore it too. In fact I adore DG as well, so the third eppie was a difficult choice for me. TDO won, because I still adore it now, after three odd years, and I just love Sheppy being shot with a real bullet! Sad, but true. But some scenes in TR and DG had me squeeing. Travelers also had me squeeing in places, but, for me, I still find the story a little weak, though Joe was brilliant, and I did like the chemistry between him and Larrin. Spoilers for Travelers.
                      I still find Larrin a little lightweight. I'd have preferred someone with more command on screen and someone with a little more experienced acting wise, I think now.
                      I really wanted Sheppard to have a wonderfully adult (no, not that sort of adult!) storyline. Very meaty, poignant and gritty, and it just was a little light-hearted for me. I did still really enjoy it though. It's just when I think what it could have been like... But, I do feel lucky to have so many whumpy eppies to choose from!

                      I agree on the best one, and on two of your worsts! Missing wasn't on my list, but it was certainly a contender

                      Your thoughts on Missing and Teyla sum up how I feel too. I was just talking with a friend recently about this, and, (spoilers for Missing and general OT thoughts and rambles about season 4),
                      we decided that Teyla is just not a character who warrants vast amounts of screen time for us. I personally like her, and when she interacts with the team, particularly the boys, I really enjoy her.

                      However, Missing showed me that she'll never be a strong character for me on her own - I just don't think in Missing Teyla drew me in as a viewer. I didn't really enjoy her interactions with Keller either at times. Though Jewel is undoubtedly a good actress, IMO, Keller has a way to go for me sometimes. I loved her in TMC, but some other eppies I've found her lack of command and self-assurance in medical matters to be concerning, and her nervousness and fear a little too much. She's supposed to be the CMO, and she shouldn't be so hesitant sometimes.

                      I also have to say, on the caring front she's not quite there either yet. On occasion I'm surprised to admit I've missed Carson. I felt Carson had become a comic relief cliché sometimes, but as a doctor I could never fault him. He should have stayed as a recurring character, I think. If he does come back, I hope it's not as a regular, or else the same will happen again. They'll fit him into episodes he shouldn't be in, and I'll find myself being irritated again. I just found him so OTT at times, it made him a laughing stock for me, and I don't want that to happen again. I also don't want Keller to get the boot though! I don't want Carson back as CMO and Keller just gone.

                      I do like Keller, and I'll be interested to see if she grows in the second half of the season. I need to see a more self-assured doctor, and some more caring towards the regular characters really. I know it's early days still though, and I'm keeping an open mind. Keller certainly hasn't annoyed me, but she hasn't bowled me over either. Unlike Carter. She's really won me over. So much, that I actually have wanted to see more of her! That's one cast change I have felt was the right move, though I am sorry for Weir fans, of course. But Weir just had nowhere to go as she was, and she was the weakest character for me really.

                      Teyla's pregnancy ark has complicated everything, I think. I'd have been interested to see her 'dark' storyline, if Rachel hadn't been expecting. I do realise the producers and writers hands were tied though. For such a physical character, how could they hide the pregnancy? I doubt they could have, but it's still not a storyline I'm whooping with joy about as yet. I feel the team should have realised by now, and I have a feeling the whole pregnancy thing will come to a head in Quarantine. I'm hoping I'm going to be won over in that respect about it all!

                      Ok, ramble over. I seem to be in ramble mode today!
                      Shep being shot with real bullets definately helped TDO stay in my top 3 favs! now i just want him to shot somewhere else with real bullets that isnt his left arm.....and no i dont mean his right arm!!

                      as for the missing ramble and keller ITA
                      i think if they bring carson back then have him share the doctor stuff with keller..i dont like keller but i think it wouldnt look good if she just disappeared because he was back....dont make carson full time though no way, keep them both just as the doctors, but have carson interact with our guys a lot more....espesh those sympathetic scenes....i cant help but feel certain scenes like Carson in the isolation room looking after shep and mckay in DG wouldve been so much better, and i just dont think -dont kill me now- i just dont think jewel can quite match joe and david in the acting stakes, paul bounced off their personalities so well, and i adored carson looking after shep e.g conversion- even if we didnt see it that often. i admit i was wrong, i miss carson a heck of a lot more than i thought i would, keller/jewel i enjoyed in FS/adrift but with each episode shes in i find myself liking her less and less..her in missing, i couldnt even stomach i was fastforwarding on my first viewing which i rarely do. ironically i liked her more as robot keller in MC! Carson i hated what they did to his character in season 3, but bringing him back ala season 1 i wouldnt mind.
                      carter has won me over.....funny isnt it considering how much i erm didnt like her that much !
                      and no as much as i like teyla (and only like -all the guys come first in my fav stakes) i like her scenes with the team but in no way could she hold my interest in an already cliched and boring episode...keller made it even worse....missing and trw are fighting for worst episode ever!
                      and the pregnancy storyline i dont like, and i dont think i will...i dont like how they went about it, introducing some random guy we are meant to believe teyla has known forever would just do the deed with him and get pregnant, i mean i know we dont know much about athosian culture (writers dropped the ball on that one which is why i dont care theyre missing!) but i just dont buy it...and kids and scifi dont mix so i hope we're not gonna get a lot of this storyline in season 5 when she eventually has the baby! and the fact that teyla used to have a flat stomach with perfect abs and now is not so thin, and we are meant to believe they havent noticed...when is she going to tell them when shes on a planet giving birth? surely her pregnany puts the team at risk off world with her and you would think keller would at least HAVE to tell carter and shep....she may be bound by patient confidentiality but these circumstances are slightly different....they wouldnt allow a pregnant soldier out in iraq surely

                      now i rambled lol its catching!
                      Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                      Good morning (just) Whumpers! Happy New Year!
                      HAPPY NEW YEAR WHUMPERS!! nearly! heh



                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Linzi, there's no point in me quoting your post because all I can say is - ITA! You've said about everything I wanted to, especially in that last ramble.
                        I must agree with Ali. I could quote your post and just say "ditto". Great thoughts.

                        Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                        Good morning (just) Whumpers! Happy New Year!
                        Hi and Bye Lauriel. Hope you get more of a chance to play on here in the New Year.

                        As for Chocolates for Christmas, Sheesh, this was a banner year at my house. It seems like all the kids at school attached some sort of chocolate to my presents. I took a bunch of it to my family celebrations just to get rid of it. I think my favorite was a chocolate and caramel covered Apple! That and the Ghiradelli chocolates.

                        I can't believe 2008 starts in a just hours here. I am wishing for Good things for all the whumpers including lots of sick, fevered, bruised, battered, shot, devastated, bleeding, concussed, intubated, captured Shep. Plus Health, Happiness and Properity for the whumpers themselves!!



                          I also hope our new year is filled with much sheppy whump!! cant believe BAMSR is nearly on.....funny how it seemed to take forever- the wait for season 4 and now we're already half way through!



                            Good morning and Happy New Year to everyone! You've all given me great ideas for my whump fest tomorrow, thank you!

                            It was great to see you in here, Lauriel! I hope you get back soon!

                            I really need to try those chocolates you've been talking about, SheppyD and Ali. they sound divine! I scooped and formed 21 dozen truffles yesterday. The chore today is to dip them in melted chocolate. The ganache turned out very yummy, I must say! I've been good, though, and eaten the equivalent of less no more than two.


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Good morning and Happy New Year to everyone! You've all given me great ideas for my whump fest tomorrow, thank you!

                              It was great to see you in here, Lauriel! I hope you get back soon!

                              I really need to try those chocolates you've been talking about, SheppyD and Ali. they sound divine! I scooped and formed 21 dozen truffles yesterday. The chore today is to dip them in melted chocolate. The ganache turned out very yummy, I must say! I've been good, though, and eaten the equivalent of less no more than two.

                              I wish I had your talent for making chocolate yummies. But then, I would probably have lots more weight problems than I have already. I guess I will just have to stick to buying them and getting the exercise of unwrapping them.

                              Shep needs to have a craving of some kind. Some sort of insatiable need for a food that he can't get right away. There are probably some fics out there about that. I will have to go look.


                                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                                I wish I had your talent for making chocolate yummies. But then, I would probably have lots more weight problems than I have already. I guess I will just have to stick to buying them and getting the exercise of unwrapping them.

                                Shep needs to have a craving of some kind. Some sort of insatiable need for a food that he can't get right away. There are probably some fics out there about that. I will have to go look.
                                Making these things is actually labor intensive. I chopped 2 kg of chocolate (1-1/2 hours), scooped and formed the ganache balls (2-1/2 hours). I can dip only 40 at a time because I can fit only one tray in the fridge and it takes about an hour for them to set up properly, so it's lots of up and down all day! LOL

                                Oh, a craving for Shep. Sounds interesting!
                                Last edited by Lorr; 31 December 2007, 02:27 PM.

