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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    Well I think it's blatantly obvious that...
    ...had Rachel Luttrell not fallen pregnant they would have pursued a tentative Shep/Teyla canon ship this season, as it is I fully expect them to dispatch of Kanan at the first available opportunity in season five and pair the two of the up anyway.

    Now it's no secret I dislike the idea but if they are going to do it fine. I know it'll make a lot of other people happy and I'll learn to live with it, hell, if it's well written I may actually grow to like it, I enjoy their friendship a great deal but if the only emotion and angst we get to see out of Sheppard is him sulking over Teyla then I'm going to be one seriously pissed of fan because it only serves to take away from both characters and their relationship with one another.

    They've done a good job this year of having Shep act like a grown up, I'd really hate to see them undo all their good work with this storyline. If they want to win me over to Shep/Teyla this is the wrong way to go about it, they need to write a relationship between two intelligent adults not a couple of moody teens.
    yep thats what i felt they were going to do too...until
    rachel told them she was pregnant...and at the time i was a tentative shep/teyla shipper and was quite happy at the long as it didnt take over the show of course....but now the baby thing has thrown everything up in the air, and my shipping of any kind has been put on hold, i cant do it...but yeh i think asap theyll get rid of kanan and try again at the ship- im sure something will happen to the baby so its not an issue anymore..or that could be wishful thinking because babys and scifi dont mix!

    Minor spoilers for Outcast:
    And the thing that is really bugging me about Outcast is that he takes Ronon to the funeral with him. That just doesn't fit with the Sheppard I've been watching for the last four years. He's a private person and here he is suddenly inviting Ronon into his past. They could still have had him ask for Ronon to join him when everything starts happening. I just find it a little odd but that's maybe just me. I think a lot of my opinion are just me.

    *sigh* My day started off so well and now I'm getting all grumpy, I think I've just overdone things a bit today. Sorry if I've annoyed anyone, think I better take a break.
    no no no you havent annoyed anyone- you never do!
    the whole outcast thing
    with ronon confuses me a bit too...i would prefer it- since we know shep is a private person- for him to be alone at the funeral and then when the shi....stuff hits the fan that he would ronon for help...and wheres rodney in all this? not that im gonna complain if mckay for once has a lesser role in an ep who knows.....i think we just have to wait and see as ever!

    Originally posted by bebop View Post
    Exactly Roo, just one good whumping and us peeps would be satisfied for a little while....well, a short while anyhoo.....and I would have to go for a good old fashioned shooting myself.....leg, shoulder, torso...............
    a little while anyway
    the thing is....last season teyla got shot in the leg, shrapnel in her side, was really ill from the whales in echoes, and of course all those other minor injuries...and well you know my theory why she got so much whump but would it kill them to let shep get shot once in a while! like i say they can whump him lots but have him in the ep lots until towards the end when he collapses from the pain and then has to be rushed to the infirmary...ahhh i wish!
    shot, long as there is blood involved and lots of urgency!
    but seriously one big whump ep a season and im grateful!



      I'm with you Roo, anything with lots of blood and lot's of urgency. And, of course, lots of worry and angst from the team. Is one big whump a season too much to ask?
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        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
        I'm with you Roo, anything with lots of blood and lot's of urgency. And, of course, lots of worry and angst from the team. Is one big whump a season too much to ask?
        exactly...espescially the team angsting...and letting him know theyre worried and they love him and all that angst........its not much to ask for at least one ep like that a season is it?!



          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          Did I miss anything?
          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post


          How could I forget that? Will I get my whumper membership suspended? I have corrected that glaring error. I obviously must go home and watch it again.
          *gasp* And when you DID add it, you missed out
          Ronon stunning Sheppy!!! And tying him up!!!
          How could you?!!

          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          Minor spoilers for Outcast:
          And the thing that is really bugging me about Outcast is that he takes Ronon to the funeral with him. That just doesn't fit with the Sheppard I've been watching for the last four years. He's a private person and here he is suddenly inviting Ronon into his past. They could still have had him ask for Ronon to join him when everything starts happening. I just find it a little odd but that's maybe just me. I think a lot of my opinion are just me.
          Well maybe it's just me fanwanking but I can kinda see why he would do that...
          yeah, he is all super-private and stuff but he's also going back to Earth to have to see and deal with a family he has, for whatever reason, cut himself off from. Having someone else there, a stranger to them, is a good defensive strategy/distraction/excuse. People aren't going to be as likely to bring up old arguments in front of a stranger, having Ronon there is a distraction for Sheppard and he's a ready-made excuse to get out of invites to socialise etc - "Sorry, can't. Got my friend here and he's from out of town and doesn't know anyone..." etc. Having Ronon there is almost an avoidance tactic for Sheppard.

          And really, if he was going to take anyone, Ronon's the best choice. They're close but Ronon doesn't talk too much, doesn't press Sheppard to talk, stays calm and stoic in most situations. Rodney would flap and talk too much and ask inconvenient questions and put his foot in it. And Teyla.. well, turning up to meet family you haven't seen in years with a pregnant women at your side is asking for trouble and is going to bring up unwanted questions/conversations.


            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
            Oh I love the idea of having him choke on a lollipop hehehe

            I think we wont be getting much more whump in s4. Maybe he will be stunned a couple of times! I dont think we will get shot with bullets or intubated this year - they have put that idea back into s5!
            Hello SheppyD! Lovely to see you here!

            Not the ubiquitous stunning! Damn them inventing them. Saying that, there has been a stunning scene recently which made me very happy! I want shot with real bullets! I won't give up! NEVER! I will campaign!
            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            Thanks hon. ((HUGS))

            Well, I think it's time for the placards and the mass onslaught to Bridge Studios to demand more whump for Shep in S5. Afterall, we are bloodthirsty fans and we haven't had enough Shep blood.
            Sounds like a good idea to me. I can just picture us there, picketing peacefully, begging for whump. SheppyD could model her intubation kit!
            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
            because weve had the promise of backstory before which turned out to be disappointing- at least to me...yes THAT episode.....but also because i worry that
            once the replicatorwhatsit comes into the picture the whole thing with his father/brother/ex wife will become a moot point and wont mean much in the overall arc of the ep..i dont want his grief?anger? whatever washed over....
            i guess we all realise the potential of this ep and see how tptb can screw it up....which is why i should be very careful- i realised the potential of a lot of eps last year which imo fell flat......the only really good thing about this so far is the fact that its a shepisode- another one! with at least some emotion for him
            hope the ep begins in atlantis with shep having to tell his team why he has to go to earth
            I'm keeping an open mind about Outcast. I do think though that as JM has said,
            we'll see a 'more vulnerable side' of Sheppard, that we will get some good emo whump. And, boy, does Joe do that well!

            Originally posted by Josie View Post
            ^You know I really don't think we have had a lot of emo whump, there is plenty of potential for it but it is always brushed over and never spoken of again. Chances are all we'll get is...
            ...Sheppard mooning over Teyla.
            I think we've had a fair bit so far. Listed below is my emo whump highlights for season 4:
            Adrift - he nearly CRIED, taking me along with him! Bless him.
            Lifeline - his upset at losing Weir, sniff.
            Reunion - his face when Ronon told him he was going. Shep wasn't very pleased about that

            DG - Oh my, angst whump supreme here. His face when he though Rodney was dead! And then when everyone was blaming him for that!!!! His face when Carter was telling everyone about Heightmeyer's death. His hug with Teyla. The look on his face, his reluctance for human contact when he so badly needed it. Sniff... His fight with himself. His worst fear is his own failure. For me, it doesn't get much worse than that. Poor Sheppy!!!!!
            TR - poor Sheppy all lost on the mainland, not knowing who he was or who Ronon was...oh the emo whump for him!
            Miller's Crossing. My oh my, his face as Rodney said he wanted to give his life to save Jeannie. I had tears in my eyes when I saw Sheppard's face and so the emotional conflict there. Also, I was left in no doubt that Shep had been permanently emotionally damaged by him helping Wallace to give his life.
            TMC - his face at seeing Weir, and then his inner turmoil at finally sending Weir's things back to Earth. He was really upset, I thought.

            BAMSR - He wasn't best pleased about Teyla's news. He was very hurt by her concealing her pregnancy. I don't think we'll see Sheppard mooning over Teyla though. I think he's hurt and upset, and possibly angry. I don't see him as pining away in a corner though, especially when he fancies the pants of Larrin I think he will have to deal with his emotions on the subject though.

            So, for me, I think it's been the most emotionally whumping seasons for Sheppard. Certainly, I feel that's also been reflected in Joe's performances. Maybe that's just me, but I feel pretty pleased in that department.

            Physical whump? No way! I've been pleased by what we've had, but I need more!
            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
            Perhaps "our" was not the right pronoun to use. I was responding to Linzi's question about quota. I think we may have reached JM's quota of physical whump for the season. But you are so right. We never reach a quota, do we?
            Indeed not. When I said we've had 'our' quota I did indeed mean that we had received what JM thought we'd deserved. IE, we'd had a fair amount and that was it, as decreed by JM. Sorry, I thought that was obvious I'm one of the biggest whump tarts in the universe, my quota could never be filled!
            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
            A recount of the whumpiness thus far:
            * emo whump over Weir's injuries

            * emo whump over leaving Weir behind

            * emo whump over Ronon leaving
            * stunned by Wraith

            * blown backward by crystal
            * emo whump blaming self for Heightmeyer
            * clown whump
            * emo whump in perceived death of Rodney
            * a** kicking by evil Shep

            * blood forcibly taken
            * beating by Larrin's crew
            * taste bud whump
            * emo whump reliving CG through Larrin
            * stunned by Larrin

            Tabula Rasa
            * blinding headache
            * disoriented
            * loses memory
            * unconscious for a day
            * woozy and dazed from cure

            * emo whump (tiny bit) when Teyla doesn't answer

            The Seer
            * emo whump meeting CG Wraith again

            Miller's Crossing
            * emo whump at Rodney's wish to sacrifice himself
            * emo whump at manipulation of Wallace

            This Mortal Coil
            * head wound by Ronon (Duplicate Sheppard)
            * emo whump (tiny bit) in discovering he is duplicate Sheppard
            * emo whump at seeing Weir
            * emo whump at hearing real Weir is dead
            * jumper crash whump (duplicate Sheppard)

            * stunned by Wraith
            * emo whump over Teyla's pregnancy

            Did I miss anything?

            From the bits I know of the rest of the season, I think lots of emo whump is on the horizon. Yea! And I'm holding out hope of that bullet wound to the thigh.
            Nope, I think you got it all there! SQUEEEE!
            Originally posted by bebop View Post
            Exactly Roo, just one good whumping and us peeps would be satisfied for a little while....well, a short while anyhoo.....and I would have to go for a good old fashioned shooting myself.....leg, shoulder, torso...............
            Huh! Speak for yourself. One good whumping and I'd be craving another one the next episode, though my head would tell me I'd been lucky and that was enough, my heart would be baying for more blood! Shot in the torso? I like that one too!
            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
            I liked that list Ruffles, but you forgot about TR (!).

            I'm fine with any whump that comes, although shot with real bullet would be nice.
            We keep getting this real bullet thing, don't we? I'm beginning to think that's the top of most whumper's wish list! It's certainly at the top of mine. *Thinks back to TDO... Sigh...*
            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
            I was watching Torchwood today and there was some whump in it and all I could think was that I wanted that for Shep!

            TW OT about episode
            The woman was shot with a shotgun and had to have the tiny pieces of led taked out from the side of her hip. If only we could get that lucky with Shep in SGA...
            That sounds good. I could live with shrapnel for Shep.
            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post


            How could I forget that? Will I get my whumper membership suspended? I have corrected that glaring error. I obviously must go home and watch it again.
            How could you ever have your membership suspended when you keep me happy with your whumpy stories?
            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
            I'm with you Roo, anything with lots of blood and lot's of urgency. And, of course, lots of worry and angst from the team. Is one big whump a season too much to ask?
            It's not really, is it. I'm really desperate for a big whump. Maybe for season 5?


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              *gasp* And when you DID add it, you missed out
              Ronon stunning Sheppy!!! And tying him up!!!
              How could you?!!
              *cries and begs for mercy* I must be infected with Kirsan fever! Yeah, that's it.
              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                *cries and begs for mercy* I must be infected with Kirsan fever! Yeah, that's it.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  I can kinda see why he would do that...
                  yeah, he is all super-private and stuff but he's also going back to Earth to have to see and deal with a family he has, for whatever reason, cut himself off from. Having someone else there, a stranger to them, is a good defensive strategy/distraction/excuse. People aren't going to be as likely to bring up old arguments in front of a stranger, having Ronon there is a distraction for Sheppard and he's a ready-made excuse to get out of invites to socialise etc - "Sorry, can't. Got my friend here and he's from out of town and doesn't know anyone..." etc. Having Ronon there is almost an avoidance tactic for Sheppard.

                  And really, if he was going to take anyone, Ronon's the best choice. They're close but Ronon doesn't talk too much, doesn't press Sheppard to talk, stays calm and stoic in most situations. Rodney would flap and talk too much and ask inconvenient questions and put his foot in it. And Teyla.. well, turning up to meet family you haven't seen in years with a pregnant women at your side is asking for trouble and is going to bring up unwanted questions/conversations.

                  Have to say, that's how I see it too.

                  Let's be honest. Ronon's the sort of guy who'd tell Shep to suck it up etc... So, I think he's a perfect choice. Shep and Ronon are also good mates. Sometimes the strong silent type are good when you're feeling a bit vulnerable. He also doesn't say much, as you say, and I think Shep would like that! Can you imagine poor Rodney, babbling away?


                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    Oh it's definitely there in the future somewhere I'm just not sure when. I haven't picked up my virtual pen since before Christmas I've either been too depressed or too busy. I have three projects on the go, the next chapter of Under The Surface, a "Rodney transported to an AU" fic and a angsty yet fluffy one-shot with the boys. I've just got to find the time and energy to get stuck in.

                    I know most of you have been staying spoiler free but has anyone seen Joe M's blog this morning?

                    Spoilers for The Last Man:
                    "Watched the Day One Mix of The Last Man, our season 4 finale. Great, great episode - and one that will surely have fans pulling their hair out when those final credits roll. Hopefully, they won’t have to wait too long for the season 5 premiere - or there could be a riot. I love these types of time travel episodes in which the ultimate fate of our beloved characters are foretold - some telling, others tragic, all touching. The last few episodes of season four should come with a 3-hanky alert."

                    It looks like this episode will be Shep stuck in the future while we see the lives of the others play out in flashback - which matches with Kate Hewlett's comments - should be lots of angsty goodness. *sigh*
                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Speculation on The Last Man:

                    Interesting possibilities for angst - if Sheppard is the one stuck in the future, while everyone else lives out their lives, then the team will be mourning the loss of Sheppard! I'm loving the idea (one we previously suggested, I think, and which sounds very possible now) of McKay refusing to give up on Sheppard, refusing to believe he is dead and eventually, as an old man, working out what has happened and going to meet Sheppard in the time when he reappears, to maybe tell him how to fix things and get back to his own time? Ooh oooh! And maybe the scene we saw shots of on JM's blog of Keller and McKay on earth is because they've gone back to earth for a memorial service for Sheppard? Or maybe because the expedition has quite Atlantis (although they don't look any older, so it couldn't be too far into the future) and they've all gone back to Earth?

                    Ooooh so many ideas and so much opportunity for ANGST!
                    It is a cross between 1969 and the Star Trek DSN episode where the commander get's stuck in some sort of quantum fissure and is drawn to his son throughout his life. The gate could send him to the future or some such thing...

                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    The Quarantine promo is online here, looks promising.

                    Thank Anubis91 in the Quarantine thread for finding it.
                    OMG OMG OMG SQUEEEEEE!

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Oh wow. I just took a quick peek (without the sound on cos I'm at work!) and it looks fab! I was totally squeeeing over the bit of
                    Sheppy climbing the tower!!

                    OMG! GG has found some squeee?! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!
                    OMG I know! That part made my heart jump! Would be even cooler if that propelled canister breaks through the wall where our heroic Shep is hanging off of. Sorry, Whumper in me.

                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    I also thought it was...
                    ...really sweet that Rodney goes to talk to Shep before he proposes to Katie. Aww!
                    I bet Shep takes one look at that "rock" and gives McKay some ribbing. LOL

                    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                    I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click, I'm not gonna click... *continues chanting*
                    Click, it is worth it! *grins eveeely*

                    Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

                    Thank You Sheyla Fan!



                      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                      hehehe... night Lorr I'm about to head to bed myself, but before I go, I made this to celebrate SGA's PCA win!

                      spoiler for size...



                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      The Quarantine promo is online here, looks promising.

                      Thank Anubis91 in the Quarantine thread for finding it.
                      Thanks for the link...looks intresting... liking maybe one part of that promo more then the rest *lol*
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        *cries and begs for mercy* I must be infected with Kirsan fever! Yeah, that's it.
                        Nice one!

                        Yeah.. that must be it.

                        Sorry, who are you again?


                          Originally posted by strinam View Post
                          OMG I know! That part made my heart jump! Would be even cooler if that propelled canister breaks through the wall where our heroic Shep is hanging off of. Sorry, Whumper in me.
                          D'you know, I was almost expecting that to happen in the very next scene of the promo!


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Nice one!

                            Yeah.. that must be it.

                            Sorry, who are you again?
                            I have no idea. I thought you knew.
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              I have no idea. I thought you knew.
                              What? Who knew what? Who am I again?


                                Hello Whumpers!

                                It's nice and warm and sunny here for a change. Maybe that'll snap me out of the doldrums.

                                I'm off to catch up.


