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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
    ahh...but that sounds like a wonderful kind of day to have. BTW, I will be on the search for the Voyager eppys later today. I'll let you know what i find.
    voyager eps woo!!! let me know what you find!!

    that bit in JMs blog about dancing with JF made me laugh my ass off, even though it was about 3.30am when i looked at it and i was knackered!!!

    i was up late watching some erm...home and away...hehe dont laugh....hey the guy i like is always getting whumped good....
    he gets the full works...hes been knocked over by a car (leading to rushed gurney scenes, ivs, pen light, oxygen mask, neck brace, unconscious, monitors, people angsting...which eventually lead to him having to have surgery on his liver because it has a tear and is in much pain!), he took drugs and this lead to him being in a coma INTUBATED after them having to perform CPR...hes been in a car crash (broken leg), plane and helicopter crash (dehydration, cuts) electrocuted, he had the mumps and collapsed with a fever, burned when there was an explosion.....ahh the life of a soap...much drama hehe



      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
      voyager eps woo!!! let me know what you find!!

      that bit in JMs blog about dancing with JF made me laugh my ass off, even though it was about 3.30am when i looked at it and i was knackered!!!

      i was up late watching some erm...home and away...hehe dont laugh....hey the guy i like is always getting whumped good....
      he gets the full works...hes been knocked over by a car (leading to rushed gurney scenes, ivs, pen light, oxygen mask, neck brace, unconscious, monitors, people angsting...which eventually lead to him having to have surgery on his liver because it has a tear and is in much pain!), he took drugs and this lead to him being in a coma INTUBATED after them having to perform CPR...hes been in a car crash (broken leg), plane and helicopter crash (dehydration, cuts) electrocuted, he had the mumps and collapsed with a fever, burned when there was an explosion.....ahh the life of a soap...much drama hehe
      Well, hubby claims to have the garbage bags containing all seven seasons still sitting in the van at we'll see.

      Anyone else in the US watching the Sg1 marathons? They are doing a fair share of advertising for Atlantis's season finale on Friday......


        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        Well, hubby claims to have the garbage bags containing all seven seasons still sitting in the van at we'll see.

        Anyone else in the US watching the Sg1 marathons? They are doing a fair share of advertising for Atlantis's season finale on Friday......
        I am watching them off and on. And, yes they are doing some pretty good
        advertising for Atlantis's season finale. Since, I 've good about not reading to
        many spoilers I have no clue as to what is going on in the clips for the finale.
        I am trying to relish it as long as I can.
        The Sleuth Channel is also showing TC again. But, it is during the SG-1 marathon. But, I will not be home for that. I finally get to see Watergate,Lost
        City parts 1&2. I've never seen them all together only bits and pieces. I'm excited!!!

        I love the JM's comment confirming that JF smells good. I actually did choke on my hot tea. I was laughing so hard!!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          Well, hubby claims to have the garbage bags containing all seven seasons still sitting in the van at we'll see.

          Anyone else in the US watching the Sg1 marathons? They are doing a fair share of advertising for Atlantis's season finale on Friday......
          I haven't been home to watch, but I am glad they are doing some SGA promotion - at last!

          A couple more pics to get the day going, and before I get going to work (yuck).

          I hope things go better with your appointment, Josie. Sometimes doctors just cannot think outside the box.


            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
            Hey there mckay chick! *waves back*

   are a star! Thanks ten million!
            any day with Paris whump is also a good day.

            It's a good thing I don't make a habit of drinking while I'm reading JM's blog. Today's entry would have had me spewing coffee.....that comment about JF. *still giggling* HEY.....we should ask our resident set visitors, who got up close and personal with JF, about this!!!!

            I seem to recall Salty saying Joe was actually quite sweaty due to the scene they were filming so maybe they're not the best people to ask.

            I have to say though that people post the most bizarre things on JM's blog these days, he must seriously wonder about the mental state of some posters.


              If anyone can get the Sleuth channel and get "Thoughtcrimes" on tape, that would be beyond awesome! I don't know how we'll see it in the US otherwise. It's either that or buy an all-region DVD player.

              Well, my good people, I'm off to do RL stuff. I'd much rather stay here and play. I hope I can make it back later.



                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                I seem to recall Salty saying Joe was actually quite sweaty due to the scene they were filming so maybe they're not the best people to ask.

                I have to say though that people post the most bizarre things on JM's blog these days, he must seriously wonder about the mental state of some posters.
                To be honest, when I had my photos taken with Joe, he didn't smell of anything at all!


                  Hey Whumpers! Gotta go for now!!

                  Josie- Good Luck with your Dr. appt.!!

                  IHS- If I get home in time,I will try to tape TC. This only way I have been
                  able to the movie. If I am able to I will PM you.

                  OMG! The pics are just what I need to get me motivated this morning!!! Thanks
                  to everyone for posting all picspam!!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    To be honest, when I had my photos taken with Joe, he didn't smell of anything at all!
                    Well there you go.

                    JM gave a stupid answer to a stupid question sadly there seem to be way too many stupid questions being asked, at least that one was harmless and good for a laugh.


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      For Crying out loud! Demand them back. They are meant to watched (constantly)..not used as bookends or paperweights.
                      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                      well he may be dead but he sure looks attractive whilst doing it.....erm i cant believe i just said that lol.....i like it because its serious whump for everyone to angst over and we get a nice cpr scene next (no matter how bad it is lol)..thats my story and im sticking to it!!

                      you should get those dvds back..especially if they havent even watched them yet..thats just rude, this is why i refuse point blank to let anyone borrow my atlantis dvds (was the same when i had sg1 dvds)...people can just be too unreliable and i know id wanna watch it as soon as i parted with them!!
                      He says he wants to watch them but hasn't had time yet.
                      I really want him to watch them though cos he already likes DH and he quite fancied the look of JF too
                      and at least then he'd have a small idea of what o'm talking about half the time
                      and he lends me stuff all the time (though i watch and return them within a week usually)

                      And yes, Joe is the best lookin' corpse i ever did see! Damn tootin'!

                      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                      that bit in JMs blog about dancing with JF made me laugh my ass off, even though it was about 3.30am when i looked at it and i was knackered!!!

                      i was up late watching some erm...home and away...hehe dont laugh....hey the guy i like is always getting whumped good....
                      he gets the full works...hes been knocked over by a car (leading to rushed gurney scenes, ivs, pen light, oxygen mask, neck brace, unconscious, monitors, people angsting...which eventually lead to him having to have surgery on his liver because it has a tear and is in much pain!), he took drugs and this lead to him being in a coma INTUBATED after them having to perform CPR...hes been in a car crash (broken leg), plane and helicopter crash (dehydration, cuts) electrocuted, he had the mumps and collapsed with a fever, burned when there was an explosion.....ahh the life of a soap...much drama hehe
                      Woah!! Home and Away has certainly changed ince i last watched it!! (Which was about 10 years ago. Alf and Ailsa, Tom and Pippa - though Tom did die.....)

                      Really have to read JM's blog today but i'm barely hanging on here! My computer has crashed six times since 2 o'clock (it's now half 3). But my boss has managed to fis it now............
                      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                      l My LJ l


                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        I was posting goodnight pics in the JFT to get it off page 2, so I thouhgt I'd post some here to wish the evening shight goodnight and the morning shift goodday!
                        MMMMMMMMM......... (THUNK)

                        Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                        Mornin' all...lots of milestoners I've missed so congrats to all!

                        Hee hee! I'm still giggling at JM's comments about
                        dancing in a meadow of flowers with Joe!!!

                        Hehehehe... me too. That was too flipping hysterical.

                        For the record though? Err, the man does smell really good. I remember noticing at Vancon06 and commenting afterwards. *G* I know that sounds like a weird comment *blushes* but well, its true. Not colonge or anything like that...

                        gah, I sound like an obsessed psychopath. LOL

                        Ali? SD? Knightie? Salty?! Help me out here! You guys got close to him. hehehe

                        *retreats while she's still considered marginally sane by her fellow whumpers...*

                        'course then again, we're whumpers. Are any of us marginally sane?
                        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                 one pix uploaded

                          O/T Atlantis and ISS...


                          Atlantis is the brighter dot, the ISS is the fainter dot.
                          Totally cool!! Have to go check my email now!

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Yeah, I can't get over the Atlantis bit. SQUEE!!!!

                          A tiny part of me would like to believe its that magical city coming from the Pegasus galaxy, and not the space shuttle. I really am hopeless aren't I?
                          Not at all hopeless!! Two years ago I went to go see a launch (that got scrubbed 30 minutes before launch) and was very sad it wasn't Atlantis going up

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Aw thank you!! ((HUGS BACK)) gah, i'm supposed to be getting work done for next week - I got the lead job as an Instructor at Space Academy. Wow, a whole week of building and launching rockets and helping the kiddies put together a planetarium show for Family night. THat's just the fun part, it's all the logistics i'm supposed to be working on.....BORING!
                          Very cool job! Can I send SaltyJr to you?

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Thanks. glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, I wish everyone could see it. It really is cool to see. We got to impress or neighbors last night. They wanted to know why we were standing in the middle of the street staring upwards. When we told them, they had to see and were blown away that you could actually see them.
                          How did you know to go out and look?

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I know! I mean, it's not exactly interesting is it? Also, hello? The man is dead!!!! I swear I'll be struck down by lightning soon...
                          Hey, whump Shep, not self! No lightning strikes except on Atlantis!

                          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                          It's a good thing I don't make a habit of drinking while I'm reading JM's blog. Today's entry would have had me spewing coffee.....that comment about JF. *still giggling* HEY.....we should ask our resident set visitors, who got up close and personal with JF, about this!!!!

                          Hmm, baby powder?? Nope, don't remember baby powder. Wish I could go back to take a whiff!

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Anyone else in the US watching the Sg1 marathons? They are doing a fair share of advertising for Atlantis's season finale on Friday......
                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          I am watching them off and on. And, yes they are doing some pretty good
                          advertising for Atlantis's season finale. Since, I 've good about not reading to
                          many spoilers I have no clue as to what is going on in the clips for the finale.
                          I am trying to relish it as long as I can.
                          I'm watching intermittently - I'm actually trying to avoid the promos for Friday. Figure I made it this far, why get spoiled now since Skiffy usually ruins the ep in the promos.
                          Elflinn - you spoiler-free too??? SQUEEEEEEEEEE!! Join the club! There aren't many of us!

                          Originally posted by Josie View Post
                          I seem to recall Salty saying Joe was actually quite sweaty due to the scene they were filming so maybe they're not the best people to ask.
                          He was sweaty but not stinky sweaty. He looked it but didn't smell it. And I still think he was sweaty from all the beaming down he had to do
                          Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                            Hello whumpers! *waves madly*

                            Came in here for a little while I have a hot drink before heading to bed after a truly carp day. How is everyone else?

                            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                            i was up late watching some erm...home and away...hehe dont laugh...
                            As a resident Aussie whumper, I'd like to take this moment to apologise to the rest of the world for inflicting exporting Home and Away, Neighbours, and McCloud's Daughters on you. I am truly, truly, sorry.
                            My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post

                              For the record though? Err, the man does smell really good. I remember noticing at Vancon06 and commenting afterwards. *G* I know that sounds like a weird comment *blushes* but well, its true. Not colonge or anything like that...

                              gah, I sound like an obsessed psychopath. LOL

                              Ali? SD? Knightie? Salty?! Help me out here! You guys got close to him. hehehe

                              You know, I remember thinking I needed to get a good sniff so I could report back, but really, all coherent thoughts vanished when he approached me, and once I got lost in those eyes, it took a minute to return to reality and then he got chatty and I forgot to smell!!! Which means he doesn't smell bad, right?
                              Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                                I added it to my sig [...]
                                Yay I finally read it. That sounds like an amazing trip. You two are soo lucky.

                                Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                                Snurch all you want from me, Olivia (and everybody else, of course).

                                So sorry, Olivia, but I actually had to laugh when I read about your being a bit off today. Nonetheless, great to see the swelling is better. You'll be fine in no time, believe me. *crosses fingers again*
                                Yay. consider it snurched
                                Dont worry after I realised what i'd done I laughed too.

                                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                                Allergy meds can be evil. My doc put on one lot that made me feel totally out of sorts (can't remember the name....) When i turned my head it took a couple of seconds for the image to catch up and then it came swimming into view. Not good cos part of my job at the time was operating machinery....
                                I'm on Loratidine now, which is great - no ill effects and hay fever symptoms are greatly reduced
                                Aha thats good. Its one thing to do somthing like I did at home. Its another to do something around heay machinery. Ouch
                                Ahah I really do love that smilley. Yay for Tb.5

                                Okay I should go get ready. I have to go to my 2nd exam this week. Woo hoo.
                                talk to you all later
                                My LJ

