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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    Hiya hon *waves* have you recovered from the race? 14 hours a day really does suck But it's all worth it. The job is very rewarding.
    I help identify children who've been trafficked from abroad and interview them and their facilitators..
    Things are just a bit hectic at the moment, but hopefully it'll settle soon, so I can come and play.

    So no knew gossip then? We'll have to see if we can pry some spoilery yummies from Mr M... I had a quick sneekypeek at what Ali suggested thought it was wonderfully subtle

    *huggles to Ruffles* I miss you guys lots to *sniff* How are you?
    Yup fully recovered infact went out running again last night

    We really do need something new to get the squee back up to bursting point, or some new methods to whump shep that we can get carried away with for a little while

    Wow your job must get quite stressful then hun, but glad you find it rewarding.

    Hows yur training going?


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      Hiya hon *waves* have you recovered from the race? 14 hours a day really does suck But it's all worth it. The job is very rewarding.
      I help identify children who've been trafficked from abroad and interview them and their facilitators..
      Things are just a bit hectic at the moment, but hopefully it'll settle soon, so I can come and play.

      So no knew gossip then? We'll have to see if we can pry some spoilery yummies from Mr M... I had a quick sneekypeek at what Ali suggested thought it was wonderfully subtle

      *huggles to Ruffles* I miss you guys lots to *sniff* How are you?
      There must be some way to pry some fabulous new tidbit from that man, but I haven't discovered it yet.

      Fine here. Yesterday was a work whump day (well, computer whump to be accurate). But that's over and done.
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        HUrrah! I think I've finally finished this DAMN fic! Now all I need is a title. *thinks*




          off to work cya later
          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post


            gah, I sound like an obsessed psychopath. LOL

            ...Yeah like the one in Silence of the Lambs when asking which shampoo he should use...


            That whole smelling incident from JM's blog really made my day!!


              ((HUGS)) to the whumpers being whumped....Erika, Listy, Peggy..and everyone else needing a hug just because.

              *sigh* Is it ok to say I'm getting sick of Sg1??? They have not shown too many good eppys...think it's time to pop in SgA!! Any recommendation with what I should watch first?


                Just start with Rising and move on forward...


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  ((HUGS)) to the whumpers being whumped....Erika, Listy, Peggy..and everyone else needing a hug just because.

                  *sigh* Is it ok to say I'm getting sick of Sg1??? They have not shown too many good eppys...think it's time to pop in SgA!! Any recommendation with what I should watch first?
                  I think you should start with GUP and follow it up with TRW.


                  Did you think I was going to say something like 38 Minutes, TDO, Conversion and CG?
                  Sig by Luciana
                  My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                    Originally posted by Cookiemaster View Post
                    Just start with Rising and move on forward...

                    I like that idea!! Although I was thinking LFP....

                    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                    I think you should start with GUP and follow it up with TRW.


                    Did you think I was going to say something like 38 Minutes, TDO, Conversion and CG?

                    You are just...... MEAN!!!

                    Why don't you just recommend the Tower or..*shudders* Phantoms too while your at it?


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      I like that idea!! Although I was thinking LFP....
                      You are just...... MEAN!!!

                      Why don't you just recommend the Tower or..*shudders* Phantoms too while your at it?
                      I was really thinking of Irresistable and Irresponsible, but I didn't know if you could take that much goodness in one sitting.
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        I was really thinking of Irresistable and Irresponsible, but I didn't know if you could take that much goodness in one sitting.

                        Oh are bad. Although I do love
                        Sheppy's cold in Irresistable.


                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          ((HUGS)) to the whumpers being whumped....Erika, Listy, Peggy..and everyone else needing a hug just because.

                          *sigh* Is it ok to say I'm getting sick of Sg1??? They have not shown too many good eppys...think it's time to pop in SgA!! Any recommendation with what I should watch first?
                          I have to admit to not seeing any SG1 episode past s8 have never seen an episode with Cam in it thanks hunny, I am good just got a headache and been scared by evil clowns.

                          Originally posted by Cookiemaster View Post
                          Just start with Rising and move on forward...
                          Good plan, can't beat starting at the beginning, you can however beat Shep

                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          I think you should start with GUP and follow it up with TRW.


                          Did you think I was going to say something like 38 Minutes, TDO, Conversion and CG?
                          that is just the most evil form of torture, that would be number one on the way to whump the whumpers list!!!

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          I like that idea!! Although I was thinking LFP....

                          You are just...... MEAN!!!

                          Why don't you just recommend the Tower or..*shudders* Phantoms too while your at it?


                            Wheeeeee! I've finished and posted my fic! Yaaaay!

                            Kinda OT (it's whump but not Shep whump!) but if anyone wants to read my whumpy Dr Who fic it's up at ffnet here or my LJ here.


                              Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                              Hello whumpers! *waves madly*

                              Came in here for a little while I have a hot drink before heading to bed after a truly carp day. How is everyone else?

                              As a resident Aussie whumper, I'd like to take this moment to apologise to the rest of the world for inflicting exporting Home and Away, Neighbours, and McCloud's Daughters on you. I am truly, truly, sorry.
                              Hey, the Aussie's are responsible for A Country Practice, and I totally adored that show! One of my favourite all time series EVER!
                              Originally posted by Salty View Post
                              You know, I remember thinking I needed to get a good sniff so I could report back, but really, all coherent thoughts vanished when he approached me, and once I got lost in those eyes, it took a minute to return to reality and then he got chatty and I forgot to smell!!! Which means he doesn't smell bad, right?
                              Well, believe me, I have the most sensitive nose in the universe, and if Joe smelt of anything even slightly unappealing, I'd have smelt it! Mind you, it is fair to say that I was overwhelmed by his charisma and good looks, but if he didn't smell of roses, I'd have noticed!
                              Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                              I'd have trouble remembering to breathe, let alone smell.

                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              OMG dont mention that name

                              I didnt notice that Joe had a smell really. If there was one Mx would have bottled it for us!!!!
                              Oh, yes! She would have done! I think SLC is a bit like Voldemort...she who must not be named!
                              Originally posted by Listy View Post
                              Evening everyone . I am very very tired tonight, so haven't caught up, what have I missed, please tell me that there has been some almighty spoiler or new whump to get everyone squeeing??

                              Well I have been at an all day event today to promote child care. It was a circus themed event, and there were clowns yes I kid you not clowns!!!!! I am kind of like Shep on the whole Clowns are evil thing, well actually anything like that is evil - people dressed up freak me out, something from my childhood about panto characters, I am emotionally scarred!! My friends thought it was pretty hilarious when I crossed the street in Whitby to avoid a dude dressed up like dracula, but I wasn't going anywhere near so that I could make an idiot of my self when he jumped out or did something that would equally make me squeel like a banshee.

                              I have one of those horrible tired headaches, and I have stuff to read for a marketing meeting tomorrow and I don't think its going to sink into my brain!!
                              C-c-c - clowns? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Poor you! Huggles to you sweetie!
                              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                              I'm off early today. No one has come the whole week... *sighs* I'll just go to my mom's now and will only be back tomorrow.
                              Never mind, I'm sure you'll have some patients very soon!
                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              [I'm doing 14 hour days at the moment, so not much time to play Hopefully things will settle down soon. I have a whole 30 minutes to play before I finish off this project for work. So no time to go back over what i've missed... any good gossip

                              *Throws whumpies at the thread*

                              [SPOILERS <snip>[/SPOILERS]
                              Hiya Peggy! Sorry you've been working so hard! Poor you. (((((Hugs))))))
                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              Hiya hon *waves* have you recovered from the race? 14 hours a day really does suck But it's all worth it. The job is very rewarding.
                              I help identify children who've been trafficked from abroad and interview them and their facilitators..
                              Things are just a bit hectic at the moment, but hopefully it'll settle soon, so I can come and play.

                              So no knew gossip then? We'll have to see if we can pry some spoilery yummies from Mr M... I had a quick sneekypeek at what Ali suggested thought it was wonderfully subtle

                              *huggles to Ruffles* I miss you guys lots to *sniff* How are you?
                              What a wonderful job! I had no idea you did something so interesting and valuable to society. I'm really impressed!
                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              Oh are bad. Although I do love
                              Sheppy's cold in Irresistable.

                              I actually really love Irresistable. Irresponsible...not so much. The Tower? I don't mind it at all. It's not one of my favourites, but I certainly had a chuckle when watching it


                                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                                Yup fully recovered infact went out running again last night

                                We really do need something new to get the squee back up to bursting point, or some new methods to whump shep that we can get carried away with for a little while

                                Wow your job must get quite stressful then hun, but glad you find it rewarding.

                                Hows yur training going?
                                Wow you're glutten for punishment I agree hmmm we need some brand spanking new shumpydoodlies to drool over...

                                Well we haven't really talked about lifeline in S4... what if that's the ep *goes to her happy place*
                                for SD, and she finally gets her shumpy intubation scene... Picture this.. Shep and Mckay scouting for provisions on the new planet, when they come across the natives who have the ability to sense ATA genes. They're taken hostage, but it turns out that McKay according to their history is supposed to save them against the wraith, but in order for this to happen a sacrifice must be made... and that sacrifice is our very own Sheppy. running out of time, McKay has to find a way of saving Sheppard before it's too late. But to save Sheppard he has to kill him first.
                                okay *straws clutching*

                                I do love my job, and you're right it can be stressful, but we do have our fun moments.

                                As for the training... um can I take the fifth on that?

                                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                                There must be some way to pry some fabulous new tidbit from that man, but I haven't discovered it yet.

                                Fine here. Yesterday was a work whump day (well, computer whump to be accurate). But that's over and done.
                                Hehehe I think we need to get creative with Mr M. I thought Ali's suggestion was really funny. I can't do subtle, lol, so that's right up my alley. hehehe. Oh no, sounds like a lot of the whumpers are having pc trouble. Glad everythings sorted. What is it with bossess that are whumping staff? Hmm all work and no play makes the whumpers lose their squee... So I think we all need to take a deep breath and... *in with the whumpy squeeee* *out with the work whump* Everyone now, on three. One, two three...

                                Ah much better

                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                HUrrah! I think I've finally finished this DAMN fic! Now all I need is a title. *thinks*


                                Can't help you there hon. I always think my titles in advance.

                                Originally posted by Cookiemaster View Post
                                ...Yeah like the one in Silence of the Lambs when asking which shampoo he should use...


                                That whole smelling incident from JM's blog really made my day!!

                                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                                ((HUGS)) to the whumpers being whumped....Erika, Listy, Peggy..and everyone else needing a hug just because.

                                *sigh* Is it ok to say I'm getting sick of Sg1??? They have not shown too many good eppys...think it's time to pop in SgA!! Any recommendation with what I should watch first?
                                Ah thanks hon (((((GG)))))) I say go with conversion, then TDO, then CG then to top it all off 38 minutes

                                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                                I think you should start with GUP and follow it up with TRW.


                                Did you think I was going to say something like 38 Minutes, TDO, Conversion and CG?
                                hehehe I loved GUP and TRW... but then I enjoyed all the character eps Ooh GG you could watch ToR

