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      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      I better like it..or else!!! i'm just very intrigued as to how it stacks up to my dream....

      well hon, I stuck it out as long as I could. But Vancouver was a bit spoilerish.....but I am not going to let you talk me into being spoiler free again. Bad salty!
      since i cant remember what your dream was im not sure, but either way its gonna be good!!
      yes bad SALTY!! no one in a million years could ever persuade me to go spoiler free...especialy with eps like DG and T coming up, no way!! i mean you'd think after the whole phantoms incident maybe i should (which is what i think caused you to go spoiler free GG, you were horrifically disappointed like me) but im always gonna speculate to the extreme..and anyway DG and T are confirmed whumpy eps for shep so i can spec and squee!!
      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      You know, Lorr, I agree with you. Spoilers for season 3 and OT:
      The writing wasn't always spot on with Weir. For me, she was sometimes the weakest link, not quite fitting in. I think it's difficult when you have a character in that position - always playing 'mum' and staying at home watching the place - sometimes she was the spare wheel. I really think TPTB had a good idea when they created Weir. It was different to have a woman, civilian leader, and it could have worked out well, and at times it did. Hot Zone was a good example of that. For me, once Sheppard didn't really argue with her anymore, especially in episodes like Michael, where he should've, it sort of ruined the dynamic of the show for me, and made them all look stupid at times. Weir also came across as too naive at times througout the seasons, especially in FS, where I really felt the writers were sort of showing she'd come full circle, and that it was time to go - to move on and head in another direction. I'm actually really fascinated to know what's going to happen to Weir now, and considering I've never really been overly interested in her character much, I think that's a good thing. She could have a great storyline coming up where Torri gets the chance to do some great acting!

      I personally have felt it was unrealistic not to have a military leader, certainly considering the enemies out there in the Pegasus Galaxy that they face. So, as Weir was the weakest character for me, I'm not too upset she's going - though I'm very sad for Torri and her fans, obviously. I honestly believe Carter will be a better fit now I've got used to the idea, and honestly believe Amanda to be a very talented performer, though that's my personal opinion, obviously. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Carter/Shep dynamic, and to see some tension as well as respect for each other.

      As for Carson. Strangely enough, I don't miss him either, and quite a few people have said the same to me. You're so right that he sadly became cartoonish, and, yet again, trying to fit a character into situations where he shouldn't have been just didn't work. I really like Keller so far. Jewel has that quirkiness that really appeals to me, and such a great personality, and I really think it'll bleed through into her character. I honestly do feel positive about the cast changes, and really hope it all pays off in season 4.

      Well, that was another ramble!
      LINZI hon i totally agree with that ramble!!
      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Oh yes that is my fave too
      the look on his face is so cute - he looks completely dazed - woo hoo!!!!!!!!!
      oh yeh!!! that bit and the
      bit where hes going flying past the team (gotta have some nice teamy concern there!!)

      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
      LOL! It was such a delicious
      as well!!
      only a whumper could get away with saying that

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      It could still be
      Shep vs Evil Shep... they wouldn't give away a detail like that in a promo but this could well be a shot before they've done the effects magic on it. So it could be Joe and a stunt man and they will do clever effects on it afterwards to make it Joe and Joe - Shep vs Shep. We've seen them do that before in promos... use a cool clip but use a version without effects added so as not to spoil plot points... e.g. in the promo for Progeny they had a clip of Sheppard in the holding cell screaming... and in the actual ep that finished scene was him screaming with a replicator hand in his forehead.
      oh yeh i remember that
      promo for progeny....thats a good know im starting to think it will be shep and evil shep..or of course some soldier attacks him ..we dont know how many people this entity invades dreams of people but if it is evil shep and our shep i hope that if it is in his dream that its having consequences for shep on the outside world..or maybe eventually the DG evolves into a person and shep has to fight it for real getting a major ass kicking in the process lol i wish hehe

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      That's what I was thinking. I'm concerned about the timing though.
      DG is set to air 4th. So, is Carter in command by the 4th episode? We just don't know yet, damn it! If not, I wonder why Shep would dream her in an Atlantis-type uniform. But Carter's voice did sound sort of echoey and strange, and the camera angles were dream like, or seemed to me not to be the usual type of shot. I'm horribly confused, but DG is the episode that's nearest completion so it would be logical for them to use most shots from that episode.
      i thought
      carter is officially in command by reunion which is could be a dream or real or both!

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      she's definitely in Atlantis for real and not just in dreams. She's there with Shep in the scene with Lorne pointing the gun at him. I'm more and more convinced that this scene is what JM was referring to with the "barefoot and armed" Lorne... There's a moment where you see a close-up of Lorne's face and he looks kinda confused/unsteady, kinda shaking his head/blinking a little as if to try and clear his thoughts. I'm guessing he's just had a horrible, vivid nightmare and has woken up freaked and disturbed, confused between was is nightmare and what is real and has grabbed his gun, but not his boots!, and gone looking for Shep cos evil Shep did something horrible in his dream...
      its a shame
      it looks like lorne collapses/or is stunned (sheppy and carter looking down loking shocked)...he had his gun on sheppy if only he had pulled the trigger mmm shot sheppy...




        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        That's what I was thinking. I'm concerned about the timing though.
        DG is set to air 4th. So, is Carter in command by the 4th episode? We just don't know yet, damn it! If not, I wonder why Shep would dream her in an Atlantis-type uniform. But Carter's voice did sound sort of echoey and strange, and the camera angles were dream like, or seemed to me not to be the usual type of shot. I'm horribly confused, but DG is the episode that's nearest completion so it would be logical for them to use most shots from that episode.
        Yeah I agree the whole timeline seems a bit messed up
        my understanding was that Carter came to Atlantis obviously as part of the recovery following First Strike. Now I would have assumed that she would still be dressed as per SG-1 and not officially be in command at that stage. She doesnt stay even though they ask her to and a few epsiodes later she returns to actually take command. I thought that at that point she would be in the full blown Atlantis uniform. So if DG is the fourth ep and she is dressed as an Atlantis team member she must already be in command - as early as Reunion? Maybe she leave to be in command remotely at the end of DG????? Very odd!


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          (((Hugs)))) GG. Bad dreams aren't nice. Hope you feel ok now?

          I never have nice dreams. They're always me battling the Wraith or Cybermen. I even had a decorating dream the other night...

          At least you have something in common with Sheppy. Spoilers for DG
          He's rumoured to be having bad dreams too - along with the rest of the team!
          I'm feeling better now. But i'm gonna go out in a bit and get a custard filoled long john. That'll make me feel lots better.

          It must be all this DG talk that spurred on the bad dreams. I hardly ever get em.

          Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper View Post
          Yes, crazy busy! It should let up after the fourth of July or so though, then hopefully I'll be able to come out and play more. I definitely need a lot of GW whumpers SQUEEEEEE to hold me over until September. Not that I'm counting the days to S4 or anything, LOL.

          Then on top of it all, I forgot that pesky rule about whumping Shep, not self and dislocated my shoulder on Friday night. Definitely NOT squee. But it is feeling a lot better now.

          BTW, I got your pkg yesterday! Thanks SOOO much. It was big fun thinking back and reliving some of those moments, like the T set squee and Capilano bridge in the pouring, freezing rain. I will try to put together something similar for you as soon as work lets up a little.

          Talk to you later,

          Glad you got the package and enjoyed it. ((HUGS)) about the dislocated shoulder. I can thankfully say that is one injury I have never had. hope things get better for you soon.


            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
            Yeah I agree the whole timeline seems a bit messed up
            my understanding was that Carter came to Atlantis obviously as part of the recovery following First Strike. Now I would have assumed that she would still be dressed as per SG-1 and not officially be in command at that stage. She doesnt stay even though they ask her to and a few epsiodes later she returns to actually take command. I thought that at that point she would be in the full blown Atlantis uniform. So if DG is the fourth ep and she is dressed as an Atlantis team member she must already be in command - as early as Reunion? Maybe she leave to be in command remotely at the end of DG????? Very odd!
            carter comes in adrift goes away for lifeline and then is in command in reunion,yeh that early (cant have shep in command for too long)
            from the spoiler LJ
            David Hewlett posted details of the scene he is filming for Reunion - "Conference room with Carter in command...McKay's not happy...Hewlett is! Picardo is hilarious i thought it was well known thats shes in charge at this point



              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              carter comes in adrift goes away for lifeline and then is in command in reunion,yeh that early (cant have shep in command for too long)
              from the spoiler LJ
              David Hewlett posted details of the scene he is filming for Reunion - "Conference room with Carter in command...McKay's not happy...Hewlett is! Picardo is hilarious i thought it was well known thats shes in charge at this point
              Well all I can say is
              poo - just one episode! Hardly worth her leaving IMO!


                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                carter comes in adrift goes away for lifeline and then is in command in reunion,yeh that early (cant have shep in command for too long)
                from the spoiler LJ
                David Hewlett posted details of the scene he is filming for Reunion - "Conference room with Carter in command...McKay's not happy...Hewlett is! Picardo is hilarious i thought it was well known thats shes in charge at this point
                Sheppy is not in charge very long then? What's up with that? My big thing is how does her command in atlantis affect he postion in the movies? I'm assuming they are still in the same timeline?


                  Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                  Well all I can say is
                  poo - just one episode! Hardly worth her leaving IMO!
                  I totally agree. In fact,
                  why even set up First Strike the way they did if Sheppy isn't going to flex his command muscles per say for something longer than one eppy. *sigh*


                    Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                    The promos were great. My fave bit is the
                    sound when Shep is thrown to the floor.

                    Oh, I don't think I enjoyed that much. Even after watching it for the 100th time, it's just "eh" for me

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Oh, I just watched it again! What an adorable guy he is! I think it's easy to be a little taken with him!
                    And I am!!

                    Originally posted by strinam View Post
                    You know, KTLA was probably wondering why its ratings skyrocketed for 5 minutes there.

                    yes, WOOOOT!!! a nice
                    CRACK to go with that THUD!
                    And hopefully some blood!

                    I'm thrilled that a morning show had Joe on it! Great publicity! Although I was very surprised he gave away spoilers for a show airing that night that only I hadn't seen!!

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    The more I think about it... the more I am convinced that Joe has actually deliberately written fake whiteboard notes for those pictures. It would be just like him to pull a trick like that and wind the fans up... and one thing he is not is stupid.

                    GASP! You know, you're right!!! He WOULD toy with us like that, wouldn't he?

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    That's what I was thinking. I'm concerned about the timing though.
                    DG is set to air 4th. So, is Carter in command by the 4th episode? We just don't know yet, damn it! If not, I wonder why Shep would dream her in an Atlantis-type uniform. But Carter's voice did sound sort of echoey and strange, and the camera angles were dream like, or seemed to me not to be the usual type of shot. I'm horribly confused, but DG is the episode that's nearest completion so it would be logical for them to use most shots from that episode.
                    Maybe in DG
                    Shep's dreams involve being replaced by Carter in Atlantis
                    Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      Well all I can say is
                      poo - just one episode! Hardly worth her leaving IMO!
                      i assume she shows up in a ship in adrift to save the day and then leaves, but when the ioa etc find that weir cant command (lifeline is the brain surgery ep) they promote her and give her command (temporary?) of atlantis, she apparently doesnt want to go as she has ties on earth but looks like she has no choice. they want atlantis militarised with all the threats but not too much so..shes the perfect in between

                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      Sheppy is not in charge very long then? What's up with that? My big thing is how does her command in atlantis affect he postion in the movies? I'm assuming they are still in the same timeline?
                      but then he cant can he, unless we wanted 6 eps of him in command whilst the rest of his team went off world, it makes sense shes in charge asap. i cant remember what JM said about the timeline of the movies and atlantis....but i doubt she can be in charge and a member of sg1 as well.



                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        Sheppy is not in charge very long then? What's up with that? My big thing is how does her command in atlantis affect he postion in the movies? I'm assuming they are still in the same timeline?
                        I'm not really sure....

                        Me and my brother talked today and he said she would be promoted to Colonel in the movie... now so that one might take place before she comes to Atlantis...but since they are not going to air the movies until 2008 it seems it will be just the odd thing..watching Atlantis ,,she is in charge and a Colonel and then seeing the movie and her getting the promotion...

                        So from what I can get from him,,,they might in the same timeline but they are going to air them in a way it's going to be odd if you are one of them watching both..or the movies is set to be before her taking over Atlantis...who knows... *lol*.

                        Edit: Just something I found on another thread... a little tidbit on GW... SciFi and SGA...
                        Last edited by NinaM; 24 June 2007, 07:38 AM.
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          *runs around on a green spam to whumpers*


                          I've greened everyone I can green. LOL

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                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            I totally agree. In fact,
                            why even set up First Strike the way they did if Sheppy isn't going to flex his command muscles per say for something longer than one eppy. *sigh*
                            it seemed quite obvious to me that
                            shepy wasnt going to be in charge for i said before they cant keep shep in command for too long because he cant go offworld every episode as head of sga1 and be in charge...we only get shep in charge in adrift and maybe lifeline but i think they will still be good eps to see how he copes, if they even show much of that.



                              Originally posted by Salty View Post

                              Maybe in DG
                              Shep's dreams involve being replaced by Carter in Atlantis
                              I was thinking about this

                              S4 spoilers
                              "I'm relieving you of your command, Colonel" line from Carter. I wonder if we might be reading too much into it, making it "the" moment when she takes over command of Atlantis.

                              If it's from Doppelganger, Carter is already in command of Atlantis, has been for an episode or two. But Shep is still a senior officer, with other officers and enlisted personnel reporting to him. He would most likely be in charge of day to day military operations much as he was under Weir, with Carter handling bigger issues.

                              I wonder if what she means is not that she's taking charge of Atlantis (she's already done that), but that she is taking him out of the game altogether. taking him completely off-duty because they think he's gone a little bonkers (them not knowing yet that it's his DG evil shep doing all the mischief, not our shep).

                              Just a thought.

                              That or it is from one of the earlier eppies where she really does show up and take command of Atlantis.


                              Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                                I totally agree. In fact,
                                why even set up First Strike the way they did if Sheppy isn't going to flex his command muscles per say for something longer than one eppy. *sigh*
                                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                                it seemed quite obvious to me that
                                shepy wasnt going to be in charge for i said before they cant keep shep in command for too long because he cant go offworld every episode as head of sga1 and be in charge...we only get shep in charge in adrift and maybe lifeline but i think they will still be good eps to see how he copes, if they even show much of that.
                                I didnt expect him
                                to be in command for long, if at all - I just dont get the whole oh she arrives leaves and a while later returns- when in fact she is in every episode???? Why bother with that? Well actually I dont mind them bothering with that... if thats what they want - just why did AT mention it as if it really meant that she leaves Atlantis for a while- like one episode at least

