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John Sheppard Whump

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    Guess what? I've finally started writing part 3 of The Sacrifice of Innocence. Wish me luck!

    As for that other little character piece thingy, I just read back through what I sent to Linzi & IWTB last night and it's amazing they made any sense of it at all.


      Originally posted by blingaway
      I think it would have strained
      the "not personal" claim. There was absolutely no reason not to have a little more cell block violence tho. The soldiers don't have the same adgenda as Kolya.

      And with Shep's smart ass comments, you'd think he would've provoked the guards a little bit more than shooting the wall behind him, shocking him with the stick, and punching him on the side of the head. Think how much better Weir et al.'s reactions would have been if they had seen a tied-up BLOODY Shep in the chair!
      Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


        Originally posted by Salty
        And with Shep's smart ass comments, you'd think he would've provoked the guards a little bit more than shooting the wall behind him, shocking him with the stick, and punching him on the side of the head. Think how much better Weir et al.'s reactions would have been if they had seen a tied-up BLOODY Shep in the chair!
        more CG chatter....
        The scene with Kolya when he says 'they'll never give you what you want so why don't you just end this'...All those yummy close-ups would have been even better with a split lip or nice trickle of blood from above his eye. Plot-wise I think the threat of Shep being a wraith-snack was compelling enough, but gosh with all the close shots of his face I'd like to have seen some more damage. He wouldn't have had to be pulp or anything, just a little more evidence that he fought being taken...*whumpy sigh*


          Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper
          Here's a little gun porn to get you motivated, SGAFan! Just pretend there's someone in front of him aiming back. LOL! Can't wait to read it!

          VERY inspiring! *G* The whump story idea forming in my head is definitely a bit darker and more intense then the current story...

          have to think more. *G* (and finish the current one! LOL)
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Originally posted by Salty
            Thanks for reminding me Lorr!!! I have to go order mine! SQUEEE!

            For all you stateside peeps, you can get the calendar from and you can get 10% off using discount code 0307

            Thanks Salty!! ((HUGS))

            *runs off to order*
            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              Here's a little gun porn to get you motivated, SGAFan!

              Originally posted by SGAFan
              VERY inspiring! *G* The whump story idea forming in my head is definitely a bit darker and more intense then the current story...


                Originally posted by blingaway


                Be scared, Shep!!! Be VERY scared!!!! hehehehee

                (((HUGS))) Blingaway!!
                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                  I guess you guys have seen that there is a new epsiode listed on Gateworld ep 18 - called Submersion ...possible whump???


                    Originally posted by SGAFan

                    Be scared, Shep!!! Be VERY scared!!!! hehehehee

                    (((HUGS))) Blingaway!!
                    Mwa! These things just pop into my head and out my photoshop I'm afraid. I'm looking forward to the darker, whumpier whump...


                      I shared it with a few friends in my writing/beta circle, they LOVED it. (I hope you don't mind I did that, I thought they'd get a kick out of it) They told me to pass on their kudos to you! LOL


                      and darnit! I couldn't green you again! LOL

                      I"ve done "darker" Shep before; its always fascinating. This is a rather dark and intense idea...
                      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                        I'm hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooome!!

                        Hi everyone! Did you miss me?

                        Right then. There's no way in hell I can catch up on 4 days' worth of posting so, in Weir's famous words, "Back it up for me, Lieutenant". What did I miss? Any exciting milestones? Any big news or gossip? Any fab new fic?

                        Tell me tell me tell me!!


                          Originally posted by blingaway

                          OMG! Blingaway! How do you come up with these things...and so FAST! This is great! LMAO!!!!!!


                          Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                            Originally posted by SGAFan
                            I shared it with a few friends in my writing/beta circle, they LOVED it. (I hope you don't mind I did that, I thought they'd get a kick out of it) They told me to pass on their kudos to you! LOL


                            and darnit! I couldn't green you again! LOL

                            I"ve done "darker" Shep before; its always fascinating. This is a rather dark and intense idea...
                            It's yours, do with it what you will.

                            Has anybody ever done an evil!Shep? I read an evil!Daniel once that was just delish, but I haven't come across any Shep...


                              Ali!!! Welcome back!! ((HUGS))

                              There are new chapters for a few new fics (mine too *G*) but, umm.. I dont have the links handy.

                              umm.. what else? Some squeeing over the upcoming "Phantoms" Episode...

                              new interview with JF on gateworld... new tibits on upcoming eps...

                              uhh... what else? LOL
                              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                                Originally posted by blingaway
                                It's yours, do with it what you will.

                                Has anybody ever done an evil!Shep? I read an evil!Daniel once that was just delish, but I haven't come across any Shep...
                                Thankies!! ((HUGS))

                                ^^ has ideas for that as well... (evilShep stuff)

                                ^^ has too many ideas to write at any given time... Gaah!
                                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ

