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John Sheppard Whump

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    ahhh headaches suck

    By Kidwizz

    By JessM


      TDO would have been great if his friends had gotten to see all the whump....although the fact that Mckay is there and he gets to be all worried and see SHeppy getting thrown around...............i love that ep.
      38mins, TDO and then CG.....sorry but CG still doesnt beat those two...


        Originally posted by obsessed1
        hey, i feel for you......great minds act alike and all that. I too have just taken some paracetomal for a headache that wont budge and threatens to turn into a migraine.............

        Well, your mind might be great....

        I dread the migraines. They usually require a trip to the emergency room...but oh the good drugs they use now! Pain to la la land in under 2 minutes literally. SQUEE!!

        How is the writing coming? Are you going to post your chapter soon?? *smiles innocently* Don't want to prod harder....


          nudge nudge ....

          By Kidwizz

          By JessM


            Originally posted by Gate Geek
            Well, your mind might be great....

            I dread the migraines. They usually require a trip to the emergency room...but oh the good drugs they use now! Pain to la la land in under 2 minutes literally. SQUEE!!

            How is the writing coming? Are you oging to post your chapter soon?? *smiles innocently* Don't want to prod harder....
            Prod harder and my brain will explode........right next to yours in that gutter. I tell you, i'll take you out with me

            Yeah migraines suck..i've had them for years and it usually requires a couple of days in bed if i get them real bad. I get that weird aura lighting, the slurring, the dont move your head one inch lest it explode feeling........pain in the butt.....or head or whatever Emergency room must be bad.

            The fic is halfway there......

            Having a few problems.....its essentially written but i'm so sure if i like how i've written it. I think ive been staring at it so long ive lost a little perspective with it.....


              See I'm just slightly nudging

              I'm trying to get to 400 posts... one more to go..

              Shep to the rescue......

              By Kidwizz

              By JessM


                I just love this pic... to be the hands

                By Kidwizz

                By JessM


                  I was in such a fantastically good mood today and I felt like writing for the first time in ages and my computer crashing on me has totally screwed up my mood.

                  I just can't get back into the flow.


                    Well that sucks.... bad computer bad....

                    I'm just reading off and on...

                    By Kidwizz

                    By JessM


                      Originally posted by Rootortoise

                      i liked the beginning of the interview where it said "in his time as col. john sheppard hes been shot, tortured, captured by wraith..."etc and all that...cos that makes my whumpy heart a-flutter! remembering good times...LOL *thinks about defiant one...shot...blood down arm...cracked ribs...fighting wraith* mmmm dreamy!

                      When you read that it makes it seem like he's whumped ALL the time but then I stop to think I don't remember him being whumped so much. It's because we have whump ops but they're little ones. A gunshot in the arm - big deal, it barely slows him down. Kidnapped by prisoners - big deal, they tie him up. Captured by Wraith - big deal, the Queen stares at him and makes him go down on his knees (is that the torture?). Shot again in the arm - again, barely slows him down. Ok, the bug thing - THAT stopped him
                      Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                        Originally posted by Rootortoise
                        just thinking about the possible whump he could receive in season 3 makes me wanna SQUEE my head off!!! who knows what shep whump delights could be in store for us????!!!!

                        I vote for whump where he gets hurt and and suffers afterwards! I think that's my issue - we're getting whump but no after effects
                        Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                          Originally posted by obsessed1
                          Prod harder and my brain will explode........right next to yours in that gutter. I tell you, i'll take you out with me

                          Yeah migraines suck..i've had them for years and it usually requires a couple of days in bed if i get them real bad. I get that weird aura lighting, the slurring, the dont move your head one inch lest it explode feeling........pain in the butt.....or head or whatever Emergency room must be bad.

                          The fic is halfway there......

                          Having a few problems.....its essentially written but i'm so sure if i like how i've written it. I think ive been staring at it so long ive lost a little perspective with it.....
                          Ok..I'll let you take a break from the writing. Go get a chocolate bar or something , watch some SGA and then come right back and finish it!!
                          It's not like i'm excited or anything.....


                            on 400!!



                              Congrats Gravel On 400.....
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by gravelgerdie
                                Hopefully we will get better interviews in the future.. It would be nice to get something out of it new....
                                Yeah, the latest interview sounds like it was made in January. Maybe it was! Do wish they'd at least date the inteviews. It wouldn't stop us from reading them

