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John Sheppard Whump

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    I want to get stuck into doing something but I have to go pick up my prescription in a little while and I'm waiting around for the dispensary to open at four and I have to go the long way round down all these stupid little roads because the main road through my village is currently closed. I mean the road I'd usually use isn't what you'd call a good road but the ones I'm going to have to take have grass growing down the middle of them.


      Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper
      Life is good here, GG! The heat wave has finally broken a bit -- at least we're not supposed to hit 100 degrees F for a few days -- and we're on the countdown to the long holiday weekend!

      The only downside SGA ep to look forward to tonight. **pout**

      How are you, dear?

      Het WannaBe! Glad to hear your heat streak is broken. We've been chilling in the low to mid 70s. A bit too cold for my taste. But oh, well.

      I'm kind of glad there is no SG on tonight. I've got way to much on my plate this weekend. Beginning with today.. Besides, like someone commented, what could follow CG? Yeah, we need the week off.


        Originally posted by Josie
        I want to get stuck into doing something but I have to go pick up my prescription in a little while and I'm waiting around for the dispensary to open at four and I have to go the long way round down all these stupid little roads because the main road through my village is currently closed. I mean the road I'd usually use isn't what you'd call a good road but the ones I'm going to have to take have grass growing down the middle of them.

        Oh! Those sweet country lanes! They are so neat. But, I agree, a pain the butt to drive on. Good thing we don't have too many of them around. Well, in the big metropolis I live in anyways...


          Hi guys! I'd say good morning but it really isn't morning anymore! It's almost afternoon, but just popping in to say hi. I've got to go and run errands today, so I won't be around much. GG, glad you liked part two.


            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
            Hi guys! I'd say good morning but it really isn't morning anymore! It's almost afternoon, but just popping in to say hi. I've got to go and run errands today, so I won't be around much. GG, glad you liked part two.

            Well, I'll give you my list and you can do my errands too! Seeing as how you're going out and about anyways...


              Originally posted by Gate Geek
              Oh! Those sweet country lanes! They are so neat. But, I agree, a pain the butt to drive on. Good thing we don't have too many of them around. Well, in the big metropolis I live in anyways...
              Well I'm back and I must say I actually rather enjoyed myself, the sun has come out and we've got lovely blue skies and fluffy clouds and sometimes it just takes something as simple as a change of routine to remind you of the good things in life. Sometimes living out here I forget just how lucky I am and just how beautiful my part of the world is but driving down past the river and the hall today it was just perfect.


                Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper
                The reason we don't get enough good GSWs in SGA is those darned stunners. Shep is always getting stunned, which is pretty to look at (Shep is always pretty to look at), but they just don't cause enough damage. We must outlaw stunners. We want realy bullets. Real blood. Surgery. Crutches.

                Hmmm. Do I sound a little blood thirsty for so early in the morning?


                Not at all bloodthirsty! I was up at 2:30am with my daughter and went back to bed thinking of bloody Shep!

                And see, this is why we need Kolyas on the show! Forget fighting aliens - we need humans who can beat the stuffing out of Shep!
                Kolya took the easy way out in CG - he brought in an alien to torture Shep where he should have used his own hands to torture him! I mean, c'mon, Kolya wasn't at least a little bit tempted to hit Shep?
                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                  Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper
                  Did mention infections? If Shep is running around off world with a GSW and no access to immediate medical care, we must have an infection. Fevered Shep in scrubs, with glassy eyes, who must have a cool cloth pressed comfortingly to his forehead every few minutes...

                  *wonders if WannaBe is reading her mind for a whump fic...* I have thoughts here... mostly prompted by the continual discussion over grazing bullet wounds... *G*
                  My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                    Originally posted by SGAFan
                    *wonders if WannaBe is reading her mind for a whump fic...* I have thoughts here... mostly prompted by the continual discussion over grazing bullet wounds... *G*
                    Here's a little gun porn to get you motivated, SGAFan! Just pretend there's someone in front of him aiming back. LOL! Can't wait to read it!


                    Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                      Hi finally off from work... just to have my boss call me like hardly an hour later but luckily she had only forgotten to tell me what I needed to do while she is on vacation... but now I have the weekend off so I can devote my time to Shep...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Hi all,

                        I have a question for are you doing all that screen capping? What are you inputting to your PC, and what software are you using? Anyone mind letting me in on the secrets?

                        Feel free to send me a private message if you'd prefer...


                        Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                          not sure what whump is but long as my sheppy doesnt die id be ok i think lol

                          I'm a doctor.. a medical doctor. I break things like this.. "beckett season one episode one of atlantis"


                            Originally posted by Salty
                            Kolya took the easy way out in CG - he brought in an alien to torture Shep where he should have used his own hands to torture him! I mean, c'mon, Kolya wasn't at least a little bit tempted to hit Shep?
                            I think it would have strained
                            the "not personal" claim. There was absolutely no reason not to have a little more cell block violence tho. The soldiers don't have the same adgenda as Kolya.


                              Originally posted by Lorr

                              I just went onto Amazon UK and ordered the 2007 calendar! Big ol'
                              I should have it in about a week and a half. I'll let y'all know what it's like.

                              Gotta go, need to write now that I can semi-focus. Happy Whumping!

                              Thanks for reminding me Lorr!!! I have to go order mine! SQUEEE!

                              For all you stateside peeps, you can get the calendar from and you can get 10% off using discount code 0307
                              Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                                Well everyone is being frightfully quiet today. I know you're there.

