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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie
    I'm sometimes amazed she still has a business at all.

    Well I am slowly destroying it !!!


      Originally posted by SLC
      Well I am slowly destroying it !!!
      I don't believe that for a minute! You're just so damn good at your job that you can fit in hours of squeeing, whumping and thunking as WELL as making a good living. Actually that sounds like the ideal life to me!!! Maybe I should've have gone into your line of business? Hmmm, nope. I can't add, subtract, multiply or divide, and I'm pretty useless with numbers! Damn. Looks like it's going to have to be that whump continuity job after all!


        Originally posted by Linzi
        I don't believe that for a minute! You're just so damn good at your job that you can fit in hours of squeeing, whumping and thunking as WELL as making a good living. Actually that sounds like the ideal life to me!!! Maybe I should've have gone into your line of business? Hmmm, nope. I can't add, subtract, multiply or divide, and I'm pretty useless with numbers! Damn. Looks like it's going to have to be that whump continuity job after all!

        not so sure you are right...I mean have you seen the size of my post tray!!!!!

        Actually 95% of what I do has nothing much to do with numbers...I think my client's think that we are playing a game. The rules of the game are that they provide 'clues' to what they have been earning in the year and from these clues I am supposed to figure out what they owe in tax

        The game wouldnt be half as much fun for them if they actually explained what was what!!!!! But for me whumping Shep is the better option!!!

        OMG 26 days to go!!!!!!!



          I haven't got a hangover!, i haven't got a hangover!, Yeah, yeah, yeah (Can you tell i'm pleased about that?)

          Wow, sholio's fic was fantastic....very vivid, well written, the characters were spot on.....i'm so jealous
          Last edited by obsessed1; 02 October 2006, 05:07 AM.


            Originally posted by SLC
            not so sure you are right...I mean have you seen the size of my post tray!!!!!

            Actually 95% of what I do has nothing much to do with numbers...I think my client's think that we are playing a game. The rules of the game are that they provide 'clues' to what they have been earning in the year and from these clues I am supposed to figure out what they owe in tax

            The game wouldnt be half as much fun for them if they actually explained what was what!!!!! But for me whumping Shep is the better option!!!

            OMG 26 days to go!!!!!!!
            So your job is more like being a mind-reader? Poor you!
            26 days till what exactly?????


              Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper
              Gate Geek - I can't help it. I'm just so SQUEEEEE-CITED! And hey girl - Double Squeee! - I'M GOING TO VANCOUVER!!!!!!! I signed up officially!

              Josie - I think your idea would be interesting too - a little darker, I think, with Sheppy
              pitted against the Wriath from CG.
              It will be wild to see which way Ken C. goes with it. Come on, TPTB! Buy that story.

              And if any of you huge CG/Ken C. fans haven't voted, make a point to toddle over and vote for CG as your fav S3 episode so far. Who knows, maybe it will influence TPTB to buy the follow-up!

              OMG WannaBe!!! I have a roomie for Vancouver???? Holy Crap!! Wait, you do wanna room with me right?

              I voted yesterday afternoon. How can CG not beat out some of those other S3 eps..Seriously. It was GREAT!!!


                Originally posted by obsessed1

                I havent got a hangover!, i havent got a hangover!, Yeah, yeah, yeah (Can you tell i'm pleased about that?)

                Wow, sholio's fic was fantastic....very vivid, well written, the characters were spot on.....i'm so jealous
                I hate hangovers! Poor you! Oh, it's ok. You haven't got a hangover, right?


                  *poot* I wanna post pretty whump pics but PB is not cooperating...


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps
                    *poot* I wanna post pretty whump pics but PB is not cooperating...
                    i want you to post purty whump piccies too


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      I hate hangovers! Poor you! Oh, it's ok. You haven't got a hangover, right?
                      feel great - wasn't feeling too spectacular last night though

                      If CG doesn't get the best ep i'll be peeved. Overall it really was the best, (Okay, bit biased here,) but for writing, content and acting......

                      *claps hands to KC*


                        OK, finally got causght up on four pages of back reading.

                        DreamKat - I sure hope you feel better hon!

                        CONGRATS JOSIE ON 2700 POSTS!!

                        WannaBe - excellent little whump drabble. What a way to start the morning.

                        01 - eight vodkas and no hangover? Way to go girl! we really need to hook sometime. Vodka's my fav and I usually don't get the hangovers either. Way to go on the typing while drunk. It is one skill I ahve yet to master.

                        Josie - so sorry to hear your doing poorly. ((HUGS)). Stay far away from work and get better. I agree, at least we can be selfish and have you hang out with us longer.

                        How bout some bloody Shep....



                          Here's some more whump...



                            [quote GG] 01 - eight vodkas and no hangover? Way to go girl! we really need to hook sometime. Vodka's my fav and I usually don't get the hangovers either. Way to go on the typing while drunk. It is one skill I ahve yet to master. [/quote GG]

                            nice piccies........bloody shep is the best kind of shep, we need more of it


                              Wannabewhumper...i forgot to say. Great drabble btw


                                O1SC: I should not have gone drinking with O1 last night...........ugh

