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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    Well that's us J/T fans,,,,we support eachother, we have great discussions, and we truly talk fondly about our favorite couple... I wish more J/T fans would come in and join the fun....

    Video making you say,,,, well I can't tell what others use...but I'm using Ulead videostudio 9.......don't really know to much about those programs,,,maybe someone else can shed some light to that,,,here in Sweden there isn't really anything good to have,,,and what others have to offer I'm not sure...

    Thanks lots for the suggestion Nina. I'll definitely look into it.


      Originally posted by fates4jt View Post
      Thanks lots for the suggestion Nina. I'll definitely look into it.
      Your welcome
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Just snurched this from the Shep thunk thread.

        Don't they look so hot together.

        Yeah, they sure do:



          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          First Congrats on 100 posts !!!... *lol* I've long passed that ,,, never thought I would talk this much *lol*

          Oh yes I can't really remember so much since it's been some time since I watched Epiphany... but yes I do however remember how she reacted to him not being there..and in general about not being able to get to him....

          And yes in The Ark
          When John gets into the room,,and sees the beam and no Teyla...the way he he looks at the device ,,,I mean the look on his face.,,the look in his eyes,,,the sudden realization that he has reached a critical point,,, the way he chewed his lip.. the face was all *oh crap* there wasn't any option for him,,, there wasn't any other way out of it,,,he knew he had to take the chance to try and save her even if it meant losing his own life... I think he can handle putting himself in such danger when he sees no other way out of getting the woman he cares so much for to safety,,, but I don't think he could ever have lived with himself if had not taken that chance... no one of them could talk him out of it,,,that is another thing....

          when in danger and when faced with problems and John going to some things... people have tried to stop him,,,have they ever been able to talk him out of it... NO.... Weir haven't been able to,,,Rodney hasn't been able to... he rant , he yell, or he simply walks out doing it anyway...
          BUT Teyla on the other hand has a way of always been able to reach him....she balance him.... yes even if he had lost her he would go on,,,but we saw what only being away from her in The Return 1 did to him,,,he went through the motions,,,went on with his life,,,but not really living,,, no imagine losing her all together,,,no that would break him in so many ways,,,I think he would be a shell of his former self if he had lost her....going on living but never being the same John Sheppard he has been with her...

          In a way I guess that could very well be a part of the desperation to get her out alive in The Ark...that he just couldn't imagine life without her,,,he's gone without her for 6 weeks and he was not himself... I think he has realized that she is a vital part of him, he needs her, she completes him, she is his strenght, in other words she is his other half...
          Thanks Nina
          Yeah, I noticed that too. In The Ark
          when Rodney asked him not to go through with it, John didn't even entertain the thought of listening. He knew that there was no way that he would be able to just let Teyla go like that and he knew exactly what to do as soon as Lorne said that they had to go. I also noticed that, though they told him that it was suicide none of them really tried to talk him out of it. Not really. Yes, Rodney asked him not to do it but when has Rodney ever given in on something that easily? That tells me that he knew that there was no way he was going to get John to stop the mission and so, even though he wanted John to know he didnt like it, he didn't really try to talk him out of it. Ronan was the same, heck I dont even think he asked John not to do it. That backs up my idea that Ronan knows how John feels about Teyla and he knew that anything he might have said wouldn't make a difference anyway. I liked the whole "you still owe me a fight to the death" thing too. I thought that was a nice bit between John and Ronan.
          No, I think it was clear to both men that there was nothing they could say or do to talk John out of trying to save the woman he loves and so they didn't even really try.

          Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Agree with all of you - great points.

            John and Teyla definitley connected from the moment they met. It was quite uncanny the looks they shared even after such a short time. John was so comfortable putting the necklace around her neck - this was a woman he had just met and we know that John is not all that comfortable with physical contact as we saw when Weir hugged him in the Seige. But they have never been awkward around each other and Teyla with her beautiful calm nature has always coaxed the best out of John. It has been Teyla who has caused Johns barriers to come down and he has opened up to her - when have we ever seen him open up to anyone else like this. With Weir he has never shared one intimate moment. They have the leadership of Atlantis in common and after three years have become friends - but always on a professional level. John has never spent any free time or leisure time doing anything with Weir the way he does with Teyla. There is a distinct difference in the way he acts around the two women. He respects Weir and has to follow her orders but that it where it ends. He would do everything in his power to protect her just as he would for anyone on the expedition team but I have always felt that it is that bit more personal with Teyla. He is softer and more himself with Teyla. And as Bates said I think his personal feelings come into play at times even though he tries to hide it. Season three has been great so far for our duo and hopefully the ptb will continue on like this. They told us in season one that John was attracted to Teyla and that there was sexual tension between them - this has not changed - they are both attracted to one another and the sexual tension is still very evident - so tptb havn't let me down at all. I never expected to see a full blown relationship between John and Teyla this early in the show and the ptb have given me exactly what they promised - attraction and sexual tension and long may it continue.

            Thanks BA! I completely agree with what you're saying. The difference in the way John reacts to physical contact from Weir and Teyla is phenomenal. When Weir hugged him it's obvious that he didnt have a clue what to do with it- he didn't know how to react to it, heck he barely even responded! The look on his face when she let him go was priceless- he was so.. awkward and he changed the topic of conversation to a safe subject for him; work.And bearing in mind that was what? A year after they met?
            Now with Teyla, the very first time he met her on Athos it was him that initiated the contact- he was the one to reach to put her necklace around her neck when he could have quite easily just handed it to her (as he did) and just let it be, but no. He took it back off her and put it on for her.. the intensity of that scene I think set the standard of the relationship that JT share. Even after knowing one another for just a few hours John was comfortable enough to initiate physical contact with her and that in itself is amazing considering Johns background.
            He isn't a touchy-feely kind of guy, that much is clear, and the fact that he felt comfortable enough in that situation to put a necklace around her neck and then trail his hands down the lapels of her coat... that is a very intimate gesture and it was him that initiated it. The same man that didnt know what to do with himself when a woman he had known for a year hugged him.
            What does that say about the relationship John and Teyla share?
            It sparked from the very first moment they met and it's continued to develop and evolve into the deep love they share now.

            Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


              Originally posted by fates4jt View Post
              Awwww geeee you guys…I’m so glad you’re JT fans…you’re the absolute best. Having one's post acknowledged so warmly really is just fab.

              Anyhoo quick OT question for our fantastic video makers; I’m interested in trying my hand at making JT vids…infact I’m desperate too; if anyone can recommend any good media software I can invest in please PM me, I’d greatly appreciate it.
              Ah, that's part of being amongst the JT love! It rubs off on you!
              As for your question- I dont have any of this fancy vid making software, I just use Movie Maker that was already on my laptop. I've found that it does everything I want it to do and it's very easy to use. Drag and drop- sorted!

              Looking forward to seeing any vids you come up with.
              Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
                Thanks Nina
                Yeah, I noticed that too. In The Ark
                when Rodney asked him not to go through with it, John didn't even entertain the thought of listening. He knew that there was no way that he would be able to just let Teyla go like that and he knew exactly what to do as soon as Lorne said that they had to go. I also noticed that, though they told him that it was suicide none of them really tried to talk him out of it. Not really. Yes, Rodney asked him not to do it but when has Rodney ever given in on something that easily? That tells me that he knew that there was no way he was going to get John to stop the mission and so, even though he wanted John to know he didnt like it, he didn't really try to talk him out of it. Ronan was the same, heck I dont even think he asked John not to do it. That backs up my idea that Ronan knows how John feels about Teyla and he knew that anything he might have said wouldn't make a difference anyway. I liked the whole "you still owe me a fight to the death" thing too. I thought that was a nice bit between John and Ronan.
                No, I think it was clear to both men that there was nothing they could say or do to talk John out of trying to save the woman he loves and so they didn't even really try.


                I agree....I think it also to the aspect of

                Rodney has been on the recieving end of John's yelling...when trying to talk John out of something...The Defiant One... so I think he knows there isn't a way to stop him....Ronon I think didn't say anything because he has also seen there isn't much that you can do to stop John from doing something....

                When Rodney at some small point tried to talk John out of,,,saying he knows John thinks he can fly anything...John took the way he knew how,,,he barked an order at Rodney... and the respect Rodney has for John,,,even though he isn't military,,,and order is an order... the only one who actually have been able to stop John from doing something is Teyla...and she was the one trapped there was no one to stop him,,, no one to be able to balance him out... and he needs that balance and strenght so he went out of his way to try and save her even if it ment dying himself....

                One thing is funny as you mentioned the fight to the death thing....I couldn't help to notice John's face when he said it the first time...Ronon smiling smugly at that telling your on,,,and John then raising his chin having a look on his face like...*what did I just get myself into* LOL....
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  I agree....I think it also to the aspect of

                  Rodney has been on the recieving end of John's yelling...when trying to talk John out of something...The Defiant One... so I think he knows there isn't a way to stop him....Ronon I think didn't say anything because he has also seen there isn't much that you can do to stop John from doing something....

                  When Rodney at some small point tried to talk John out of,,,saying he knows John thinks he can fly anything...John took the way he knew how,,,he barked an order at Rodney... and the respect Rodney has for John,,,even though he isn't military,,,and order is an order... the only one who actually have been able to stop John from doing something is Teyla...and she was the one trapped there was no one to stop him,,, no one to be able to balance him out... and he needs that balance and strenght so he went out of his way to try and save her even if it ment dying himself....

                  One thing is funny as you mentioned the fight to the death thing....I couldn't help to notice John's face when he said it the first time...Ronon smiling smugly at that telling your on,,,and John then raising his chin having a look on his face like...*what did I just get myself into* LOL....
                  Very true.
                  Rodney has been on the recieving end of his yelling far more than I think he wants to have been and so that probably stopped him trying to talk John out of it too much. I also dont think he wanted what he thought would be his last words to John to be part of an argument, no matter how much he tries to pretend he doesnt care, everyone knows he does.
                  Rondey most likely knew how important it was to John that he at least tried to save Teyla- the other 1000 people didnt matter so much because it was clear that he and the team were going to leave them behind- and so that probably put him off too.
                  At the end of the day, Rodney knew there was no way to talk John out of doing something and so he figured why even try?
                  Kind of ironic that the only person who can talk him out of things is the one person that he is trying to save.

                  Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                    i know im way behind everyone else but i've spent most of my time reading all your posts :-P

                    the ark
                    when i watched the first time where John saw that Teyla had been beamed into the machine i was a bit disappointed that he didn't say anything, he just looked sorta "oh crap", on rewatching it looks more like he's already trying to think of a way to get her out but i still would've liked him to say something, not sure what but something...

                    but i love, love, love that ending, i was in shock that it happened because i just didn't expect anything (though i was silently willing everyone to go away and john to stay and talk with her i didn't expect it to happen )

                    anyway great ep, can't think of anything else to say so i'll just go back to lurking


                      Originally posted by sweetoffee14 View Post
                      i know im way behind everyone else but i've spent most of my time reading all your posts :-P

                      the ark
                      when i watched the first time where John saw that Teyla had been beamed into the machine i was a bit disappointed that he didn't say anything, he just looked sorta "oh crap", on rewatching it looks more like he's already trying to think of a way to get her out but i still would've liked him to say something, not sure what but something...

                      but i love, love, love that ending, i was in shock that it happened because i just didn't expect anything (though i was silently willing everyone to go away and john to stay and talk with her i didn't expect it to happen )

                      anyway great ep, can't think of anything else to say so i'll just go back to lurking

                      No no don't go back to lurking,,stay and play with us,,,it's more fun like that...

                      In The Ark
                      The look on his face was in a way yes Oh crap....but the chewing on his lip the look he had in his eyes ,,,told a whole lot more to me... I think the wheels were turning in his head already.... the thing about it,,,is that it's not always the words that tell me things,,,but the look on his face, in his eyes or his body language... and JF do some great acting in SGA... he does the emotional scenes great..he nails them,,as he do all his other scene of course... but that's why I find it such a joy to watch him since he is able to convey what he feels into it,,and it holds my attention...

                      And yes the end scene....same there the looks between them,,,Teyla's little smile... and the look John gave Carson while he was walking was a little like...damn Carson isn't going to let her out of here,,,well keep walking then and leave me alone with her *lol* it was like he was wishing himself that everyone would go away and leave him alone with Teyla...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        true, maybe i just missed the subtle looks, i'm not complaining, it was a really good episode i just expected him to say something for some reason :-/

                        lol! yeah i didn't get why he sorta glared at Carson, and he seemed to be ignoring Elizabeth too , such a good scene...wish i could think up something more to say about it!


                          Originally posted by sweetoffee14 View Post
                          true, maybe i just missed the subtle looks, i'm not complaining, it was a really good episode i just expected him to say something for some reason :-/

                          lol! yeah i didn't get why he sorta glared at Carson, and he seemed to be ignoring Elizabeth too , such a good scene...wish i could think up something more to say about it!
                          I'm sure you will think of something

                          yeah maybe he should have said something,,, in that scene,,,but *lol* I can let it slide since he looked upset... just wondering what could he had said that would make sense..hrmmmm...anyone?? *lol*
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Actions speak louder than words...I don't think there's really much he could have said, Sweet...

                            I think that

                            any love recognition there wouldn't have been inappropriate and swearing and loosing it, isn't thing I love about John is that despite his feelings towards doesn't hinder his mind and on the contrary, she makes him stronger...I just chatted this with someone...*grins*

                            John said enough, I think...he asked Rodney, are you going to be able to get her out of there...that was all he wanted to know and see..that she get out of there safely...and the minute he knew that there was no time..he did what John does best...ACTION SHEPPARD! he was thinking, I think of all the different scenarios at that moment...the bitting of his lips tells me he knew this was not going to be easy....and the minute he started walking out of the room...he was in his mode that he gets when nothing and no one can stand in his way..he knew what he had to do..and he was going to do it and no one was going to stop him...but again..I think that this is not the shippy part..I think he would have done it for any of the others....but to see it play out with Teyla is just right! the shippy part for me was that infirmary scene....he was basically telling her that she was and is special...and one thing that I don't think anyone has mentioned and I must give credit to my online friends in our discussion is that when Teyla told John, he did what you and I would have done...Teyla stood out the you and I and so did John...he mentioned her kidnapped first....and then he said and he almost got you and me killed...not us but you and me.....words come from the heart...and John and Teyla both see a "you and me"...woohoooo!

                            Great convo guys....

                            and btw, JB did you ever get that song and hear the Lonely Boys?


                              I just love ready you Sheyla fan's interpretation of a "in my opinion" Non shippy scene.

                              I get butterflies in my stomach when I read Camy's P.O.V. on different scenes with John and Teyla.

                              Ha I love it. It's so dreamy. This thread rocks.

                              Valent: Renee Elise Goldsberry/Evangeline Williamson Fansite
                              by Sheylafan87


                                Hey Sheylas ( I don't think I'm the evil one anymore ^^ XD )

                                I'm delurking for a sec to say that ok I'm a shep/weir shipper but I think Joe and Rachel have chemistry and I think that's sad that people trash other ships, but I know a lot of casual Shep/Weir shippers who just enjoy their ship and couldn't even give thoughts to bashing other groups ( And I think most of the S/W shippers are like that.)

                                NinaM, sorry you had to delurk and defend yourself on the "Do TPTB tease viewers with ships". Anyway it has been shut down by the mods.

                                I like your thread I lurk here almost once a day and I find some nice pieces of art, and I think it's great to be passionate about something like that.


