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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    LOL Camy, yes I'm the Celede from UB, although I'm not sure about the awesome part!

    I've got a lot of plot bunnies atm, but no time to sit and right them down, at this very mintue I should be working on my essay from hell "Dark Tourism: The Black Sheep of the Tourism Family?". It's due tomorrow and me no where near finish... after that I've got to start my bid proposal... etc. But HOPEFULLY I'll have some time to get some new fic out soon. Is 'Nightmares' on UB? I can't remember...

    The LJ has Gateworld in the name because it's a LJ for (mostly anyway) this thread! You guys have a whole LJ dedicated to yourselves and your work!

    awesome sig by Camy!
    Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


      Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
      *tackles Astro and MajorFischer* Squee!!!! Visitors!!!!

      About the whole Shep thing, I think that TPTB are wise to try and avoid making him into a Mary Sue character. I kind of feel that as much as they try to make him into an anti-hero with his black mark and lack of subordination, that sometimes comes off as just even more heroic. He's never really reprimanded for some behavior, and it is rarely implied that he is really "wrong". And even when he is, this implication comes from a character that we're not necessarily supposed to like (Bates, Caldwell, Sumner, etc.).
      I'm not sure if the whole kirking thing was supposed to serve as a means to give him a flaw and a problem, but it was way overdone this season. A fling a season is okay, but having four in the space of about that many episodes is a bit much. I'm all for more mature storylines as well...some backstory would also be nice.
      Darlin' it's always a pleasure to come and visit!

      And before I get sporked by VB for being off topic I'll just say any development for the S/T relationship would be interesting. I don't ship them, but I think they do have some potential that isn't always followed through.


        Sorry, I've got a newbie question... what is a thunk thread? I don't get it?

        Also, if you don't want to get a LJ or don't feel comfortable posting, email me a [email protected] and I can post anything for anyone!

        awesome sig by Camy!
        Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


          Thunk threads are where people apprieciate an actor's (and character's) body. (think wow they are so hot) Lotsa pics mostly, and most are about male characters. Second, I tried to join the com, but it hasn't gotten through yet.


            Originally posted by gatelover12
            I tried to join the com, but it hasn't gotten through yet.
            Are you sure? There's no outstanding membership requests... Click on join again

            EDIT: You is a already a member... unless there's another gatelover12 out there!
            Last edited by Celede; 09 April 2006, 02:09 AM.

            awesome sig by Camy!
            Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


              Thunk is apparently the sound of someone hitting the floor over the attractiveness of whoever the thread's devoted to.

              Celede thanks for the LJ stuff, I'm getting excited now.
              Vaberella sorry about getting off topic, I thought it was slightly one sided but just within the topic.
              Gatelover12 have I told you how much I like your sig?


                Celede, are you talking about my story "Nightmares?" If you are, all my stuffs on fanfic, should've posted a link on the LJ.

                I avoid Thunk threads like the plague!
                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  Oh, on a side note..I just read my 8 messages..and I'm so worried about JS..she is going back to the hospital...she had to have her appendis removed and it seems she is not getting better..OH, please keep her in your prayers, guys...I am so worried about her now.....
                  Oh, God... I hope she gets well soon!

                  I mean go back when John told Teyla that he'd go to Earth if he knew he could come back to Atlantis...then, who did he invite to go with him to Earth? and yeah, he asked about Weir and the others...How many hours later after he'd spent the entire day shopping with Teyla....yeah, very shep/teyla indeed! and that is just the beginning...and if he was so interested and thinking so much of Weir, then how come she didn't appear like Ford and the others did..since he was so manipulating his thoughts, right?
                  Oh, yeah... that never occurred to me! John had near total control over his reality, and not once did Elizabeth show up. Cool – that's definitely good for us.

                  Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                    Oh no, hmmm... I got my Volume 5 DVDs back so I think I'm gonna get vidding. (I've got a really good idea) I'll dedicate it to JS.

                    On the subject of Home. Okay, we see alot of stuff in places you wouldn't expect, so I won't begrudge them, but I think we outnumber them on that episode.

                    I mean, Shep invited her to his bachelor pad, they had a massive party, he explained everything from beer to Pizza to her. Then we learned that bit about his past... And I'm not sure that was even the real Ford, but it could've been because Ford's role was so small in that episode.


                    Ow, OT I know. But still, uhh, ZPM05 on fanfic is writing a home addition and I can see where it's going, imagine Shep's comment, "Imagine the things I would've done." then put it into a small story.
                    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                      Hi, a friend recommened I link a couple wallpapers I made here
                      They're just quick photoshops of the gray background season 2 pose pictures. But I like how they turned out
                      Last edited by nebulan; 25 April 2006, 07:36 AM.


                        Some great fics are starting to come into the light...I'm really excited about this...we just need more writers and more least I do...for my obsession with these two...Oh, and last night.....I forgot we were kind of confessing or something in here is ME!

                        Hi, I'm Camy...I also go by HotchickyMomma sometimes too...
                        I am not addicted or obsessed with John and Teyla..I just simply enjoy the two of them, in every episode, together, apart, in the episode or not in the episode, I see them everywhere and anywhere and I so want them to end up together before, I pass out!

                        My confession:
                        I thought Joe was a horrible actor imitating RDA at the very beginning of the season...and I didn't watch the episodes until the reruns in Season 1 and I was hooked when the first episode that I saw was Hide and Seek...(yeah, I think this is the one..when they eat popcorn together,AHHHHHHHHHH)

                        I saw the connection and the chemistry from the very first time...I saw it when he was telling the kids his story and saw how Teyla just smiled at him and then when he went chasing after her to tell her not to say anything to Rodney...the smile that both of them shared in that scene is priceless....we need to see more of those scenes...!


                          Originally posted by nebulan
                          Hi, a friend recommened I link a couple wallpapers I made here
                          They're just quick photoshops of the gray background season 2 pose pictures. But I like how they turned out
                          these are beautiful...thanks!


                            I'm going to make a suggestion....all of those who belong to the new GW LJ should post the link in their sig...this way others can see the awesome work that you guys are working so hard on...afterall, isn't that the point....that others see it and not just us?

                            Celede, sanssong..I just requested my membership...don't know how much I will post there though, I'm still not even sure on how to post pics and stuff....don't mind me though....AG can always do me a favor and post my stuff...

                            Oh, can we post things that we've done about Teyla alone? or are we exclusively doing this for J/T?



                              Well, good news you all...on many fronts. First off, if you've read the first part of my story Crimson Rain that I started way too long ago--I've written more. I'll post it to my LJ and all the JT LJs after polishing. Yes, I'm going to try to do that today.

                              Secondly, a few people said they were worried about me due to my being sick and some of the cryptic posts I've made. Well, I've passed my personal danger point, today, so it's okay to tell. Yes, I have the flu, but it's hanging on because I'm pregnant, not because I'm dying. :-) Fingers crossed everyone that I don't lose this one too.

                              Thirdly, I've planned yet another John/Teyla party and will post an announcement next. It's on one of the JT LJs and yahoo lists, not on the new GW LJ, but anyone who likes John and Teyla together is welcome to attend and upload things/participate. Yes, art, fic, etc, may feature one or the other or both characters, just not paired with anyone else. And after things are posted to the party LJ/List, they can be posted anywhere you want. :-)

                              So have a wonderful day, everyone!


                                John and Teyla Spring Fling!

                                Join us for the party. Lurkers are welcome. Anyone bringing goodies to the potluck gets a shiny thank you.

                                More details are on the JT LJ, url in the flyer.

                                Check out the challenge and put your creative thinking caps on.

                                Mark your calendars!

                                See you all there!

