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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip View Post
    I know we talked about this yesterday, but I felt like saying it again:

    This bit registered me as Sheppard telling her she was special by telling her not to get a big head. Otherwise, why say anything to her at all about it? The scene was more about the nuances to me. She knew he would have done it anyway- he'd said as much in Sateda. Why else would he go to her and say that? It was such a sweet ending.

    I'm looking forward to both Sunday and Submersion, so either way, I win next Monday.
    Oh, he was just teasing her, plain and simple. Love that!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      Actually that was me that asked Ken that question!

      I was very careful NOT to ask it in regards to ship, because that was not my intention or my question, but I just asked him when we've seen John joke or make light after an emotional moment, is this because he was uncomfortable with emotion. I wanted to know from a character standpoint.

      Ken then answered:
      "I wouldn't say he's uncomfortable with emotion, just that like a lot of guys, it is easier to brush things off with a joke, then to speak from the heart. What we feel and what we say are often two different things. Something to remember ladies. It's like we guys are from, say...mars...and women are from some completely different planet. For example: Venus. Hey, I should write a book."

      LOL! I thought that was a great answer!
      I did too...

      Kens answer summed up just how I saw the scene. I agree that its much easier to brush off something with a joke rather than deal with it and that is exactly what John was doing. What we feel and what we say are two different things This so sums up both John and Teyla - to me the infirmary scene showed this clearly - you could see in the looks and in how they talked to each other that they were saying one thing and thinking something totally different - and the strange thing is I think BOTH of them knew exactly what the other was saying but neither are ready to make any out and out declarations at this time.


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        Okay, this is too weird...I just wrote something similar to a friend as to how I see Rodney bumping into John in the middle of the night coming out of a room....This was done quickly and has not been proofread by anyone but me...but I had to share this with you guys, I'm not kidding I just sent this to her because I was trying to explain how I want to see the subtle romance between John and Teyla...and although Tielan's is FAR MORE better than mine, it's funny how we pretty much view the same thing...lOl

        enjoy....maybe I'll clean it up and post it....

        Dim Lights by Camy

        Rodney bumps.....

        Camy, those were BOTH good and that picture was awesome!
        *peeks over shoulder to see if anyone is watching*
        I’ve also been thinking about what you said earlier in reference to J/T moments being natural and/or private and E/J moments being somewhat awkward and/or public. It’s so true. I believe we’ve repeatedly been given small hints as to where John’s feelings lie, but some of us are just too distracted from our own wants and feelings to notice. Just compare the kisses and situations in Conversion and The Long Goodbye; both are hot topics for shippers and yet one is very intimate, one is very public and the reaction from the characters and how they deal with each other at the end of each episode was very telling. Kudos to Camy!


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Oh I love it Camy - well done - very sweet. I would love to see Rodney expression.
          Thanks Blue....I would too...Rodney is just so predictable...and I have to say I loved the banting that he did in this episode....I wish they had more moments for Ronon and even Teyla.....but it was all good.....


            Originally posted by majortrip View Post
            I know we talked about this yesterday, but I felt like saying it again:

            This bit registered me as Sheppard telling her she was special by telling her not to get a big head. Otherwise, why say anything to her at all about it? The scene was more about the nuances to me. She knew he would have done it anyway- he'd said as much in Sateda. Why else would he go to her and say that? It was such a sweet ending.

            I'm looking forward to both Sunday and Submersion, so either way, I win next Monday.
            Okay...wait a minute....

            I have to get my head wrapped up in this one...don't mind me, I'm a bit slow....

            I need to see a transcript...cause I need to know exactly what he said...I should just go and see the episode again..but I know I'll get caught up and like EC...I"ll be rewinding it forever..and never get anything done in this house...but, are you..OH my, I feel goosebumps....

            Did you mean to say that he wasn't saying that she wasn't special, but simply that he didn't want her to get all excited about it....LOL wouldnt' that be something...LOL


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              Thanks Blue....I would too...Rodney is just so predictable...and I have to say I loved the banting that he did in this episode....I wish they had more moments for Ronon and even Teyla.....but it was all good.....
              I had actually requested in the season four wish list that we get more scenes with Ronan/Shep as there are just too many Shep/McKay scenes - so I was delighed that we got to see John and Ronan interact and I just loved..

              where John said he would fight him to the death.


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                EXACTLY! LOL!

                I'm running late for an early work meeting, so gotta run. But just wanted to say THANK YOU for the links to that gorgeous and awesome pic and Tielan's new story!!!! LOVE them!!!!

                And Camy, that's hilarious that you had a similar thought!!! You should definitely post yours as well! Now wouldn't we kill to see something like THAT ever happen?! LOL! Ah well, at least we have fanfic. Thank you so much for writing that!!!!
                LOL....I know...I guess we shippers think to alike sometimes too...LOL

                I have so many other projects...I don't know..if I look at this again, I"ll turn into another big fic and I can't do that right now...who knows...LOL

                thanks Stephie! How's your project coming along?


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  Oh, he was just teasing her, plain and simple. Love that!
                  Yes, he was...and not only that..he was trying to cover up his real feeling for her....cause indeed she is very special! We knew that...we all know that......everything he does with her and to her is different and special...what more proof do we want than his stepping forward in The Return Part 1 and clearly making her stand out above the doubt about it!

                  and I love that he initiated it and that he did it in front of others....


                    Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                    Camy, those were BOTH good and that picture was awesome!
                    *peeks over shoulder to see if anyone is watching*
                    I’ve also been thinking about what you said earlier in reference to J/T moments being natural and/or private and E/J moments being somewhat awkward and/or public. It’s so true. I believe we’ve repeatedly been given small hints as to where John’s feelings lie, but some of us are just too distracted from our own wants and feelings to notice. Just compare the kisses and situations in Conversion and The Long Goodbye; both are hot topics for shippers and yet one is very intimate, one is very public and the reaction from the characters and how they deal with each other at the end of each episode was very telling. Kudos to Camy!
                    DEE! I loved your finale on your series...I"m going to miss that series soo much...good thing that I have it on a binder...wooohoooo!

                    Oh, I'm telling you we could compare these moments for a long time...if you compare the moments between Sheppard and Teyla and contrast those to any other ship, you will see that not only are there moments private, but they are very personal....John isn't one too hold back much with Teyla...which is why sometimes I think it's difficult to believe what's holding him back to reveal his true feelings to her..but I guess Ken answered that one to us...but when it comes to their moments....even in the Long Goodbye..that clip of He cares for you more than you know...why dind't Thalen say something like that to the Phoebus....calling out to Weir....

                    again, it's their private confessions that make it "special" and intimate between them....

                    even Ronon and Teyla haven't had nothing close to those moments...


                      The Ark..

                      John says, "don't go feeling special, I would have done it for anyone of you....except for maybe McKay....

                      LOL the thing is that he has to leave and finishes off his sentence as he's walking away...again, not able to confromt or talk more about the true meaning behind the words....

                      Okay...I'm off....Great episode!


                        Glad to see the discussion going on....

                        Camy - Thanks for that little was really sweet...would I have loved to see something like this on the show and hhehe see Rodney's face when he catches them or something... I'm sure he knows deep down how they feel for one another,,but well it's Rodney and there is always a reaction with him so it would be cool to see heheh...

                        Glad I could provide something sweet to the thread...I browsed around on different LJ's that I have links too and found this and thought I should share it with all of you....

                        Can I just say I loved The Ark and just LOVED the infirmary scene!!!
                        Have said it several times but it never hurts to say it over and over
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          It seems like the whole of season three has been developing John and Teylas relationship. We have seen how much closer they have become to one another and the PTB seem to be making it much clearer this season as to the different types of relationships that John has with Weir and his team. He is definitely closest to Teyla and she is his main confidant. He is so much more at ease with her and clearly enjoys her company both when working together and when they are on down time. They can communicate without even speaking they know each other so well. John only ever interacts with Weir with work related issues - they have nothing else in common which was shown
                          in the return where he made no effort to even contact her when they were back on earth.
                          John has clearly become closer to Rodney and has always had a huge admiration for Ronan. Teyla though is extremely special to him - we have seen how he opens up to her emotionally and confides in her and so much is said between them by the looks they share and their body language. Again look at
                          how both of them reacted to seeing each other again in the Return. So I definitely think the only hints that we have seen to indicate anything romantic or shippy have been between John and Teyla


                            I agree with you on that Blue....

                            I only see romantic feelings between John and Teyla...she is closest to him and he has shown a side to her that no one else has seen of him ,,,and I actually don't think he wants to open up to the others,,,Teyla has seen him in his worst (Phantoms) and he didn't hide the fact when she asked him as he very well could have done...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              JB - You can find the song here....I just hope I got the right one Camy....

                              Los Lonely Boys - More Then Love
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                Just found this.... it's a drawing of Teyla after The Ark....

                                And then this is a fic by Tielan that was inspired by that drawing... it sure made me smile...and I think Rodney will think twice next time *lol*
                                Well that was really nice. Well-written. Really, really well done. Ahhh.

                                And I saw that pic from the Ark ...
                                Her hand is on his hip, lol. I am a happy shipper.

