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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hey thx guys for your kind words

    Don't worry! I think you guys are great and I'm not into ship wars either ( I don't see the point of having a "war"), so yeah I'll always take time to stop by ^^ Oh and about the Ark,
    I really liked the infirmary scene, first of all because Weir was at Teyla's bedside, and then because I thought the scene between John and Teyla was really cute

    Ok ! STOP

    =>*Goes back to EVIL MODE *



      Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
      I had a thought in regards to the Ark. In that last scene-
      When John tells Teyla not to think she was special. Made me think of the rumors that floated around before the hiatus that John was to reveal his feelings for someone although it would only be to the audience. The ep Sunday was hinted to be *that* ep. Could it be possible that if Teyla is injuried again so soon after the events of the Ark that may leave John to wondering how close he's come to losing her again and during a period alone w/her tell her how special she really is to him while she is unconscious? - Just a thought.

      Hmmm, that’s an interesting thought.

      John has become dependant on Teyla being there for him. She is his sounding board, his voice of reason. And he’s been through a very traumatic year:
      nearly dying in CG, separation in Return 1, nearly losing Teyla in Echoes, and then again in the Ark. If Teyla is injured in Sunday, I think this will greatly disturb John. It will be too much, too soon and may prompt him to acknowledge his feelings privately, especially if he thinks there is a chance she could die.

      Teyla will go through the same experience.
      Her close calls with death may cause her to consider expressing her feelings to John, hence the scene where she discusses expressing her feelings to ‘him’ with someone. They are very similar and it would only be natural for them to decide to confess their feelings before they thought it was too late. Unfortunately, even though I believe we will have verbal confirmation from both what they feel for the other this will be overshadowed by the disappearance of Carson(just as they did with Aiden).


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        Actions speak louder than words...I don't think there's really much he could have said, Sweet...

        I think that

        any love recognition there wouldn't have been inappropriate and swearing and loosing it, isn't thing I love about John is that despite his feelings towards doesn't hinder his mind and on the contrary, she makes him stronger...I just chatted this with someone...*grins*

        John said enough, I think...he asked Rodney, are you going to be able to get her out of there...that was all he wanted to know and see..that she get out of there safely...and the minute he knew that there was no time..he did what John does best...ACTION SHEPPARD! he was thinking, I think of all the different scenarios at that moment...the bitting of his lips tells me he knew this was not going to be easy....and the minute he started walking out of the room...he was in his mode that he gets when nothing and no one can stand in his way..he knew what he had to do..and he was going to do it and no one was going to stop him...but again..I think that this is not the shippy part..I think he would have done it for any of the others....but to see it play out with Teyla is just right! the shippy part for me was that infirmary scene....he was basically telling her that she was and is special...and one thing that I don't think anyone has mentioned and I must give credit to my online friends in our discussion is that when Teyla told John, he did what you and I would have done...Teyla stood out the you and I and so did John...he mentioned her kidnapped first....and then he said and he almost got you and me killed...not us but you and me.....words come from the heart...and John and Teyla both see a "you and me"...woohoooo!

        Great convo guys....

        and btw, JB did you ever get that song and hear the Lonely Boys?
        Yeah I did thanks Camy! Nina managed to track it down in mp3 format so I'm looking for clips to fit it- I have a few things in mind but I'll see how they look together. I started working on it last night- dont know when it'll be out though.

        Lovely discusions going on again!

        Oh, I looove your new sig sweet! It's gorgeous!!

        Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


          Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
          Hmmm, that’s an interesting thought.

          John has become dependant on Teyla being there for him. She is his sounding board, his voice of reason. And he’s been through a very traumatic year:
          nearly dying in CG, separation in Return 1, nearly losing Teyla in Echoes, and then again in the Ark. If Teyla is injured in Sunday, I think this will greatly disturb John. It will be too much, too soon and may prompt him to acknowledge his feelings privately, especially if he thinks there is a chance she could die.

          Teyla will go through the same experience.
          Her close calls with death may cause her to consider expressing her feelings to John, hence the scene where she discusses expressing her feelings to ‘him’ with someone. They are very similar and it would only be natural for them to decide to confess their feelings before they thought it was too late. Unfortunately, even though I believe we will have verbal confirmation from both what they feel for the other this will be overshadowed by the disappearance of Carson(just as they did with Aiden).
          Nice! You have more expectations than I do I think, LOL! I would LOVE to see this happen, although I'm not expecting it too. But oh, I would totally die if it did, hehe.

          For Teyla in Sunday

          We don't know if she'll be injured or not, that's one of the million rumors that's been going around. It's based off the summary line, "A bomb goes off and Teyla is walking nearby." So I'm hoping for a bit of a scare or injury too, but she may be absolutely fine as well. Hopefully we'll know very soon!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Nice! You have more expectations than I do I think, LOL! I would LOVE to see this happen, although I'm not expecting it too. But oh, I would totally die if it did, hehe.

            For Teyla in Sunday

            We don't know if she'll be injured or not, that's one of the million rumors that's been going around. It's based off the summary line, "A bomb goes off and Teyla is walking nearby." So I'm hoping for a bit of a scare or injury too, but she may be absolutely fine as well. Hopefully we'll know very soon!
            I would love to see it to happen too...but as you say not really expecting it too...but oh it would be great...

            Yeah all we can do is wait for Sunday to air to get to know what might happen...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't been here all week. I've been a bit busy with school stuff and other stuff.

              Although I haven't seen The Ark yet I already love it. Unfortunately I won't be able to see it until Feb when it airs on Sky One. I can't wait to see the Infirmary Scene. If it comes out on Unique Bond before it airs on Sky One then I'll definately download it.

              The Ark definitely shows John and Teyla's close relationship and I absolutely think they're in love with each other now.

              I can't wait till I hear about Sunday

              I think that something is going to happen to Teyla in this ep. Whether she gets hurt in the explosion or something else I know John will be there for her. Hopefully, if she's hurt, he will acknowledge his feelings for her and how special she is to him.

              Next part might be slightly OT.
              Have you guys seen this?


              This totally sucks that TPTB are doing this. First Carson and now Weir. Why are they doing this? Although Weir is one of my least favourite characters I don't think she should be made into a recurring character. Although there is one slightly positive thing about this. Teyla is going to become the leading lady in the cast alongside John . I suppose that this is what I've wanted for quite a while but not if Weir going to be made into a recurring character.
              The Replicators
              We must Replicate


                Originally posted by JTLover View Post

                Next part might be slightly OT.
                Have you guys seen this?


                This totally sucks that TPTB are doing this. First Carson and now Weir. Why are they doing this? Although Weir is one of my least favourite characters I don't think she should be made into a recurring character. Although there is one slightly positive thing about this. Teyla is going to become the leading lady in the cast alongside John . I suppose that this is what I've wanted for quite a while but not if Weir going to be made into a recurring character.
                I just heard now too. I am stunned! And not happy at all! What on earth are they thinking???? Not one character, but two now??? They truly are trying to kill our beloved show. Don't they get that we watch for the characters, not the plot?! Well, at least I do!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  I just heard now too. I am stunned! And not happy at all! What on earth are they thinking???? Not one character, but two now??? They truly are trying to kill our beloved show. Don't they get that we watch for the characters, not the plot?! Well, at least I do!
                  There have been rumours going around for a while and I was not surprised = how were the ptb going to be able to manage 4 female roles in the show when they struggled with 2. I feel very sorry for Torri to get pushed aside for AT who has already had 10 years in the limelight. It looks like AT will have a big role unfortunately as she will be in 14 eps. I'm not a big fan of Weir and never have been - she has always been the weakest link in the show IMO but making so many changes at the same time doesn't seem a very wise move by the PTB.


                    I gets the feeling of season 9 of many drastic changes in one go.... just hopefully this will not backfire on them...but you can't help to think why did they do such a drastic change in SGA too...when they must have seen the respons to the changes in SG1 haven't been the best...atleast not what I've seen....
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      There have been rumours going around for a while and I was not surprised = how were the ptb going to be able to manage 4 female roles in the show when they struggled with 2. I feel very sorry for Torri to get pushed aside for AT who has already had 10 years in the limelight. It looks like AT will have a big role unfortunately as she will be in 14 eps. I'm not a big fan of Weir and never have been - she has always been the weakest link in the show IMO but making so many changes at the same time doesn't seem a very wise move by the PTB.
                      You know I said the same and totally agree with EVERYTHING you said, although I would take Weir anyday over Carter. Although I do see the Carter push, for all he S/J fans who want some kind of confirmation they could extend the drama onto SGA. Then there's the fact that from what I can see Carter has a really strong and loyal fan base, which might help, and change can be good.

                      I also do think people are making this out to be more than it is. She's not being killed off, BW ( hope that's this initials) is pretty much saying what the women of SGA have always been...glorified extras. The writers' haven't given them the equal presence or quality of presence the men have (not denying both women have had good and bad writing). They give them a bit of air time while the spotlight is on John/McKay and currently Ronon. I don't see the big upset---again if it's for Carter I'm not happy, although I can see some of the reasons.

                      I do hope though this change doesn't result in the Sam/Mckay show--which would definitely cause an upset not only to my digestive tract but also just plain viewing pleasure. ( I can't stand that woman even breathing the same air as my man...)

                      Weir is nothing like in Carson's position, who really won't be around except in like what? 3-5 eps if that. Now that's a major decrease and his role is taken over by another doctor.

                      On another note I'm very hopeful for S4 and definitely for more JT interaction, despite this possible change...which could be better than for the worse.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        There have been rumours going around for a while and I was not surprised = how were the ptb going to be able to manage 4 female roles in the show when they struggled with 2. I feel very sorry for Torri to get pushed aside for AT who has already had 10 years in the limelight. It looks like AT will have a big role unfortunately as she will be in 14 eps. I'm not a big fan of Weir and never have been - she has always been the weakest link in the show IMO but making so many changes at the same time doesn't seem a very wise move by the PTB.
                        Even though I'm a diehard J/T Shipper, I still like the character Wier and it saddens me to hear the above. The only reason they are doing this from IMO is to boost viewership from the SG-1 fans to SGA.
                        Last edited by mestes; 14 January 2007, 02:02 PM. Reason: misspelling


                          Originally posted by mestes View Post
                          Even though I'm a diehard J/T Shipper, I still like the character Wier and it saddens me to hear the above. The only reason they are doing this from MIO is to boost viewership from the SG-1 fans to SGA.
                          I think it's very sad too. And scary because now it seems like no one is safe. Although like VB, at least she's not being killed off, so hopefully it won't be as drastic as it sounds. I really hope they come out with some announcement to clarify or explain. I'm hopeful that things with Carson and Weir won't be as bad as they sound and all will be okay in the end. Let's hope so at least! I am just eternally grateful we'll still have J/T in S4!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            is this rumour actually true about dr weirs character its hard enough they are getting rid of carson but reducing torris character to recurring is cutting the line a liitle thin don't you think might as well change the name of the shw while they are at it theyre totally destroying it i know im not a bi g fan of weir but its a disgrace changing nearly all the characters
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                              I think it's very sad too. And scary because now it seems like no one is safe. Although like VB, at least she's not being killed off, so hopefully it won't be as drastic as it sounds. I really hope they come out with some announcement to clarify or explain. I'm hopeful that things with Carson and Weir won't be as bad as they sound and all will be okay in the end. Let's hope so at least! I am just eternally grateful we'll still have J/T in S4!
                              I hope so too. I thought waiting for the last half of the third season was bad, but waiting for the fourth season will be worse with all the changes! But as you said, we still have J/T to look foward to.


                                I'm willing to wait and see about the fourth season. But I tell ya, the news about them doing this to Weir and Carson at almost the same time as they bring in Carter makes me really nervous. Who else will TPTB target?

                                It's a bummer about Weir. She was growing on me all through Season 3. I was only able to watch half the interview because the dratted thing kept starting over at the beginning at that point. But I saw enough to make me wonder, since Weir was an SG1 character originally, if they haven't planned to have her in the SG1 movies? If so, then Torri wouldn't have time to be on both--course, the same could be said of Amanda, so I'm probably wrong.

                                I'm hoping there's a lot of JT in Season 4. Now I'm starting to hope there'll just be a Season 5!

                                I've loved the progression of JT and of all the other character relationships this season. This makes me so nervous about the show's future.

                                Time to write an "I love SGA" snail mail, maybe?


