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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Evening, hope all is good with you.

    Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
    I had a thought in regards to the Ark. In that last scene-
    When John tells Teyla not to think she was special. Made me think of the rumors that floated around before the hiatus that John was to reveal his feelings for someone although it would only be to the audience. The ep Sunday was hinted to be *that* ep. Could it be possible that if Teyla is injuried again so soon after the events of the Ark that may leave John to wondering how close he's come to losing her again and during a period alone w/her tell her how special she really is to him while she is unconscious? - Just a thought.

    That's a lovely thought, i can imagine it now , but we should need a JT Fan writer working on the ep for us to see such a thing i fear.

    I will hope to see it but not quite so much that i end up feeling all dejected after the ep if it doesn't happen. I'm normally an optimist, but it seems almost too good to be true to have right after The Ark, an even more blatant and positive development on the JT front.

    Originally posted by JTLover View Post
    Next part might be slightly OT.
    Have you guys seen this?

    This totally sucks that TPTB are doing this. First Carson and now Weir. Why are they doing this? Although Weir is one of my least favourite characters I don't think she should be made into a recurring character. Although there is one slightly positive thing about this. Teyla is going to become the leading lady in the cast alongside John . I suppose that this is what I've wanted for quite a while but not if Weir going to be made into a recurring character.
    First, thanks for the heads up on this, i had no idea at all.

    Initially i was surprised, but i suppose when you consider matters further, you can at least understand why it is happening even if you don't support it.

    As has already been said, it would seem that Carter is going to take an even mroe prominent role, and even if she was only a recurring character in S4 with up to half a dozen eps i had my concerns for the impact it woould have.

    Would it be too presumptuous to think that this means the civilian aspect to Atlantis will also be pushed into the shadows to speak. That'd be fine if it were substituted by a deeper look at the Athosians and by extension, Teyla, but i'm not going to hold my breath on that prospect neither.

    If we have Carter and Rodney both to the fore, Zelenka's also booted into touch, yes?

    You can of course see some potential positives for with this news but still. Hmm, Teyla should benefit and be given the due attention she deserves by the writers, but then who knows what tptb have in mind. I am still wary of this becoming the Rodney and Carter show, focusing so much on AT that it adversely affects everyone else, particularly Teyla. Which would be like....having your entire hand shut in a door again and again, awful.

    It isn't so much what this means for Weir that worries me, more what it could mean for everyone else in the future, particularly John and Teyla.

    Slightly OT, i don't know how many of you here watch a show called Spooks or MI5 as it is knownw in the States and Canada, over the years a fair few characters have departed and been replaced and it didn't lose its appeal, it can be done, oh how i hope that they handle this right now the decisions is made.

    We've got Sunday looming and all that they may hold for us [it is a happier not to end on], so i'll hope for the best, and that time doesn't make a fool out of me for doing so.
    Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 14 January 2007, 04:54 PM.


      While S1 I was not the biggest fan of Weir(due to how she is written), S2+3 she has truly grown on me as a character. I don't want to see her relagated a a reocurring character. First we lose Carson(I love Jewel Staite and have since Firefly, so this loss is easier for me to bear.), who is a integral part of the team now we will essentially be losing Weir as well. Reoccurring can mean anything from 1 episode to 19. Look at Rainbow, he went reoccuring in S2 and now we don't even see him at all. That is a story arc that hasn't even been wrapped up.

      Granted she(Weir) barely has any screentime as is, but still I don't want to see her shunted out in such a fashion. Especially since I just feel it in my bones that this move is just to make way for Sam Carter.

      I knew from the moment I heard about SG-1's cancellation that this ish was going to happen. We know they won't get rid of McKay(as he is much loved by the writers). Shep is safe as he is the hero of the show. That now leaves Teyla and Ronan who can be made expendable. I am not feeling TIIC at SGA right now. They are making some bad decisions which is going to backfire badly.


        I just heard about this and it shocks me completely...I was skeptical as to who else might be taken down but I really didn't think it was going to be Torri..she's had such a great season 3...and I was so hoping that her and Teyla would go further in their relationship...

        This doesn't make me happy at all....if anything it's worrisome that you have these fans that dedicate the time and commitment to a show because of the characters and then TPTB completely shove it to a side....if it can happen to Weir and Carson, it can happen and will to any of the others...and what does that say about us fans and how TPTB feel about us?

        Well, I don't even know what to think...but I thank everyone here, as the Thread Mommy for showing support and for maintaining a neutral ground. As much as I love John and Teyla any change in the show can mean big changes all together...including if it will even have a Season 5.....
        Sad, sad day....

        I just don't see how Amanda or Carter's character can fill Torri's shoes....they are soo different and Carter is where does that leave Atlantis...I thought the whole idea was to give it a civilian that's going down the addition, Amanda will take away screentime from Teyla....believe me...have we not seen the episodes where Amanda has shown up in Atlantis...there is no Teyla..never mind, John and Teyla....and like someone here mentioned, we already have too much McKay and now with will turn to the McCarter show!

        Well, I don't know....we'll have to wait and see..I just hope this is the end of all these news at least till next season!

        I just hope that this was all Torri's idea...I did read that she wanted to go and do more theater....maybe this was her decision....cause I know they like Weir....

        Thank god there's shopping! LOL


          Hi Guys!*waves*

          I don't know if you remember me but, I posted here one day many, many, months ago. I am admitably a Sheppard/Weir fan. I stray into this thread from time to time(only to read,not to fight...I don't have any part in all of that)

          Anyhoo.......I just wanted to say that I appreciate the support you have been giving the character of Weir today. I can see how it could be slightly exciting for all of you(strictly in a John/Teyla way ) and the fact that your concern for the character and it's fans(even those you might not get along with) have taken point....well, it means alot! So......Thank you!!!!!!!

          BTW, I too, was hoping for a chance at more Weir and Teyla interaction...

          Happy Posting
          Faithstars (I'd green you all if I could)
          It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


            I was totally shocked about Torri becoming a recurring character!! What is happening to my SGA?? If she is being pushed aside to make room for Carter I will be very disapointed. Not that I have anything at all against Amanda, but SGA already has a great cast and I'd like to see more of them, not more new characters! It doesn't look good for more John and Teyla in S4 or even for more Teyla if there are so many new characters to establish.
            Sig by Cazzblade


              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
              is this rumour actually true about dr weirs character its hard enough they are getting rid of carson but reducing torris character to recurring is cutting the line a liitle thin don't you think might as well change the name of the shw while they are at it theyre totally destroying it i know im not a big fan of weir but its a disgrace changing nearly all the characters
              That seems a bit harsh (as well as unpunctuated), considering that we don't really have the slightest idea what they're doing.

              This isn't directed at just one person, mind - except for the punctuation thing - it's for everyone having a flipout and assuming that these people have no idea how to run their own show. For God's sake, calm down.

              I know, I know...I don't post for a while and then it's a damn public service announcement.


                Gig, I don't think anyone here is not calm down...I think it's just a bit surprising for us...any kind of change causes some reaction on everyone...

                I think that Weir being such a main character now suddenly becoming a recurring character and then the idea of Amanda coming in, is certainly something to wonder about....many of us here like the show as is...and yes, changes are expected whether we like it or not...but the fact is that it will affect others as well....the dynamics of the team may or may not change and certainly there will be a shift of things including ships...

                I can see it now, Sam/John, Sam/Ronon, Sam/McKay/ Sam/Zelenka.....and who knows what else, and I"m not even including Jewel' Staite's character.

                but I don't think that we are showing nothing more than some respect and sadness for Weir's role and for Torri.....

                As much as I wasn't for Shep/Weir that doesn't mean that I wanted to get rid of Weir.....and although things are certainly not written in stone.....many things can change and she is not going to be killed off....changes are to be expected....

                I think it's okay to express our long as we do it respectfully to everyone including the characters and actors of the show....


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Gig, I don't think anyone here is not calm down...I think it's just a bit surprising for us...any kind of change causes some reaction on everyone...
                  Forgive me, I forgot about this thread's love of melodrama.

                  Carry on.


                    Just heard the news about season 4...

                    Can't decide what my opinion on it is yet, and I am going to try to keep an open mind until season 4 actually occurs. While I don't necessarily agree that changing nearly the entire cast of SGA is a good idea, I can kinda sorta see where the writers are coming from. If their plans are set in stone, I hope that they do it in a graceful way and don't end up ruining the show in the process. Guess that's all I can hope for!

                    Originally posted by Spectrum
                    I was totally shocked about Torri becoming a recurring character!! What is happening to my SGA?? If she is being pushed aside to make room for Carter I will be very disapointed. Not that I have anything at all against Amanda, but SGA already has a great cast and I'd like to see more of them, not more new characters! It doesn't look good for more John and Teyla in S4 or even for more Teyla if there are so many new characters to establish.
                    NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I really truly hope this is not the case. We appear to actually be getting somewhere in season three, they better not close it down in season 4!!
                    Originally posted by Camy
                    I just hope that this was all Torri's idea...I did read that she wanted to go and do more theater....maybe this was her decision....cause I know they like Weir....
                    Agreed! It would be easier to accept if she decided to be there for fewer episodes instead of being told she is going to be there less!!
                    Originally posted by Camy
                    I can see it now, Sam/John, Sam/Ronon, Sam/McKay/ Sam/Zelenka.....and who knows what else, and I"m not even including Jewel' Staite's character.
                    I can see the new threads opening already!! haha


                      Oh, yes...I do love it!

                      Has anyone confirmed what episode is up it Sunday or Submerssion?

                      And also, have you guys read the spoilers from Joe's interview partly posted here in GW?

             should be interesting how things are going to change course and how and if it will affect John and Teyla's relationship..

                      I've read around that some of the writers have mentioned that there isn't going to be any shippy stuff but we know that their idea of shippy isn't necessarily ours.......I also read that Joe Flannigan is supposed to be somewhat involved in the development Season 4....can someone confirm or give more he going to write another episode.....should be interesting....and in this interview he sounds very excited about the direction of Season 4....any one read anything differently or more on this...


                        Hi, Gig!

                        I'm not freaked per se. I'm calm. For me it's a "I'm getting nervous" feeling. To me the show was finally settling down into a "groove" after losing Ford and bringing in Ronon and Caldwell. Then to have a major character--admittedly I never expected them to reduce Weir's time that much--well, that's a lot of change.

                        I'm not worried that Carter's replacing Weir, though. In part of the interview, didn't Brad Wright say she was bringing a ship? That makes it more likely she's replacing Caldwell--and I heard Mitch Peleggi (sp?) got a job on another show. So Carter may not be on Atlantis all that much anyway. They might be changing Weir's status so they don't have to pay her to be in every show. Cheap of them, I know. I wish they'd have made more of an effort to flesh her out more and add more depth to all of the character relations.

                        Any change like this to so many characters can be big. I'm hoping it's a good thing for the plots and stories--that they become more intense or convoluted. And, as the part of the interview I was able to see said, with SG1 gone, the writers only have one show to write for and they'll be getting more sleep.

                        Maybe it'll help their creativity and originality. Who knows, they might even feel rested enough to add a bit more overt JT to the mix. And maybe the scenes Weir does have will be written much better.



                          nicely written, DM....couldn't agree more! I wonder what this will mean though, to the leadership in Atlantis...will it be that she will still run Atlantis but will just not be a regular cast or does it mean that her role of leader of Atlantis will change and then what does that mean...will someone else lead? so many possibilities....

                          but yeah, it is a good thing for Atlantis anyways, that the writers of SG-1 will be more on this side...although, now they have the movies right?

                          so, whatever.....I'm hopeful it will mean good things and by the way Flannigan sounds in his latest interview, he seems excited about it..and hopefully as far as JT, I hope that is good and if Joe is speaking up for Rachel and Jason, then maybe that's even better as far as getting more JT....

                          Change is not always bad......we are just going to have to wait and see..


                            Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                            I'm not freaked per se. I'm calm. For me it's a "I'm getting nervous" feeling.
                            I didn't want to include a disclaimer because it seemed a silly thing to do, but that statement was directed at folks who are in fact wringing their hands and wailing and gnashing teeth over the fate of the show due to the changes that may or may not be made in a way they may or may not be accurately predicting.

                            Also: I reserve the right to point and laugh if season four is outstanding.


                              Gig, Have a drink...relax and let's have fun....that's our motto here....if you come more often you might see it....just like you love to post your funny caps and reviews...we like to have fun as need for a disclaimer....

                              whatever happens, the show will go on...with or without us wringing and gnashing our teeth....which btw, I don't "see" anyone doing here........


                                I've seen the least amount of melodrama in this thread. People just seem surprised is all.

                                However they deal with it, it may turn out to be a fantastic story. Same with the other character in question. And I still think there's more to it probably than "The big bad PTB have no respect for the audience." Guess we'll have to wait till the end of the season to find out.
                                Sig by Camy

