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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by tiggerific
    didnt they? how do you know? *sobs*

    I don´t know, just guessing But I think they would be now if they made them.

    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


      ooooo theres still hope then!


        Originally posted by strivaria
        After going back during my screencapping....

        I don't think he did. You see muzzle flashes from both Sheppard's and Ronon's weapons, but nothing from Rodney's direction. Granted he was a little out of frame at that point, but I think you'd still see some kind of light flicker from that direction if he'd been shooting.

        I can excuse him not firing.... I'm just thankful he didn't turn tail and run screaming from the room like a scaredy-cat.
        I saw in the NML ep thread a screen cap that seems to suggest he might have gotten off a shot. I'll admit, it's fuzzy and hard make anything out of it all. I dunno.

        sig by Pandora's_Box


          Originally posted by pavaneofstars
          I saw in the NML ep thread a screen cap that seems to suggest he might have gotten off a shot. I'll admit, it's fuzzy and hard make anything out of it all. I dunno.
          I tabbed through that scene and
          he wasn't where I though he was at first... I thought he was off to the left of the screen, but he's actually of to the right. I'm still not sure I see a muzzle flash from Rodney... though given the inability of TPTB to make up their minds as to whether he's a decent shot or absolutly inept with a weapon.... that may be a good thing.

          Someone who does appear to know how to handle a weapon...


            Originally posted by strivaria
            I tabbed through that scene and
            he wasn't where I though he was at first... I thought he was off to the left of the screen, but he's actually of to the right. I'm still not sure I see a muzzle flash from Rodney... though given the inability of TPTB to make up their minds as to whether he's a decent shot or absolutly inept with a weapon.... that may be a good thing.
            Yeah, I'm not sure about it either.

            Someone who does appear to know how to handle a weapon...

            sig by Pandora's_Box


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat
              I was never meant to be working now at all, I had decided to take the rest of the year off and get some perspective in my life *yes I am having an early midlife crisis* but this/these jobs just kind of came up. I am alright it is no big deal now and I had the best talk with the Manager before I left and everything was cool, it was just one of those personaliy clashes that sometimes arises in life.
              That is good to hear. So you are free from the evil overtime now? (and free to post more often ). I had a relatively early midlife crisis, too, but I think I got past it... I hope you find the perspective you need.

              Originally posted by Willow'sCat
              Well I won't spoil it for you but don't get too excited about this, have you read the ep discussion thread or the Sheppard/McKay thread... I know what I think is going on!
              They are cute as hell..... I loved the ep.


                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                I made this sorry *it has that guy in it* it is part of my new McKay/Sheppard siggie!

                I had to do it!! I'm sorry! *hides from Rose*

                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                  Originally posted by iLemon
                  I had to do it!! I'm sorry! *hides from Rose*
                  Oh, here she goes again! Poor Rodney.

                  sig by Pandora's_Box


                    New McKay siggie...thought I'd share

                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      oooooo thats pretty


                        I agree It's very pretty.
                        one of these day's I'm realy gonna have to learn how to do that
                        Aircowhere are you?


                          Here is a fun Rodney vid I found.


                          Here is another one that is really silly and funny.

                          Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                            Originally posted by Major Tyler
                            Here is a fun Rodney vid I found.


                            Here is another one that is really silly and funny.

                            Thanks I had seen the second one I think it was posted here not long ago but the first one not sure if I had seen that, I don't remember, but anything with Rodney is worth seeing again.

                            Originally posted by iLemon

                            I had to do it!! I'm sorry! *hides from Rose*
                            Actually this bodes well for the um future... I kinda like that look on him. LOL!

                            Originally posted by smushybird
                            I hope you find the perspective you need.

                            On the individual shots, I remember last year they were really slow releasing them, I think all the other ones for both shows were out before we got the SGA individual ones. Could be just how Sony/SciFi work.

                            We do need something alone the lines of this...
                            Seriously we do!


                              Originally posted by ladysarah
                              And this one said 'If I call him John. It might make it real'. That touched me so much, that I like that Rodney keeps himself removed a bit from Sheppard. Rodney calls everyone else by their first name, but not Sheppard. And so to me, Rodney is Rodney, and John is Sheppard.
                              I sometimes think fandom reads far too much into things. *I do it myself*
                              This name thing probably arose out of some writers belief at the time that Sheppard and McKay would not play well together and that McKay would in that circumstance use his surname, and it has just stuck for over 2 seasons. I see no real background in McKay's character for this in canon.

                              I don't think it means anything, and until I am told in canon it does I see no reason why McKay shouldn't use John's name.


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat


                                We do need something alone the lines of this...
                                Seriously we do!
                                I completely agree!

                                See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
                                Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick

