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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by McKayRocks!
    Too hot to do anything recently! Hate this hot weather - roll on winter I say!!
    Lol! I'm sorry I know it is all relative I have lived through 45 degrees here in Australia! Now that is bloody hot! At the moment it is around 2 degrees and I have the heater on...

    Here this is sure to cool you down. *insert evil laugh*


      Originally posted by Mercury973
      MX- It's gonna be in the 90s F here in Seattle. Ugh! Yes, think about winter. Maybe hanging out in the snow...maybe a little hot tubbing...
      OMG - how can you stand the heat! We have had up to 36 C which is about mid 80s F and that was just too much! My office is in a hospital which used to be a workhouse a long time ago so we have no air con and it has no air circulating at all! It gets in the mid 80s there and we nearly pass out with the heat! Fans going all day do nothing to help! There is no legal max temp level here so we cannot say "that's it we're off!" but there is a minimum!!

      Oh I could do with company like that in a tub!

      *sorta off topic* When comming here, I also really don't think about the real person but the character. I don't know DH and never will, but it's Rodney that I . It's all fantasy and fun; not to be taken seriously, until someone feeds you citrus.
      I think of them both but in different ways! What I mean is that in fanfic it is always Rodney (of course) but for general thunking silliness I also think of David as we often talk about his other films/tv shows In those instances I do not think of the character he plays but of him!!


      sig by SheppyD
      Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

      I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
      So he just looks crazy


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
        Lol! I'm sorry I know it is all relative I have lived through 45 degrees here in Australia! Now that is bloody hot! At the moment it is around 2 degrees and I have the heater on...

        Here this is sure to cool you down. *insert evil laugh*

        It's official - my brain has finally exploded due to heat and overdose of fabberlus gorgeousness!!!

        (And 45 degrees does not even bear thinking about! We are big woozey softies here!!)

        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Originally posted by McKayRocks!
          OMG - how can you stand the heat! We have had up to 36 C which is about mid 80s F.
          Um no that is more like 96F Jeez I am not great with conversion but I think that is right... yes according to my conversion chart *back of dictionary* 36 C is 96 F. 90 F is more like 32 C.

          Something else to cool you down with.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            Um no that is more like 96F Jeez I am not great with conversion but I think that is right... yes according to my conversion chart *back of dictionary* 36 C is 96 F. 90 F is more like 32 C.

            Something else to cool you down with.

            Oh yes you are right!! Someone told me that you take the C figure and multiply by 9, divide by 5 and then add 30! But I only added 20 *wally!* So 45 would be..... well too flipping hot to even consider!!!!!!!!!

            And what's with these pics!!!!! You are not helping cool my blood down I can tell you!!


            PS but keep posting them anyway!!!!
            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              Last edited by Mercury973; 24 July 2006, 09:54 AM.
              Sig by im_meli
              More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                80F, 90F, doesnt make a difference to Brits, we'll complain with 70F Currently around 27C over here, it's not so bad inside though, for some reason its colder indoors even though we dont have air con Still hot though, might have to bring a fan downstairs soon.
                Where or where is our wonderful British rain?! *misses it*

                Rodney's stolen our wonderful rain

                Kolya: Give iLemon back her rain!!!!

                You tell him Kolya!

                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                  Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                  PS but keep posting them anyway!!!!
                  Well last post as it is very late here and cold!

                  Here is something I know will tip you over the edge!

                  Season two spoiler.


                  And a warm cuddly McKay *not usually the words used to describe him I know* But we know better.

                  He is just a big pussy cat.


                    Originally posted by iLemon
                    80F, 90F, doesnt make a difference to Brits, we'll complain with 70F
                    I've been noticing this. Remind me never to invite one of you guys over for afternoon tea/coffee/lemonade in the summertime.
                    [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                      Well last post as it is very late here and cold!
                      Yes it must be about 3.00am on Saturday for you!!!!

                      Here is something I know will tip you over the edge!

                      Season two spoiler.


                      And a warm cuddly McKay *not usually the words used to describe him I know* But we know better.
                      *waves at Willow from over the edge*

                      My cat loves his face to be tickled and his belly scratched......(!)


                      sig by SheppyD
                      Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                      I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                      So he just looks crazy


                        Originally posted by iLemon

                        Kolya: Give iLemon back her rain!!!!

                        You tell him Kolya!
                        Hee hee!!

                        What I wouldn't give right now to be taking Weir's place in that ep and be sitting on a step with Rodney in the rain! Especially the moment when he has his arm around her.....


                        sig by SheppyD
                        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                        So he just looks crazy


                          Originally posted by Mercury973
                          To warm you up or to cool you off.

                          Plently of room in the hot tub.

                          Both at the same time if that is possible!!!

                          sig by SheppyD
                          Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                          I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                          So he just looks crazy


                            Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                            Hee hee!!

                            What I wouldn't give right now to be taking Weir's place in that ep and be sitting on a step with Rodney in the rain! Especially the moment when he has his arm around her.....


                            *sighs also*
                            oh look, its gunna thunder tomorrow, no rain though and temps as bad as todays

                            *envys rodney's rain* and to think DH once complained about that scene

                            Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                            Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                              Originally posted by Mercury973
                              To warm you up or to cool you off.

                              Plently of room in the hot tub.

                              Photos like this make me wonder how ticklish he is.

                              *Would like to personally conduct research on this subject*
                              [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                                Well, it definitely says in the Official Companion that 38 Minutes was filmed before Hide and Seek, and it does make sense to me, so much so that I tend to think of them as coming in that order - because of the fact that the Sheppard / McKay relationship is the most important part of the series to me! But as far as everything else goes, they have to go in the order Hide and Seek, then 38 Minutes, because of the fact that the team had not been put together yet in Hide and Seek, and stuff that they find out about the City etc. which I can't remember all of now.

                                As for Childhood's End, Martin Gero did the initial "pitch" for it "solely off the pilot script ... (when) no one had been cast" but it must have been rewritten and polished up later, like all the episodes.

                                Suspicion... it just seems obvious that they had all the storyline for that one worked out when they wrote the pilot, because of the necklace, and I'm sure I read something about it being written early on, but don't know where now; it seems to me as if a lot of it was written before they decided McKay was in the series and then they put in some bits specially for him (like the teaser), but that "It was a special request from Sgt. Bates" bit has always struck me as not very Rodney-like, and probably written for Dr. Ingram.

                                Gotta go cos my daughter is hassling me to let her on the computer.
                                Please... leave the touching to the experts.

